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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    J: *waves to Craig* We're betting with teabags - much tastier than money
    ~: I'd come over to the recliners if I were you, unless you want to accidentally get thwacked with an item of furnishing xD


      Originally posted by Senet View Post
      J: *waves to Craig* We're betting with teabags - much tastier than money
      ~: I'd come over to the recliners if I were you, unless you want to accidentally get thwacked with an item of furnishing xD
      - or food !! *starts throwing whatever food she can get* ha ! how do you like me now ?!
      Mordrid - you're getting cookie crums in my hair !!!!!!!


        Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
        - and wrestling. which i am winning
        Mordrid - like heck you are ! though i will are strong for a w-
        - say a woman and i slap you silly *keeps wrestling*

        in case you're wondering it started with pigtails in mordrid's hair, then a wraith hide and seek were mordrid was after them. then Senet with her wings, followed by Mordrid finding me and starting the wrestling. then talk about genetic experiments, followed by a pillow fight and now back to wrestling ......... the usual
        Craig: Pigtails on a Wraith are no laughing matter when it's been done to you, but on someone else it's hilarious!
        Originally posted by Senet View Post
        J: *waves to Craig* We're betting with teabags - much tastier than money
        ~: I'd come over to the recliners if I were you, unless you want to accidentally get thwacked with an item of furnishing xD
        Craig: *settles on a recliner near Jasper and Senet* What tea bags have you got?
        Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
        - or food !! *starts throwing whatever food she can get* ha ! how do you like me now ?!
        Mordrid - you're getting cookie crums in my hair !!!!!!!
        Craig: Ooh, that reminds me... *pulls out several fairy cakes that got a bit squished in transit* Umm, they're a bit squished, but edible. Anyone want one?


          Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
          Craig: Pigtails on a Wraith are no laughing matter when it's been done to you, but on someone else it's hilarious!

          Craig: *settles on a recliner near Jasper and Senet* What tea bags have you got?

          Craig: Ooh, that reminds me... *pulls out several fairy cakes that got a bit squished in transit* Umm, they're a bit squished, but edible. Anyone want one?
          - oh, yay, cakes *takes one, half tempted to throw it at mordrid*.... ? mordrid ? what's wrong ?
          Mordrid - you.....*sniffles*...y-you ...messed up my hair !!!!!!!! waaahhhhh *cries*
          - *Feels so guilty* oh...crud.......i'm sorry mordrid !!!! i'll fix it !!!!!!!! *Rushes over with lots of different brushes and works on his hair*

          sigh....whever i'm having fun, it's wrong but heck. i can't stand to see a wraith cry.....especially if its my wraith


            J: *peers at them* Earl Grey aaand...
            S: *plucks up a few more* .. Twinings' everyday. And some random ones too, there's probably a berry-flavoured 'bag in there somewhere *points to the small pile on the recliner next to them*
            J: Ooh, fairy cakes :3 *takes one that's offered, then eyes the cup of tea nearby* Tea anyone?


              - come on. it's getting late. let's go home Mordrid
              Mordrid - *sniffles* and...and share a tub of ice cream before climbing into bed ?
              - sure. why not. come on.

              sorry guys. off to bed. too much excitement lead to someone getting hurt....or, in this case, someone's hair getting messed up. see you around. come on mordrid *cuddles with him as they leave*


                Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
                - oh, yay, cakes *takes one, half tempted to throw it at mordrid*.... ? mordrid ? what's wrong ?
                Mordrid - you.....*sniffles*...y-you ...messed up my hair !!!!!!!! waaahhhhh *cries*
                - *Feels so guilty* oh...crud.......i'm sorry mordrid !!!! i'll fix it !!!!!!!! *Rushes over with lots of different brushes and works on his hair*

                sigh....whever i'm having fun, it's wrong but heck. i can't stand to see a wraith cry.....especially if its my wraith
                Originally posted by Senet View Post
                J: *peers at them* Earl Grey aaand...
                S: *plucks up a few more* .. Twinings' everyday. And some random ones too, there's probably a berry-flavoured 'bag in there somewhere *points to the small pile on the recliner next to them*
                J: Ooh, fairy cakes :3 *takes one that's offered, then eyes the cup of tea nearby* Tea anyone?
                Craig: Sure I'd like the berry one *takes out a cake with green icing and a jelly bug on it
                Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
                - come on. it's getting late. let's go home Mordrid
                Mordrid - *sniffles* and...and share a tub of ice cream before climbing into bed ?
                - sure. why not. come on.

                sorry guys. off to bed. too much excitement lead to someone getting hurt....or, in this case, someone's hair getting messed up. see you around. come on mordrid *cuddles with him as they leave*
                Craig: Ice cream sounds good Have fun you two


                  J: *waves goodbye to Mordrid and Selene* Rest well~
                  S: Ooh, bug :3 *squidges the jelly bug with a look of alarming fascination on her face*
                  J: *wiggles out from behind Senet, then lets the tea stew a little when he's poured it out* How are PA and Aurora, and yourself of course?


                    Originally posted by Senet View Post
                    J: *waves goodbye to Mordrid and Selene* Rest well~
                    S: Ooh, bug :3 *squidges the jelly bug with a look of alarming fascination on her face*
                    J: *wiggles out from behind Senet, then lets the tea stew a little when he's poured it out* How are PA and Aurora, and yourself of course?
                    Craig: *hands Senet a handful of jelly bugs* *to Jasper* They're fine. I had PA all to myself last night, Aurora was visiting Todd'sPet... something to do with reiki I think. So him and PA are relaxing back home together for a bit. I decided to come see who's around How are the two of you settling in around here?


                      S: *squees and starts toying with them.. despite the fact they're food*
                      J: *comes back over and hands Craig the cup of berry tea, before sipping at his own strawberry one* Ah, reiiki. Healing by laying hands on the other person, I think. Really well! Everyone's so friendly, so it's been easy to settle in
                      S: We've got a tent with a mini-library, archaeology equipment, piles of paper to draw on..
                      J: ...and the miniature dvd player you nearly broke. I'm actually surprised we didn't hear about GW earlier than this xD


                        J: *nnghs and rubs a hand over his face* As much as I'd enjoy carrying on talking, sleep calls! *eyes the sleeping Senet and rolls his eyes with a smile before carefully picking her up and folding her wings in* Sleep well, when you do I'll be around tomorrow


                          Originally posted by Senet View Post
                          J: *nnghs and rubs a hand over his face* As much as I'd enjoy carrying on talking, sleep calls! *eyes the sleeping Senet and rolls his eyes with a smile before carefully picking her up and folding her wings in* Sleep well, when you do I'll be around tomorrow
                          Craig: They're quite sweet when they're asleep aren't they *realises the time* I'd better get going too, PA will wonder where I've got to It was good to see you, I'll bring more faiery cakes and jelly bugs next time Night guys

                          *Craig darts back to PA's*


                            Hello, worshipers and wraith alike !! well, i asked SW about the whole halloween thing and we can do it !!! so, all those who aren't too busy tricker-treating can come here and have some halloween fun !!! you can even come in fancy dress. prepare your-self for the telling of ghost stories and a 'haunted hive house' that mordrid is working on everyone's welcome along with their wraith. grantee fun and excite for the night of deadly hallows.

                            Mordrid *working constantly in the haunted hive section -which is covered by a very big sheet to hide it from peering eyes*
                            - *tries to take a peek*
                            Mordrid - *slaps her hands* no peeping...*get's back to work on other side of sheet*


                              - *sits in a recliner while thinking of things to do for halloween* hmm... fancy dress -check. ghost story telling - check.......decorations !!!! *Rushes around decorating place with halloween themed deco*


                                Jasper: *wanders in without Senet, then chuckles at Mordrid* Planning already? xD What about jack-o-lanterns?

