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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post

    DS: *erupts in a fit of laughter*

    Tommy: *points to the duckie that has troubles staying afloat with all the additional bubbles* THAT one is yellow. I do have another one though, green.

    DS: And you squawk when I squeeze it?

    Tommy: It depends on how hard you squeeze.

    TP: *laughs so hard she slides uder the water*

    Todd: *dives underwater to rescue TP*

    TP: *comes up spluttering and covered in bubbles* Squawks when she squeezes!!!! LOL *sinks under bubbles again*

    Todd: *facepalm* *pulls TP back up by tbhe scruff of the neck*
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
      KM: I have spent the day truing not to do an impression of a turtle due to the ice. I need warm... *Slides into jacuzzi and sighs* Anyone get the feeling someone's trying to replace the potted plants with bubbles?

      Azrael: *Hears the wrong end of the conversation* Who's got a green duck?
      TP: *hugs KM* I was frozen solid too, but it won;t take you long to warm up here*

      Eddie: Moi? Not me... *nods over to potted plants* I want bubbles AS WELL AS potted plants!!! *winks at KM and sidles up close* Wanna see my green duckie?
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Eddie: Green of course, babe... if Tommy's is yellow perhaps he should see a medic?
        Orb and Bullseye: >.<

        Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
        DS: And you squawk when I squeeze it?

        Tommy: It depends on how hard you squeeze.
        Orb and Bullseye:*double >.<*


          *Bobb sense other wraith going into a hot tub.*

          Bobb: My fingers are getting numb Leeta. Lets go into the hot tub.

          Leeta: huh? *gets thrown over Bobb's shoulders* weeee! OK.

          Alec: hey wait for me!

          *all 3 join in on the jacuzzi fun*
          The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


            Eddie: *whips out his green duckie*

            Ha! What were you all thinking, then, eh? LOL
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              TP: *hugs KM* I was frozen solid too, but it won;t take you long to warm up here*

              Eddie: Moi? Not me... *nods over to potted plants* I want bubbles AS WELL AS potted plants!!! *winks at KM and sidles up close* Wanna see my green duckie?
              KM: If it has to be this cold, can I please get some snow for grip? Ice is just dangerous!

              Azrael: *Putts an arm around KM and pulls her closer.* Ahem.

              KM: *Winks back at Eddie only to have Azrael pull her closer* Now now, play nice. *Bursts into fit of giggles at the sight of the green duck*


                DS: *laughs even harder at Eddie's green duckie*

                *The yellow rubberduck squeaks excitedly and paddles over to Eddie, trying to flirt with Eddie's duck*


                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  Eddie: *whips out his green duckie*

                  Ha! What were you all thinking, then, eh? LOL
                  Orb: Only Eddie!


                  Orb: *massages Bullseye's spine and plays footsie under all the bubbles*


                    Tommy: *takes advantage of all the bubbles and directs DS's hands underwater to his spine* Purrrr.

                    DS: *lets her hands wander further*



                      TP: Now I;ve seen it all - Eddie's green duckie flirting with Tommy;s yellow duckie!!!!!

                      Todd: Settle down, my Pet or you;ll drown with laughing too much! *hangs onto TP*

                      @KM: Are you in the part of the UK where the temperatures are plummeting? Poor you!
                      Our temps have managed to stay around zero or only just below, so in that respect we're lucky - I;d hate to think how cold I;d be if it got much worse - my heating is already on full blast.
                      It was fine at the weekend here cos there was just a dusting of snow, but now it's knee deep and crunchy - it;s amazing how hard it is to walk when you have to lift your feet above knee height with every step
                      I hope it doesn't get any colder where you are, KM - keep as warm as you can, sweetie *hugs*
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Bullseye: *purring and enjoying the relaxation and entertainment* What did we do before we had these worshippers?

                        Orb: We ask ourselves the same thing about Wraith.


                          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

                          TP: Now I;ve seen it all - Eddie's green duckie flirting with Tommy;s yellow duckie!!!!!

                          Todd: Settle down, my Pet or you;ll drown with laughing too much! *hangs onto TP*

                          @KM: Are you in the part of the UK where the temperatures are plummeting? Poor you!
                          Our temps have managed to stay around zero or only just below, so in that respect we're lucky - I;d hate to think how cold I;d be if it got much worse - my heating is already on full blast.
                          It was fine at the weekend here cos there was just a dusting of snow, but now it's knee deep and crunchy - it;s amazing how hard it is to walk when you have to lift your feet above knee height with every step
                          I hope it doesn't get any colder where you are, KM - keep as warm as you can, sweetie *hugs*
                          I don't think it's to bad here, not to far below zero. It's just that after it snowed last night, it melted, then the temperatures dropped again so we have a coating of ice anywhere that's not treated. And my backpack's rather heavy, so if I fall I'll have a job getting back up The weather needs to find a medium somewhere, not as much snow as you've got, slightly more than we've got so it covers the ice. I hope it doesn't get any worse for you *hugs*


                            Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
                            I don't think it's to bad here, not to far below zero. It's just that after it snowed last night, it melted, then the temperatures dropped again so we have a coating of ice anywhere that's not treated. And my backpack's rather heavy, so if I fall I'll have a job getting back up The weather needs to find a medium somewhere, not as much snow as you've got, slightly more than we've got so it covers the ice. I hope it doesn't get any worse for you *hugs*
                            I would hope some gallant gentleman would help you up if you did fall - or preferably a nearby wraith!

                            I guess the trouble in the UK is we're not used to extremes of weather - we're generally dull, damp and non-descript all year round! LOL
                            More snow forecast, and it's already impossible to get the car out of the street, so unless I can get a bus into town by Friday, Todd and the boys will have to feed me or I'll be on a strict diet of dry pasta!!!

                            *watches Eddie diving under the bubbles and kissing worshippers' toes*
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Gallant gentlemen, now that'd be nice. The closest to one of them I've got is Dan, and he's off ill Any other male I know whoo even comes close to that description don't take my route, the males that do would most likely stand around and laugh. Or film it on their mobiles If any of my female friends try to lift me up, they'll probably end up down with me

                              Azrael: Your college is severely lacking in wraith.

                              KM: Tell me about it *Jumps* What the *Dives under water and spot's Eddie, then surfaces before she drowns laughing*


                                Yep that probably about sums up most of the males I know too, sweetie

                                And they wonder why we'd rather live on the hive with our gallant green guys!

                                *spots Eddie doing more than kissing toes* Eddie! I said gallant!

                                Todd: Ha! This is Eddie we're talking about! *summons the drones with refreshments* Anyone peckish?

                                Are you ever anything else, Commander?
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

