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Ask the Authors (Fandemonium)

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    Originally posted by A Wraith Named Bob View Post
    Also, does anyone know if Fandemonium is going to re-open submissions? I've been to repeatedly and their Submissions page doesn't to appear to have been updated for several years. I even emailed them some time ago, but I never received a reply. Thanks in advance if you have any information.

    Keep up the wonderful work with the Stargate novels!
    Gosh, you and Ali will make me blush. Seriously, thanks very much. Love your login name, by the way.

    Regarding Fandy's submission policy: I don't know for sure, but I'm not aware of any plans to do another round of open submissions at this time. It's something they did in the early days of the SG-1 novel series, but as far as I know, all the Atlantis novels and the subsequent SG-1 novels have been arranged through professional channels. Couldn't hurt to ask again, of course, but I wouldn't get my hopes up -- sorry ...


      Originally posted by WhumpSheppie View Post
      I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the authors on this board for their superb writing skills that has resulted in so many great books.I do hope that many more are planned,but in the meantime,I can always read the books again Again,a big thank you from your swedish fan!
      A Swedish fan! Excellent! Where's Steve (the author, not the Wraith) when we need him?

      As it happens, my husband's scheduled for a business trip to Saab's facility in Linkoping (sorry, no idea how to get the right characters into that name) next month. Also, in case you're a hockey fan, I love Nick Lidstrom, Henrik Zetterberg and the whole Swedish subset of the Detroit Red Wings.

      Okay, I've run out of Sweden references. Welcome and thanks for checking in!


        Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post
        Gosh, you and Ali will make me blush. Seriously, thanks very much. Love your login name, by the way.

        Regarding Fandy's submission policy: I don't know for sure, but I'm not aware of any plans to do another round of open submissions at this time. It's something they did in the early days of the SG-1 novel series, but as far as I know, all the Atlantis novels and the subsequent SG-1 novels have been arranged through professional channels. Couldn't hurt to ask again, of course, but I wouldn't get my hopes up -- sorry ...
        Thanks for the info. Also thanks about my login name. I like yours too!
        Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


          I just finished reading Casualties of War and I thought it was wonderful. I thought the ending was well done and the emotion throughout the story and how it bonded the team was great.

          Thanks for the great story, Ms. Christensen.

          The following Spoilers aren't major, but for those who don't want to hear anything about the book before reading it, there are Spoiler tags, so...

          Right now, my mind is still on the ending, so my comments are mainly about that.

          I really enjoyed the conversation between Ronon and John. I always like hearing background about Ronon, especially regarding his military career. It often times seems as though in the show Ronon comes off as a big dumb brute, but he was actually a skilled and smart military man. I just thought that it was a great bonding moment between the two typically hard-edged, non-emotional characters.

          Also, I liked how you described the atrium beneath the sky-walk and expanded upon the sets shown on the show. It immersed me more into the story and Atlantis itself, making me feel like I was a part of the city.

          I also thought the letter from Lara Ford was a nice touch. It gave some closure to the Ford story (even if Ford may appear later in the show - doubt it, but...). The show tends to leave back doors open, for obvious reasons, but I enjoyed getting a sense of completion with his story.

          That said, I thoroughly enjoyed Casualties of War, and I plan on picking up The Chosen soon, the only SGA novel I have yet to read. Thanks for the story.
          Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


            Okay, just finished The Chosen. Fantastic. The whole sequence involving the Citadel and the Wraith, easily one of my favorite Atlantis moments. I really do love the Atlantis novels - aside from Blood Ties - and I can't wait for Mirror, Mirror.

            I'm really hoping we'll be seeing a Ronon and Jonas centered novel soon! Not together, of course, but separate ones. I'd love a pre-AoT novel with Jonas in and hearing about having to survive the Ori incursion on his planet.
            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


              Phew... just back from a manic trip to London... now, what's this I see about Swedes? (Elisabeth, if you are joining your hubby in Linköping let me know, I can get there in about an hour, and any excuse for dinner and a chat about the biz is always gratefully accepted)...


                Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                I'm really hoping we'll be seeing a Ronon and Jonas centered novel soon! Not together, of course, but separate ones. I'd love a pre-AoT novel with Jonas in and hearing about having to survive the Ori incursion on his planet.
                I'd like to see a novel involving Ronon and the some of the other runners out in the Pegasus Galaxy. In "Sateda", when Rodney used Ronon's Wraith tracking device to get his new location, he found around six other signals on the same frequency. While we can't be positive all of those signals are other runners, but some of them are bound to be. Plus, in a book, there a number of different ways that another runner could be introduced into a novel. Anyway, I just think it would be cool to see Ronon with a band of other Runners. That would be a Wraith-killing extravaganza!
                Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


                  Reply roundup ...

                  Originally posted by A Wraith Named Bob View Post
                  I just finished reading Casualties of War and I thought it was wonderful. I thought the ending was well done and the emotion throughout the story and how it bonded the team was great.

                  Thanks for the great story, Ms. Christensen.
                  Thank you, and by all means call me Beth. No sense making anyone try to remember which spelling variant of 'Christensen' is mine. If you like Ronon backstory, you might want to look for the short story I did for issue #19 of the Stargate magazine last winter: it was called "Waypoints" and featured a short scene of Ronon's pre-Runner life on Sateda. I think someone else (James, maybe?) has also done a Ronon story for the magazine.

                  Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                  Okay, just finished The Chosen. Fantastic. The whole sequence involving the Citadel and the Wraith, easily one of my favorite Atlantis moments. I really do love the Atlantis novels - aside from Blood Ties - and I can't wait for Mirror, Mirror.
                  You will not be disappointed with Mirror Mirror, let me tell you. I'm about halfway through it right now, and it sets a new standard by which all timeline-skewing/alternate universe plots should be measured.

                  Originally posted by StevenSavile View Post
                  Phew... just back from a manic trip to London... now, what's this I see about Swedes? (Elisabeth, if you are joining your hubby in Linköping let me know, I can get there in about an hour, and any excuse for dinner and a chat about the biz is always gratefully accepted)...
                  I wish I could, Steve, truly -- that would make a cool trip even cooler. Unfortunately I've got two reasons to stay stateside: my day job has some milestone-worthy flights coming up that week, and also there's the small matter of the baby that's due to arrive in September (which is part of my reason for missing out on Comic-Con as well) ... I'm not in the best shape for a transatlantic trip in an economy-class airline seat these days.


                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post
                    Reply roundup ...

                    Thank you, and by all means call me Beth. No sense making anyone try to remember which spelling variant of 'Christensen' is mine. If you like Ronon backstory, you might want to look for the short story I did for issue #19 of the Stargate magazine last winter: it was called "Waypoints" and featured a short scene of Ronon's pre-Runner life on Sateda. I think someone else (James, maybe?) has also done a Ronon story for the magazine.
                    Cool, thanks. I'll have to check it out. I usually don't read Stargate magazine for fear of spoilers, but if it's an older issue I shouldn't have to worry.

                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post

                    You will not be disappointed with Mirror Mirror, let me tell you. I'm about halfway through it right now, and it sets a new standard by which all timeline-skewing/alternate universe plots should be measured.
                    Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it. It's almost out!

                    Also, on a side note, are there going to be any SGA novels soon that take place in the fourth season?

                    Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


                      [quote=Elizabeth Christensen;8596091]Reply roundup ...

                      Thank you, and by all means call me Beth. No sense making anyone try to remember which spelling variant of 'Christensen' is mine. If you like Ronon backstory, you might want to look for the short story I did for issue #19 of the Stargate magazine last winter: it was called "Waypoints" and featured a short scene of Ronon's pre-Runner life on Sateda. I think someone else (James, maybe?) has also done a Ronon story for the magazine.

                      You will not be disappointed with Mirror Mirror, let me tell you. I'm about halfway through it right now, and it sets a new standard by which all timeline-skewing/alternate universe plots should be measured.

                      I wish I could, Steve, truly -- that would make a cool trip even cooler. Unfortunately I've got two reasons to stay stateside: my day job has some milestone-worthy flights coming up that week, and also there's the small matter of the baby that's due to arrive in September (which is part of my reason for missing out on Comic-Con as well) ... I'm not in the best shape for a transatlantic trip in an economy-class airline seat these days. [/quote]

                      SQUEE!!! A baby!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
                      And you're reading Mirror Mirror??? So not fair!!! I'm dying to get my hands on a copy. August isn't coming soon enough.


                        Hey, there! Checking in again at long last... Well, I've got an excuse. Don't I always have one? I've got a motorbike now Even mastered that most surprising of maneuvers, the wipeout. Ahem... Note: riders of a no higher than average pain threshold are advised to refrain from inserting any digits between the surface of the road and the end of the handlebar Having said that, it's got considerable whump potential... (I believe in testing out my whumpage, see?)

                        And no, Gategeek, I won't be riding the bike to Vancouver. Luggage rack is too small for the book crates

                        Beth, thanks so much for your kind words re: Mirror, Mirror. Here's hoping you'll still be saying the same once you're all the way through

                        By ways of a general update on that one, it's at the printers' as we speak, so hopefully publication will be on track. At the very least I should be able to bring copies to Gatecon


                          Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
                          Hey, there! Checking in again at long last... Well, I've got an excuse. Don't I always have one? I've got a motorbike now Even mastered that most surprising of maneuvers, the wipeout. Ahem... Note: riders of a no higher than average pain threshold are advised to refrain from inserting any digits between the surface of the road and the end of the handlebar Having said that, it's got considerable whump potential... (I believe in testing out my whumpage, see?)

                          And no, Gategeek, I won't be riding the bike to Vancouver. Luggage rack is too small for the book crates

                          Beth, thanks so much for your kind words re: Mirror, Mirror. Here's hoping you'll still be saying the same once you're all the way through

                          By ways of a general update on that one, it's at the printers' as we speak, so hopefully publication will be on track. At the very least I should be able to bring copies to Gatecon

                          Hey Doctor Professor Sabine!!

                          Sorry to hear about the self inflicted whump! As we say on the whump thread - "Whump Shep, not self"! But I do admire your dedication to actually testing out whump first-hand.

                          Glad to hear the book is still on track, if I can't snag a copy before leaving for GateCon, I'll be able to grab one there. Provided they arrive of course.


                            Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
                            At the very least I should be able to bring copies to Gatecon
                            Yay! Then at least I will have something to read on the way back.
                            Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

                            More Action Figure Theater at


                              Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post
                              I think someone else (James, maybe?) has also done a Ronon story for the magazine.
                              Nope, not me; although Ronon does get to the chance to do some asskickery in my SGA novel Halcyon...

                              Best wishes to the mum-to-be!

                              Out Now:
                              Stargate Universe: Air, Stargate Atlantis: Nightfall, Stargate SG-1: Relativity and Stargate Atlantis: Halcyon (from Fandemonium Books)
                              Stargate SG-1: Half Life, Stargate SG-1: First Prime, Stargate Atlantis: Zero Point and Stargate SG-1: Shell Game (from Big Finish Productions)
                              "Outsiders" (Stargate: The Official Magazine #20), "Choices" (Stargate: The Official Magazine #10)


                                Originally posted by JMSwallow View Post
                                Nope, not me; although Ronon does get to the chance to do some asskickery in my SGA novel Halcyon...

                                Best wishes to the mum-to-be!
                                I believe the short story being referred to is "A Pebble on the Cairn" by Jaimie Duncan which appeared in Stargate SG-1/Atlantis: The Official Magazine 14.

