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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Planet (Role Playing Thread)

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    Bajka and boys send telepathic greetings to Queen Juliet.


      Juliet: *telepathically greets Bajka and her boys back*
      *to HR* I'm hungry. Shall we "go to dinner"?
      HR: Queen!
      The two of them leave for a motel room not far away.
      Ruby: Ugh.
      Tania: What's wrong?
      Ruby: I just don't like her, that's all
      Tania: She seemed nice to me, and I think she will make a good addition to our Hive.
      Ruby: Yeah yeah but she always wants to make a competition out of everything!
      Tania: Ah so that's why you don't like her?
      Ruby: That, plus she always make up rules as she goes along so she will win anyway in the end
      Sally: *telepathically to Betty* I think that applies for Ruby too
      Betty: *telepathically to Sally* Ha! I'm sure it does
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        Alec: *to Sally* I have no pictures of you in my dart!

        Astor: She said your wall, not your dart.

        Alec: Oh wait that's right... I meant to say I have no pictures of you in my room!

        Shadow: Yes you do, and I saw the ones in your dart.


        Leeta: *looking at HR and the new queen* Where are they going

        *she notices all of her boys are watching Queen Juliet walk away*

        Leeta: ....So...what should we do about Mr. Mummy. He seems to like the dog!

        *Rush is playing with a stray bandage hanging off the mummy's leg*
        The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


          *Monty, the hairy slug, crawls to Tommy and looks up at him expectantly*

          Monty: Mreep?

          Tommy: *picks Monty up and scratches him where his ears would be if he had visible ears*

          Monty: Mreeeeeep.

          DS: He seems to like you.

          Rhys: *watches HR and Juliet disappear in search for a room and shakes his head* How can he cope with all these females. It's hard enough to handle just one.

          Tommy: I think Leeta has a point, what do we do about the mummy? He's kinda creepy and I don't trust him if he's one of Bunsen's creations.


            Orb: *facepalms at Rush playing with the stray bandage* Rush! Here, kitty, kitty!

            Bullseye: *to Tommy, shrugging* I was just going to leave him be but keep an eye on him. The situation seems unusual to us, but we are guests on this world and neither HR nor the residents here seem to be concerned.


              Sally: *to Alec*Want some more pictures?

              Betty: *to Rhys* I think it's all the enzyme he gets into his body. It can really keep him going. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining

              HR and Juliet return.
              HR: *to Orb* The police hasn't come and gotten the Mummy yet? That's strange. *eyes Mummy suspiciously* To be honest I kinda forgot about him when Juliet showed up
              Juliet: *purrs*
              Just then the Mummy turns to the group and shape shifts! Into Sylar.

              HR: *confused* Sylar?
              Juliet: you know that guy?
              HR: Yeah, he's my old mentor. He taught me to control my powers. He's like me, we've got the same power. (to absorb other peoples powers)
              *to Sylar* What are you doing here? Why did you look like The Mummy?
              Sylar just stands there without answering. Just then the dog shapeshifts into Bunsen!

              Bunsen: He's with me!
              HR & Juliet:Bunsen!
              Bunsen: The one and only! I'm controlling him with mind control! Get him, Sylar!
              Juliet: Not before I get you first, you evil little Muppet!
              Sylar flips his finger and sends Juliet flying away with his telekinetic powers.

              HR: Juliet! *to Sylar* Come on, you're my friend. You don't want to do this!
              Sylar points his finger at HR and sends him flying back as well. HR gets up.

              HR: I can't let you hurt these people so I'm forced to stop you. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you-
              Sylar sends HR flying away into a window. It breaks as he lands on the floor inside the building.
              HR: Ugh. *gets up and Sylar flies into the building, through the destroyed window.*
              Sylars hands start to light up with a freezing power. HR's light up with fire.

              HR: Come get some!
              Meanwhile, outside Bunsen seems to have disappeared.
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                Alec: *to Sally* uh, um, uh... *suddenly the fight breaks out and they all see HR fly through the window*


                *Rush runs away with the baby yeti into the bushes.*

                Mama Yeti: NO ONE SCARES MY BABY! *turns to Sylar with angry eyes. She is ready to fight*

                *Alec stands in front of Leeta to protect her and has his stunner out aimed at Sylar. Astor & Shadow pull out blades from their pockets and run over and stand near HR incase he needs help*

                Shadow: It's been some time since I've been in battle!

                Astor: And I love the thrill of it! *snears at Sylar while brandishing his blade at him*
                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                  Orb and Bullseye: *watch the transformations and the telekinetic fighting begin*

                  Orb: *reaches into her tote bag and grabs some Wraith grenades*

                  Bullseye: *to Orb* Not those ones! We only want to knock him out! He’s under mind control.

                  Orb: Sorry! Over-reaction!

                  Bullseye: *keeping his handblaster trained on Sylar, grabs his data tablet with the other hand and starts using it to try to detect possible EM mind control generator signals (like in the episode “Phantoms”)*

                  Orb: *grabs a Wraith tech handblaster and stands to the side behind Bullseye, looking around and around* Hey, wait a second! WHERE’S BUNSEN?!


                    As HR and Sylar do battle, their fire and ice clashes. Neither is powerful enough to stop the other. For a split second HR stops his fire shooting at Sylar and sends a beam of electricity at him. but for that split second Sylar's ice hits HR and knocks him over, and HR's electricity knocks Sylar over.
                    HR: *quickly gets up and removes his outer coat which freezes within seconds* That was close. *sees Sylar get up* Hey, Shadow! Be ready with the sword!

                    HR sends Shadow flying at Sylar, and he impales him on his sword!

                    Sylar falls to the ground, still with the sword sticking out from his chest.

                    HR: I'm sorry it had to come to this, but we had no other choice! This was Bunsen's doing. We gotta find him and stop him for once and all!
                    Then suddenly Shadow is throw away! Sylar is still alive! He uses his telekinetic powers to rip the sword out of his chest and sends it flying at HR!
                    HR spits out blood as he falls to the ground!


                    Tania: *to Orb* I don't know where he went! We better find him!

                    Meanwhile Juliet saw Bunsen sneak away and followed him!
                    Juliet: Hey Bunsen!
                    Bunsen: Oh no!
                    The two of them get into a fight.

                    Back with Sylar, he is about to kill the remaining Wraiths and Mama Yeti. But then he is thrown away! HR is there, alive!
                    HR: Take this! *fires freezing power at Sylar, freezing him!*
                    He had a healing power I didn't know about. That's how he survived the stabbing. And that's how I survived it too, I took it from him. And his freezing power. Now he's at least not a threat anymore, and he will be fine, if he thaws that is. Now we just gotta find Bunsen and make him tell us where his mind control device is! So we can free Sylar from his control.

                    They return to the other Wraith and worshipers.
                    Sally: Oh HR! I'm so glad to see you're OK! *she says as she gives HR a big hug and the other Queens come up to him as well*
                    Betty: Me too!
                    Laura: What's the blood on your shirt? Did you get injured?
                    HR: I got impaled by a sword. I'm fine now, I took a power from Sylar. A healing power.
                    Mina: That Sylar, who was he?
                    HR: My old mentor who taught me how to use my powers. Bunsen controls him somehow, but I've put him on ice for now. Now we just gotta find Bunsen and...Hey, where's Juliet?
                    Juliet: I'm here! *she says with a smile* And I'm not alone *she hold the unconscious Bunsen by his leg upside down*
                    HR: Great work my Queen! you caught him!
                    Juliet: *blushes* He wasn't that much of a fighter so it was pretty easy

                    Leeta told me it was OK to use Shadow in this post, if anyone wonders.
                    And you just have to imagine a sword in the pictures
                    The picture of Juliet fighting Bunsen was made by a friend of mine
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                      Gregus: Great work HR and Juliet.

                      Bajka: Marek! Did you saw?

                      Marek: Yes, I saw.

                      Rocky: Juliet is very brave. Beautiful Queen.


                        Orb and Bullseye: @ all the action*

                        Bullseye: *goes back to searching for signals* How about letting Juliet interrogate Bunsen?

                        Orb: *taps on the ice that is surrounding Sylar* O.O


                          HR: Thank you Gregus
                          Juliet: Aww thanks Rocky *to Bullseye* I'd love to make him talk *evil smile*, but he has to wake up first
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                            Rhys: *puts the dagger he'd been holding back into a hidden pocket in his coat and settles down* Seems the danger is over for now, huh? I don't want to sound like a coward but I'm
                            kinda glad I didn't have to fight against that thing. I wouldn't want to end up fried or frozen. *looks at Sylar on ice*

                            *Tommy who had taken care DS was out of range of danger returns with her clinging to his arm*

                            Tommy: That was pretty scary.

                            DS: Very impressive though. Amazing work, HR and Juliet.


                              *Leeta runs over to Shadow who is against the wall*

                              Leeta: Oh no! Are you ok??

                              Shadow: *to Juliet* You fight like a true queen!*gets up slowly while holding a wound on his side* I am fine. *notices Leeta is worried over his wound* Don't worry. It will heal. *Leeta gently hugs him around the neck.*

                              Alec: How sweet. *gets slapped upside the head by Astor* OW!

                              Mama Yeti: Where's my baby?! *looks through the bushes and picks up baby yeti. Rush runs out of the bush and jumps into Astor's arms*

                              Alec: *rubbing his head* anyway...impressive fighting skills HR.
                              The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                                HR & Juliet: Thanks everyone
                                Just then Bunsen wakes up, but Juliet has strapped him to a chair.
                                HR: Your shape shifting powers can't help you now. Where is the mind control device?
                                Bunsen: I'll never tell you anything!
                                HR: Oh yeah? We could always turn you over to the police.'
                                Bunsen: And I would escape them again!
                                HR: Hmm *to everyone* Anyone got any ideas on how to make him talk?
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