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    ZPM might be like car battery as you have the engine ruing the battery gets garaged up but if you don’t move the battery will just gets depleted

    what's the point of this thread?
    Daniel: You..stupid son of a *****
    Jack: Hey, you're welcome...


      Originally posted by TheObiJuan
      what's the point of this thread?
      I ask myself that about most threads in the "Science and Tech" section. What-ifs and speculation about fictional pseudo-technology in a fictional world.

      It's kind of like going on a movie set and wondering "What's behind that wall over there?" when it's not really a wall, its a plastic and wood facade, and theres nothing behind it until writers come up with a reason to show it, and the set designers build it.


        Originally posted by Brigadier General jackson
        ZPM might be like car battery as you have the engine ruing the battery gets garaged up but if you don’t move the battery will just gets depleted
        I doubt it.
        Shields at full. Ready main rail guns. Ready all missile batteries.


          Originally posted by NKD
          I ask myself that about most threads in the "Science and Tech" section. What-ifs and speculation about fictional pseudo-technology in a fictional world.

          It's kind of like going on a movie set and wondering "What's behind that wall over there?" when it's not really a wall, its a plastic and wood facade, and theres nothing behind it until writers come up with a reason to show it, and the set designers build it.
          It's fun to speculate. If you don't like it you don't have to read it. But i like most of the what-if threads.

          This particular thread however, seems to have no purpose. I am not even sure what the poster means.
          An all new Stargate spinoff presents

          Stargate: The B Team

          The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


            i think hes on about somthing similar to like, if you have your 12v car battery running the radio/games consoles/microwaves/whatever without the engine running you run the battery down. And if you run them with the engine running the battery will keep topped up constently (shame your petrol dont ) i think hes asking if the same concept applys to ZPM's in atlantis. Correct me if im wrong

            My answer - I think the ZPM's are a little bit more complexing than a 12v car battery...

            "But the core of science fiction, is essance has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all..."

            Dont let our show die.


              it would explain there only being the 3 to start with all they would need to do is fire up the engine


                Originally posted by Brigadier General jackson
                it would explain there only being the 3 to start with all they would need to do is fire up the engine
                Then in the Tower when Mckay started up the engines to deplete the ZPM it wouldnt have worked and it would have gained power instead of going dead.


                  the reason car bateries dont go down when the engine is running is because it is recharged by an additional source of energy (ie petrol/gas). Atlantis only runs on zpm's it does not have an alternate primary energy source that recharges its zpms when used.


                    We need more ZPM's.
                    I HATE SY-FY


                      the reason the zpm was depleted was because there was 1 and it was not enough to start the charging but if you have all 3 running it is what you need to start up the engine and start charging so you don't deplete the zpm


                        the 'engine' as you simply put it draws energy and uses mostly all of it the design is to use energy in the most efficient and wasteless way you notice most of the energy that is created from 'internal combustion engines' is never used...the alterans use all the energy cause they never create is just there..and you cant charge a is like an alkaline battery in that way...(car batteries are mainly acidic and use an acidic reaction to create their power...lemon and zinc or was it copper? ) the zpm uses some sorta artificial sub-space foam energy thingy...i dont remember exactly but here is the link

                        PROOF!!! HA!!!
                        (you can find almost anything needed bout stargate here...and anything else for that matter.)


                          apart from the fact that ZPM's cant even be recharged. once they have no power left thats it u have to buy a new one on ebay


                            Think of it like this....

                            The one ZPM in "The Tower" was depleted very quickly when McKay turned on the stardrive, because there was no other ZPM's supporting the first one.

                            Janus said that there are 3 ZPM's that power the city, and they are running in parallel. That means that having 3 ZPM's doesnt mean more power. It only means more amperage to handle the heavy load of more than one system running.

                            Here is a quick example.... Right now, the city has 1 ZPM that used, and the team is using it to power the shield, but if they wanted to activate the stardrive and fly somewhere, they would have to turn off the shield, because 1 ZPM cannot handle the extra draw (load) of both systems, so in order to use the shield, stardrive and any other systems, they would need 3 ZPM's running in parallel. This doesnt mean that 1 ZPM powers the shield, the 2nd ZPM powers the stardrive, and the 3rd powers something else, it means that all 3 of them are working together not to provide more power, but provide more amperage to sustain the load of the extra system running.

                            The same amount of power is being used, but that 1 ZPM, now has 2 more running with it, to provide more holding power, which will increase life expectancy.

                            Hope this makes sense.


                              Originally posted by Brigadier General jackson
                              ZPM might be like car battery as you have the engine ruing the battery gets garaged up but if you don’t move the battery will just gets depleted
                              A ZPM doesn't run out of energy, the subspace is polluted with radiation beyond use, and the energy faces perpetual destructive interference.

