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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
    geekywraith: Thanks Craig for the coffee-iced fairy cake. You have a very good memory of a MIA worshipper... Yes. Thankfully I will get some time off. Not much but enough to relax a little bit.

    got to go. Dinner time.
    *Craig sends big Wraithie hugs*


      Night all, I won't be on tomorrow evening and possibly not Thursday either. I will try and get on in the day for an hour or so.
      See you all Friday night, if not before


        Hi everyone, sorry for my long absence, forgot my GW password ( shame on me). Welcome ShadowCat to WWA !


          Welcome back I don't think I was around when you were first here, but welcome all the same!


            Thanks Cassie .


              Okay kiddie-winkles (I've always wanted to say that Such a shame I'm still the youngest here ) I want to first apologies for the delay with starting these, but uni decided to drop everything on me at once, in fact I'll be returning to it straight after I still have two more stories to write up, but I will get those done right after this portfolio.

              But now it's story time

              Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

              Starry Waters and the Seven Wraith
              Once upon a time, there was a beautiful worshipper named Starry Waters. Her hair was white as snow and it was said that the stars reflected in her brilliant blue eyes. She served her hive queen loyally, never once complaining about the many tasks she was set.

              Now the Queen was vain, and considered herself to be the most beautiful wraith queen in the galaxy. Every day she would ask the hive mind, “Am I the fairest of them all?” And every day all the wraith replied, “Indeed, my Queen.” Then came the dreaded day when she asked the same question that she had every day for thousands of years, but one mind spoke out amongst the collective, one sharp note in the sweet music she was accustomed to: “No, you’re not. There is someone far more beautiful than you.”
              After recovering from the initial shock, the Queen homed in on the rebellious mind. “Who is it that you believe to be more beautiful than me?!”
              “It is not just me,” replied the wraith in question, “many believe that your servant, the one known as Starry Waters, to be more beautiful than her mistress.”

              Mad with jealousy, the Queen sent for the poor Starry Waters, but, frightened by her mistress’s sudden rage, the beautiful worshipper had fled.
              Tired and hunger, having travelled from planet to planet by the stargate, Starry Waters eventually came across a wraith cruiser. Deciding that she’d risk anything to get away from the Queen’s wrath, she made her way inside. Inside, everything was set up for seven. Seven chairs surrounded a table with seven places set and the mess of seven males littering the floor. Old habits die hard, and so SW tidied up the messes before falling asleep on one of the seven beds.
              When the seven wraith returned from their culling, imagine their surprise to find not only the cruiser’s living areas clean but a sleeping worshipper on one of their beds. Three of the wraith, ungratefully known as Sleazy, Noisy and Arty by their fellows, decided that perhaps the worshipper needed a little waking up. Though surprisingly, she didn’t complain about it and instead invited the others to join the fun.
              When they introduced themselves, Starr Waters couldn’t help but laugh. Even thought they all had names – Steve, Seth, Greg, Aurel, Eddie, Rocky and Astor- they had given themselves nicknames that they insisted she cal them: Pouty, Sexy, Happy, Bashful, Sleazy, Noisy and Arty. She told them how she preferred to go by SW and also told them about the wicked Queen and how she wanted to kill her; the seven wraith swore to protect her. All was well, until the day the Queen learnt where Starry Waters was.
              The Queen sent one of her other worshippers with a basket of poisoned apples to Starry Waters hiding place, while her seven protectors were away culling. Unsuspecting of the true intent, SW accepted the gift, believing the worshipper to be a simple trader. When the seven wraith returned, they found their beloved worshipper seemingly dead on the floor. Despite the efforts of all of them, especially Bashful who was skilled at healing, they could not wake her. And they mourned their pretty worshipper, vowing revenge.
              Before they could set off though, a single dart appeared and landed near the facility. It was the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, known to many as Todd and he had heard of the beautiful worshipper SW. The seven wraith that had been her guardians were forced to break the sorry news to him.
              “Show me,” he commanded.
              The others lead him to where they had laid SW. She looked so peaceful, she might have been mistaken for sleeping. Todd went up to her, and placed his hand on her chest and kissed her. As he kissed, he gave her some of his life energy, and combined with the efforts of the other Seven wraith from before, SW awoke, much to everyone’s surprise and elation.
              “Come with me and you will be as a Queen,” purred Todd.
              “Hey now wait a minute!” interjected Sexy. “She already is our Queen!”
              “Yeah,” added Pouty, “you can’t just take her like that!” The other seven wraith agreed.
              “There isn’t even enough beds for you to stay,” pointed out Happy.
              “Now boys,” said SW calmly, “there’s no need to fight over me. I can worship ALL of you. As for the lack of beds, we don’t really need seven do we? Just one nice big one....”
              Last edited by Draygon; 16 December 2009, 05:21 AM.
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                And one more before I have to go back to doing work...


                Not all worshippers work for wraith. Some very few higher up worshippers are allowed to use a hive's stock of menial worshippers to work for them as servants - at least until they get chosen by a wraith.
                One such menial worshipper was TP and she worked for the personal worshippers of the Training Officer and they were cruel and unpleasant women. They would deliberately make more work for TP as she cleaned, spilling ink on the beds and knocking books to the floor. TP worked diligently though, inside wondering what the wraith could see in such horrid creatures.
                One day, there was an announcement in the Worshippers quarter. The wraith known amongst the worshippers as “Steve” wished to choose a personal worshipper and was going to hold a ball to choose one. Naturally, ever worshipper wanted to be chosen, even those that already had wraith masters.
                “TP, get me my new shoes!”
                “Yes mistress.”
                “TP, do my hair!”
                “Yes mistress.”
                “TP watch where you’re going, you nearly ripped my dress!”
                “Sorry mistress.”
                Soon, the two worshippers were ready to attend the ball. TP then started to put on a dress of her own.
                “What do you think you’re doing?” demanded one of the sisters.
                “I’m coming too aren’t I? The invitation was open to all worshippers.”
                The two sisters laughed. “You? Why would Steve want to choose someone like you? What makes you think you're good enough for him?” They laughed about it all the way out and it echoed down the corridor, ringing in TP’s ears. She slowly began to tidy up the room, tears stinging her eyes. As she made her way to the laundry rooms with yet more clothes the sisters had ruined, she almost walked into the large form of a wraith. After stammering her apologies, she looked up and smiled as she recognized him.
                “What’s with the tears, TP?” asked Greg, taking the clothes from her to one of the vats. “Have those two harpies been having a go at you again?”
                “Oh Greg, they won’t let me go to the Ball to choose Steve’s worshipper!”
                The wraith looked at her quizzically. “Well, I might have something that’ll cheer you up then.” He disappeared for a few moments and returned with a fabulous dress and a pair of black glittering boots. TP didn’t know what to say, especially when Greg waved a stylish black mask at her as well.
                “You shall go to the Ball TP!”


                Steve was bored and just a little irritated. None of these worshippers were what he wanted; they just kept simpering and offering themselves to him just like all other worshippers had. They were all so similar.
                He wanted a worshipper with a bit of fire in her, some defiance that made her all the more desirable. But it appeared that no such woman existed on this hive.
                Then a sudden hush descended over the assembled worshippers, broken by whispered exclamations. Steve turned to the door and gasped. A women, dressed in a form fitting black dress adorned with silver, a black mask and rather fetching black glittered boots stood there, her fiery tresses cascading over her shoulders. She stood with the determination of a wraith Queen and he found himself totally enthralled by her.
                Steve made his way towards her, the crowd parting like a wave before him. Her green eyes sparkled with defiance and desire behind that black mask. She held out her hand, and he took it, feeling the callused skin from months of hard work. Right now, that didn’t matter - he could pamper her to his heart's content later.
                He led her out into the middle of the room where they danced and danced as the worshippers around watched with growing jealousy that it was not them that Steve danced with. Even when one of her boots came loose, the mystery women merely kicked it off and continued to dance, one foot bare.
                Suddenly, she stopped, a look of fear entering her eyes for the first time that night. Steve opened his mouth to ask her what the matter was when she turned and fled the hall, leaving behind her one black boot.

                TP had been so caught up with dancing in Steve’s arms that she had almost missed the two sisters leaving. If they got back to the room and found her not there they would be bound to get suspicious and make her life even more of a misery. She needed to get back there fast!
                Breaking away from Steve she ran, using the many hidden passages on the hive to get back to the room before the sisters. She quickly changed from the beautiful outfit Greg had given her and hid them in her secret place below her small bed. TP just had time to pick up some odd clothes as the two worshipper sisters entered.
                “Still not finished? What have you been doing all this time, you lazy wretch?”
                “Come and get me out of this dress, I feel ridiculous.”
                “If we’d dressed like that good-for-nothing gold-digger, perhaps we’d have gotten as many dances with Steve.”
                “Maybe, but we have decorum - did you see her dancing in her bare feet!”
                “And did you see him pick up that boot she left? How soppy!”
                TP listened in silence as the sisters grumbled.
                It seemed Steve was determined to find out whoever it was that had danced with him all night and would get all the worshippers to try on the boot she had left until he found its owner.
                She went to bed that night exhausted, but with dreams of dancing with Steve in her head.


                The next morning came and Steve’s search had begun. He tried the boot on every single worshipper yet none could fit in it. He was beginning to despair of ever finding his mystery worshipper. Eventually he made his way to the personal worshipper quarters. Even there, it seemed fruitless.
                The drone opened the last door, that belonging to the quarters of the Training Masters worshippers. The worshipper he startled when he entered though was not one of the two sisters. In fact, she was all alone and one he’d never met before. And yet... he felt as though he recognised her.
                She sat down and Steve knelt next to her, boot in hand. The two sisters returned to their room just as Steve slipped the boot onto TP’s foot. It was a perfect fit.
                “She was working all last night! And where’s the other boot then?”
                “But it can't be her! She’s nothing more than a servant!"
                “Don’t you speak that way about my worshipper,” growled Steve, as TP fished out the boot’s twin from under her bed. With both boots on now, she stood shoulder to shoulder with her new companion. “What would you like me to do with them, Princess?” he purred in her ear.
                TP looked at the two sisters who had made her life a misery for so long. “Leave them,” she said. “this is punishment enough for them.” She kissed Steve passionately. “Every Princess needs her Prince.”

                Now then children () play nicely now, and I'm sure more stories will come...
                If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                  Hehee, very sweet Draygon! Reading those certainly brought a smile to my face, and I'm sure SW and TP will love it


                    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                    And one more before I have to go back to doing work...

                    TP and Steve cosy up for an extra specially snuggly coffee break after reading that

                    Steve: *purring and stroking TP's leg* You know, I really ought to buy you a pair of black glitter boots for Christmas, Princess
                    TP: *sigh*

                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      To Draygon

                      Love the fairy tales. Have saved them ready for the Xmas special.


                        Draygon: I LOVE the fairy tales. The nicknames for the Three Degrees made me laugh so much
                        I like the glittery boots idea for TP, far more fitting than glass slippers
                        Cann't wait to read the other two when you've finished them


                          I'm off now, please VM/PM any updates for the guides. I'll be checking in tomorrow but won't be on in the evening till Friday.
                          Have fun


                            Take care PA


                              Originally posted by Lt.Cassandra Blue View Post
                              Hi everyone, sorry for my long absence, forgot my GW password ( shame on me). Welcome ShadowCat to WWA !
                              Welcome back, Kay! We have missed you!

                              Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                              Okay kiddie-winkles (I've always wanted to say that Such a shame I'm still the youngest here ) I want to first apologies for the delay with starting these, but uni decided to drop everything on me at once, in fact I'll be returning to it straight after I still have two more stories to write up, but I will get those done right after this portfolio.

                              But now it's story time

                              Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...
                              Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                              And one more before I have to go back to doing work...
                              Awwww, very sweet. LOVE them. I would green you but GW won't let me, have mental green istead.


                                Here's one of the four fairy stories i promised to add to the collection...

                                Sleeping Beauty

                                Once upon a time there was a beautiful wraith. All of the other wraith on his hive were so jealous of his beauty and grace that they whinged and complained constantly to their queen.
                                The queen liked a peaceful life so one day she decided to get rid of him. “I have a special mission for you, Aurora,” she told him. “You must infiltrate the lair of the evil Lanteans.”
                                “How will I do that?” he asked in his deep, velvety voice.
                                “They are all in suspended animation on their flagship,” she explained. “So you will do likewise and pretend to be a beautiful Second Officer and get all the information we need from them.”
                                The queen was rather wicked and knew this mission would be dangerous and did not expect to ever see him again.
                                But there were three worshippers eaves-dropping and they thought Aurora was rather pretty, so they gave him some advice.
                                “Make sure you set the timer on the unit, or you’ll never waken,” said the first worshipper.
                                “If you come across a crew member called John Sheppard, avoid him like the plague,” said the second.
                                “And whatever you do, when you wake up – stay away from Mckay!” pleaded the third worshipper.
                                So Aurora took his dart and flew off to the Lantean flagship, never to be seen on his hive again...


                                Aurora spent many thousands of years asleep in the Lantean flagship, surrounded by sub-space booby traps like thorn trees around a fairy castle.
                                During those millennia he diligently gathered information and was relieved to never come across anyone called John Sheppard.
                                But one day a stranger arrived on the holographic ship and Aurora instantly knew he was in trouble.
                                He tried to wake himself but every failsafe he had put into place crashed. He just knew that what the worshippers had warned him about was going to happen.
                                “Oh no, what will I do now?” he thought to himself, “Is there anyone out there who can come and rescue me?”


                                “Trust me, I know he’s here,” PA told Craig and Gabriel as they searched through all the thousands of pods.
                                “Well, we have to find him before the Lanteans get here,” Craig urged them to hurry.
                                “Busy, busy!” muttered Gabriel, poking at one of the control panels.
                                Suddenly, one of the pods opened and there he was: Aurora, the wraith PA had been dreaming of every night for weeks. She leaned over the pod and gasped as she looked at Aurora’s beautiful face.
                                “What are you waiting for?” Craig encouraged her.
                                “Wraith are not never-ending, you know,” Gabriel piped up. “Grab your chance! Busy, busy!”
                                Shyly, she kissed Aurora gently on the lips and his eyelids flickered.
                                “Dry as a desert! Give him a snog!” Gabriel shouted out.
                                Craig dug him in the ribs, but said to PA, “Perhaps another one will do the trick.”
                                She kissed Aurora again and this time his eyes opened and he looked straight at her. PA helped him to sit up and, after a few moments to let him get his bearings, she told him that she’d come to take him home.
                                “You rescued me!” He sighed and gazed lovingly into her eyes, then let her lead him to the jumper bay and freedom.
                                “Happily ever after!” Gabriel bellowed as he followed on behind them.

                                THE END
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

