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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Bullseye: *telepathically aside to only Steve* Anyone unauthorized who tries to enter our room will have his hair sprayed with purple dye.

    Orb: *to TP* Alec wants Astor out of the way so he can get with Leeta. Some of the Wraith have been feeling under-worshipped and have taken to worshipping themselves.


      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
      Bullseye: *telepathically aside to only Steve* Anyone unauthorized who tries to enter our room will have his hair sprayed with purple dye.
      Azrael: Great security measure.

      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
      Orb: *to TP* Alec wants Astor out of the way so he can get with Leeta. Some of the Wraith have been feeling under-worshipped and have taken to worshipping themselves.


        Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
        Sorry, that wasn't clear. Alec wants Astor out of the way perhaps? Not Leeta, LOL.
        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
        Orb: *to TP* Alec wants Astor out of the way so he can get with Leeta. Some of the Wraith have been feeling under-worshipped and have taken to worshipping themselves.
        Steve: Ah yes, that I can understand - if you have any ideas on how I can get rid of the rest of our motley crew, do tell me - I've been trying to get TP to myself for years!

        Greg: You succeed most of the time - she's besotted with you!

        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
        Bullseye: *telepathically aside to only Steve* Anyone unauthorized who tries to enter our room will have his hair sprayed with purple dye.
        Steve: That should cool even the fiercest ardour!

        Greg: It would make you co-ordinate rather nicely with Shaun's pink hair though! LOL
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Leeta: I keep meaning to give Alec company. I'm an awful worshipper to him. *Astor starts feeling up her leg* Oh!

          Alec: I don't know how Shadow can sit all day in the quarters while Astor sleazes his way to get what he wants. *goes to the sink to wash purple dye from his hair*

          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
          Orb: *to TP* Alec wants Astor out of the way so he can get with Leeta. Some of the Wraith have been feeling under-worshipped and have taken to worshipping themselves.
          The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


            Originally posted by Leeta View Post
            Alec: *goes to the sink to wash purple dye from his hair*
            Bullseye: *snickers*

            Orb: *whispers* That didn't take long.


              Originally posted by leeta View Post
              alec: I don't know how shadow can sit all day in the quarters while astor sleazes his way to get what he wants. *goes to the sink to wash purple dye from his hair*
              KM: He didn't!

              Azrael: *Sigh*


                TP: Poor Alec! Poor SHadow!

                STeve: No, Princess, they really don't need you to comfort them... honestly... besides, ALec planted all the cameras.

                TP: Never! Really?
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Alec: *runs over to TP and kneels before her* I'm sorry my queen. Please punish me! *ahem* I mean I want to be punished. I MEAN I should be punished! *laughs nervously*
                  The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                    Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                    Alec: *runs over to TP and kneels before her* I'm sorry my queen. Please punish me! *ahem* I mean I want to be punished. I MEAN I should be punished! *laughs nervously*
                    TP: Oh my... em... I mean... *tugs on ALec's hand as he grips hers firmly* Ahem... well, if you really want me to... em... *whispers to STeve* What should I do?

                    Steve: *facepalm* Well...I reckon he;s either after a night of debauchery or... well, not sure what the "or" might be...

                    TP & STeve: *both look to Leeta for inspiration*

                    If you really want Astor all to yourself, Alec is more than wlecome to visit a while - Shadow too, if needed!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      *Alec runs into TP's quarters before she can finish her sentence*
                      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                        Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                        *Alec runs into TP's quarters before she can finish her sentence*

                        Steve: No cameras! I'll be watching you!

                        TP: Oooh!

                        Steve: *facepalm* Oh heaven help me - a new wraith for her to admire.

                        TP: Well, let's not be rude, babe - we should go and entertain Alec and show him round my rooms

                        Steve: yes, my queen...

                        Greg: *follows TP and STeve* Will we be needing the shackles tonight, Cupcake?

                        TP: *calls back over shoulder* Yes, bring them - I think Alec is in need of some queenie correction!

                        Steve: Come to think about it, Princess, I;ve been very possessive of late... perhaps you shoudl punish me too, my QUeen?

                        TP: All in good time, babe, all in good time.

                        Steve: I await your pleasure, my Queen *to self: Oooh, I;m loving this new game*
                        Last edited by Todd's Pet; 08 May 2011, 01:33 PM.
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
                          KM: HR got owned. *Nose wrinkles* *Sprays water on Shaun's cigarette* Take your second hand smoke elsewhere, not all of us have wraith regenerative abilities. That and it smells.
                          Shaun: *gets up at KM* EXCUSE ME MISSY! THAT WAS MY CIGARETTE! *hisses then walks over to another area grabbing WS and places a smoking sign on a table beside a couch sitting fancy with his legs crossed smoking a fancy cigarette looking all proper*

                          WS: *stares at Shaun and drools * "She is right you know...these are bad for you Shaun...even though you look so desirably sexy >__< "

                          Shaun: Dah..darling.. *lifts her chin*

                          WS: *shivers and passes out in his lap in love*

                          Karl: "showoff.."
                          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

                          Steve: *to Alec* I don't think Eddie needs secret cameras, bro - he just leaps out and does his stunner dance and carries off whatever worshippers fall at his feet in a thunk! *to Bullseye* Can I see what security measures you have there? It's good to have a Cleverman on the hive here. I'd like to sweep TP's rooms, just to be sure...
                          Shaun: *jealous* What is it with Eddie and his stunner dance What about my pelvic thrust? *jumps on the table and pelvic thrusts as Karl smacks Shaun with a bullwhip causing him to scream and jump half way up into the air landing on top of the potted plants*

                          Shaun: What the hell was that 0__0 ...


                            Karl & Tania videos are done!


                            Last edited by WraithSlave; 08 May 2011, 11:17 PM.


                              Poor Shaun! His, em... pelvic dance is truly hypnotic! *blows Shaun kisses*

                              *gets Grouch & Grumble to install special extractor fans so worshippers do not have to passive smoke*!

                              *goes back to "punishing" Steve, Greg and Alec*
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                                Shaun: *gets up at KM* EXCUSE ME MISSY! THAT WAS MY CIGARETTE! *hisses then walks over to another area grabbing WS and places a smoking sign on a table beside a couch sitting fancy with his legs crossed smoking a fancy cigarette looking all proper*
                                KM: *Growl* Do. Not. Hiss. At. Me. Your ciggarette, my lungs. Which one do you think is my priority?
                                Azrael: *Facepalm* Relax, worshipper, before this turns into a growling match.

                                Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                                You'd thin he'd learn.

                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                *gets Grouch & Grumble to install special extractor fans so worshippers do not have to passive smoke*!
                                Thanks, boys.

                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                *goes back to "punishing" Steve, Greg and Alec*
                                Last edited by KyshaMalini; 09 May 2011, 07:02 AM.

