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    Chapter three is proving to be a little reluctant to end so.. here's the first two


    "So what do you think of the wraith?"
    She paused, considering his question silently as she sipped at the mug of tea held in her hands before finally answering after a minute or so had passed. He was in no rush to get a response, despite knowing what Beckett might say at his jaunts onto the public balconey at night. He could always argue that there was a thick glass barrier between his and her own, despite it only coming up to waist height.
    "They are predators neccesary to maintain the balance. Too numerous for this to be obvious or effective, and blinded by their own arrogance admitedly, but predators all the same. To remove them would open up the role to another niche creature, likely to be even worse. Wraith are intelligent humanoid beings that evolved to fill a role, with a culture and past."

    He blinked in surprise at that as his mind registered what she'd said. There'd been no undertone of hate in her words, no disgust or contempt. He knew full well she wasn't a worshipper; he doubted that she'd have been allowed even on this expedition had she expressed any more of an opinion. At his silence, she then spoke again.

    "Surprised?" Amusement was paired with it, and when he tore his eyes from the sky to look at her, he caught the arched eyebrow and quirked smile. A human expression, but he soon managed to read it and nodded a little. She seemed to read him easily enough without his face moving much, something he was silently grateful for in comparison to Teyla's false expressions and Sheppard's constant unending questions.

    "Yes, quite."
    She stifled a yawn then, eyeing her watch.
    "Well, it's late for me, I should get some rest. May the stars watch over you, and guide you in times of darkness." Turning away from the rail and offering an absent wave, his golden eyes remained on her as she retreated into the opaque darkness of her own quarters. Only once he heard the sound of the lock did he answer.

    "And may they do so to you too..."
    With a heavy sigh, he turned back into his own quarters and eyed the guard's with a bitter expression. He'd get no sleep again tonight, not with this feeling of being wanted by neither still welling in his chest.

    Chapter 1:

    2 months ago:
    He opened his eyes with a flicker, wincing briefly at the light hitting them before eventually getting used to it and peering around. The room was unfamiliar, much like the tubes running into his arms and the machines beeping about him. Had he been injured? He frowned. He had no memory, no awareness of what might have happened.

    "Oh aye, you're up laddie that's good..."
    Plucking up a radio out of eyeview, he reported it in.
    "Elizabeth?" Muffled reply.
    "He's awake."
    The accented voice soon caught his attention, and he found himself looking up at what he presumed to be a doctor of some sort. His blue-grey eyes had an almost kindly expression to them, despite the light he flicked into his eyes once or twice being a little irritating. Allowing him time to finish, he then spoke up. His voice felt rusty, unused, and a glass of water was soon held out to him. Mm, that felt a little better. The man didn't seem too bothered with more personal questions, which he could tolerate easily enough. Hearing it was still strange mind. He allowed himself to rest against the pillows supporting him, despite the questions clamouring for his attention in his mind.
    "Senny lass, will you get these papers up to Weir for me? Oh, and take the clock battery out, it needs replacing."

    He briefly observed the newcomer, and was observed back in turn. She was pale, with a pair of half-moon spectacles perched on her nose aiding a pair of inquisitive blue eyes. Tilting her head a little in a manner that caused a strand of hair to fall from behind one of her ears, she then diverted her attention to the tasks the doctor, Carson, had given her. Young compared to those he'd seen walking around, but he presumed that must merely be nature working in her favour; he doubted any such place as this, with marine guards posted outside his door, would let anyone not an adult in. Knocking the clock off the wall with the chucked help of a book, she caught it and removed something from the back before tucking the folder beneath her arm.

    "Oh, they said they'd be down soon by the way." Her nod to him was presumably for Carson's benefit, to indicate who 'they' would be likely coming to see. With a nod of acknowledgement to him after that, she left without a word. Not once had she addressed him. His eyes soon found the ceiling again, and he began idly to count the tiles. He'd gotten to thirty when the door slid open again. Two people filed in. One, a man with short and slightly messy dark hair and three, a woman with short hair and a stern, yet somehow still concerned expression. He felt no familiarity at their presence, no twinge of recognition. His eyes moved over the trio, waiting expectantly. The doctor spoke first, commenting more like.

    "Blood pressure's fine, pulse normal. You're bouncing back quite nicely."
    He blinked, puzzled. He felt fine, physically at least. What on earth did he mean?
    "Bouncing back from what?" That was when the woman addressed him, a smile on her face that didn't quite seem to reach her eyes.

    "Hullo Michael. D'you remember me?"
    He frowned, desperately forcing his mind to try and find a memory where she cropped up. No, nothing. Just frustrating foggy nothingness. Bah.
    "I'm Doctor Elizabeth Weir. This is Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard."
    "You serve under my command."
    "Do you know where you are?"
    "I don't even know who I am!" His frustration and exasperation showed in that once sentance, blurted out in an incredulous manner.
    "Your name is Lieutenant Michael Kenmore. You're in a private room off the Infirmary here in Atlantis."
    That seemed familiar. He lifted his head a little, tilting his head oh so slightly to one side as though trying to shake a memory out of place.
    "Is that familiar to you?" Weir noticed this easily enough.
    "Atlantis. Yeah ... I think." He was uncertain, mind. The word was familiar but he couldn't think *why*.
    "You're a member of a team that went offworld. You were captured by the Wraith."

    He looked away, frowning slightly at this. Wraith. The word seemed so familiar, but why? Why did this word seem to resonate with such a feel within his mind?
    "I see you remember the Wraith."
    He looked at the Doctor then, blinking a little. Had he been that obvious? No matter really, he didn't know why he remembered them. Maybe they were merely well known, he had no idea.
    "What did they do to me?" It was Weir who answered for him, shrugging her shoulders a fraction. She didn't look quite like the combatant type, and Sheppard's answer just about summed this conclusion up for him.
    "We're not quite sure yet."
    "We sent a rescue team for you but, um, you were wounded during the mission."
    "You've been unconscious for days now – had us worried sick," was Carson's comment. He could tell, judging by how his room had no other patients and a guard posted outside the door, one on either side. What sort of threat or problem did they expect?

    "Why can't I remember anything?"
    "We don't know yet. Hopefully we'll learn more as we conduct further tests."
    "And in the meantime, I can assure you that we will give you the best possible care to help in your recovery."

    They walked out, save for the doctor. He didn't know the tapes connected to the hidden cameras were being observed, watching his every move, word and response to the stimuli around him. With a quiet sigh, he closed his eyes and allowed the insulin injection - although he did keep mum about the fact he had no idea what on earth diabetes was. The doctor so far had known what he was doing, so he kept it at that. He sank back into the bed, and allowed his eyes to close so he could better process the sounds around him.


      Originally posted by IV View Post
      So PA said this was the way to go

      I'd like to ask if I can adopt Phineas. I'll likely stick to the COH for a bit, and then possibly branch out into rping him in the proper IC threads when I feel more confidant. He'd make a good buddy for Jasper, and he can do lots of enjoyable sparring/weapon's training with my alter ego, IV in the COH
      That's fine with me, if my "vote" is needed. Love the siggie btw - Phineas is very pretty!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Thanks ^^ I'm eventually going to try and do every wraith listed, but it might prove a little difficult as some have very few screenshots to work from.


          Originally posted by IV View Post
          Chapter three is proving to be a little reluctant to end so.. here's the first two

          Prologue: and Chapter 1:2 months ago
          Like the first two, guess next chapter will come when it ready ..... but the first two are good ..... MCH sit drumming fingers on table as she waits ...... hopefully.

          EDIT: You get my vote to adopt Phineas, if it needed.
          Thanks to DS for my siggy


            Originally posted by MCH View Post
            Ouch ..... well the training went well and I will get my chair.

            But the training was to train me to be able to assess others. Not training how to fill in the forms. So can I assess me to get my chair????

            Don't I just love working for the city council, and it was expensive training to.
            Apparently I have Piriformus Syndrome... they may have to get me a saddle chair at work... we'll see if they can rise to the challenge!
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by IV View Post
              So PA said this was the way to go

              I'd like to ask if I can adopt Phineas. I'll likely stick to the COH for a bit, and then possibly branch out into rping him in the proper IC threads when I feel more confidant. He'd make a good buddy for Jasper, and he can do lots of enjoyable sparring/weapon's training with my alter ego, IV in the COH
              Also fine by me. Have fun with him.

              Originally posted by IV View Post
              Chapter three is proving to be a little reluctant to end so.. here's the first two
              Looks promising. Deserves green.


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                Apparently I have Piriformus Syndrome... they may have to get me a saddle chair at work... we'll see if they can rise to the challenge!

                A saddle chair .... ride em cowgirl .... has visions of TP riding around her office .... Thinks of the song .... Home home on the range .... da da da da.
                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
                  Also fine by me. Have fun with him.

                  Looks promising. Deserves green.
                  So does this mean IV can take him home tonight, or do we need DS's approval too?


                    Hmmmm... well, I don´t think DS would mind if we´re making a decision without her, but we can wait of course.


                      Finally done chapter three, phew

                      *bounces excitedly on the spot* :3

                      Saddle chair? That reminds me of an episode of MASH Colonel Potter with the saddle permanently in his office!


                        Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
                        Hmmmm... well, I don´t think DS would mind if we´re making a decision without her, but we can wait of course.
                        Yeah, I didn't know if she'd prefer us to wait
                        On the plus side, Phineas will soon have a new Worshipper and won't be confined to the dusty vaults of Boris's hive for much longer


                          Aaand, chapter 3!:


                          He felt a mind touch his during the short rest he had. It wasn't wraith; it lacked the looming, dangerous edge that he presumed, no, knew such a touch came with. It was curious, wary. It briefly attempted to sort of stroke his mind, as though attempting to sooth his anxiety over the lack of memory coming to him. He let out a quiet sigh at the gesture. At this point, he didn't care who it was, it made him feel better in this disorientated state. He was grateful. He allowed his eyes to close. Carson, unknowingly to him, watched with a look of relief. Everything, so far, was going according to how he’d predicted.

                          “Michael, we believe you may be suffering from what's called generalised dissociative amnesia, which usually occurs as a result of significant trauma.” Well, that made sense in a way. He was pretty certain if he went through some sort of terrible experience, he’d rather not remember it all in one go.
                          “Trauma caused by the Wraith?” Hopefully the answer would be yes. He’d hate to think if he’d been stupid enough to cause damage to himself, or walking into a trap set by his supposed team.
                          “We don't know for certain. Hopefully, over time, your memory will return. In the meantime, we'll do our best to help you fill in the gaps – a wee bit at a time so as not to completely overwhelm you.” He almost snorted a little in amusement at that. Yeah, like it really would make much difference. He had no idea where he was aside from ‘Atlantis’, and had no memory of his life prior to waking up – his only option was to trust the people around him. He smiled ruefully at the idea.
                          “I'm already completely overwhelmed. How much worse can it get?” Carson’s smile seemed genuine, but he didn’t seem to notice it fading as he walked into the observation room next door.

                          He sighed, leaning back into the pillows and moving his gaze back to the ceiling again. He hoped, almost, for the presence to come back. When he had nobody to talk to, he had nothing to do. And nothing to do meant that his mind was starting to wander, trying to figure itself out. As he came up with no answers each time, he got more and more frustrated at the sickening cycle. No presence. Which might have been due to the fact that shortly after, a woman entered the room after the guards allowed her passage. Curious, he sat up a little straighter while observing her. Something rung a cord in his head, but he couldn’t think what. He certainly didn’t realise that the presence’s absence was due to her.
                          “Hullo, Michael. I am Teyla.”
                          He looked at her then properly, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he attempted to recognise her features. Her bearing was confidant, and her figure carried muscle as expected of an active member of such a team as Sheppard described. While her face brought no memories, something did. A feeling or a presence. He couldn’t determine which of the two it was.
                          “You look familiar. Do I know you?”
                          “Yes. You assisted my team on a few missions.”
                          “There's more, though. Are ... are we friends?” He looked thoughtful after he said it. While the word didn’t exactly sound right on his tongue, it seemed to fit the feeling he had while in her company. Plus she couldn’t really mean him harm, with such a smile and casual demeanour.
                          “That's the best news I've heard all day!” he laughed, his attitude brightening immediately. To know that he had not been unwelcome among these people was a great relief. Now he understood almost why they seemed so wary – perhaps they didn’t know if he’d remember them or not, and acting in such a way would lessen the pain.
                          “How are you feeling?”
                          “Oh – physically fine, but my mind is completely blank. They said I'm a lieutenant.”
                          “You have only recently arrived in Atlantis but you have already proven yourself to be one of the finest soldiers in this city.” She nodded a little as though to confirm this, the pleasant smile still on her features even throughout the explanation. Had he been in his right mind, he’d wonder why. But the retrovirus was successful for now, and he felt no suspicion at her outwardly open nature.
                          “Well, if I'm such a fine soldier, how did I get captured by the Wraith?”
                          “Your team came upon a landed Wraith cruiser and were ambushed. You sacrificed yourself in order to give your team mates time to escape. Quite heroic.”
                          “Were you part of the team that rescued me?
                          “Well, then that makes you even *more* heroic.” He answered, smiling back, Teyla grinned in return, before politely making her leave and departing. He felt in brighter spirits now, consoled, and completely unaware of the lies they were slowly constructing a web of deceit and lies around him.

                          Then, as soon as Teyla was out of the room, the presence came back. It seemed frazzled, nervous. Keeping the frown off his face, he clumsily attempted to make some sort of contact with it. While his former self might have dealt with it with a firm mental slap of sorts, he now felt no reason to make a jab at the... thing which had attempted to console him earlier. Pretending to read one of the books the doctor had left out to occupy him, he attempted to talk to it within his mind.
                          'Hello?' There was a pause, like muted static before it answered in what he roughly guessed was a female, or feminine, voice.
                          'Hello Michael' He turned the page, timing it to look like he'd read it methodically while he best thought of a response.
                          'Who are you?' Amusement was conveyed, before a brief, foggy image of a pair of spectacles danced at the edge of his vision.
                          'Oh, it's you! Thank you, for keeping me company earlier'
                          'You're quite welcome. I find rooms like the one you’re in most intolerable, and figured you could do with some company.’
                          Thanks. It’s all been so confusing, I haven’t really had a chance to, well, take it all in really.’
                          That will come in time, I think. For now they just want to ensure you’re alright.’
                          I am, physically anyway. How long have you been here?’
                          Hmm, a month or so. I’ve just completed all the checks to go off-world, so I’m just waiting for them to approve me really. So dull otherwise, but things always keep popping up.’
                          You look a little young to be going off-world...
                          Ha! When you’re better, let’s spar and see what you say then hmm? Short and scrawny does not a fighter make.’
                          He resisted the urge to smile visibly, and kept his eyes and outward attention on the book. She, now he could finally contribute a gender and face to the presence, was amusing. More light-hearted than Sheppard or Weir, but he sensed, more reserved than Teyla.
                          Alright, you’re on.’ The presence then briefly seemed to stretch, almost like it was testing its boundaries, before contracting again. He resisted the urge to twitch at the strange feeling spreading momentarily over his mind, before sort of prodding back. While his real telepathic skills lay dormant, it didn’t take too much concentration or willpower to try and mimic whatever it was she was doing. The prod was returned in kind, before she ‘spoke’ again.
                          Mess hall time for me. Rest well, let Carson take of you.’

                          He stretched a little once the presence vanished again. He’d found an old friend, Teyla, found out he was part of a team and gained a potential new friend in the strange presence that flitted in when he always seemed to need it. He looked around at the bland walls, and sighed inwardly. Until he was let out of this room and given a chance to get some new scenery, he’d need every bit of company he could get.


                            Originally posted by MCH View Post
                            A saddle chair .... ride em cowgirl .... has visions of TP riding around her office .... Thinks of the song .... Home home on the range .... da da da da.
                            Whatever it takes to get rid of the pain, hon!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              IV: I like the fic, I wasn't a big michael fan when I first started watching, but when I got the DVDs I warmed more to him. He's certainly an interesting character and i look forward to seeing how your story develops


                                Thanks PA, and everyone else who's commented on it I'll probably do a few oneshots every now and then as well.
                                ie, teaching him how to skateboard

