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    Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
    At the moment I am really fond of Antoine, and if I manage to draw him how I imagine... the name will suit. I am a sucker for sultry European names... I wrote a fic about a Wraith called Allejandro once... only he looked more like Shawn. Now I'm really eager to draw him...
    TP's Steve has become very Steve-like and of course he spends a lot of time around Eddie, so he can be a "bit of a lad" when he feels like it!
    But Antoine would be just perfect for a more refined, European version of Steve - I can't wait to see your drawing, Addict!

    Love your avatar of Jimmy (Mantis) btw - I think Ciannwn still has him, but she shares him now and then - he's very fond of Absinthe and joins me for a tipple now and then - so I'm sure he'd be delighted to make your acquaintance too!
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      @ Orb: I think it suits him too, and in WWA everyone has developed really good personalities for their wraith and so they're all so different, which is great

      We also love stories around here too, so if any of you newbies would like to write short fics about your characters we'd love to read them - and it's a great way for us to get to know them as individual wraith, too!

      Yay! Okay, I'll definitely do that. My writing is something I am sure will express the character of... Antoine. I'll have to work on keeping it short... and PG rated... two things I find difficult, lol


        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
        Yay! Okay, I'll definitely do that. My writing is something I am sure will express the character of... Antoine. I'll have to work on keeping it short... and PG rated... two things I find difficult, lol

        Yep, that's always the hardest part!
        You could join Deviantart if you like things a bit racier!
        (link to my page under my siggie, but you can find the register page from there)

        PS - can't wait to meet Antoine now! How exciting - a new wraith on the block!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

          Yep, that's always the hardest part!
          You could join Deviantart if you like things a bit racier!
          (link to my page under my siggie, but you can find the register page from there)

          PS - can't wait to meet Antoine now! How exciting - a new wraith on the block!
          Antoine is looking forward to meeting everyone. I've currently keeping him to myself until I get to know him better I don't think he's complaining. I may just join Deviant Art, i was a member a few years back but now that I am picking up the pen again, probably a good time for it. my other option is facebook, but after what my friend Lauren said about Steve.... let's put it this way, no Wraith should have to deal with the indignity


            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
            Antoine is looking forward to meeting everyone. I've currently keeping him to myself until I get to know him better I don't think he's complaining.
            TP: That sounds like an excellent idea!
            Steve: Yes, doesn't it!
            TP: *explains to Addict* Steve is always trying to get me all to himself! (me and SW share a group of wraith between us that inlcudes Todd and Steve )
            Steve: One day I'll succeed and she'll be mine! All MINE! Mwahaha!
            TP: He probably will some day, too - he's persistent...

            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
            I may just join Deviant Art, i was a member a few years back but now that I am picking up the pen again, probably a good time for it.
            Oooh, I like the sound of that! Now I;m REALLY excited!

            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
            my other option is facebook, but after what my friend Lauren said about Steve.... let's put it this way, no Wraith should have to deal with the indignity
            what did she say????? *covers Steve's ears so he can't hear*
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Just cos I feel like it and he hasn't had an outing with new worshippers for a while...

              Here's my OC. I called him Seth (short for Sethiroph... yeah, I know, play on Sephiroth) and he's one of the stars of my minific series TP's Hive - shameless plug - link under my siggie.
              He's meant to be a cross between Steve and Spike (Spike in his natural wraith form) cos at the time I created him, Spike belonged to another worshipper and Steve had not yet become besotted with TP!

              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                I believe this is the exact quote, but please make sure that Steve is faaaar gone.

                "Lou, please don't tell me Steve is that guy who needs a chin shave and has had way to much botox"


                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  I tend to draw and paint in batches when I'm off work on holiday... I'm thinking that a week off in August some time could be on the cards, so you never know, Orb - it would be nice to paint another wraith for a change!


                  Oh heck! *rushes off to worship Steve*

                  Steve: Of course Steve isn't my real name either, but TP and SW are sworn to secrecy!

                  If the plushies go well, I may take requests on that too... but if I do, a Kenny for Geeky will be first on my list *hugs to Geeky*

                  In case you make anything, here is a reference collage for Bullseye. He has a small braid at each side of his face, no facial hair, and no facial tattoos.




                    Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                    I believe this is the exact quote, but please make sure that Steve is faaaar gone.

                    "Lou, please don't tell me Steve is that guy who needs a chin shave and has had way to much botox"
                    *keeps hands tightly over Steve's ears* Steve's "soul patch" is gorgeous and he has the most incredibly beautiful, sweeping eyebrow ridges!!!!! Pah! Philistines! *kisses Steve's brow repeatedly and nuzzles cute stubbly bit on his chin between his goatee*

                    Steve: I don't care what she said about me - it was worth it!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                      In case you make anything, here is a reference collage for Bullseye. He has a small braid at each side of his face, no facial hair, and no facial tattoos.
                      Oh my! You are a dedicated worshipper! I'm at work just now (Steve: Naughty TP! ) but when I get home I;ll save that onto my desktop for future reference
                      He's really quite handsome, isn't he? I love braids! (Steve: yep - she's even put braids in my hair ) and his coat is quite simple but elegant - my black glitter felt would be good for that little panel on the front
                      It may be some time after I've done these ones - but I;ll let you know when I;m ready to start and we can confer on materials and design
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        Oh my! You are a dedicated worshipper! I'm at work just now (Steve: Naughty TP! ) but when I get home I;ll save that onto my desktop for future reference
                        He's really quite handsome, isn't he? I love braids! (Steve: yep - she's even put braids in my hair ) and his coat is quite simple but elegant - my black glitter felt would be good for that little panel on the front
                        It may be some time after I've done these ones - but I;ll let you know when I;m ready to start and we can confer on materials and design
                        Thanks!!! Yes, he really went under everyone's radar without him having a speaking role: such a gentle smile, elegant coat, bright blinking eyes, hair that can be brushed and braided yet messed up and tousled just a little, and acts wraithily arrogant around the Lanteans but so respectful to Todd. *drool*


                          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                          Thanks!!! Yes, he really went under everyone's radar without him having a speaking role: such a gentle smile, elegant coat, bright blinking eyes, hair that can be brushed and braided yet messed up and tousled just a little, and acts wraithily arrogant around the Lanteans but so respectful to Todd. *drool*
                          Steve: That's quite a description, Orb - he's a lucky wraith!

                          TP: *snuggles up to Steve* How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

                          Steve: She can get up into the hundreds you know!!!!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            TP: Got to go now, girls - almost time to go home! Yay! Freedom!

                            Steve, Seth and Aurel: *rush off to get TP's stuff together* Come on, come on, babe - time to go home!!!

                            TP: See y'all later!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                              Aww, that's cute. *sigh*

                              @Orb: Congrats on your custom avvie! *throws confetti*
                              Thank you

                              Indeed, congrats, Orb!
                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Just had a text from my son - he successfully reached the summit of Kilimanjaro early this morning and saw the sun rise over the Serengeti

                              *lots of wraithy snuggles to congratulate proud mum and keep post on topic*

                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              If the plushies go well, I may take requests on that too... but if I do, a Kenny for Geeky will be first on my list *hugs to Geeky*

                              Aurora: Hmm...
                              Lol, where do you get your supplies from? I've never had a go at making plushies, but I have a long list of ones I'd make if I could Aurora, Craig, Gabriel, Kas, Nuada, Legolas....
                              Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                              At the moment I am really fond of Antoine, and if I manage to draw him how I imagine... the name will suit. I am a sucker for sultry European names... I wrote a fic about a Wraith called Allejandro once... only he looked more like Shawn. Now I'm really eager to draw him...
                              Ooh, I like that name In fact I like both those names, please do try to draw them!!!!
                              Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                              Antoine is looking forward to meeting everyone. I've currently keeping him to myself until I get to know him better I don't think he's complaining. I may just join Deviant Art, i was a member a few years back but now that I am picking up the pen again, probably a good time for it. my other option is facebook, but after what my friend Lauren said about Steve.... let's put it this way, no Wraith should have to deal with the indignity
                              If you write fics too and haven't done so already you could join You'll get a wider audience for fics there, though there are a dedicated band of Worshippers on dA
                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Just cos I feel like it and he hasn't had an outing with new worshippers for a while...

                              Here's my OC. I called him Seth (short for Sethiroph... yeah, I know, play on Sephiroth) and he's one of the stars of my minific series TP's Hive - shameless plug - link under my siggie.
                              He's meant to be a cross between Steve and Spike (Spike in his natural wraith form) cos at the time I created him, Spike belonged to another worshipper and Steve had not yet become besotted with TP!

                              Ooh, always good to drool over Seth


                                I have to leave in a mo, but I hope you all have a great weekend if for some reson I can't make it on in the next couple of days *hugs*
                                *Craig and Aurora leave fairy cakes*

