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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Addict: Tony seems to be fond of Aussie beer, which fortunately makes him bloated before he can really become too drunk. Unfortunately, he's been getting a taste for the finer things. It's odd, because I really don't like alcohol.


      Johnny:! *chugs down another cup of whiskey* I have to get some of me own.

      *Johnny suddenly notices what Stefan is doing.*

      OI! that's me rum!
      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


        Stefan: *gives Johnny his best Lord Cutler Beckett look, brandishing his cane while swigging the rum* Come and get it, pirate.

        Addict: It's official. All my Wraith are suicidal.


          Johnny: *rolls his sleves up at Stefan. * oh wait..I'm not wearing any sleves...ERR--

          *looks back at Stefan* THATS IT!...

          *he gets up but trips on his foot spilling his drink all over his body.*

          To 'ell with this! I'm going to get changed. *he stumbles out of the room*
          The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


            Stefan: *swigs the rum* Ha ha! Victory!

            Edgar: You're as much of an idiot as that Tony

            Tony: *swigging whisky* Who are you calling an idiot?


              Orb and Bullseye: *arrive at the holodeck wearing these costumes:*

              Orb as a Gothic princess:

              Bullseye as the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail (removed the helmet after arriving):

              Bullseye: *smells the rum and whisky everywhere* The holodeck is smelling like a combination of the Hill Fort and the Pirate Camp!


                Addict: Nice costumes Orb and Bullseye. Please ignore Tony, he has been... uh... sampling the whisky.

                Tony: Addddiiiiiiictttt. Try this whisky, babe, it's *hiccup* the best thing EVER!

                Addict: *crosses her arms in front of her* Give me the bottle, Tony.


                Addict: NOW!

                Tony: *hands her the bottle*

                Addict: Now go and sit on the couch and be a good Wraith. STEFAN!


                Addict: *snatches the rum from him* Sit on the couch with Tony. *to Orb* How're you today?


                  KM: *Bursts out laughing at Addict reprimanding her wraith* Is Edgar the only one behaving?*To Azrael, who is trying some of the whisky* If you end up as drunk as them, you will be sleeping on the couch.


                  KM: I like your costumes, Orb and Bullseye.


                    Bullseye: *uses his sword to slice the tops off some giant chocolate truffles and carves faces into them*

                    Orb: *scans the room full of rum-soaked Wraith* *to Addict* I'm very well-entertained! It looks like you and Edgar have your hands full keeping Tony and Stefan in line!

                    (((OOC: Congrats 2,000 posts, Addict!!!! )))


                      *Leeta walks in the room by herself. She waves at everyone. She is wearing a new costume.*

                      Leeta: Hi everybody. I hope everyone is ok.

                      *she stops to smell the alcohol in the room. She sees a chair covered in rum, whiskey, and a stray dreadlock.*

                      I guess that's where Johnny was sleeping last night. I suppose I might as well join in on the drinking fun. *grubs a cup of whiskey.*
                      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                        [[OOC: Thanks It is very exciting. I achieved my goal of 2000 before November 1st!]]

                        Addict: I am extremely unimpressed with Tony and Stefan. Let's just put it this way, tonight they sleep alone.

                        Edgar: And me?

                        Addict: *drags him off to the potted plants*

                        Tony: *bottom lip quivers* But Adddiiiiiictttt!


                          Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
                          KM: *Bursts out laughing at Addict reprimanding her wraith* Is Edgar the only one behaving?*To Azrael, who is trying some of the whisky* If you end up as drunk as them, you will be sleeping on the couch.


                          KM: I like your costumes, Orb and Bullseye.

                          Orb: Thanks, KM! Oh noes, not Azrael too! I am surprised that a drunken Wraith hasn't blurted out anything he will later regret.

                          Bullseye: *thinks to himself that is yet another reason avoid getting smashed*


                            Tony: On the plus side, if we're all banished, we can have a slumber party

                            Stefan: What are you? 12?

                            Tony: 12,000!

                            Stefan: Yes, and I'm an iguana named Bill Compton.


                              Orb: Nice, Wraithy dress, Leeta! Where are Alec and Bobb?


                                Leeta: thanks...I thought I'd try something My tribal costume made me feel like I was over-dressed compared to the other beautiful costumes the others had. hehe. Anyway Alec and Bobb are in my room sleeping. I made them sleep outside the door last night. I can't sleep when they are constantly snarling at each other. I don't even want to know what they were saying in their heads. I swear next time we have a party I'm not bringing those two together with me.

                                *takes another sip of the whiskey in her hand*

                                woah...I only had a few sips of this stuff and I'm already tipsy.
                                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!

