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The Beds In Atlantis

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    lol sorry for te aggro but im getting annoyed, and yes the telportation of waste/dematerialisation would not be viasble for an entire people becuase ud have to sensor the obdy b4hand and that is invasion of privacy especially in those areas, i dont think even the nacient were that open.
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
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    11000! green me


      It is not like you would have a person scanning the body the sensors could be programed to search for the large intestine and bladder, then remove the waste automatically, they wouldn't need a third party to scan.

      Owen Macri


        Originally posted by immhotep
        lol sorry for te aggro but im getting annoyed, and yes the telportation of waste/dematerialisation would not be viasble for an entire people becuase ud have to sensor the obdy b4hand and that is invasion of privacy especially in those areas, i dont think even the nacient were that open.
        you would be scaned by a computer, it's not like they would put it up on a big screen tv for all to see


          Yes, it would be far more logical to have a computer do the scanning, then the effort of the crew would not be sacrificed and it could prevent human error, or in this case, Ancient error. lol.

          Owen MAcri


            but even if a computer done it there would be a record and it might get weird also the body is very complex thing to scan and then take out specific liquids, u might remove blood or the water from cells as well a urine. which could kill people, actually it might be a good weapon as well come to think of it!
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              The computer wouldn't need to make a record of it, I am also pretty sure that a computer has knowledge of the body and has already seen those parts before, and it would also need to have prior knowledge of the body to complete the scan. However it is just a computer. I assume that you go to the washroom in a toilet. Do you mind that you are naked near the toilet? It is the same thing as having a computer scan your excretory system to transport out all waste.

              I assume that the Ancients have perfected the technology required to complete a scan of the body and beam out only the necesary pieces of waste.

              You are right randomly beaming out body parts would be a good weapon.

              Owen Macri


                I have to say that it would be one wierd toilet...
                JACKSON: ...I mean isn't that why we're doing this, all of this? The Stargate program, the budget? Isn't it so we can go and meet new races, gather advanced technology and possibly learn about ourselves in the process?
                VALA: Oh, come on! you do it to meet women.
                MITCHELL: She has a point, sir.
                : I've been thinking I need to get out on an offworld mission or two.
                Get FireFox! Browse with Tabs!
                Stargate Omega, Now a vBulletin!
                Mmm... Green...


                  To me it seems like an excuse for technology, The tried and tested way is best imo. If its not broken dont fix it!


                    Originally posted by Owen Macri
                    Well that was stupid of me, for the waste to be transported out it must be dematerialized. Sorry!

                    Owen Macri
                    Well it MIGHT not have to be. Though methinks that it could get a bit uncomfortable if it wasn't.

                    More likely they just use toilets similar to ours or maybe what we use in space. A more advanced version perhaps, but probably about the same.

                    Or maybe the ancients just chamberpots. :-)


                      I would have to assume that if you have the technology to dematerialize every molecule of a human body, store the information, and put it all back in the same exact formation without the loss of a single hair, you'd have the ability to specify what parts, you want where. It's not as if poop is floating around the rest of your body... if you know where it is, no reason that I can see, that, you can't get rid of just that.

                      On the other hand, I would think the ancients would be cautious about excessive use of technology. They couldn't have survived millions of years without learning some of the lessons we're learning right now, such as it's better to walk than use the escalator/elevator/transporter; Using water to wash is a lot more fun than dry scrubbing and a lot less dangerous than other cleaning technologies I could think up; And letting your body do what's natural is sometimes necessary. If your body gets into the habit of depending on technology for functions that work just fine normally, getting it to work without that technology could be a bit problematic.

                      I believe that they wouldn't rely on much tecnology to see to sleeping, pooping, peeing or eating. Some of those are actually pleasant the good old fashioned way.

                      "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                        Now the Asgard, on the other hand...
                        JACKSON: ...I mean isn't that why we're doing this, all of this? The Stargate program, the budget? Isn't it so we can go and meet new races, gather advanced technology and possibly learn about ourselves in the process?
                        VALA: Oh, come on! you do it to meet women.
                        MITCHELL: She has a point, sir.
                        : I've been thinking I need to get out on an offworld mission or two.
                        Get FireFox! Browse with Tabs!
                        Stargate Omega, Now a vBulletin!
                        Mmm... Green...


                          Actually it is far more logical to dematerialize waste compared to filtering into the ocean and or space. As I have said before, the concept of sticking our garbage in places that it won't bug us is an incredibly incredibly stupid one, infact it is the stupidest! Eventually the garbage and waste will build up and you will have no where to put it, the Ancients, being such an advanced race would realize that, with acces to technology that will offer alternatives to landfilling, such as 100% matter/energy conversion, would make the whole waste removal process far more logical. It is far more likley that the Ancients, being such and advanced race and with acces to alternative technologies, would use some of those technologies and not simply crap in container of water and flush it into an ocean.

                          Originally posted by Unamed
                          To me it seems like an excuse for technology, The tried and tested way is best imo. If its not broken dont fix it!
                          Actually right now the tried and tested way is incredibly illogical, and is not even close to the best way, the only reason that it is used is because it is the only option that we have as of now, that is costworthy and not even more wastefull.

                          Originally posted by MarshAngel
                          On the other hand, I would think the ancients would be cautious about excessive use of technology. They couldn't have survived millions of years without learning some of the lessons we're learning right now, such as it's better to walk than use the escalator/elevator/transporter; Using water to wash is a lot more fun than dry scrubbing and a lot less dangerous than other cleaning technologies I could think up; And letting your body do what's natural is sometimes necessary. If your body gets into the habit of depending on technology for functions that work just fine normally, getting it to work without that technology could be a bit problematic.
                          Actually this would not be excessivew use of technology it would in fact be, logical reasonable use of technology. The only reason that it seems excessive is because, to you, our current methods seem to work and seem incredibly reasonable and succesful. However as I have previously stated it is not, it is an incredibly stupid method and is not succesfull at all, it only succeeds in getting the waste out of our way.

                          However since human waste can be decomposed it is ok to give it back to the Earth, it will be decomposed and reused, however filtering through a complex sytem of waterways. Dematerializing it and either simply leaving it as energy or even transporting it to the mainland to be decomposed would be acceptable. However, the way that we get rid of human waste that we use is unreasonable and since the Ancients have technology to provide other solutions they would institute them.

                          Owen Macri


                            Originally posted by Owen Macri
                            Actually right now the tried and tested way is incredibly illogical, and is not even close to the best way, the only reason that it is used is because it is the only option that we have as of now, that is costworthy and not even more wastefull.

                            Actually this would not be excessivew use of technology it would in fact be, logical reasonable use of technology. The only reason that it seems excessive is because, to you, our current methods seem to work and seem incredibly reasonable and succesful. However as I have previously stated it is not, it is an incredibly stupid method and is not succesfull at all, it only succeeds in getting the waste out of our way.

                            However since human waste can be decomposed it is ok to give it back to the Earth, it will be decomposed and reused, however filtering through a complex sytem of waterways. Dematerializing it and either simply leaving it as energy or even transporting it to the mainland to be decomposed would be acceptable. However, the way that we get rid of human waste that we use is unreasonable and since the Ancients have technology to provide other solutions they would institute them.

                            Owen Macri
                            I think you're a bit too focused on the idea of waste. The issue of waste only occurs once waste matter leaves the body. My reference to an excessive use of technology is in regards to the manner in which waste matter leaves the body not what you do with it once it does.

                            Of course it's practical to dematerialize waste and recycle it once it's out of the body. Using technology to transport it from the body is not necessarily good for the human body however. Unused muscles atrophy and all that, and you cant depend on technology to be there for you all the time no matter how advanced you are. It's just not wise.

                            Taking a dump the old fashioned way has worked very well for quite a few million years. That part of the process doesn't require much improvement, besides metamucil.

                            The after however, could be improved on.

                            I'm betting, if the ancients didn't find away to make use of all parts of what they consume, that they went potty the old fashioned way. What they did with it after was probably something really cool, like separating it into it's base parts and using it as raw material for anything and everything.

                            "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                              I understand your point and I could accept that... However if you always were able to use the transportation technology to beam waste from the body than you wouldn't need those muceles anyways, all though it might not be healthy for the body. So, I could agree that maybe the waste could be excreted normally for the human race and then dematerialized and utilised. I thought you were refering to the overuse of technology in terms of dematerializng the waste, I appoligize.

                              Owen Macri


                                Just out of curiosity:

                                How did we manage to end up talking human waste disposal in a thread meant to talk about beds? Amusing in some respects.

