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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    Bullseye: *nods respectfully to Bo Levar in greetings*

    Orb: nice to meet you, Bo Levar. I'm glad that you arrived safely.

    Bullseye: *sees a model engine sounding and bells chiming at a road crossing* Why do they make those noises?

    Orb: Remember, humans are not telepathic; the loud sounds warn other humans that the engines are coming. They don’t make those sounds continually, but I like them.

    Bullseye: *hasn’t made up his mind if he likes them or not* They are…distinctive.


      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
      Bullseye: *nods respectfully to Bo Levar in greetings*

      Orb: nice to meet you, Bo Levar. I'm glad that you arrived safely.

      Bullseye: *sees a model engine sounding and bells chiming at a road crossing* Why do they make those noises?

      Orb: Remember, humans are not telepathic; the loud sounds warn other humans that the engines are coming. They don’t make those sounds continually, but I like them.

      Bullseye: *hasn’t made up his mind if he likes them or not* They are…distinctive.
      Bo Levar: *Listens to Orb's Explanation* fascinating...

      Joanna: kind of hard to sensitive ears...*is covering said ears lightly*

      Betua: This is new *agreeing with Bullseye*


        Orb: Look at this, Bullseye, a model turntable at work. *points* The rotating railed-platform keeps the engines from having to back up into the building.

        Bullseye: It's clever, for something that can't fly or beam things into storage. It is a good idea though, like autopilot docking for darts.

        (((OOC: RF, can you please send me a character description for Bo Levar? Thanks! )))


          **The guests all look at the trains. Intrigued by the toy models and such. TW and Lucas go to the O-scale layouts and set up two trains so they head toward each other. Before anyone knows, the sound of crashing trains fills the air. TW and Lucas are having too much fun crashing the big trains together. The smaller scale trains negotiate their layouts. Kit is fascinated. In his bid to see a train up close, he reaches out and grabs a car of a passing train. The entire trains flips off the tracks. One of the wraith caretakers for the Train Museum admonishes Kit gently, asking him to not touch the trains. But Kit has already run to Dray and Michael, holding up two of the train cars he plucked off the train. Some of the guests explore the control knobs for the trains. They watch as the trains speed up and slow down as they turn the knobs. The guests peruse the displays and exhibits, detailing major moments in earth railroad history. The train museum caretakers are starting to get upset with TW and Lucas, as they are still crashing the big trains together. Some wraith just stare at the passing trains, as if lulled into sleep or zoning out completely.**


            Bullseye: *looks up from reading about railroad history and watches TW and Lucas crash trains* Does that really happen?

            Orb: Yes, mistakes sometimes happen and there are also deliberate, controlled train crash tests to test engineering quality. The crashes are worse in real life because the trains derail and spill their cargo. This is fun to watch though.

            Bullseye: *looks at the scale of the trains to the humans in the photos* That has to make a mess-- even more of a mess than a wayward Wraith at an exploding chocolate fountain!

            Orb: *laughs again at the mention of the wayward Wraith incident*


              KM: *Watches the trains crashing into each other with amusement* I hope they don't break anything important...

              Azrael: *Fiddling with controls a bit too enthusiastically* ^_^


                Bullseye: *sees the train signals and semaphores (link) and is wondering if they are like Wraith vehicle consoles (link)* Does the red light mean that a self-destruct code has been activated? Is that why the engines are being crashed?

                Orb: *laughs* No, TW and Lucas are crashing the model trains for fun. The combinations of colors on the signals are just communications to the driver on how to proceed... to avoid crashes.


                  *As the museum visitors are looking over the displays and enjoying the model engine crashes, hive medics Bernard and Konrad weave their way through the crowd to check up on the wayward Wraith and the Wraiths who were staring at their table settings earlier in the evening. Everyone is back to normal now and cleared for piloting their darts.*


                    *TW and Lucas are crashing the big O-scale trains together still. One of the museum care takers comes over.*

                    Caretaker: Gentlemen, remember the last time you did this and the 44ACW's ended up broken? *TW and Lucas start laughing, remembering the hilarious crash incident being referenced.* Well, we can't have broken ACW's again. So if you want to crash the trains, use these GP-38's instead. The ACW's are too expensive to fix. *At that, the caretaker swaps out the 44ACW locomotives for the GP-38 locomotives. TW and Lucas grunt with dis-satisfaction.* Listen you two. At least I am allowing you to still have your fun. *At that, the caretaker leaves to head to the back room.*

                    *The guests are very intrigued at the various history displays and the exhibits. Kit is running around, still holding the two train cars he plucked from the train earlier. He is constantly showing them to Dray and Michael. Some of the wraith see a full size 44ACW sitting in the corner of the museum. They go to the locomotive and look over it intently. Bullseye, and the other Wraith seem really interested in the locomotive, never having seen one before. Kit, in the meantime, has made his way up the steps at the front of the locomotive. The 44ACW's service door was propped open, left so by the cleaning staff earlier in the day. Kit crawls inside and explores the locomotive's control cab. He crawls into the drivers seat looking out the windows. A bright silver knob on the control panel catches Kit's attention. A moment later, the blast of the train horn makes everyone jump.*

                    OOC: This is a 44ACW. It is a class of diesel electric/hybrid diesel electric locomotive. It's designed for regional/long haul trips. Generally these units weigh about 190 tons. This is also what is sitting in the corner of the train museum, full scale. General Electric corporation built the original Dash 9, which is what the 44ACW is based off of. The GE Dash 9 44ACW is the technical name for one of these locomotives. These are units are reported to be so powerful, that only 10 of these locomotives can move an aircraft carrier. (In fact, in most cases, only two of these units can move trains up to 10,000 tons. On trains above 10,000 tons, a 3rd unit is usually added.)

                    This is a GP-38. This unit is generally older than the Dash 9 above. It was the original workhorse of the US freight railroad system until Ge released the Dash 9 and Dash 8 classes diesels.

                    Last edited by TechnoWraith; 14 October 2010, 09:56 PM.


                      Kit: Mreeep!

                      Dray: Woah! Sounds like Kit found the horn

                      Michael: >.< Yes, I noticed.
                      If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                        Bullseye and Orb: >.< >.<

                        Orb: Yaaaaayyy!

                        Bullseye: Yes, that was distinctive. I think I prefer the model train horns.

                        Orb: They are better heard from a distance.

                        *After everyone has a laugh at Kit with the train horn and settles down, Wraiths start to part ways to head back to their hives.

                        Bullseye and Orb: *go to take a closer look at the engine one more time*


                          Bullseye: *is sitting in the train engine driver’s seat with Orb and looking over the controls, comparing and contrasting them to the ones in Wraith spacecraft. He gets ready to go back to Boris’s hive, where most his hivemates have already gone.* I was thinking that a train horn sound could be installed on my dart.

                          Orb: Oh! Did you decide that you like the sound after all?

                          Bullseye: I was thinking an enemy would be very startled by it.

                          Orb: I could see that. *telepathically to Bullseye while walking back to the dart bay* So, what are we talking about tonight?

                          Bullseye: *telepathically to Orb, nodding in ackowledgement to any Wraith he passes along the way* Is it that obvious? How about… your first visit to hive with a more traditional mindset, what you would do if I served under such a hive (not that I would want to leave Boris’s hive though), traditional Wraith views on being sustainers and managers rather than as destroyers, predictions on the futures of human worlds in our territory…

                          Orb: *telepathically to Bullseye while being helped into his dart* We are going to be up talking for a while!


                            *DS and Tommy saunter slowly back to their dart and talk about the eventful evening, about Kit's adventure, the train museum, the delicious food and of course the wayward Wraith*

                            DS: That was amazing. A very interesting evening! Now I'm getting a bit sleepy though. It's about time we went home. *stifles a yawn*

                            Tommy: *putting an arm around DS's waist while guiding her towards their dart* It's a bit late to go back to earth. What would you say if we took a guest room on Boris's hive for the night?

                            DS: I have a better idea. We have spent the whole day being on board a hiveship – not that I don't like it – but we could also fly over to the island, get thick warm blankets from the matter converter and spend the night under the starry sky on one of the hills.

                            Tommy: Even better!


                              *KM and Azrael stroll slowly back to the dart bay, occasionally laughing as they talk over the evenings events.*

                              KM: Well that was certainly a night to remember. Back to earth?

                              Azrael: If we head back to earth now, we'll wake up all your neighbours.

                              KM: Hmmm. While that's not such a bad idea, I don't feel that evil. Fly around until we think of somewhere to go?

                              Azrael: Permission to fly like a lunatic?

                              KM: Permission granted.


                                **Hive 95 Dartbay 3**

                                *The guests are making their way to their Darts. Devon, TW, and Virgil see the guests to the dartbay. One by one the darts and ships leave the bay. Pretty soon, the bay stands almost empty, except for a few unused Darts in the far corner of the bay. Virgil returns to Devearaux to make sure closing procedures are going smoothly. Devon and TW decide to walk the halls of Hive 95. As TW turns with Devon to head back out of the bay, he notices a small insect on the floor. He picks it up, eyeing it closely. Devon turns to see TW staring at the insect. He comes over.*

                                Devon (looking at the insect): Looks like a replicator form probe. I've read about these in the database.

                                TW: What is one of these doing here? Are we being spied on?

                                Devon: I don't think so. We would have to bring the probe to Gordon and Wraithguyver. They will tell us for sure.

                                *TW and Devon take the probe to Tech Engineering. Surprisingly, they find Gordon still in the labs, hunched over a computer screen. He looks up when TW and Devon enter.*

                                Gordon: Hey TW and Devon. What's up?

                                *TW places the probe on the counter in front of Gordon.*

                                TW: Found this in the dartbay as guests were leaving.

                                *Gordon looks at the insect probe carefully. He runs a few tests on it and then smiles.*

                                Gordon: It's a watcher probe. Yes, it is a probe that is designed for spying, but this particular probe is not transmitting data. In fact, it has a hive identifier on it. I think we can inform our guests from Boris's hive that they lost a probe.

                                TW: You think they would spy on us?

                                Gordon: No. No one is spying on us. This probe is deactivated. I've pulled the video data off the probe. *Gordon swings a monitor around for TW and Gordon to see. It shows Wraithworld, and the rollercoaster car where Kit was rescued from. The video shows Bullseye climbing the steep ladders and walkways to reach the car, then plucking Kit from the car . The video ends when Kit is scene with everyone at the rollercoaster ride entrance. The field of view swings in wide arcs as the insect probe flies in circles around the rollercoaster car and the general area around it.* Data collection from the probe stopped when Kit was rescued. Since then, no data transmission or activity has been detected.

                                Devon: That is good. We will inform Boris's hive that they lost a probe then? *TW nods*

                                TW: Sounds like a plan. *Transmits to Boris Hive* To Boris's Hive: We found a replicator form insect probe that was used to aid in kit's rescue. If anyone on your hive would like the probe back, we will ship it back to your hive at your convenience. For now, Gordon, keep the probe here in the lab. Get some rest. It's been quite an evening.

                                Devon: Yes it has. *He smiles at the success of showcasing Devearaux to Boris's hive and other wraith nearby. It would mean that new customers may grace his tables soon. TW, Devon and Gordon all leave tech engineering. They part their separate ways as they each head to their respective private quarters for the night.*

