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Ben Browder joins SG1 in 9th season !!!

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    Originally posted by Madeleine_W
    Green Eyed Monster was very good. It was solid.

    Don Quixote... well I liked it (would have loved it if Aeryn's accent hadn't been, um, weird), although it takes no effort at all to see why some hated it. It was certainly ambitious though. I wonder if he'd go for Solid on Stargate or for Ambitious.
    Loved Green-Eyed Monster. John Quixote was much less my cup of tea but I give Ben points for originality. And I rather enjoyed Aeryn's lisping Southern belle.

    I wonder if Ben will get a chance to pitch a story and perhaps write an episode of Stargate??
    Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


      Originally posted by triptnx

      Of course, I'm disappointed now to learn that BB will have no relation to Daniel Jackson (I was invisioning some maaajorly fine moebius scenes here!) but think if they play their cards right, BB could have a fantastic character.
      I've been checking out some of the other boards to see what's being said. Captain Tiv over at Delphiforums had a great AU plot where BB is Daniel's bro in an alternate universe and comes through the mirror when his world is destroyed by the Goa'uld/Replicators/whatever. She had it all laid out-it was pretty good! I hope TPTB's collective imaginations are half that good when they write for BB's new character.

      Proud Member-Hussies Union, Local # 69


        But we already learned that if you come through an AU universe it messes you up.

        BB will most likely just be a new military member of SG-1, or the doctor. They have to have a military officer on the show because otherwise SG-1 would be two aliens, a civilen, and and AU guy from another world. lol
        It’s the show that doesn’t end, it goes on and on my friends, some people started watching not knowing what it was, but they will be watching forever just because it’s the show that doesn’t end…..


          As a Scaper and a casual viewer of SG shows (I have watched every season since season 1) I'd disheartened by the anti Ben comments. Ben Browder is not a male Seven of Nine...he is a excellent actor, he helped take Farscape to a level I've never seen any TV show go....but at the same time it wasn't for everyone. Your avg person did not relate to it well because it was really far out and had sharp story arcs...

          I have felt very bored by season 8 of SG1 (although I've enjoyed the hell out of SG:A ) they are repeating plots they did seasons ago and I miss the off world missions.

          So being a viewer of SG1 for 8 years almost now, and being a hard core Scaper, HARD CORE...I'm quite excited about season 9. I am dying to see where Ben comes in and what he brings to SG1 and where the writers and producers want to see him...I do still want to see a smart ass character though. His snarkyness was his's different from RDA's, very different.

          I sense a small rift in SG fans though and that's too bad. I know Scapers were split on this at first but I think we've started to come together because Ben is a great actor, and many of us have been SG viewers as well..


            I really don't think there have been any anti- BB comments. Most people are worried about tptb and how they'll handle bringing him in, not BB as an actor. I'm a huge fan of him, and if written in correctly and the right consideration given to the long time actors on the show, I think he can definitely be an asset to the show. But, I still have concerns about what tptb will do.

            And, yes, he is a very hot guy (and can still work a pair of leather pants like no one's business ) but although I can't help noticing it, I loved Crichton because of the character, I love BB because of his acting first and foremost.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              I think BB is a terrible actor and all he ever does is over act. I said that before.

              That's not what is worrying me through, it's TPTB and how they are gonig to use him.
              It’s the show that doesn’t end, it goes on and on my friends, some people started watching not knowing what it was, but they will be watching forever just because it’s the show that doesn’t end…..


                I couldn't be more happy about this. I think Ben is easily one of the best acting talents around. Those who accuse him of overacting are only seeing his Crichton-freaks-out moments, but there are so many better moments to see. Smaller, quieter moments, that you just don't see being held at the fore. One of the best things about Ben is that he really respected the material he was given with Farscape, and he knew as much about it's storyline and characters as the most dedicated of the fans. If he gives as much car to SG-1 as he did Farscape, I think we'll be in for a real treat.

                I was one of the guys who welcomed Jonas despite missing Daniel, and I welcome whoever Ben is playing. (Kind of hoping he's a Tokra).

                "I keep hearing that you've changed. I think the weather changes... and we just keep making the same old mistakes."--John Crichton, Green Eyed Monster, written by Ben Browder.
                "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                BAD WOLF!!!


                  Everyone is welcome to their opinions, but I could name a few scenes where the writing called for BB to underplay it, and he did a beautiful (and usually heartwrenching) job. I agree that the *character* of Crichton was meant to be over the top and insane most of the time, but if they created a subdued character, I wouldn't doubt he could pull it off. my opinion, only.
                  I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                  Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                  Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                  Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                  Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                    Originally posted by Replicarter
                    Just thinking, Stargate = 2 - 3 million viewers, Farscape = 1 - 2 million, (could be alot higher but i dont know so i went with quite little) Which means, Starscape/Fargate = 5+ million, ooooo, that might get a season 11
                    Atlantis Commercials when it first came out said that 10 million or so people made the jump to atlantis. I assume thats viewers of Stargate Sg1 that went to SGA as well. so sg1 has to be near 12 or 13 mil, Also Farscape wasa very popular show not nearly as popular as sg1 id say they had 7 or 8 million viewers. So lets say 12.5 + 7.5 = 20 mil. At the end of season 7 there was over 10 million by season 8 they had about 12.5 so if 12.5 mil can get 8 seasons, 20 mil should buy us a few more lets say season 13.

                    Now lets say we can get Michael Shanks Wife Lexa Doig)i think thats it) wed have 20.5 mil, we have Raday(fromandromeda dont kno if spelled right) harper and trance to come on regularly then wed see ratings jump up to 27 mil or more. If we put in a episode about a guy restoring his planets commonwealth or something and have kevin sorbo in it we can easily get 30 to 35 mil. However if we put brint spiner, johnathon frakes, patrick stuart, William Shatner on it all at once then Star Trek nerd would watch, bringin in close to 50 million of them, so id say 70 mil total. If we throw in mark hammel and harrison ford we can get to about 60 mil, put ST and SW together and we got 110 mil for SG1. With Issac hayes and Wayne Brady we should be seeing 25 mil to 35 mil, if dave chepple were there then wed see a 50 mil, if they talked about Sealab 20 21 then wed see about 24 mil(sealab does its stargate things, wonder how sg1 feels) Ah but idk much about ratings just how many people i think would watch for special appearences.

                    The rest of season 8 looks sweet, they seem to be off earth more bout DAMN TIME I SEE ONE MORE EPISODE NOT OFFWORLD IM GONNNA FIND THE REAL GATE AND BE GONE muahahaha, masssive rating drop!

                    "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                    If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                      Originally posted by Metonic
                      Atlantis Commercials when it first came out said that 10 million or so people made the jump to atlantis. I assume thats viewers of Stargate Sg1 that went to SGA as well. so sg1 has to be near 12 or 13 mil
                      Unfortunately, that was entirely bogus on SCI FI's part. The 10 million figure was a total sum of all viewers who had watched all showings of the episode(s) shown up to that point. So it's more like 10 million viewings than viewers.

                      Nielsen ratings give a fairly accurate estimate of viewers, at least in the U.S.: 2 to 3 million average for SG-1 so far this season. Add viewers in other countries to that, of course.
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                        Originally posted by Vampgrrl
                        I sense a small rift in SG fans though and that's too bad.
                        Don't Feel bad for us we all argue constantly here ( :: Dares anyone to contradict :: ) and we enjoy it

                        Originally posted by Vampgrrl
                        [BB] helped take Farscape to a level I've never seen any TV show go....but at the same time it wasn't for everyone
                        True on both counts. Here and on other Stargate places I've seen a fair number of "I couldn't get into Farscape, but BB's acting impressed me during the snippet I saw" -type comments.

                        I loved Farscape for its weirdness, but it'll be interesting to see how he plays his character in a more 'normal' show.



                          If Stargate got 13 million viewers a week it would be in the top ten or 15.
                          It’s the show that doesn’t end, it goes on and on my friends, some people started watching not knowing what it was, but they will be watching forever just because it’s the show that doesn’t end…..


                            Originally posted by Madeleine_W

                            I loved Farscape for its weirdness, but it'll be interesting to see how he plays his character in a more 'normal' show.
                            he did a stint on Party of Five that was fairly "normal" and he's also a trained theater actor. i'm pretty sure he'll do just fine.


                              Okay I just saw most of a Farscape episode with Criton (sp?) being mind scanned by a scarron and Criton experiences all kinds of weird delusions.

                              I know I said before wait and see........but I'm a bit worried now......okay very worried.....alright just a tad scared at what he might do to Stargate...........

                              I hope sincerely that they will not let him anywhere near pen and paper. Also the show is VERY British/Aussie/whatever.........TPTB did a very good job not including many Canadian idioms and accents for the most part......they're very jarring in Farscape.

                              Of course this Farscape ep might be equivalent to the Teal'c firetruck and video game episodes and I just caught a low's hoping


                                Originally posted by roswellgray
                                Okay I just saw most of a Farscape episode with Criton (sp?) being mind scanned by a scarron and Criton experiences all kinds of weird delusions.

                                I know I said before wait and see........but I'm a bit worried now......okay very worried.....alright just a tad scared at what he might do to Stargate........

                                You have to remember that he acted what was written for him. Just because Crichton experienced delusions doesn't mean that's all BB is capable of acting. He'll do what's written for him, like every other actor.

                                When Crichton found out what it cost Zhaan to bring Aeryn back, his "I will not accept this," wasn't at all crazy or over the top. His "Aeryn's gone. Want to die," was said in a totally subdued and defeated tone. (And, I realise this means nothing to people who didn't watch.) I think it's important to separate the character of Chrichton from the actor.

                                Also, it's true the character he played on Party of Five wasn't anything like Crichton. So much so, that although I had watched him on the show, I didn't make the connection that the same actor played him until it was pointed out.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

