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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Kenny's Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Kenny: Good idea, Gloria. I'll get someone to set up a dart for you when you are ready.

    Mar: You could go over in the guise of selling these. *turns on an organic tablet and shows Gloria a pic* It is a new updated coffee machine for KN. We have yet to install them in each KN, but we could start there in Boris's hive.


      Gloria: That will make an ideal cover. I'll go and make the communication now. Once I know the time of the appointment I can say when I need a dart to be ready.

      **She goes to a nearby console and sends a message to Boris's hive for his attention.**

      Gloria: This is Gloria Oglethorpe, the Koffee Nirvana sales rep for your sector. We have a new, improved coffee machine and I'm requesting an appointment so I can give you the information and answer any questions.


        **Message from Boris's hive for Gloria.**

        Boris: Any time today will be fine. Just send a message when you're near the hive so someone can meet you in the dart bay and take you to the briefing room.

        **Gloria receives the message and tells Kenny that she's ready to leave. She then downloads the coffee machine information onto her laptop just in case she runs into one of McKay's people who wants to check her out.**


          Kenny: Okay, follow me. *leads Gloria to the dart after the cargo has been loaded and wishes her a safe trip* Good luck.


            **Gloria leaves on her mission.**


              Mar: *up on the bridge* So far, the Asuran ships are keeping their ground. That's good. *sighs* I wonder what they are planning?

              Random commander: *shrugs*


                **Gloria returns to the hive and sends a message via computer to Mar marked urgent. She passes on Ellia's request for Mar to contact Beckett and arrange for him to visit because they need to ask him if he can vouch for MCH. She also adds that Zaddik would like to talk to him about medicine again.**

                **Shawn sends a message to Kenny**

                Shawn: I would like to discuss the possibility of relocating to your hive. When would it be convenient to meet with you?


                  Mar: *receives the message and begins writing a response and make necessary arrangements* Beckett should be available all this week..


                    Mar: *sees Kenny straightening his office* What is going on?

                    Kenny: I will be having a guest soon.

                    Mar: Oh. Do I know this guest? I'll be off to give you two some privacy. *returns to the bridge*


                      **Shawn arrives and is escorted to Kenny**


                        Kenny: *senses a drone telling him of the arrival, he allows the drone to lead Shawn inside*

                        Good afternoon Shawn. *bows in respect* Would you like a seat? *instructs drone to pull out chair for Shawn and to bring glasses of water*


                          **Shawn bows back before taking a seat.**

                          Shawn: Thank you for arranging this meeting immediately. I thought it would make sense to relocate here rather than keep sending you samples of new recipes. The Magistrate of Olesa has many contacts on various planets and I visit him frequently so I might be able to pick up some useful information too. It would make life easier if I could pass on anything important directly rather than having to send Gawain under the pretext of collecting more coffee supplies.


                            Kenny: You're welcome. I agree with everything you said. This will help diminish the risk of the enemy intercepting us greatly. This would, also, give you a chance to be involved in a mission, if you would like. *takes sip from glass* When did you wish to move in? I will arrange for the drones to prepare a room with a good view for you.


                              Shawn: I would be delighted to take part in a mission to stop McKay. I haven't told Boris about my wishes for a transfer yet because I needed to clear it with you first and he's occupied with new arrivals at the moment. **Tells Kenny about MCH arriving with Silver, Adam and Eve.**


                                Kenny: In that case, you are free to come by whenever you please. New arrivals? They seem to be an interesting bunch. I wish to meet this MCH and Silver someday, and the kids as well. They are staying on the other hive?

