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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Kenny's Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Azrael: *Telepathically to Rhys* We would like to help, too.

    KM: *To Keller* He's been here before, right? Did he have anywhere he liked to go?


      Gregus*telepathically to Rhys*: We will help too.


        Bullseye: *telepathically* Of course, Orb and I would like to search too.

        Woolsey: *sees that just about every Wraith and worshipper seems to be getting ready to search for Kit and mentally cringes as he awaits Rhys's confirmation*


          Rhys: *to Woolsey* We all want to join the search party, with the exception of Erik. This isn't the first time Kit has run away so we have plenty of experience in looking for him, and together we should be able to find him quickly.

          DS: *is concerned about Kit and hopes he doesn't get into danger*


            John: *doesn't appear to be thrilled with the Wraith walking around the city but feels responsible that Kit disappeared on their watch* All right, you heard the IOA: 20 minutes. Let's move out. *leads the search party into the hallway, which also includes Teyla, Keller, McKay, and Beckett*

            Zelenka: *stays behind to keep looking over his notes on Erik's presentation, mystified and very impressed*


              Bullseye: *telepathically to Orb* This situation is all too familiar: I am invited to a peace talk, something goes wrong, and that ex-Runner is on the loose. We have our shields and Lantean escorts this time, but would you please say something to their Commander?

              Orb: *to John* Would you please communicate to Ronon not to harm any of us? We just want Kit back and to be safe.

              John: *into his ear piece* Ronon?

              Ronon: *responds into his ear piece* Here.

              John: *into his ear piece* Kit slipped out of the meeting room under Keller's watch and is somewhere in the city. Our team, along with their delegation, is searching for him. Do not be alarmed and do not harm anyone from the delegation. *after a long pause* Ronon?

              Ronon: *into his ear piece* Got it.

              John: *into his ear piece* Good.

              Orb: *to John* Thanks.


                Rhys: *to John who seems to be in charge* We should split up now. Our search will only be successful if we can cover a bigger area of the city.

                DS: Are there transporters nearby? I hope Kit hasn't stumbled into one, he could be anywhere.

                John: There is one transporter a short way down that corridor.


                  Bullseye: *closes his eyes for a few seconds* It is safe to say that Kit found the transporter*

                  Orb: *groans* We will check out the holo room. *feels Bullseye squeeze her hand more tightly* And the Botany lab and plant room. *manages to keep from smiling*

                  John: We would know if the holo room was in use, because it draws so much power. *winces that he gave out that information* Rodney, please guide them to the Botany lab.

                  McKay: Yes, well, it has been a while since I stopped by there. I suppose I could check up on the Rodneyana villosa. *clear his throat* Follow me.

                  Orb and Bullseye: follow Rodney, holding hands, with Bullseye slightly behind Orb to try to convey cooperation.*

                  *The majority of Lantean residents haven’t seen a full grown Wraith up close and stare as the statuesque figures walk through the halls*

                  Bullseye: *telepathically to Hector* Kit is wandering around Atlantis. If you see him outside, please let us know.



                    Michael: Do you know if Kit knew any locations in the city, somewhere he might try to head to?

                    Keller: Um, well, there's the mess hall, we went there a lot so he might remember his way there if he found familiar landmarks.... Only other places he went a lot was my room and Teyla's

                    Dray: Least that gives us some possible directions to head for.
                    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                      Alec: It looks like we can split up to search for him.

                      Leeta: Yes to look for Kit. I know what you're thinking about.

                      Alec: You're thinking about it too!

                      Leeta: Ok...maybe a little. But since we are looking for Kit maybe it's safer for us if we go with one of the Lantean team members?

                      *Beckett is near by and can hear them.*

                      Beckett: Pardon me madam. I don't mean to interrupt but you both are welcome to come with me if you wish to come with one of us. I will be searching the infirmary area. I could use more help.

                      Alec: *he glares at Beckett*

                      Leeta: Sure we can help and you don't have to call me Madam. My name is Leeta incase you forgot.

                      Beckett: Aye! of course it is. I was only trying to be polite.

                      Leeta: and this is Alec incase you forgot his name.

                      *Alec is still silent and glaring at Beckett*

                      Beckett: *he gives a nervous smile to Alec* Alec of course! Perhaps we should get going?

                      *Leeta and Alec follow Beckett*
                      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                        KM: Transporters. Brilliant. How does he do these things?

                        Azrael: We will check the Jumper bay.

                        KM You would want to the nearest room full of spaceships. Try and remember we're looking for Kit. *Looks to see that John and Teyla are the only Atlantis search party members left.* *To John* Are we allowed in the Jumper bay, Colonel?

                        John: Yeah, sure, I'll take you. Teyla, you'll be ok with the rest of our guests, right?

                        Teyla: Of course, John.

                        KM & Azrael: *Follow John to the Jumper bay*


                          *McKay leads Orb and Bullseye to the Botany Lab and Plant Room, happily chatting and asking questions about pastimes on Boris's hive. When they get to the Plant Room, everyone splits up, checking through the different overgrown plants. McKay starts talking about the plant Rodneyana villosa, some of the expeditions he has been on, and how he solved problems at the last minute. Orb and Bullseye find one another behind the plants and have their own private feeding device demo before resuming their search.*


                            Hector: *telepathically confirms to keep an eye on the ship's scanners in case a Wraith toddler signature appears outside the city*

                            *DS and Rhys have followed Dray, Michael and Keller to the mess hall*


                              *Bajka and boys goes with Teyla.*


                                *Dray hangs back to walk with DS*

                                Dray: Is it just me, or is Michael less edgy now than he was earlier? I really hope Kit's okay
                                If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy

