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All you ever wanted to know about The Iris and the Wormhole

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    EDIT - NEW
    Ok, fine, walking in reverse is easy, anything goes in, comes out the same way on the other side, but read on, other funny and interesting points here!
    EDIT - New Over!

    ...and related items!

    Anyway, didnt know if this is one for here or the tech, I think it is better here.

    I was wondering, what would happen if you walked through the other side of the stargate!

    When they have the kewoosh! you can see which is the front, also because of all the address symbols, but I dont think we have seen the back of a stargate? only front and side. Does the back have symbols, or is it blank? wouldnt it be funny if once initialised, you could walk on the other side, and on a planet, come out the other side!

    When you think about it, there is nothing really stopping it, It is not like a door where A <|> B... A is on the right, B is on the left, you have to walk through, but with a stargate, it opens, then it is not as though B is in front of A, it is not in a straight line, the planet could be anywhere, and with orbits and things, in any direction, meaning that anything goes in one end, comes out the other somewhere else no matter physical positions.

    Wouldnt it be funny if in one episode, all of a sudden they try this and find out that 2 way worm holes work, you just need to walk in the other side, and this is why radios and other things work!

    Also, what would happen if you jumped backwards as you were going through, would just just come out backwards... ok that one is simple. Is there a angle you can go through where you just wouldnt come out, or come out the other side when you reach target!

    I am sure there must be a way for 2 way wormholes, even through artificial means, like A | B ... It may be impossible for things on A to see things on B, but signals and things can get through, could you have a Asgard or other transporter on both sides that can dematerialise someone, send the signal through, and rematerialise on another one!

    now that would be cool, and I dont see why it would not work , we know that the transporter beams work on frequencys due to the fact they could block it (I am assuming, could be wrong) it is just ultra ultra high high band (to work in space!) there is no reason to think that something like this could not work, after all, the Asgard are able to send signals and do freaky things through the gate already to turn the power off (I miss that!), what is stopping them from being able to do 2 way worm holes!
    Last edited by wilhil; 24 July 2006, 02:58 PM.


      I think the stargate has address symbols on both front and back as I seen that somewhere at one time. I not too sure how they know which side they must walk into the stargate.

      If you jumped backwards or walk backwards, you come out of the gate backwards as well (I also seen O'Neil do that before).

      I have always wonder how a signal can go both directions when the gate is connected to a world one way.


        Wouldnt it be funny if in one episode, all of a sudden they try this and find out that 2 way worm holes work, you just need to walk in the other side, and this is why radios and other things work!

        That WOULD be funny - who'd have thought that, all this time, there was an In AND and Out side? Golly gee whiz.

        They've probably done research on the matter, though, and it probably doesn't work that way.
        [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


          Originally posted by wilhil
          Wouldnt it be funny if in one episode, all of a sudden they try this and find out that 2 way worm holes work, you just need to walk in the other side, and this is why radios and other things work!
          That'd be classic!!! Carter'd have a fit after all those years of explaining how one-way travel works.
          Snape kills Dumbledore
          Darth Vader is Luke's Father
          Rosebud is a sled
          Bruce Willis' character was a ghost
          The planet of the apes is actually Earth
          The two guys in Fight Club are the same guy
          Clark Kent is Superman
          What? You were expecting Stargate Spoilers?

          If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.


            The Goa'uld would be pretty pissed too.

            All those times they splattered Jaffa over the inside of the iris, they could have just had them come out the back...

            Son, do you know what colour this phone is?
            - General Hammond


              Glad you like my post!

              I know it most likly wouldnt be true or work, but it would be so so funny, and really I dont know why not.

              All funniness aside, its a wormhole, we always hear them say its one way, and even seen some weird stuff like people or objects being choped off for not being all the way through.... on a outgoing one. We have not actually EVER seen them try to send anything out on a incoming wormhole!

              I can not remember all those science classes and physics lectures and more that ive seen either school / tv or whatever, but I always thought that a wormhole always has a entry and exit, sometimes it is messed up so a exit is smaller than a entry, in this case you get displacement and irregularities / non stable; However, the stargate by definition from the show, creates a wormhole between gates that is stable. They always say it is one way, but they have never experimented or at least shown this, by trying to send anything!

              I really do not buy the whole radio thing! it should be everything, or nothing or my asgard idea would work, if anyone could be bothered to read through all I wrote and my bad grammer!

              If we forget for a min about coming out the other side (which I really loved and beenw anting to post for ages!), I think 2 way travel is possible!

              I have said it before, and will say it again, Stargate is a amazing and brilliant show, I think the writers and everyone involved should be proud of what they have done and the fact that we can even ask questions like this about a universe and brilliant show in which they have created! hallowed are the writers/creators/directors and anyone else involved!!


                i've always had this theory that each connection is actually two way.... it just depends on which side you walk in.... the front is travelling from the "caller" to the "reciever", and the back is from the "reciever" to the "caller"
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  I really think they let this one go to our imaginations.

                  I mean, we have now seen that Stargates can have more than one connection when they dialed all those gates at once.. (was it EVERY gate in our Galaxy or most? I cant remember), so why is it not possible just to have two back and forth, or in my theory, one wormhole that you can do both!

                  I also agree and thought that about the other side just being on who is the caller and receiver.


                    They've showed the back before but i dont believe it was whiel the gate was open... The back has no symbols... If i remembered what episodes it was id tell you all i know is that I've seen it several times and the first time i seen it I pointed it out as it was something i was wondering...

                    I believe if u walked thru the back, U'd be killed... Basically, u'd be jumping into a wormhole without being demolecularized(orw.e it does when u step thru normal) so either u'd be demolecularized while coming out the front, or ur body would be sucked into the matter stream and ud die...

                    "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                    If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                      I think i have seen the back of the Stargate while a wormhole was active - someone stepped throught it and the camera zoomed back behind the Gate to show that person dissapearing when they went through it. The event horizon at the back was kinda transparent, but you could still see part of the shimmering blue bit.
                      -- Brains12


                        Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran
                        yum ...???
                        What is something so small went through wouldn't it be able to stick onto teh iris and when the wormhole disentegrates it could get out. If a small thing could do that we better be worried flat stanley with bombs strapped to him doesn't come through.


                          Now you say that, it rings a bell, I really can not remember what episode off the of my head.

                          could it of been the first ep where they show the gate and them going through for the first time I really can not remember


                            they show the back of the gate quite a few times.... they just do it when ppl are paying less attention aka right after the credits or something major happened one time that i remember was when they had to save the Ekarens from the sulfer based aliens.... right after the credits, they pan in from the back of the gate right before it disengages and we see SG-1 walk off toward the Ekaren settlement...
                            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                              I have always wonder how a signal can go both directions when the gate is connected to a world one way.
                              Radio, like other forms of radiation, can travel both ways through the Stargate regardless of outgoing/incoming wormholes.


                                Originally posted by Dusk
                                Radio, like other forms of radiation, can travel both ways through the Stargate regardless of outgoing/incoming wormholes.
                                So, care to explain what's so special about radio waves? That's what's bugging us.
                                [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.

