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'new ship design for earth defence - submit designs here'. #SPOILERS#

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    This is completely absurd but bare with me.

    The ship is reliant on a s***load of reverse-engineering, and R&D.
    It's like what the SG universe will have in 10,000 years.

    Classification: FS-400 (Flagship-400)
    Name:The Samantha Carter

    Dimensions: Body – 6 mi long, 2 mi wide, 1 level= 20ft high

    The ship has arms. which divide it into 3 distinct sections and pass through both starboard and port sides.
    Arm length – ½ mi long, ¼ mi wide

    Powered by: 6 zero point modules

    Hyperdrive: Powered by two Zero Point Modules and can reach speeds
    equivalent to 10,000c

    Shields: ancient in design much like Atlantis’ shield, with a backup asgard shield powered by 2 Zero Point Modules

    4 Sub-light engines: power system is similar to deddy's, capable of reaching 186,000 miles/second

    Docking clamps: can dock 2 BC-303’s between the arms

    Accessories:The ship comes complete with an uncountable number transport chambers, 2 ring platforms, 8 science labs, 9 gyms, 2 medical facilities, 1 mess hall, 2 briefing rooms, 1 brig, hundreds of escape pods, a s***load of armories and crew quarters, it has its own room for the shield generator, it has one room for power distribution, and it even has its own stargate with a universal point of origin


    Fighter Bays: 4, one each on the inside arm of the ship extending outward at an angle.

    Accompaniments: The four fighter bays hold a grand total of 450 Puddle jumpers, 400 F-302’s, 125 Alkesh and 100 cargo ships.

    Main Weapons: There is a chair weapons platform on board capable of calling upon 120,000 drones, there are 4 drone vents on the ship. Energy weapon similar to atlantis' langrangian point satellite.

    Minor Weapons: 64 strategically placed Railguns, 4 missile bays, 8 Tollan Ion cannons

    Cargo Bay: Split into two sections with a large door that separates the two. Both sections contain tractor beams One section is able to house 1,000 M1 Abrams Tanks and the other section can hold something near the size of a goa’uld mother ship. Two tanks can be attached to 1 cargo ship for deployment.

    It is manned by a crew of over 25,000 people including 10,000 battle ready marines.

    If you think this is too much go back and look at the dimensions of the ship

    This goes to show i have no life but i did something on ppt.


    S – Stargate
    H – Hyperdrive
    Su – sub light engines
    R – Ring room
    F – Fighter bay
    G – Rail Gun
    IC – Ion Cannon
    SG – Shield Generator
    Br – Bridge
    C – Chair weapons platform
    M – Missile Bays
    MD – Medical station
    D – Docking clamp
    MA – Master Armory
    V – Drone Vents
    Z – Zero Point Module
    P – Power distribution room
    CB – Cargo Bay
    A – Armory
    Q – Quarters
    t – Transport Chamber
    Me – Mess hall
    Bm – Briefing Room
    SL – Science Lab
    – Escape Pod
    St – Storage room
    Pr – Brig
    G - Gym

    Last edited by freyr's mother; 04 October 2005, 09:23 AM.

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.


      I was thinking something with a big saucer section leading down a smooth thin peace to a massive stardrive section with to nacceles connected to it, although it does sound familier don't you say (THINK TREK FOR WHOEM CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT)
      I Am Locutus_Of_Borg Resistance Is Futile, Hallowed Are The Ori, We Go Out With Our Phasers Firing

      [QUE] Founder/Admin - Observation Of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement On Supraquantum Structures By Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal Of Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse From Mode-Locked Source Array


        Not trying to be Johnny Raincloud here, but instead of building new ships, I vote for just building more of the classes we have right now. As of now Earth has Prometheus, Daedalus, and Odyssey, plus a couple dozen or so 302's, thats hardly enough to defend Earth and Atlantis, let alone all the other human inhabited worlds we're gonna have to defend from the Ori. R&D on new vessels takes a lot of time and resources, which could be better spent making more of the vessels we already have. Plus if we do need more advanced tech to defend ourselves it would be more efficient to build more 303 and Daedalus class ships, then integrate the new tech into them.


          I know the Prometheus and the Deadalus but is the odyssey a new one there making i think i might or heard of it im not sure, am i right
          I Am Locutus_Of_Borg Resistance Is Futile, Hallowed Are The Ori, We Go Out With Our Phasers Firing

          [QUE] Founder/Admin - Observation Of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement On Supraquantum Structures By Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal Of Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse From Mode-Locked Source Array


            Originally posted by Locutus_Of_Borg
            I know the Prometheus and the Deadalus but is the odyssey a new one there making i think i might or heard of it im not sure, am i right
            Yes, i forget which episode its listed in, but check the Season nine spoilers, its in there somewhere

            PS - thats Daedalus hehe


              Name: The Origin

              Type: Military Assault Carrier [Codename- MAC] (Nickname- Big Mac)

              Technology Basis: Earth

              Length: 4 Miles/ 2.5 Km
              Width: 0.5 Miles/ 0.3125 Km
              Height: Front- 0.5 Miles/ 0.3125 Km; Back: 1 Mile/ 1.6 Km

              Power System-
              Neutrino-Ion + Anti-Neutrino-Ion Reactor: Standard Neutrino-Ion engines of Asgard design but in addition to their own reactions they also produce more energy for a specially designed Hyperdrive system.

              Zero Point Modules: 6 ZPMs are in use to power the stargates at to allow the ship to have its own point of origin.

              Stabilizing Buffer: Keeps unstable antimatter reactions to the minimum.

              A.I. controlled Engine System: Advanced artificial intelligence based on the human brain controls energy output, input, and efficiency.

              Pure Fusion Reactor: Uses heat from main engine to create a place where nuclear fusion can occur between Hydrogen to Helium. Used for auxiliary power.

              Reserves: Keeps all excess energy stored in solid blocks of Naquadah for later use.

              Hyperdrive: Using the newly designed engines, can create a window to the farthest regions of space.

              Un-directional Force System: Uses an anti-gravity pod that draws off the auxiliary power for vertical lift-off, deceleration, maneuvering, and makes outside thrusters useless.

              Sub-Light Drive: A single, cleverly hidden thruster is on the bottom of the ship where it controls the maximum speed at just under light. (186,000 mps)

              Inertial Dampeners: Uses the anti-gravity pods.

              Drive Control System: See Engine Control System, A.I. controlled.

              Plasma bolt projectors.
              Ion bolt projectors.
              Naquadah Enhanced "gate-busters".

              Single-Point-Anti-Matter Laser.

              EMP-Ion blast.

              Anti-particle Shields.
              Anti-energy Shields.

              Hyperdrive Window sensors.
              Matter sensors.
              Energy sensors.


              Asgard-based teleporters that can send matter through wormholes/hyperdrive windows/and over millions of miles away.

              Rings: 5 ring-transport systems. 4 are normal sized but the fifth is about 7 times larger.

              Life Support-
              Atmospheric Control: Regulates the amount of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide in the air.

              Pressure Control: Regulates the inside pressure.

              Temperature Control: Regulates the inside temperature.

              Circulator/ Filter: Breaks up the CO2 into C and O2 and stores the carbon for later uses in materials. Also circulates the air around the entire ship.

              Refrigeration: Keeps foods and drinks in a Liquid Nitrogen tank for perfect preservation.

              Water/ Waste Recycler: Breaks down all the waste into purified water and recycles all water into a reservoir for later uses.

              Gravity: Powered by the anti-gravity pods, artificial gravity makes sure the people on board don’t float around.

              Artificial Intelligence-
              Computer Control System A.I.: With the help of the Asgard, an A.I. unit has been created to control power flow and most of the life support.

              Stargates: Three stargates, side by side, allow for fast and efficient exploration to other planets for resources. Each stargate is hooked up to its own A.I. With the help of the artificial intelligence, and with a little Asgard help as well, the ship has been given its own point of origin.

              Rooms: Contained in the ship are armories, mess halls, quarters, science labs, and many other things.

              Hull/Structure Support-
              Superstructure: The skeleton of the ship is made of a Trinium/Naquadah Compound for stability and energy effieciancy.

              Hull: The outside of the ship is of the most remarkable quality and strength. It took several years just to make an ounce of the metal which is so far codenamed: Titangadasenium Carbite (Tight-anne-gad-az-any-um)(Car-bight). It is made up of:
              Titanium- For its powerful resistance to rust and heat.
              Trinium- For its remarkable strength and weight.
              Tungsten Carbite- For its resistance to extreme temperatures and power.
              Naquadah- For its cool name and energy resistance.
              Diamond- For its toughness and durability.
              Nanotubes- For its strength and resistance to wear.
              Carbon Compound- For strength.
              Last edited by Myst_Lore; 28 August 2005, 07:09 AM.


                Originally posted by csand36
                Hyperdrive: Powered by two Zero Point Modules and can reach speeds
                equivalent to 10,000c
                We can already go faster than that with the daedulas and prommie.Thats slower than a ha'tak.
                Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                  Originally posted by nimitz
                  We can already go faster than that with the daedulas and prommie.Thats slower than a ha'tak.

                  For some comparison in season five's episode where they finally kill apophis, the suped up replicator hatak's top speed was 800c.
                  10,000c is 10,000 times the speed of light for the record.

                  Best Stargate quote:
                  Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                  Green is your friend.


                    10.000c is slow in the stargateverse.
                    The asgard ships reach about 525600000000c
                    based on ida <->MW 4mio lj in 4 mins.


                      Originally posted by csand36
                      For some comparison in season five's episode where they finally kill apophis, the suped up replicator hatak's top speed was 800c.
                      10,000c is 10,000 times the speed of light for the record.
                      the suped up hatak numbers were wrong. they were in another galaxy. even if it was andromeda at 2million ly, the math still comes to a 2770 yr trip at 800c, and 221yr at 10000c. way way too slow


                        the oddysey is not w new clas ship its a daedalus class so it looks the same but each ship will have a call sign so thats cool but still railguns suck no ofense dammit we need more weapons and then the daedalus will be a good ship.
                        sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama


                          that would mean the replicators travel slower than a ha'tak lol.A ha'tak travels at 36,500c.

                          If you fired a beam of light from one side of the milky way to the other it would take 250,000 years to complete this journey.Divide that by 800c which was youre maxumim speed for a replicator ship.It would take 312.5 years to travel from one side of the milky way to the other.And this ha'tak was in a different galaxy according to sg1.That would mean it would take 1000s of years at that speed to reach the milky way.

                          Also at the end of the 1st season when aphophis is attacking earth.Teal'c says a hatak can travel at 10 times the speed of light, carter said at that speed it would take 10 years to get to earth but they reached earth in a day.So 3650 days *10c=36500c
                          Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                          Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                          - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                          Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                          - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                            Ha'tak: 32,000c
                            Prometheus Naquadria hyperdrive: 250,000c
                            Replicator Ha'tak: 32,000*800
                            Daedalus: 63,000,000c (IIRC, been a while since I did the calcs)
                            Daedalus-ZPM: 250,000,000c
                            Asgard: Billions of c's


                              ok my dream ship to be the size of the moon no just kidding ok seriously.

                              To have all the daedalus class ships but to have the railguns refited to be stronger so then atleast they can do some damage to the hull of the other biger vessels, and then some asgard weapons from the onneil and some ancient weapon.
                              I would also like the daedalus to be biger same look just biger so we can acomadate more stuff like to have 2 launch bays but instead of 2 levels to have like 4 levels and a little longer so it doesnt look fat and then i would put:
                              The original 32 f-302's and since there is more space i would also put humvees like lets say 10 thats a good amount and 30 tanks i forgot wat they are called but i saw in the history channel that they are the newest ones well sorta and they were used in desert storm and were originally used against the rusians in cold war but never had chance to use them i think they called amp1 well anyway so yea 30 of em and also i would build a new breed of ship like a f-302 but like a helicopter or a raptor from bsg and have like 10 to 15 of those if space and i want a big space so 20 lol. Also to have alot of railguns instead of like 10 which i counted thats about it like 10 to 15 to have since its biger like 30 and also what if the enemy attacks from the bottom never seen it happen but still railguns cant attack in the bottom so like since the railguns are inside the dedi they should have just in case in the sides of the dedi bottom sides like 10 and also remember that cargo ship that vala had and she could make an emp shock and a clone sotra speak hologram of the same ship well the daedalus to have that so we could trick the enemy and have fake daedalus to look like we have a fleet and also crew:
                              we know that the daedalus can hold about 200 people already so i would say about 500 or more people
                              100 to 200 marines since u need more than 1 person for each tank humvee and f-302 so yea
                              and yea so 200 marines and for pilots about k 2 for f-302 plus the raptor code name lol so 100 to 150 pilots so lets say 350 and people who are on bridge and maintanance and stuff.
                              Also i would have it have u know the asgard beam all the present stuff and also if its possible to cloak the ship since mckay and zelenka made the atlantis base cloak maybe they can make the daedalus cloak so they could get close enough to do a sneak attack and take everyone by surprise.
                              sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama


                                I've not read the whole topic [and no, I'm not a very good artist ], so I'll just list this here for now. I'll probably expand it later with more. I did base the LC-304's design on the Prometheus' and Daedelus' base design. I figure that any future ships might bear a high resemblence to them.

                                Designation: LC-304
                                Class Name: Hornet
                                Primary Role: Light, Medium Cruiser and Escort
                                Weaponry: Two large, central rail-cannons
                                Around ten smaller railgun turrets
                                A small cache of missiles
                                Depending on role, there may also be a small hanger with two or three F-302s or an Alkesh burst weapon

                                Defenses: Asgard Shield System
                                Layered trinium-titanium armor
                                Laser point defense turrets [anti-fighter and anti-missile]


                                Hyperdrive Speed: Roughly 250,000c [more or less depending on how good the Tau'ri are at implementing hyperdrive into a vessel half the Prometheus' size]

                                Size: Approximately half the size of the Prometheus. [About 100 - 125 meters]

                                Basic Data: The BC-303 -- essentially a Battleship and a Carrior rolled into one -- would serve as the flagship design of the Terrans for a good, long time. However, they are not cheap to produce. From the desire to create a vessel that's cheaper and can fulfill other roles, the X-304 prototype -- Wasp -- was born. The Wasp was no where near as powerful as the Prometheus was, but it was smaller, lighter, and more maneuverable. And, of course, it was cheaper to build!

                                The class was designated Hornet by the first LC-304, the Hornet, which became part of the "primary Earth defense fleet" that was formed at first solely by the Prometheus. Despite the LC designation -- which means "Light Cruiser" -- the LC-304 design has been made in both Light and Medium variations. Serving a role similar to that of the Alkesh, several of the heavier LC-304's have also been noted as being given Alkesh weaponry to supplement their railgun arsenal.
                                Last edited by Universal Nexus; 28 August 2005, 03:13 PM.
                                Old McNeill had a base, SG SG-1. And on that base he had a Ba'al, SG SG-1. With a Ba'al, Ba'al here and a Ba'al, Ba'al there, here a Ba'al there a Ba'al, everywhere a Ba'al Ba'al. Old McNeill had a base, SG SG-1!
                                [Don't ask. Please.]

