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    To IV

    I'm sorry about letting you down where having an archaeology plot's concerned but it would just be you playing Jasper, and me running the main archaeology team with DS, MCH and Cat joining in when they can. I can't cope with this as well as playing the entire Hippie Commune to keep the baby plot going and running the WWA website.

    The only way we could possibly have this plot is if WW split her characters up so Danny joined the archaeology team and Charles and Joanne went 'on hold' until the dig's over.
    Last edited by ciannwn; 26 November 2009, 12:32 AM.


      Okay, I'll do that then

      EDIT: If Charles and Joanne are on hold does the baby's due date need to be extended?


        Originally posted by wraith_whore View Post
        Okay, I'll do that then

        EDIT: If Charles and Joanne are on hold does the baby's due date need to be extended?
        I honestly don't know. The way things are at the moment it could take us over a month of real time just to role play a couple of days in game time. Artefacts also have to be catalogued and any texts translated after the dig. Jasper is donating artefacts and texts that he's collected to the museum so these need to be sorted out in the game as well.

        There are other bits and pieces to attend to before we could even start an archaeology plot, though. Jasper is joining one of the communities - whichever one he moves into (Boris's crew, the Hippies or the Pirates) he needs to be introduced to the characters concerned and settled in. Some of the new characters from the Cantina plot are coming back for a visit too so DS and I will be role playing them looking round Boris's Hive and the Island.


          Isn't there any way you could make the plots for these threads a little less complicated and needing less plotting discussion? It seems to me that y'all are making something that should be fun into an awful lot of work?
          It's just a thought... perhaps if the RP threads were a bit more like the COH then it wouldn't really matter if folks can't get there for a while. I don't know... just a thought... I don't really get involved in the RP threads for that reason - it seems to me it's more like work than fun!

          I have a few more minifics but I'll hang on to them for a while and give you a break, C *hug* In the meantime I'll work on some illustrations.
          btw C - please feel free to visit the COH with Boris for some much needed and spontaneous R&R I;m sure Greg would be pleased to see you too!
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            Isn't there any way you could make the plots for these threads a little less complicated and needing less plotting discussion? It seems to me that y'all are making something that should be fun into an awful lot of work?
            The thing is that this is the kind of role playing some of us want to do. Under normal circumstances it's as much fun for us as writing the TP's Hive stories and illustrating them is fun for you.

            I've been trying to keep something about archaeology going for Draygon because she wants an archaeology plot when she comes back to role playing. So do I and IV is interested in archaeology too.. DS likes zoo hunting expeditions because one of her Wraith is a zoologist. I like zoo plots as well because it's fun inventing new species of animals and this one has produced some more alien races.

            I agree with you and SW that the COH isn't suitable for a baby plot and the best place for it is the Hippie Commune. The big problem is that there's nobody available to be involved with this plot but me at the moment. This made things very difficult last night when I was trying to keep IV company in the dragon hunting expedition plot we've been running for ages because DS had to go and neither MCH or Cat put in an appearance.

            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            It's just a thought... perhaps if the RP threads were a bit more like the COH then it wouldn't really matter if folks can't get there for a while. I don't know... just a thought...
            It's got to the stage where they'll have to be because I can't do the baby plot by myself + keeping someone else company in another plot when the others involved with it aren't online + keeping the archaeology ticking over for Draygon + taking on Kenny's Coffee Empire while Mar isn't here. The last would be a pointless undertaking anyway when the only other player involved with Kenny's Coffee Empire is MCH because she can only get on a couple of times a week and is already in the zoo plot.

            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            I have a few more minifics but I'll hang on to them for a while and give you a break, C *hug* In the meantime I'll work on some illustrations.
            Please post your minifics and artwork because we love reading your stories and seeing your pics. You can email the story copies for the website later on when things have settled down a bit.

            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            Ibtw C - please feel free to visit the COH with Boris for some much needed and spontaneous R&R I;m sure Greg would be pleased to see you too!
            I'd love to but I don't have the time at the moment what with the baby plot and everything else.


              Ciannwn, the arechology plot can veryh easily be put on hold and I can start it up again when I'm not under a mountain of course work. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about it
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                Ciannwn, the arechology plot can veryh easily be put on hold and I can start it up again when I'm not under a mountain of course work. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about it
                Thanks. It won't be completely forgotten until then, though, because the iguana who was worn as a hat is part of the Intelligent Iguana's history - Pink Thcaleth and Long Tail will probably want to visit Frog City to see where it all happened. The children's stories about Granny Luli and her lizard are also related to Frog City and I have an idea for a minific about Crockett and the Copelandia villagers which will also tie in.

                Kenny's Coffee Empire will just have to be put on hold until Mar comes back.


                  If the baby plot has to be delayed then that is okay.


                    Originally posted by wraith_whore View Post
                    If the baby plot has to be delayed then that is okay.
                    I think it would be best to wait until the dragon hunting plot is finished and we aren't doing anything particularly complicated. DS and I could then spread things out a bit between us - eg I role play taking Jasper and the Iguanas to Frog City while game DS and Tommy meet Joanne, Charles and Danny in the Commune. DS can also role play Ellia, Elric and Zaddik if necessary. When MCH is able to come on she can play her character, Eve, who lives in the Commune.


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      The thing is that this is the kind of role playing some of us want to do. Under normal circumstances it's as much fun for us as writing the TP's Hive stories and illustrating them is fun for you.
                      That wasn't quite what I meant
                      I appreciate that we all have different ways of being creative, but when it stops being fun you have to ask yourself why.
                      When I was running an ongoing plot in the TP's Hive stories and people kept asking for more eps, it got harder work but it was still fun. However I'm not doing that with Season 4 any more because I'd rather be more spontaneous again.

                      So I guess what I'm meaning here then is, what are the ABnormal cuircumstances that are sucking all the fun out of it for you?
                      If people lose interest in a plotline or aren't here for RL reasons, can that plotline not be dropped/put on hold?
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        If the problem is lack of people to RP characters, could some of the new folks not take on the RPing of established chars to take the load off so it's not just C and DS RPing?
                        I'm sure the newbies would enjoy that?
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Ok my plot wil be put on hold.


                            Originally posted by wraith_whore View Post
                            Ok my plot wil be put on hold.
                            So you're having a loooooooong pregnancy then?
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              So you're having a loooooooong pregnancy then?
                              Well yeah, technically the pregnancy has been "frozen". Once everyhing is normal and able to resume I wil "unfreeze" the pregnancy and give birth in 2 months time from that moment as I would like to RP the pregnancy also.


                                To celebrate his return to the fold, Spike would like to invite everyone to a cards night in the COH tomorrow night

                                All levels will be accommodated, from Snap and Solitaire to Bridge and Poker – not forgetting of course, Strip Poker supervised by Eddie in the sauna area
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

