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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    - speak for your-self ! they're squeezing the life out of me !!

    *M and A just cling to her happily*


      Agravain hm ? *looks at rhys' action then down at selene*....
      - don't even think about it....
      Mordrid - Agravain ! knock it off !
      Agravain - what ? i'm... expressing my affection
      - well stick to cuddling


        Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
        - speak for your-self ! they're squeezing the life out of me !!

        *M and A just cling to her happily*
        DS *gasping*: Squeezing? SQUEEEEZING? Then you be glad they're only squeezing the life outta you. I got myself a Wraith here who constantly sucks the life outta me.

        Rhys: *withdraws his feeding hand again* You don't complain. And after all, I always give you back what I take.


          Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
          Agravain hm ? *looks at rhys' action then down at selene*....
          - don't even think about it....
          Mordrid - Agravain ! knock it off !
          Agravain - what ? i'm... expressing my affection
          - well stick to cuddling
          DS: But you should try it out sometime, it's a unique experience.

          Rhys: Listen to her! It's very delightful for Wraith and human alike. I could give you hints.

          Tommy: But there's no need to do it in public you know. Not everyone uses his hand for thinking.

          DS: Aww, Tommy is a bit shy when it comes to Suck'N'Puke.


            - i'm still abit nervous about the 'Suck'n'Puke'
            Agravain - why ? it's not like we bite *grins*
            - no. you such suck the life from me...and give it back....
            Mordrid -'s more of a private matter agravain...maybe if it was desperately needed or if we, by which i mean selene, was comfortable with it. we shouldn't rush........besides, there are many arrogant men around to feed ex-boyfriends
            Agravain i'm listening...
            - no ! you could get found out and big trouble....HUGE trouble.....and i'd be worried sick *hugs them tightly*


              DS: It's absolutely okay to take your time. You need to be sure first that you're ready for it. It can be a bit unsettling at the beginning. And it feels different for everyone.

              Rhys: And every human tastes different.

              DS: What do I taste of?

              Rhys: Consider yourself the Wraith equivalent of your most favourite, yummiest dessert.

              DS: Don't know if that should make me feel honoured or scared sometimes.

              Tommy: It's getting late, we should go back to earth now. We have to get up early tomorrow again.

              DS: True. *sigh* Gotta go. *waves bye at Selene and her boys and Jasper* Bye! Have fun!


                - same here. see you soon....come on boys, time so share a queen size bed with two wraith boys
                Mordrid -
                Agravain -

                *brothers go rushing home quickly and cuddle up under the covers waiting*

                - i've never seen a wraith move THAT fast before....of tonight should be ... interesting...wish me luck night everyone


                  Jasper: G'night DS, Rhys, Tommy, Selene, Mordrid and Agravain! *thinks to himself* Note to self; suck n puke sounds revolting, stick to secret food source - code red


                    It took me a while to get into the suck'n'puke but now I love it!
                    btw STeve hates the term "suck'n'puke" as well and tends to refer to it as "give and take"... or if he's feeling very romantic " a li'l bit of you, a li'l bit of me..."
                    Of course there's the other method - tantric feeding... I don't know what "code" that would have but it's VERY popular with me and SW!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      I can just imagine someone discussing it in public and getting a funny look xD
                      Jasper's an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy, aren't you Jasper?

                      Jasper: *glares, then eyerolls and nods* Aye~

                      Trying energy exchange via meditation might be another option to try, although that'd involve both parties having a hand on each others chest and having enough control to force it. Hm... fanfic idea 8D


                        Originally posted by Senet View Post
                        I can just imagine someone discussing it in public and getting a funny look xD
                        Jasper's an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy, aren't you Jasper?

                        Jasper: *glares, then eyerolls and nods* Aye~

                        Trying energy exchange via meditation might be another option to try, although that'd involve both parties having a hand on each others chest and having enough control to force it. Hm... fanfic idea 8D
                        Sounsds intriguing... me and Steve frequently meditate together in the Japanese gardens in the CO Hive... but would it work with a human and a wraith?
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                          Sounsds intriguing... me and Steve frequently meditate together in the Japanese gardens in the CO Hive... but would it work with a human and a wraith?
                          From my perspective, it probably could with practise. I mean, life force is energy, and we naturally possess energy as an aura/chakras depending on what one personally believes. So training the body to channel the 'surplus' would be a way of reducing the need to force a gap in the life force. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone but me or not, it's late my time xD


                            Originally posted by Senet View Post
                            From my perspective, it probably could with practise. I mean, life force is energy, and we naturally possess energy as an aura/chakras depending on what one personally believes. So training the body to channel the 'surplus' would be a way of reducing the need to force a gap in the life force. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone but me or not, it's late my time xD
                            Yes, that makes sense to me - I;ve already touched on a similar idea in the last couple of eps of TP's Hive minifics - it's suggested that wraith and human can share life force without the need for the hand-on-chest bit.
                            We've all already come up with various methods and I;m sure the alternative ideas will keep on coming, which is great!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              I'm sure wraith fans will have a whole list to pick from in future


                                Originally posted by Senet View Post
                                I'm sure wraith fans will have a whole list to pick from in future
                                Wel, we certainly seem to have more imagination than TPTB!!!!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

