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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Kenny's Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Rhys: *telepatically and aloud* No... I don't pick up an answer and I still can't sense Kit.

    DS: He should have heard that. But maybe he can't reply for some reason. He's still trying to get the hang of telepathy.

    *DS and Rhys follow Teyla and Ronon*


      Sheppard: I don’t think the halls intersect, but I will keep an eye on the progress of our two search parties with this. *pulls out a life signs detector*

      Bullseye: *looks at the blinking dots on the life signs detector and lowers his eyelids a little in thought. He notices he is the only Wraith in this part of the search party and, more importantly, it took him so long to notice. He decides to analyze that fact later* Thanks. We appreciate it.


        Sheppard: You're welcome. I will continue to monitor the life signs detector and keep track of our trail. Rodney, Jennifer, please check the left side of the hall for tiny footprints, handprints, or anomalies in the floors and walls at Kit's level. Orb, Bullseye, please check the right side. *walks ahead and congratulates himself with a smirk on taking the lead and placing the two syrupy couples behind him*


          KM: *Looks around her group* Did we all end up in this group?

          Azrael: Bullseye and Orb are not here, the must have went with Sheppard.

          KM: Hmm. Perhaps we should have went with them.

          Azrael: Well we can't exactly go walking off on our own to find them now, can we? They'll be fine. Sheppard's nice enough. For a human



            *Suddenly Ronon stops and holds up his hand*

            Ronon: Quiet. *he listens* Did you hear that?

            DS: *shakes her head and looks at Rhys who also shakes his head*

            Teyla: What is it?

            Ronon: Thought I heard som'thin'. Like a door opening.

            Teyla: Where did it come from?

            Ronon: *points down a corridor* That way.

            DS: *wants to yell for Kit again but thinks better of it in case they'd not hear more mysterious noises*


              Bullseye and Orb: *stop and concentrate on what they are telepathically gleaning from the other group*

              Sheppard: *radios to Teyla* Did you find something?

              Teyla: *quietly into her radio* Ronon thinks he heard a door opening. We are going to investigate.

              Keller: *overhears* Well, should we join them?

              Sheppard: Let's keep searching this wing first.


                DS: *is keeping her breath and listens strainedly into the corridor* I don't hear anything.

                Ronon: *walks away and picks up speed quickly without a word*

                Rhys: Where's he going? He could tell us what he has in mind, couldn't he?

                DS: *nudges Rhys* Let him be, maybe he has heard something again.

                Ronon: *gains speed and is almost running now*

                Teyla: We'd better follow him.


                  KM: Can you hear anything?

                  Azrael: No, but clearly he can. Come on, we better keep up.

                  KM: That man really needs to learn to communicate.


                    Sheppard: *still in the lead in their corridor, bends down and looks at some small, but obvious scuff marks* He's definitely been here.

                    Bullseye: It looks like he came this far, and turned around. *points ahead* The silt beyond this is a large undisturbed area.

                    McKay: I hound hand prints. *points to the wall* They scrape back in the other direction.

                    Keller: John, I want to go back and meet up with the others.

                    Bullseye: Ronon is running toward something.

                    Sheppard: Let's change directions.

                    *They all run back in the direction John's life signs detector is showing to join the others.*


                      *Ronon jogs around a corner and disappears from sight. Rhys follows him with wraithy speed, but keeps a safety distance to not accidentally trigger Ronon's anti-Wraith reactions*

                      DS: *has difficulties keeping up, but eventually follows* Hey, look there! *points down the corridor* What's that?

                      *A glowing rectangle to the left side of the far end of the corridor indicates a doorway*


                        *John's group catches up to Ronon's group, with Bullseye keeping to the middle of the group as to not give the wrong impression to outsiders and with McKay grumbling to himself along the way.*


                          *As the group approaches the doorway, a low hum can be heard. Ronon stops at one side, flat against the wall and peers inside*

                          *The room is octagonal and full of Ancient devices. A large Ancient computer screen displays rows of Ancient writing and a red, flashing sign that can only be described as alarming. A wide-eyed Wraith toddler is standing in the middle of the room, staring at a strange device that lowers itself from the ceiling. The tip of the Ancient device begins to glow with a pulsing blue light*

                          *Without waiting for the device to start with whatever it's supposed to do, Ronon lunges forward and snatches up Kit. Not one second too early because a blinding flash of blue light streaks down from the device, hitting the point where Kit has stood only a moment ago.*

                          DS: Kit! *makes a step into the room but is held back by Rhys*

                          Rhys: Wait! We don't know what that device is! Can anyone here deactivate that thing?


                            KM: *Catches up to the group just in time to see Ronan sweep Kit up* *Turns to see Orb's group behind them* Doctor McKay! I think we need your help.

                            Azrael: Why do ancient devises always seem to do something dangerous? These where smart people for iratus sake!


                              *Meanwhile back in the hall Leeta and Alec are still wandering.

                              Leeta: it looks like these halls weren't flooded after all

                              *Alec suddenly stops.*

                              Leeta: what is it?

                              Alec: They found Kit! *takes Leeta's hand and runs to the group to see Kit in Ronon's arm. Beckett follows closely behind them.*
                              The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                                Orb: *yelps when Ronon lunges and the bright blue light flashes soon after*

                                Keller: Kiiiiiiiiiit!

                                Sheppard: *pushes through to the front of the group and barricades the doorway when he sees Rhys holding DS back* Everyone, stay back! McKay!

                                Bullseye: *clears the way for McKay to come through*

                                (((OOC: Excellent job, DS, thanks!)))

