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    Rachel Luttrell
    Hardwire movie reports

    Other actors who appear in this direct-to-video movie include Val Kilmer, Tatiana Maslany, and Ali Liebert. The film is described by Glen Schaefer in a short article about five projects shooting around British Columbia: “A quick shoot is scheduled for this direct-to-video action movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and guest-starring Val Kilmer.



      SGU - Future SGU Cast Member? - Brandon Hardesty Blog update:

      At Brandon Hardesty's blog:

      (Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)

      Saturday, December 27, 2008

      More Updates

      To those loyal 12 who follow this blog: I apologize for not posting in over a month.

      Anyway, enough apologies.

      The last time I posted, I had just finished acting in an independent film called "The Bill Collector," and I was getting ready for YouTube Live.


      As for auditions, like I said, I've been seeing less and less of any independent projects coming my way and more "big-budget" films. Here are some projects I've auditioned for since my last post:

      Stargate: Universe

      I felt pretty confident about this audition. It's for a lead-role in the new Stargate spin-off. I've never watched an episode of Stargate in my life, but I've heard nothing but good things. Fingers crossed.


      That about does it. Thanks again to everyone for watching my videos!

      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
      Morjana's Blog Twitter


        SGA - UGO: Video: Robert Picardo on Stargate Atlantis:

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
        Morjana's Blog Twitter


          SG1/SGA - 'A Dog's Breakfast' available on HULU:

          David Hewlett's 'A Dog's Breakfast' is now available for viewing on HULU at:

          (May only be available for viewing by US fans.)

          Also co-starring Kate Hewlett, Paul McGillion, Christopher Judge, Rachel Luttrell, Amanda Byram, Michael Lenic and Mars the Dog.

          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            SG1 - Michael Shanks - 24 episode on HULU:

            The first of Michael Shanks' appearances on 24 (1:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M.)
            is available for viewing on HULU.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              SGA - Jill Wagner (Larrin) - 'Splinter' - Airs on SciFi Channel Feb 14 '09:

              'Splinter,' a 2008 movie, starring Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wagner, Rachel Kerbs, Charles Baker and Laurel Whitsett, airs Saturday, Feber 14, 2009 at 9pm on the SciFi Channel (US).

              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                SGA - GateWorld: Picardo: Atlantis finale is 'well-crafted':

                At GateWorld:

                (Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

                Picardo: Atlantis finale is 'well-crafted'

                SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 (EPISODES)

                Robert Picardo tells GateWorld why he thinks fans will find the final hour of Atlantis enjoyable.

                A brief excerpt:

                Fans of Stargate Atlantis are eagerly awaiting 2009, which will conclude the SG-1 spin-off barely after the new year begins.

                GateWorld caught up with Robert Picardo ("Richard Woolsey") to get his thoughts on "Enemy at the Gate," the 100th episode of Atlantis which has been rigged to serve as the series finale.

                "I thought they pulled out all the stops for the finale," Picardo told GateWorld, "not only with different beloved characters in the Atlantis gallery that pop up, but I think it's a pretty spectacular one hour [with] three different storylines really hurtling toward the conclusion."

                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                Morjana's Blog Twitter


                  Robert Carlyle (SGU)


                  R D Laing: The celebrity shrink who put the psychedelia into psychiatry

                  R D Laing was idolised by 1960s hedonists and demonised by conservatives. A new film will tell his extraordinary story

                  By Jonathan Brown
                  Monday, 29 December 2008


                  A new film telling the life and times of the radical Scots-born therapist considered to be Britain's answer to US psychedelic guru Timothy Leary is to be brought to the screen next year. Among those considered to be his most celebrated admirers at the height of his influence in the 1960s when he was a regular feature on television were the Beatles, Jim Morrison, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.

                  His fellow Glaswegian Robert Carlyle, himself brought up in hippie communes, is in talks to play the role of the maverick doctor who turned medical convention on its head by searching for the roots of mental illness in the stresses within the family and other close relationships.

                  Carlyle, who made his name starring in the film Trainspotting and was last month cast in a leading role in a major new US series of Stargate Universe, is a long-time admirer of Laing's ideas, intrigued by his larger-than-life personality. "For the past 10 years I have wanted to play Laing in a film," he has said.

                  REST AT LINK ABOVE


                    SG1/SGA cast and guest stars appearing in "Outer Limits" episodes on the SciFi Channel (US):

                    01/04/2009 02:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE VALERIE 23 - Guest stars include: Tom Butler (SG1's Out of Mind and Into the Fire) and Bruce Harwood (SG1's Frozen)

                    01/05/2009 03:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE LIVING HELL - Guest stars include: Don S. Davis and Doug Abrahams (SG1's Cmdr Hale and Ori Prior)

                    01/11/2009 02:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE CORNER OF THE EYE - Guest stars include: Bill Croft (SG1's Double Jeopardy), BSG's Callum Keith Rennie and Tamsin Kelsey (SG1's Thor's Hammer and Thor's Chariot)

                    01/12/2009 08:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE BLOOD BROTHERS - Guest stars include: George Touliatos (SG1's Need and Fallen), Colleen Winton (SG1's Prisoners and Lost City, Parts 1 & 2) and BSG's Kate Vernon

                    01/12/2009 09:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE SECOND SOUL - Guest stars include: Fulvio Cecere (SG1's Col. Davidson) and Alex Diakun (SG1's Memento)

                    01/12/2009 10:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE CHOICE - Guest stars include: Matthew Walker (SG1's Merlin, SGA's Before I Sleep), Andrew Johnston (SG1's Desperate Measures) and Tracy Waterhouse (SG1's SF and Amanda Tapping's double)

                    01/12/2009 11:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE VIRTUAL FUTURE - Guest stars include: Mitchell Kosterman (SG1's Seth and Heroes, Parts 1 & 2)

                    01/12/2009 12:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE CAUGHT IN THE ACT - Guest stars include: Saul Rubinek (SG1's Heroes, Parts 1 & 2), Gary Chalk (SG1's Col. Chekov), Kavan Smith (SG1/SGA's Maj. Evan Lorne), Fred Henderson (SG1's 1969)

                    01/12/2009 1:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE MESSAGE - Guest stars include: Robert Wisden (SG1's Col. Samuels) and Kevin McNulty (SG1's Dr. Warner) and Sarah Strange (SG1's Morgan Le Fay)

                    01/12/2009 2:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE SANDKINGS - PART 1 - Guest stars include: Beau Bridges (SG1's Gen. Landry) and J.B. Bivens (SG1's COTG)

                    01/12/2009 3:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE SANDKINGS - PART 2 - Guest stars include: Beau Bridges (SG1's Gen. Landry) and J.B. Bivens (SG1's COTG)

                    01/12/2009 03:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE UNDER THE BED - Guest stars include: Colleen Rennison (SG1's Bane, and Cassandra [Rite of Passage]), Frank Cassini (SG1's Sentinel) and David Hurtubise (SG1's Hathor and Meridian)

                    01/18/2009 02:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE DARK MATTERS - Guest stars include: Allison Hossack (SG1's Cure and SGA's Poisoning the Well), Medium's David Cubitt, Blu Mankuma (SG1's Nightwalkers) and Shane Meier (SG1's A Hundred Days)

                    01/19/2009 03:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE CONVERSION - Guest stars include: Roger R. Cross (SG1's Lt./Capt. Connor), Tom Butler, William B. Davis (SG1's Ori Prior)

                    01/25/2009 02:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE QUALITY OF MERCY - Guest stars include: Robert Patrick (SGA's The Rising, Parts 1 & 2), Nicole de Boer (SGA's Whispers),

                    01/26/2009 03:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE VOYAGE HOME - Guest stars include: Star Trek: TNG's and DS9's Michael Dorn

                    01/27/2009 09:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE THE NEW BREED - Guest stars include: Veena Sood (SG1's Full Circle and Stronghold)

                    01/27/2009 10:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE VOICE OF REASON - Guest stars include: Don S. Davis, Gillian Barber (SG1's The Gamekeeper, and Amb/1st Minister Dreylock), D. Neil Mark (SG1's First Commandment) and archive footage from previous Outer Limits episodes with Beau Bridges, Garvin Cross (SG1's COTG), Michael Dorn, Tom McBeath (SG1's Harry Maybourne), John Novak (SG1's Col. Ronson), Dwight Schultz (SG1's The Gamekeeper), Kavan Smith

                    01/27/2009 11:00 AM OUTER LIMITS, THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY - Guest stars include: Steve Bacic (SG1's Maj. Coburn and Camulus) and Garvin Cross

                    01/27/2009 12:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK - Guest stars include: Dwight Schultz, Tom McBeath, Elisabeth Rosen (SG1's Lt. Hailey), Frank C. Turner (SG1's Desperate Measures), Garvin Cross and Gary Jones

                    01/27/2009 1:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE BIRTHRIGHT - Guest stars include: John Novak and Garvin Cross

                    01/27/2009 2:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE I, ROBOT - Guest stars include: Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy, Eric Schneider (SG1's Dr. McKenzie), JB Bivens, Robert Moloney (SG1's 2001 and SGA's Ghost in the Machine) and John Novak

                    01/27/2009 3:00 PM OUTER LIMITS, THE MIND OVER MATTER - Guest stars include: Scott Hylands (SG1's Bane), Star Wars Mark Hamill and The Big Valley's Peter Breck

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      SG1/SGA - Cast in repeats of "Jeremiah" on SciFi Channel:

                      January 13, 2009

                      08:00 AM JEREMIAH THE LONG ROAD - PART ONE - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings (SG1's Cure and Allegiance), BSG's Tricia Helfer, Kimberly Hawthorne (SG1's Beneath the Surface), BSG's Kandyse McClure, Robert Wisden (SG1's Col. Samuels), Teryl Rothery (SG1's Janet Fraiser), Zak Santiago (SG1's Evolution, Parts 1 & 2), Alex Zahara (various characters on SG1) and Link Baker (SG1's The Light and Allegiance)

                      09:00 AM JEREMIAH THE LONG ROAD - PART TWO -

                      10:00 AM JEREMIAH MAN OF IRON, WOMAN UNDER GLASS - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Ingrid Kavelaars (SG1's Maj. Erin Grant),

                      11:00 AM JEREMIAH . . . AND THE GROUND, SOWN WITH SALT - Guest stars include: Kirsten Robek (SG1's Divide and Conquer),

                      12:00 PM JEREMIAH TO SAIL BEYOND THE STARS

                      01:00 PM JEREMIAH THE BAG - Guest stars include: Ryan Robbins (SGA's Ladon Radim and Sanctuary's Henry Foss) and Mike Dopud (SG1's Bounty and SGA's Tracker)

                      02:00 PM JEREMIAH CITY OF ROSES - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Ingrid Kavelaars, Kandyse McClure, Michael Adamthwaite (SG1's Her'ak), Robert Moloney (SG1's 2001 and SGA's Ghost in the Machine)

                      January 29 '09

                      08:00 AM JEREMIAH FIREWALL - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Ingrid Kavelaars, Michael Rooker (SG1's Enemy Mine), Alex Zahara, Michael Kopsa (SG1's Gen. Kerrigan), Charles Payne (SG1 - SF in various episodes),

                      09:00 AM JEREMIAH THE RED KISS - Guest stars include: Vincent Gale (SG1's Nightwalkers), Tobias Mehler (SG1's Lt. Simmons), Aleks Paunovic (SG1's Redemption, Parts 1 & 2 and SGA's Broken Ties), Reece Thompson (SGA's Jinto)

                      10:00 AM JEREMIAH JOURNEY'S END IN LOVERS MEETING - Guest stars include: Alessandro Juliani (SG1's Scorched Earth and Moebius, Parts 1 & 2),

                      11:00 AM JEREMIAH THIEVES' HONOR - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Kimberly Hawthorne, Ingrid Kavelaars, Kandyse McClure, Ben Bass (SG1's The Curse), Zak Santiago, Alonso Oyarzun (SG1'a Bane)

                      12:00 PM JEREMIAH THE TOUCH - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Ingrid Kavelaars, JR Bourne (SG1's Martouf), Kirby Morrow (SG1's Cor-Ai and The Warrior, SGA's Capt. Dave Kleinman), Gabrielle Miller (SG1's Brief Candle), Kirsten Prout (SG1's Birthright),

                      01:00 PM JEREMIAH MOTHER OF INVENTION - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings

                      02:00 PM JEREMIAH TRIPWIRE - Guest stars include: Peter Stebbings, Ingrid Kavelaars, Kwesi Ameyaw, Robert Wisden, Alex Zahara

                      03:00 PM JEREMIAH RING OF TRUTH - Guest stars include: G. Patrick Currie (SG1's Fifth), Steve Bacic (SG1's Maj. Coburn and Camulus)
                      Last edited by morjana; 29 December 2008, 03:12 AM.

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        SG1/SGA - Cast in repeats of "Special Unit 2" on SciFi Channel:

                        January 20, 2009:

                        08:00 AM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE DEPTHS -

                        09:00 AM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE GRAIN - Guest stars include: NCIS' Pauley Perrette, Darryl Scheelar (SG1's Holiday, Watergate and Smoke and Mirrors),

                        10:00 AM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE SKIN - Guest stars include: Link Baker (SG1's The Light and Allegiance) and BSG's Mark Sheppard

                        11:00 AM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE YEARS -

                        12:00 PM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE INVISIBLE - Guest stars include: Andrew Johnston (SG1's Desperate Measures), NCIS' Pauley Perrette and Craig Veroni (SGA's Peter Grodin)

                        01:00 PM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE EVE - Guest stars include: Peter Bryant (SG1's Family, Affinity and End Game), John de Lancie (SG1's Col. Simmons), Bill Dow (SG1 and SGA's Dr. Bill Lee), Dagmar Midcap (SG1's The Fourth Horseman, Parts 1 & 2), NCIS' Pauley Perrette,

                        02:00 PM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE ROCKS - Guest stars include: Sonya Salomaa (SG1's Athena), Sebastian Spence (SG1's Death Knell),

                        03:00 PM SPECIAL UNIT 2 THE DRAG -

                        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                        Morjana's Blog Twitter


                          SG1/SGA - Cast in repeats of 'Dark Angel' on SciFi Channel:

                          January 28 '09

                          08:00 AM DARK ANGEL HARBOR LIGHTS - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Kwesi Ameyaw (SG1's Olokun and SGA's Outcast), Ben Cotton (SG1's Kavanaugh), Martin Cummins (SG1's Forsaken), Brian Markinson (SG1's Scorched Earth), Dagmar Midcap (SG1's The Fourth Horseman, Parts 1 & 2), Laara Sadiq (SG1's Control Room Tech seasons 2, 3 & 4), Sarah Strange (SG1's Morgan Le Fay), Craig Veroni (SGA's Peter Grodin), Jerry Wasserman (SG1's Touchstone and Inauguration)

                          09:00 AM DARK ANGEL LOVE IN VEIN - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Sean Amsing (SG1's COTG and Full Circle), Kevin Durand (SG1's Zipacna), Zak Santiago (SG1's Evolution, Parts 1 & 2), BSG's Rekha Sharma, Keegan Connor Tracy (SG1's Uninvited)

                          10:00 AM DARK ANGEL FUHGEDDABOUDIT - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles,

                          11:00 AM DARK ANGEL EXPOSURE - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Martin Cummins, Aaron Douglas (SG1's Maternal Instinct and Redemption, Part 2), Gabrielle Rose (SG1's Ark of Truth), Garwin Sanford (SG1's Narim and SGA's Simon), Malcolm Stewart (SG1's Cure) and Craig Veroni

                          12:00 PM DARK ANGEL HELLO, GOODBYE - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Martin Cummins, Kevin Durand, BSG's Kandyse McClure, Gabrielle Rose, Rekha Sharma and Craig Veroni

                          01:00 PM DARK ANGEL DAWG DAY AFTERNOON - Guest stars include: NCIS'
                          Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Martin Cummins, Kevin Durand, Mitchell Kosterman (SG1's Seth and Heroes, Parts 1 & 2), Dion Luther (SG1's 2010, 2001, and the voice of an Asgard in Red Sky and Fail Safe), Kandyse McClure, Dagmar Midcap, Gabrielle Rose, Darryl Scheelar (SG1's Holiday, Watergate and Smoke and Mirrors), Malcolm Stewart, Jorge Vargas (SG1's Emancipation) and Craig Veroni

                          02:00 PM DARK ANGEL SHE AIN'T HEAVY - Guest stars include: NCIS' Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Martin Cummins, Kevin Durand, Cameron Bright (SG1's The Fourth Horseman, Parts 1 & 2), Brian Jensen (SG1's Bloodlines and the voice of Freyr), Alessandro Juliani (SG1's Scorched Earth and Moebius, Parts 1 & 2), Brian Markinson (SG1's Scorched Earth), Malcolm Stewart and Craig Veroni

                          03:00 PM DARK ANGEL LOVE AMONG THE RUNES - Guest stars include: NCIS'
                          Michael Weatherly, Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Martin Cummins, Kevin Durand, Brian Jensen, Gabrielle Rose, Craig Veroni

                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            SG1/SGA - Cast in repeat episodes of 'Tru Calling' on SciFi Channel:

                            January 30 '09

                            08:00 AM TRU CALLING PILOT

                            09:00 AM TRU CALLING PUTTING OUT FIRES - Guest stars include: BSG's Michael Trucco, Reece Thompson (SGA's Jinto),

                            10:00 AM TRU CALLING BROTHER'S KEEPER - Guest stars include: Joe Flanigan

                            11:00 AM TRU CALLING PAST TENSE - Guest stars include: Kwesi Ameyaw (SG1's Olokun and SGA's Outcast)

                            12:00 PM TRU CALLING HAUNTED - Guest stars include: Chelah Horsdal (SG1's Lt. Womack and SGA's Tracker), House's Kal Penn

                            01:00 PM TRU CALLING STAR CROSSED

                            02:00 PM TRU CALLING MORNING AFTER - Guest stars include: Shane Meier (SG1's A Hundred Days),

                            03:00 PM TRU CALLING CLOSURE - Guest stars include: Garwin Sanford (SG1's Narim and SGA's Simon), Michael Adamthwaite (SG1's Her'ak), Daniel Bacon (SG1's Control Room Tech seasons 2, 3 & 4)

                            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                            Morjana's Blog Twitter


                              SG1 - Beau Bridges - MegaCon '09 - Orlando, FL:

                              From the Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL):

                              (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

                              MegaCon 2009--Beau Bridges, Lou ferrigno, Mickey Dolenz and others confirm

                              posted by OtownRog on Dec 29, 2008

                              As the new year beckons, it's time to start making plans to hit the first big O-town fanboy and fangirl convention of 2009, Megacon. The annual gathering in the Orange Co. Convention Center draws over 20,000 comic book, sci-fi, horror and fantasy fans. Lots of seminars, networking chances to meet folks who might want to market your idea for a comic book, people who will show you some of their makeup tricks.


                              Beau And there will be stars. This year, Megacon has booked Beau Bridges (Stargate, Max Payne,and many much better movies and TV shows), Lou Ferrigno, stars from the original Battlestar Gallactica (Dirk Benedict, Richard Hatch, Anne Lockhart) and its newer incarnation, folks from Star Wars (including Peter Mayhew) and Mickey Dolenz from The Monkees and the odd horror zombie movie.

                              Tickets to the convention run from $22 and change for a single day to $52 and change for a three day pass.





                              MegaCon 2009
                              February 27 - March 1st
                              Orange County Convention Center Hall D
                              9899 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819

                              Showroom Hours:
                              *Friday – 1-7pm
                              Saturday – 10am-6pm
                              Sunday – 10am-5pm

                              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                                Corin Nemec

                                There's a new promo for his web comedy, Star-ving, available at Seeing as this is a PG-13 forum, be warned, a certain level of (im)maturity is required.


                                The first episode is due to air on January 16th.

