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Zat gun effects

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    Zat gun effects

    Hmm..I'm new on these boards so this question may have been asked before...

    Anyway, does anyone know why the zat has a different effect from shot to shot? For example, Jack can be shot with a zat one time and knocked unconcious for an undefined period, but be shot another time and simply fall over cursing, but get back up again. I would have assumed that the zat guns have a certain amount of energy they release with each shot. However, could it be possible that they behave like toaster ovens and such objects, and store energy with repeated use, and would therefore release a stronger shot on some occasions?

    Anyway, just wondering if anyone knows...
    "Colonel O'Neill, what the hell are you doing?"
    "In the middle of my back swing!"
    - Hammond and O'Neill, as Jack plays golf 'through' the gate, "Window of Opportunity"
    "When was the last time you heard Colonel O'Neill use terms like subspace field and geomagnetic storm? And he actually used them correctly…for the most part."
    - Carter, "Window of Opportunity"

    simple answer


    sig made courtesy of M2W


      Ahhh, of course.
      "Colonel O'Neill, what the hell are you doing?"
      "In the middle of my back swing!"
      - Hammond and O'Neill, as Jack plays golf 'through' the gate, "Window of Opportunity"
      "When was the last time you heard Colonel O'Neill use terms like subspace field and geomagnetic storm? And he actually used them correctly…for the most part."
      - Carter, "Window of Opportunity"


        maybe they are ready and brace for the shot rather than take it unknowingly
        Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


          If your talking about the episode with the energy bugs then...after jack is shot they use smelling salts to wake him back up.


            zats use electrical impulses to upset your muscular system since it uses electricity to contract your muscles. I'm guessing that after being shot several times your body gets used to the electrical disturbance. Also because the electrical impulse has to travel between the zat and your body, a minute change in the amount of ions in the air could affect the zat's power


              I think the Zat shot also affects your CNS/PNS that why the victom normall falls unconscious afterwards and then a second shot causes death. The charge overwhelms the body's electrial curcuitry, the neurons. I sort think of it as a defibulator, like an AED. Normally you shock a person to reset the electrical impulses that surround the cardiac curcuit if someone is having MI (heart attack).


                and the third shock uspets the electromagnetic force on the subatomic level causing your atoms to go haywire


                  Originally posted by gatebuster64
                  and the third shock uspets the electromagnetic force on the subatomic level causing your atoms to go haywire

                  Best Stargate quote:
                  Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                  Green is your friend.


                    lol, i have no clue what he said, but im sure it is right...sounds good enough to explain why things just disappear

                    i wonder how the zat is able to open locks(in 1969, once they get outta the truck and the airmen are knocked out, oniel shoots the lockbox where everything is and the lock fails)

                    another interesting question, if jack shot the box, wouldnt the zat's...pulse?...go onto the things inside the box? would this not mess up the gdo?

                    god i love plotholes lol

                    sig made courtesy of M2W


                      Originally posted by mburrows
                      lol, i have no clue what he said, but im sure it is right...sounds good enough to explain why things just disappear

                      i wonder how the zat is able to open locks(in 1969, once they get outta the truck and the airmen are knocked out, oniel shoots the lockbox where everything is and the lock fails)

                      another interesting question, if jack shot the box, wouldnt the zat's...pulse?...go onto the things inside the box? would this not mess up the gdo?

                      god i love plotholes lol
                      My assumption would be that the zats "pulse" as you put it electrified the lock causing a failure in the locking mechanism. In which case, it fell open. As for the pulse hurting the GDO, there is nothing to say that this electric beam is in fact electric and emits an EM of any kind. Therefore firing it in close proximity to a mechanical device such as a GDO, should not cause failure.

                      I did however make an assumption, and we all know what happens when you make an ass out of u and mption

                      " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                      --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                        but tealc used the zat to stop a rocket rfom firing when they first got into 1969

                        that meens it could disable electronic devices, so, when jack shot the box the electricity went threw the box and possibly everything in the box, thus, gdo=pwnt

                        sig made courtesy of M2W


                          Originally posted by mburrows
                          but tealc used the zat to stop a rocket rfom firing when they first got into 1969

                          that meens it could disable electronic devices, so, when jack shot the box the electricity went threw the box and possibly everything in the box, thus, gdo=pwnt
                          Teal'c shooting the rocket didn't do anything. They weren't going to fire the rocket, the colonel in charge stated so later on, they were running drills only. So there is no solid proof that the zats disable electronic equipment.

                          " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                          --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                            Originally posted by mburrows
                            simple answer


                            I think it depends on where the person is hit, and how much coffee they had this morning .
                            I'm from Iowa, United States


                              Originally posted by freyr's mother
                              I concur...
                              I'm from Iowa, United States

