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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Well, **** them.
    Nicely put.
    Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

    Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
    Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
    Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
    --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


      "Why aren't you engaging today's premiere purveyors of genre material and giving them ten episodes to do whatever the hell they want? I'd watch contained, BBC-style series from folks like Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow, Warren Ellis, Charlie Huston, Neal Stephenson, or China Mieville. The names alone would attract viewers by the truckload. And even if what they produced were failures, they'd be interesting failures—marked by reaching too far, instead of not far enough."
      Oh my, even the thought of a China Mieville miniseries is enough to make me salivate.

      Word on "interesting failures", though I disagree that those particular names will be enough to attract viewers. I bet most skiffy watchers don't know those people, hell I bet most GW posters don't know who those people are outside of perhaps Gaiman and Gibson. But bring on the intelligent SF, by all means! There's nowhere near enough of it.


        I know Scalzi, thanks to Joe Mallozzi's blog.


          Well there are 3 things I can appreciate about his blog then - anime (which has been in scarce supply recently), food, and introducing the masses to SF literature.

          Heh, just found out that Scalzi was responsible for Bacon Cat.


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Oh heh, EW's gotta eat crow now that SGA scored the PCA! Ha! Or they'll probably just add a snark and say "BSG deserved it".
            Originally posted by morjana View Post

            It gets worse!

            Look at this letter at Entertainment Weekly!

            SGA - Entertainment Weekly Online: An Open Letter to the Sci-Fi Channel

            From Entertainment Weekly Online:


            (Please follow the link for the complete letter.)

            POPWATCH BLOG

            Keeping an eye on pop culture

            Jan 7, 2008, 06:48 AM | by Marc Bernardin

            Dearest Sci-Fi,

            Why are you not way more awesome?

            Don't get me wrong, when you're good—like with Battlestar Galactica or Eureka (and I'll even give you credit for Doctor who, despite that being a BBC show you just imported)—you're a phenomenal destination network. But let's be honest here, there's not a lot of "good" on your schedule. The Stargate franchise is stale, Flash Gordon is a derisible, stillborn remake, and ECW Wrestling is…wrestling! (And I swore an oath never to speak of Who Wants to Be a Superhero again.)


            Yup Stargate is stale, just won the People's Choice Award, over 2 million fans are tuning in on a weekly basis to watch the show, and they had one of their most postive feedback episodes. SGA's ratings have also surpassed BSG! I hope SCI FI is rolling their eyes at this one, I know I would be.

