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'new ship design for earth defence - submit designs here'. #SPOILERS#

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    all good ideas so why did the discussion stop???i need more!!!
    tokra operative with sg-6 !!!
    yep a tokra on a sg team who wulda thunk??
    Character Name:Tok'ra-ragnor

    the mighty sg-6!!!


      it didnt stop: i just created a new thread.

      join in that one has gone a bit stale as well.
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        I'm thinking about taking the original Prometheus design but changing its mission profile from a battle cruiser/carrier to a more destroyer-like one.

        Basically you'd have to remove the fighter bays, add two gauss cannons for every one rail gun(that was in the original design) also put better tracking on the turrets so that they will be able to hit things with better accuracy. Increase the speed, maneuverability, and hitting power of missles(possibly using EM acceleration to launch them faster). Also Asgard shields, powerplant, and hyperdrives should be included in the base design as well as the Hebridian Ion Drives we've been studying for the past 3 years(?).

        I think that would make a rather powerful ship, at least as powerful as our ships can get with mass driver weapons.

        P.S.(Psychotically Sane) this is just a basic preliminary idea in passing so don't get too worked up over poking holes in it ok?


          Don't underestimate the power of kinetic energy weapons. But, on to the main point of the thread, and my contribution:

          Abydos-class Starship

          Type: Small long-range hyperspace capable warship
          Technology base: Earth/Asgard
          User/s: United States Navy, United States Air Force, Royal Navy/Air Force, Russian Space Service
          Naval Classification: Destroyer/Light Cruiser
          ~Length: 124m (406 feet)
          ~Width: 36m (118 feet)
          ~Height: 42m (137 feet)
          Displacement: 1,800 tons
          Crew: 29
          ~Troops: 60
          ~Craft: Two Tel'tac cargo/scout ships or two Puddlejumpers.
          ~Vehicles: 6 (four Humvees, two LAVs)
          Powerplant: Mk. III Naquada Reactor
          ~Six ion-based sublight drives
          ~Three hyperspace window generators
          ~Antigravity wave generator network
          ~Eight Mk. II eight-cell retractable missile clips
          ~Eight Point Defense Pulse Laser cannons
          ~One 155mm coilgun
          ~Asgard shields
          ~Cloaking Device
          ~Reactive armor plating
          Other Technology:
          ~Asgard transporters
          ~Asgard sensors
          ~Gou'ald Rings

          Technical and Historical Notes:

          After the launch of the BC-304 Daedalus, the United States military issued a requirement (top secret) for a smaller starship class to supplement the new battlecruisers that would begin coming off the assembly line. The vessel would have to be smaller, cheaper, and more maneuverable than the Daedalus, but be able to deploy near-equal firepower against threat ships and installations.

          The United States Navy, already involved in constructing the BC-304 and teaching the Air Force how to run ships, immediately recalled Commander R. Doyle Gillespie back from retirement. He had been involved in designing the next-generation of United States attack submarine, and with his unique background in mathmatics and command, was perfect to run such a program.

          With the threat of the Goa'uld largely eliminated, Commander Gillespie believed that now was a good time for the development and testing of new technologies in the new ship class (codenamed X-305), as there was no rush to get more ships into the air with what they had. Drawing up a design based on current Navy vessels in development, the vessel would only use trinium in 60% of it's construction, cutting it's cost considerably. The project, now codenamed "Abydos", was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee and began work in a secure drydock near the old submarine base in Charleston, South Carolina.

          The design of the X-305 was based heavily upon the RV Triton, and the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer. A tri-hull configuration, already used to good effect by the Daedalus, would also form the foundation for the X-305. Taking the engines, shields, powerplant, and basic systems from the BC-304 program, the X-305's true innovations were in weaponry, versatility, and overall performance.

          Rather than using vertical-launch tubes for it's missiles, the X-305 used new technology intended for future attack submarine-Retractable weapons clips on the sides of the vessel. Essentially "pop-out" launchers, the clips were housed inside the outer edge of the hull, and with a simple release mechanism would extend, exposing it's eight missiles in their individual cells for launch. The clips would have open backs and fronts, removing the need for missile pads to absorb the ignition of the weapons. The weapon of choice would be the new Mk. VIIb naquada-enhanced missile system, which featured a modest, cheap inertial dampening unit that greatly improved the missile's acceleration and maneuverability. The X-305 could also carry modified AMRAAM, Sea Sparrow, and Harpoon missiles in it's clips. This gave the small ship a total of 64 weapons, a very heavy armament. However, unlike the BC-304, the X-305 would be forced to return to base to reload after expending it's missiles.

          Along with new, short-range pulse laser cannons (the BC-304s stuck with reliable rail guns) for defense, the X-305 was given the first practical coil gun (or mass driver), built with help from the Asgard. Capable of firing naquada-tipped, depleted uranium shells at a million meters a second, the coil gun would be the weapon of choice against the X-305's intended prey-Al'kesh and other small threat force starships. Each shot would equal roughly a kiloton of explosive force in kinetic energy alone, and with the modest naquada enhancement, the coil gun could do some damage even against Ha'tak-class motherships.

          To save money, the X-305's hull was plated in reactive armor, instead of trinium. The armor explodes outward when struck by weapon's fire, disappating up to 60% of the energy of the hit. With key areas of the vessel reinforced with trinium, and the use of Asgard shields and a cloaking device, the X-305 (christened Abydos) would prove a formidable weapon.

          Launched shortly after the destruction of the Prometheus, the Abydos was undergoing extensive shakedown trials and tests in Mars orbit. Her hyperdrive had yet to be installed, and so she was not considered to be sent to rescue SG-1 along with the Oddessy. She would later participate in anti-smuggling operations with the Free Jaffa Nation Spacefleet, a joint-maneuver designed to promote solidarity between the Tau'ri and the young galactic superpower. In this mission, Abydos was responsible for intercepting a huge shipment of kassa bound for Chulak. One week later, in a rather unorthodox strategy, she defeated a Prior of the Ori by landing on him on the planet Madrona. Finally, her ability to float in water and cloak allowed her to covertly assist in the recovery of a downed US submarine in the Pacific.

          Now designated SDD-305 (Space Destroyer), the Abydos-class starship will soon enter full-scale production, largely under the management of the US Navy (though the USAF has requested a few). The Russian Space Service and the Royal Air Force/Navy have expressed interest in the design as well, and may soon begin production of their own SDD-305s.


            Here's my spec sheet for a heavy cruiser. Please tell me if this is fanwankish.


            Type: Deep Space Heavy Cruiser

            Technology Base: Earth/ Asgard


            Dimensions: (can change when needed to)
            Length: 396m
            Width: 89m
            Height: 50m

            2x Earth Ion drives
            3x Hyperspace flash–drives
            Gravity wave generators

            16x Pulse Guns (a particle weapon)

            Trinium/titanium alloy outer hull and superstructure, ceramic polymer outer hull layer.
            Asgard Energy shield

            Ships of the Line:
            (there are many more being built)

