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Why does 8 chevron take more (It should take less) power

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    Sending that much data to that many sources would likely (considering the distance) take more energy than the gate can output,
    The signal is sent far faster than light meaning it can't possibly traverse that distance and doesn't.

    if some1 can prove that it requires more energy than the stargate uses then it would definately wouldn't be irellivant.
    In that case I daresay it wouldn't.

    Also, according to your theory, can you explain why 8 chevrons takes more energy,
    Error control. Many many more gates to eliminate in the new galaxy.
    Lord §okar, Niles, Mark VI, etc: Dom Howard fan

    Tama, Bosphorus, Istanbul Mehmet, Sabian, Zildjian and Remo


      [quote]Also, according to your theory, can you explain why 8 chevrons takes more energy,
      Error control. Many many more gates to eliminate in the new galaxy.[quote]THats my point, the gate wouldn't know until you have dialed 7 chevrons that you are dialing another galaxy (or not), so it would be sending signals to all those gates already try explain that. Same goes for ninth chevron


        Ok, I understand now, I was under the impression that the Stargate would send each signal directly to each gate, not broadcast it. However if the signal was broadcasted this would change everything we know about the stargate. In addition the Stargate would also have to broadcast the signal throughout (for all we know) the known universe, seeing as there are gates in other galaxies with presumably the same first symbol.

        As well, there is no need for the recieving gates to do anything, no need at all, so making the Stargate perform other functions would be a waste of time.

        Owen Macri


          Originally posted by Owen Macri
          Yes, however, that has absolutley nothing to do with anything. When you dial the first chevron, it cannot send this information to the recieving Stargate, because it does not know what the recieving Stargate is yet, or for that matter, how to get there.

          Owen Macri
          Well, he didn't actually say that. He said all gates. Broadcast to all gates. Just as would happen to a specific set of computers given a known netmask.

          Originally posted by Owen Macri
          That is a very big assumption, as well as an incorrect one.
          That we see proven correct numerous times by the show. Accept that fact.

          The first chevron could not be locked on any gate as it is dialed, let alone all of the gates with the first chevron, because there is absolutley no way for the signal to get to the gates.
          Isn't there?

          It doesn't matter whether you would like all of the gates in the universe to light up with the first chevron is dialed, it will not happen, because with the current configuration of the Stargate it is physically impossible.
          Explain to me the current configuration and how it rules out a peer to peer based stargate network.

          Originally posted by mightydefiant
          That seems dumb that all gates get the single. How much power would it take to send the data to all the gates every time you dail a gate.
          Bit torrent anyone? Think about that.

          Originally posted by ~Thor~
          Well I wouldn't say its irrelivant. Sending that much data to that many sources would likely (considering the distance) take more energy than the gate can output, if some1 can prove that it requires more energy than the stargate uses then it would definately wouldn't be irellivant.
          As I said to Owen before, you're assuming that in all dimensions of spacetime the gates are far apart from each other. This is not necessarily so, and as I've said before... bit torrent when it comes to the power requirements.

          Originally posted by ~Thor~
          THats my point, the gate wouldn't know until you have dialed 7 chevrons that you are dialing another galaxy (or not), so it would be sending signals to all those gates already try explain that. Same goes for ninth chevron
          Um, what's to explain? As soon as you reach the seventh chevron, the gate realises you're dialling outside the galaxy and then restarts the process of contacting gates but further out. Was that so hard?

          Now with added lesbians.


            The current configuration of the Stargate is that things are transmitted between Stargates through womholes, and the locations of Stargates are known by the coordinates input into a stargate, there is no evidence to suggest anything can be "broadcast."

            Owen Macri


              Originally posted by Three PhDs
              Bit torrent anyone? Think about that.
              Now you got me thinking than when a gate dails, all gates send the chevron data to all the other gates. Now that makes less sence to me. So very helpful.
              Originally posted by Owen
              there is no evidence to suggest anything can be "broadcast."
              I argree with you. And why would the gate system broadcast data like that. Now I'm thinking that if someone could tap into this broadcast, they could see where poeple are going, then no planet with a gate could be keeped in secret as the address it just broadcasted to all other gate.
              This is my sugnature!
              Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                Originally posted by mightydefiant
                Now you got me thinking than when a gate dails, all gates send the chevron data to all the other gates. Now that makes less sence to me. So very helpful.

                I argree with you. And why would the gate system broadcast data like that. Now I'm thinking that if someone could tap into this broadcast, they could see where poeple are going, then no planet with a gate could be keeped in secret as the address it just broadcasted to all other gate.
                To both parts, we've seen the gates dial each other up for corrective co-ordinates. Ask yourself, in a system with many peers over which a lot of data has to be transmitted, what would make a very efficient model for data transport?

                Now with added lesbians.


                  think of it as an extra direction when driving somewhere but in this case it adds alot of distance and thus gas cause the gap between planets is greater even in sub space
                  My Blog - - Raise The Fist


                    I'm now thinking that we are over thinking a TV show. So I am just going to not talk about this topic any more.
                    This is my sugnature!
                    Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                      Um, what's to explain? As soon as you reach the seventh chevron, the gate realises you're dialling outside the galaxy and then restarts the process of contacting gates but further out. Was that so hard?
                      Then, it would either have to redial the first 6 chevrons, OR it would have the coordinates and dial 'normally' (ie it has 6 points and it establishes a wormhole like you dial a telephone), but as we all 'know' this doesn't happen.


                        Originally posted by mightydefiant
                        I'm now thinking that we are over thinking a TV show. So I am just going to not talk about this topic any more.
                        isnt that what fan forums are about and its more of a astrophysics thing cause stargate didnt invent this theory its been around for like a hundred years
                        My Blog - - Raise The Fist


                          Originally posted by ~Thor~
                          Then, it would either have to redial the first 6 chevrons, OR it would have the coordinates and dial 'normally' (ie it has 6 points and it establishes a wormhole like you dial a telephone), but as we all 'know' this doesn't happen.
                          No it doesn't. It merely expands the routine further.

                          Now with added lesbians.


                            Originally posted by Lord §okar

                            This is the trillionth time I have explained this and you still have not yet comprehended it. Before you reply, with any kind of response like "but the gate doesn't know where the signal has to go to until the serquence is complete" go back and read this post again. Every time you come up with an objection read this post again because it will be answered, as it has been every time now.
                            Please could you be a bit less patronising? If you have explained something trillions of times and someone still disagrees, it's worth considering that the fault may lie in your own explanation or that there may be another threory that fits the facts (there is, IMO, and I put it forward earlier in the thread) tather than treating people like naughty schoolchildren.




                              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                              Please could you be a bit less patronising? If you have explained something trillions of times and someone still disagrees, it's worth considering that the fault may lie in your own explanation or that there may be another threory that fits the facts (there is, IMO, and I put it forward earlier in the thread) tather than treating people like naughty schoolchildren.

                              I agree to an extent, but can see how it would be frustrating for Sokar if he's explained something rather simply which matches what's seen on screen and people still don't agree, even though it's as clear on screen as can possibly be.

                              Now with added lesbians.


                                However frustrating it is to have people disagree with us we all need to remember that that is all it is: people disagreeing with us. Just that. Not people getting it wrong. Because it isn't 'as clear onscreen as can possibly be'; in fact little of the regularly-used tech stuff is because virtually everything is inconsistant or contradicts other examples of onscreen use.

                                Everything that we theorise based around Stargate tech is just that - theorising. It's supposition and theory and opinion, because we're not in posession of all the facts and because the 'facts' are very fluid indeed from one ep to the next. And if someone disagrees the way to react is not to get cross and impatient and treat them like a schoolchild who can't grasp algebra and tell them to read your post again. Really it isn't!

                                It's not much to ask that people respect the opinions of others.


