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Ship Scaling Sprites

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    Originally posted by Battera
    I wanted everyone to know of a new game i'm going to be working on (after stargate battles of course!):

    I have this idea for a game. It would be a platformer, but also a top-down shooter game on some levels.

    The story:

    Three Billion years ago, a very highly advanced race of beings that were called the Elders seeded life on seven different planets, in seven adjacent galaxies. Their reason for doing this is unknown.

    One of the planets was Earth. The Year is 3092. Human warships on the edge of the Milky Way picked up a distress signal, and investigated. When they arrived, the ships that made the signal were all destroyed-a massive fleet, destroyed in minutes.

    Another ship-roughly Ten miles wide appeared. The human ships were boarded, and their crew was interrogated. The massive ship made its way to the planet they learned of-Earth.

    Upon arriving, the ship made quick work of Earth's defenses, and unleashed an Armada on the helpless planet. The ship belonged to the Kerkesh, which in our language means 'The Hive'. The Hive knows of the Elders' project. Their planet was one of the seven, and believes that the Elders wanted the seven planets to fight each other, and the winner of the battle would be given technology of unimaginable power.

    The Hive wants to find an outpost on Earth left there by the Elders. Such an outpost existed on their planet, but it was destroyed by an unknown force. All that was left of it was an artifact that the Hive called the Oracle.

    The humans' last hope is to find the Outpost and use its defenses to wipe out the Hive.

    The player plays as Colonel Mark Robin. A war hero that has been sent on a mission to learn all he can from the Hive soldiers.


    Hive Soldiers:

    Drones: Small, three feet tall Hive warriors. They are resilient, and have a thick carapace. They cal roll up into spheres as an attack method, or for storage.

    Guiders: Five foot tall versions of Drones. Faster, Stronger, and Smarter. Sometimes carry heavy plasma-grade weapons. When rolled up, their back spikes can extend, making them

    Elites: Mysterious 'general' caste of the Hive. Appear to have shape shifting capabilities; the true form of the Elites is unknown. They are extremely durable; require no sustenance, sleep, or even oxygen. Have amazing regenerative abilities, and can take out Earth Warships with heavy plasma cannons.



    Threader: Basic Hive unmanned fighter. Twelve feet long, look like Darts. Can open wings up into primary weapons. Capable of traveling 600 MPH. A squadron is equivalent to Five Threaders.

    Gunners: Hive Mid-range Bombers. 600 meters long, and saucer-like in shape. Carry large compliments of soldiers, and 12 Squadrons of threaders.

    Breeders: Hive Carriers. 1220 Meters long (1.22 KM, or .75 miles). Multi purpose Hive Vessels. Minimal weapons. Cary five Squadrons of Threaders.

    Hive Ship: Called a 'Hive' Ship because Hive soldiers and ships are stored, and produced in these ships. All ships built by the Hive appear to be mostly Organic. Carries Hundreds of Threader Squadrons, and have Gunners, and Breeders attached to its hull for quick launch. 10 miles in diameter. These are the most Vital ships to the Hive. They only have ten or so of them. One was assigned to stay in orbit around Earth.


    Seeker: Reverse engineered ship, based on the gunner. Superior to the Threaders, and equipped with plasma and projectile weapons. Their twice the size of a threader.

    Shuttle: Multi-purpose Ship. Used as a drop ship mostly. Carries six Missiles, and has a secondary Vulcan weapon. 100 Meters long.

    Platform: Human state-of-the-art warship. Carries full compliments of Seekers, and Shuttles. Approximately 800 meters long.



    Pistol: A mid and close range weapon, which requires ammo. Deals small amount of damage to enemies.

    P-90: A semi-automatic/automatic weapon. Requires ammo. Deals medium damage to enemies.

    Rocket Launcher: A heavy weapon. Requires ammo. Deals Heavy Damage to enemies.

    Vulcan: Machine gun weapon. Deals high damage to enemies. Uses energy based ammo, but doesn’t need to be refilled. Primary weapon on Seekers, and Shuttles.

    Forcers: Reverse engineered Plasma cannon. Only found on Platforms, and Shuttles. Deals massive damage to enemies.

    Missiles: Explosive projectile Weapon. Only found on Platforms, and Shuttles. Deals high damage to enemies.


    Staff: A blunt Weapon used by Guiders. Deals minimal damage to enemies.

    Stifle: A plasma weapon used by Guiders. Deals medium damage to enemies.

    Cannon: A powerful Charged Plasma Cannon. Deals Heavy damage to enemies. Used by Guiders, and Elites. Found On threaders, and Gunners.

    Filose: A Vulcan-type plasma weapon. Deals medium damage to enemies. Found on Breeders.

    Sylcklus: Most Powerful Hive weapon. Found on Hive ships, and can destroy entire land masses from orbit.

    Ok, now that I've gotten that out of the way...


    Colonel Mark Robin-Was born forty years before the story. His sister, and his two best friends were killed in the Hive Ship's first assault on Earth. He is now a near-emotionless soldier bent on the destruction of the person who gave the order to destroy the ship his friends were on...

    Major Mkayla-A skilled scientist, and weapons expert. She is responsible for the rapid reverse engineering of several pieces of Hive technology. She Idolizes Colonel Robin, but also knows of the heartless thing he's become.

    The Vixen-An advanced AI class, used in all Platform-class ships.

    Kaynarith-A Hive Elite that has been captured, and tortured. Information on Hive technology, battle plans, and attack formations has been taken from him. The regerative abilities of the Elite allow Kaynarith to be tortured almost around the clock. He has never revealed his true form however, choosing the form of Major Mkayla to taunt those who torture him.

    Catala-Another Hive Elite. The 'sibling' of Kaynarith, who loves knowing that the brother he competed with is now suffering. Catala's Gunner was the ship that killed Colonel Robin's friends, and his sister. He is stronger, and faster, not to mention far smarter than Kaynarith. Catala is the soldier who found the Oracle on his planet, as well as the Oracle on another planet in the Elder's experiment, which was visited by the Hive before Earth.

    Cid-A person, or thing that Kaynarith told humans of. He refuses to give any more information on them than its name.

    Dadala-An Elderian personality left behind on Earth in the form of a hologram. He wishes to guide the Humans to find their Oracle, and the outpost.

    These are the sprites that I've made for the ships of the game.

    Any of the wonderful spriters here want to help me with the game (for creature enemies, and the humans)
    And i hope you do become a designer this stuff is amazing well done!!!



      the second game looks amazing. Also is the goa'uld code fixed yet?

      Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


        cancel which spaces? can someone just direct link it, i cancel the spaces but it doesn't work for me.


          Originally posted by ray245
          cancel which spaces? can someone just direct link it, i cancel the spaces but it doesn't work for me.
          In the link, but Im not sure Battera's ganna fix it, at least thats what it seems like. Hopefully he does.

          Jesus is Lord!


            Well i was bored and decided to make a borg vs stargate sig, so enjoy...btw the explosions and ships look weird i know, its hard to make them blend
            Anime signature in spoiler tag
            Here is an anime sig, i was bored so i randomly picked a maid pic and photoshoped it


              battera hasnt been on in a long time. I wonder if he's even gonna do a sequel? I wouldnt blame him if he wouldnt but he should at least correct the small Goauld error, thats, like, after the first level where you have to fight the Tokra.

              Jesus is Lord!


                Hello again...

                My computer doesn't work at all. The repair man said he was coming, but he's a week overdue.

                If I can't fix my computer, then I won't be able to do anything on either projects for a long time.

                I apologize for the delayed response.
                You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



                  Kool thread.

                  It helps alot to see how big ships are compared to others.

                  I think the hatak class vessel is a little bigger though, but who knows because TPTB change their scales for some odd reason.(or at least it seems like they do.)


                    I thought it was fixed.

                    Jesus is Lord!


                      One more thing about the scales, I will likely be able to add apophis's ship, and the Ancient warship sometime in the near future.

                      Also (and I cannot believe that no one noticed this), in the scales each pixel is equal to two meters. It was an almost exact calculation I made, and no one realized it!
                      You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                      We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



                        Originally posted by Battera
                        One more thing about the scales, I will likely be able to add apophis's ship, and the Ancient warship sometime in the near future.

                        Also (and I cannot believe that no one noticed this), in the scales each pixel is equal to two meters. It was an almost exact calculation I made, and no one realized it!
                        That's cool.

                        Jesus is Lord!


                          I wonder what Apophis' ship will look like on the Sprite page.


                            Ok, on what page(s) are the links to Battera's finished games?


                              Originally posted by ussrelativity
                              I wonder what Apophis' ship will look like on the Sprite page.
                              yeah, sideways, i wonder? hmmm...

                              Jesus is Lord!


                                Well, here's a bit of creepy news.

                                As I have said before, My computer is on the fritz, and the repairman is a week overdue. I am now using my grandmother's computer. SHe is in oklahoma for a week or so to visit my aunt, and she was kind enough to let me borrow her computer.

                                I don't have enough time (in a week-window of oppertunity) to finish, or significantly begin work on the game, but I did manage to download a clip from 'Origin'. I was goofing off, reciting the words of the priors' messages, and as soon as I said 'Hallowed are the Ori', my phone rang. It was the computer repairman said that he was sorry for the delay, and he'd be here tommorow.

                                You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                                We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.


