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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    **Hive 95 - Devearaux**

    Jimmy: *shows the Wraith various photo illustrations of both large and special case enclosure examples from Boris's hive, pointing out their features and how the different species interact with them. He points out how encloses that were designed for the flammable or strange-smelling species that had to be air-tight, for obvious reasons, have technology that is also good for water-proof enclosures. He also shows 3D graphic displays of design and materials schematics that Bullseye helped to make with his engineering software.*

    **Hive 95 - Zen**

    Bullseye: Thank you. We would like to create an itinerary and necessary appointments for visiting Zen tomorrow. Can you tell us about the different areas of Zen and what you recommend?


      **Hive 95 - Zen**

      Zelda: Zen offers a lot. We have full massages and meditation rites. *Zelda leads Bullseye and Orb around Zen* First off, we have the massage suites. These rooms are specifically designed for maximum relaxation. We have fully certified massage therapists as well as a wide variety of massages. We have massages that range from our 15-minute re-energizer to our 2 hour complete Works body massage. And anything in between. You may even request a massage of your own liking if you choose. *Zelda moves on to the Nutrition center.* The Nutrition center supports many natural wraith supplements. We are also incorporating a human line of nutritional supplements. We offer these supplements free of charge as part of our massage packages. Or you can even take a set of supplements home, also free of charge. *The group comes to the expansive entry ways leading to the beach and the forest.*
      We have our reknowned beach front, off to the left, and our Meditation forest to the right. Both are very expansive and offer many opportunities for solace and relaxation. The beach front consists of a beach about 2000 feet long. It does get full sometimes, so if you choose to use the beach, get here early in the day. The popular meditation forest can get full as well. It offers a couple trails, ranging from paved surfaces to bare rock trail. We have a low impact trail, a mid-range trail and a challenging trail that includes a steep sliff climb. There is a river, waterfalls, bridges and the complete nature walk trail as well. We have forest animals as well. *Zelda lets Bullseye and Orb take peeks into the beach front and meditation forest. When they are done, she continues.*
      If you are interested in scheduling a massage, you may do so now. All services are free of charge. Massages require reservations, while the beach front and meditation forest are on a first come first serve basis. Though you don't usually have to worry about getting turned down from those two. The nutrition center is open, and you are free to select and take anything on the shelves. Zen will try it's best to make special accommodations if needed. Do you have any additional questions or concerns?
      *Zelda waits as Bullyseye and Orb take in Zen and decide what to do.*


        **Hive 95 - Zen**

        Bullseye: I have two questions. What are the Wraith supplements and do you have forest trail maps?


          **Hive 95- Zen**

          Zelda: The wraith supplements are like energy drinks and things to give you energy or essential wraith nutrients. Sometimes you can't eat when you want or can't get enough nutrients, so the supplements serve to fill in what you need. Feel free to look over the selection. As for the meditation forest, there are maps, just stop in at the Trail Guide just as you enter, you can't miss the Trail guide hut.


            **Hive 95- Zen**

            Bullseye: Thanks. *selects some supplements for himself and Orb and hands them to Orb to carry* Do you get many human visitors at Hive 95 and Zen? As long as you have a massage program for my worshipper too, we can schedule a full massage for the two of us for tomorrow evening.

            Orb: *looks at Zelda with curiosity and some degree of envy. Zelda is the first full-grown Wraith female or Queen she has ever seen up close and in person*


              **Hive 95 - Zen.**

              *Zelda watches as Bullseye takes some supplements from the Nutrition center.*

              Zelda: We don't get human visitors often. But we have gotten an occassional visit from the Lantean Expedition. For the most part, from going through their database, we've learned that humans enjoy some similar things that wraith enjoy. Massages and relaxing seem to be a big thing among humans. TW and Queen Amadala conferred greatly with me in the creation of Zen. *Zelda has been walking about Zen as she answered Bullseye's question. She had brought the small group to the front desk. Another wraith was sitting at the terminal. Zelda looked at her.*

              Zelda: Marien, please schedule two complete Works body massages for Bullseye and Orb here. They wish for an evening slot. Look to see what we have.

              Marien (accessing the terminal): Well, we have 7pm and 8pm open.

              Zelda: (Glancing at the terminal) Will either of those two times work? Do you wish to go at the same time or different times? It appears that 7pm is the only time we can accommodate both of you at the same time. Otherwise 8pm will work, but you will both have to go at slightly different times.


                **Hive 95 - Zen.**

                Bullseye: *looks at Orb* How about 7PM? We could start the day with a morning beach walk, then walk through the mid-level trails and the nature walk.

                Orb: Sure, that will get us back home to Boris's hive a good time too.

                Bullseye: *to Marien* 7PM will be perfect.


                  Betua:We are receiving an incoming transmission from a Tau'ri ship . They thank us for recovering it and for the warning and that they can take it from here.

                  Safaria: very well. Set course for our home system. I, for one, need a vacation from being queen.

                  Betua: *nodded and set the hive on auto pilot before retiring to his quarters.


                    **Hive 95 - Zen**

                    Zelda: 7pm? Great. I'll put you in for that time. *Fills out a reminder card and hands it to Bjullseye.* Be at Zen approximately 10 minutes prior to your appointment. Should you need to reschedule, send a message, traditional or via telepath as soon as possible. The Works complete body massage will take about 2 hours if you want the full procedure. Otherwise it can be ended at any time you desire. I haven't known anyone who ever left a Works massage session early though.


                      **Hive 95 - Zen**

                      Bullseye: Thanks. *puts the reminder card in one of his coat pockets as he turns to leave with Orb in tow*

                      Bullseye and Orb: *make their way to their guest room, where they drop off Orb's tote bag and look over their room. Orb grabs a powerbar. They then make their way to Wraithworld*
                      Last edited by WraithTech; 09 November 2010, 05:41 AM.


                        *****Safaria's Hive (is Hive 42 taken?)*****
                        Hugin and Munin continue their study of the strange artifact. so far they have found only that it is a rock and, for some unexplained reason, broadcasts a code that seems to mean nothing in any known language..

                        After a short argument about the absurdity of Hugin's hypothesis, Munin retires to his quarters early leaving Hugin to proceed the tests. Laying out several sterilize test diskettes (equivalent to earthian petri-dishes) each holding stem cells of several species including wraith and human, he sets for direct exposure to the broadcasts. Their human assistants had had to leave due to a throbbing headache they got whenever they where around it, thus, his inclusion of human cells.

                        After an hour he returned to check on his samples. He placed one of the dishes under the electron microscope and studied the screen. He did the same with the other samples.

                        "This is the audio log of Hugin, chief researcher on Hive 42 reporting on experiment 240. It appears that, only after an hour, the all the cells except wraith show astonishing rate of growth. I will have to observe more until I can report on a conclusive deduction on what this could mean."


                          **Hive 95 – Wraithworld**

                          Bullseye and Orb first make their way to the roller coaster that Kit was stuck on in the last visit. Orb explains to Bullseye the concept of waiting in line and a bit about the different types of rides are likely available.

                          Wraith visiting from other hives see Wraith tech cable wrapped around Orb’s waist, Wraith silk shirt, and calm behavior, immediately knowing she is a worshipper and of no further interest. They are focusing instead on Bullseye, speculating he is from Boris’s hive. The corners of Bullseye’s mouth turn up slightly as he picks up amusing curiosity on the Wraith telepathic network, such as wondering if he can still give the Gift of Life and if it is true that his hive has extraordinary, secret technology and weapons.

                          OOC: The game guides are updated to include Hugin, Munin, and the alternate name for Safaria's Hive is Hive 42.


                            ******Hive 42- media room******
                            Munin reviews the vid and audio logs Tagnarth and Eratai collected on the U.S.G. Ishumura (the name of the mining ship they found with the beasties ). After an hour he gives up. Human Politics if far too strange for him to even begin to fathom. whatever happened the ship shouldn't have been there, a coalition of Earth governments had placed a no fly order to the entire system. No matter how rich the Aegis system was with mineral, their government had a reason to shut it off. From what he could gather a large part of the blame was placed on this strange cult that had started on earth 200 years prior, they found the artifact on Aegis 7 and venerated it as divine, it was they who were in charge of Ishumura and key positions of authority in the C.E.C mining corporation.

                            Hugin had insisted to continue study of the artifact but, what if the same thing happens here that happened on the Ishumura? Munin had to convince Safaria to return the articact to the Aegis system. Yes, Hugin's studies indicate that Wraith are not affected but, humans made up a considerably large portion of the population on Safaria's hive this could be very bad. The specialist in human psychology aboard had reported an increase of insomnia and paranoia and of course there was the regrettable incident where one of the human's had killed his research team an himself. Munin didn't know much about humans but he assumed that lack of sleep must not be a good thing for them.

                            After a sigh he sent the logs to Safaria with a Telepathic message of his report and warning about this "marker" as the cultist called it. He then began reviewing his brother's report on the bio samples of that organic stuff that had started to grow on the in the vents and on the hull. He hoped that his queen would agree with him and get the artifact off her ship.


                              ******Hive 42 - Engineering *****

                              Safaria hastens into the engine room where the alarm had been triggered, there she find Betua and worshiper Jacob Temple attempt to restrain another worshiper who was thrashing and fighting them every step.

                              "what is going on here?" She calmly inquired of Betua.

                              Betua hesitated before responding, "we caught him sabotaging the engine" He readjusted his grip on Sedjec, "with that device" he gestured to a small crudely made device lying feet away from the warp core.

                              "He severed the power line to the port engines, I came here to see what had happened and found him tampering with the engine core" Jacob panted.

                              Safaria appraised Sedjec before pressing, "Sedjec, is this true?"

                              Sedjec stopped his thrashing and met Safaria's eyes. "No, my Queen!! Jacob set me up!"

                              "What? he's lying! ask Betua he was there!" Jacob protested making the mistake of loosening his grip as Sedjec landed a well aimed strike, knocking his human companion to the floor.

                              Betua barely had time to duck away as a concealed weapon flashed from inside Sedjec's sleeve and nearly severed his jugular. He caught the next blow across his brow leaving a clean precise line as his green blood seeped out. Safaria hissed two simple words under her breath before a flash of purple light and three tendrils from the ship snapped out binding the traitor tightly, Betua and Jacob moved quickly to help Tagnarth and his security teams take him to the holding cells.

                              Safaria looked at Sedjec sadly as he was taken away. Betua's heart stopped for an instant, he had only seen this expression once before and he had hoped then that his queen would never have to wear it again.

                              *******for Orb who painstakingly tries to keep up with my character introductions

                              Sedjec: is from Dominaria like my character, and in fact we were friends in childhood. Safaria has know us for a very long time.

                              Jacob Temple: Earthian obviously. He is second engineer to Betua.

                              And for the mysterious "device" that Sedjec made, well, its Phyrexian-based as they soon discover and that it contains what is know as Flowstone (which I will explain in a later post)********
                              Last edited by Replicator Fifth; 04 January 2011, 07:45 PM.


                                *DS and Tommy take a small cruiser and leave Boris's hive to make a trip through Copelandia's star system*

                                DS: Will you let me fly? Pleasepleaseplease! I promise I won't fly screwdrivers again.

                                Tommy: Okay so. But be–

                                DS: *takes the controls and accelerates the ship*

                                Tommy: Carefuuuuuul!

                                Random post is random

