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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    DS: *cranes her neck to see better* Oooh, those glow marbles are so pretty!

    Tommy: Indeed. Maybe we should get a set of those from the matter converter.

    Rhys: How do you play with these?


      Shadow: *scatters the glow orbs before him on the floor* Each player gets a green orb, and they have to try and hit their opponent's orb, using the red ball. Yellow glow orbs are neutral, and can be used to help push the red orb to hit your opponent's green orb.

      Leeta: I think it's almost the same rules as the tau'ri game 'marbles'.

      Alec: *grumbles* I rather play dice. I always lose in this game. I think Shadow and Astor are cheating.

      Leeta: *nudges Alec*
      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


        Rhys: Ah, thanks! I see how it works now.

        DS: *to Alec* Shadow and Astor are cheating? How can they cheat whith those orbs? I'd be more concerend if you were playing Poker with them.

        Tommy: *looks curiously at the game to find out the most effective ways of playing* If we're going to try out that game later we will have to think of the stakes. What prize is there for the winner? *looks thoughtfully at DS*

        DS: I'm sure we'll find something.


          Azrael: We should try that game.

          KM: But it requires actual skills. Any game requiring aiming skills should not be played against a wraith if stakes are involved. And you cheat, you always cheat.

          Azrael: It's not cheating, it's manipulating a situation to my advantage.


            Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
            Azrael: They glow. ^_^

            KM: Stop being so cute dammit.
            Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
            *Laura looks at the glowing marbles*
            Laura: Pretty!
            HR: Yes you are
            Orb: Awwwww, feel the Wraith/worshipper love.

            Originally posted by Leeta View Post
            Shadow: *scatters the glow orbs before him on the floor* Each player gets a green orb, and they have to try and hit their opponent's orb, using the red ball. Yellow glow orbs are neutral, and can be used to help push the red orb to hit your opponent's green orb.

            Leeta: I think it's almost the same rules as the tau'ri game 'marbles'.
            Orb: I see. *telepathically sends Bullseye an image of the game of marbles*

            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            Tommy: Indeed. Maybe we should get a set of those from the matter converter.
            Bullseye: Good idea; now I want a set of those and a set of marbles too. *walks over to the matter converter and programs the items*


              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
              Orb: Awwwww, feel the Wraith/worshipper love.
              KM: What? No running and hiding from the word?

              Azrael: You humans put such importance on words. *Grins and plays with a glowy orb like a kitten with a ball of string*

              KM: Where you a cat in a past life, Az?


                TP: *wanders in and sees Azrael* Oooh, he is a rather sexy looking kitten though

                Steve: You haven't seen me in 3 days - you;re supposed to be worshipping me!

                TP: Oh, I will, babe, I will... but later... in private...

                Steve: Oh... alright then...

                TP: What;s everyone doing?
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar



                  KM: *@Azrael* *@TP* Well we were playing the wraith equivalent of Yhatzee, and now it seems we're playing the wraith equivalent of marbles, using pages Eddie's manuals as prizes. Orb & Bullseye's idea.


                    TP: I've never played Yahtzee or marbles What are the rules?

                    Steve: Rules? Wraith don't play by rules!

                    Seth: Especially not when Eddie's manuals are up for grabs!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      KM: Oh and don't I know it! A certain someone just loves taking advantage of the fact that I don't know the rules. I have a basic grasp of the dice game now though. Different numbers represent different things, I think a six is a hive, and if you play with multiple die you can roll a fleet and such. Hives beat humans, like rock beats scissors in rock paper scissors.

                      Azrael: That is until I decide all humans are lanteans and can blow up a hive. What can I say? The stakes are high after all!


                        TP: In other words this is just a creative version of forepl----- *mumble*

                        STeve: *hand on TP's mouth* No, no, my love... this is serious sport

                        Seth: Oh yes, very serious indeed...

                        TP: Riiiight... so where are the marbles?
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Azrael: Well it would be...

                          KM: ...but we keep getting distracted trying to out logic-bomb each others victories ...

                          Azrael: ...Basicly; It no work!


                            Seth: What? You mean we can't just cheat??? LOL
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              KM: Lol, you can, it's just I cheat back.


                                Steve: Yes, unfortunately TP spent the last few days with the Commander, so she'll up to her usual Todd influenced tricks!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

