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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
    Err... goodnight (though I'm going to stay up as late/early as I can! )
    Oh ok then . Staying up as late/early as possible is fun. The downside is hearing birds sing early...then you know that the night is over...
    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
    Nina: Everything else was taken.


      Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
      Oh ok then . Staying up as late/early as possible is fun. The downside is hearing birds sing early...then you know that the night is over...
      *makes sure not to look out curtains at sky* Indeed
      If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


        Here's Erik in World Of Gothic.



          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          Here's Erik in World Of Gothic.

          Whether in fronf of the large hadron collider or in gothic halls, he just looks good, no matter where he is.


            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            Whether in fronf of the large hadron collider or in gothic halls, he just looks good, no matter where he is.
            Erik's definitely got style.


              Have to go for lunch break, I'll be back in about an hour.


                Am going to eat now. Should be back in less than half an hour.


                  Have to drive home now. Yay for weekends! See you later.


                    Yay! FRIDAY FIC FEST!!!!!!!

                    I can't remember if I already posted The Charm or not, but it's not on Ciannwn's website, so I'll go by that and start ther fic posting with that one.

                    Seth reveals the significance of TP's Iratus charm...

                    The Charm

                    Seth notices that TP is wearing her hair pulled back today; it’s in a French pleat down the back of her head, falling in a single, thick, long plait down her back. The hair that normally falls over her forehead is also pulled back and the deep auburn red colour against her pale skin shows off the pronounced widow’s peak, making her look almost wraith-like.
                    “I like your hair like that,” Seth offers tentatively.
                    “Do you?” TP says, rewarding Seth’s compliment with a smile. “Steve likes it better loose but he knows I prefer to keep it out of the way for fight training, so he braids it for me when I ask him to.”
                    “He braids your hair?” Seth asks, clearly surprised. “He also accepts you as his queen, then?”
                    “I don’t know, to be honest. We just do each other’s hair,” TP replies. She grins shyly, “Would you ever braid my hair for me, Seth?”
                    “As my queen I would do whatever you asked of me,” Seth answers rather more sharply than he intended.
                    “But only because I’m your queen?” TP asks, suddenly serious.
                    Seth sighs; he’s not entirely comfortable with the direction this conversation is taking. “Why else?” he asks bluntly.
                    “Perhaps simply because you like me?” TP says hopefully. “You do like me, don’t you?” Seth says nothing but a small muscle in his jaw starts twitching. “I like you,” TP adds.
                    The muscle in Seth’s jaw twitches twice as fast for a few moments, then stops. “You are learning very fast and will be an admirable hive queen some day, even though you are human,” Seth says, as if trying to remind himself of that fact. Feeling the need to change the subject, Seth suddenly says, “That Iratus you wear… do you know what it means?”
                    TP is starting to get used to Seth’s habit of veering off on sudden tangents. “I don’t know its full meaning but I think it must be some kind of symbol of respect…? Siric gave it to me for my birthday. He’s not in the habit of doing things like that lightly, so I know it must have some significance.”
                    “You seem to understand the boy quite well.”
                    “I understand that he needs to feel useful and respected, not looked after,” TP states.
                    “I believe that is why he gave you the Iratus,” Seth muses almost to himself, “Because he thinks you understand wraith. The badge was originally Siric’s. He felt he could not fulfil its potential but he thought you could, so he gave it to you.”
                    “So what is its meaning?” TP asks at last.
                    “Wraith have what you humans might call a warrior academy and those who are deemed to have Commander potential are given the Iratus badge.”
                    “Like a pilot earning his flying wings, you mean?”
                    “Similar, although it’s a more elitist symbol of respect. Siric earned it; in giving it up to you he is saying that he respects you as he would another wraith Commander.”
                    “But I cannot fulfil such a symbol!” she gasps, her eyes widening. Seth notices that she’s also blushing deeply.
                    “You underestimate yourself,” Seth replies. “A queen is as much a Commander as any other wraith.”
                    “But I’m not a wraith queen either!” TP objects, “I’m human!”
                    “You are a human who has as much pride and courage as any wraith I have known,” Seth says, reminding TP poignantly of the reason Steve gave her for first falling in love with her. “You have already been accepted as queen on this hive.”
                    “But only because of you, Seth. The others accept me because you do.” TP pauses thoughtfully then goes on, “But then again… if they weren’t happy with me at the helm they’d simply kill us both and then take over the hive…”
                    “You see?” Seth smiles at TP. “You do understand wraith.”

                    Can I also take a little time to say a HUGE thank you to Ciannwn for all the work she's put into making the WWA website look so good - and for the MAMMOTH task of keeping track of all my minifics! *enormous hug*
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      And the next one...

                      Steve gets suspicious when he sees TP sneaking down to Seth's room...


                      “Steve, baby, would you braid my hair up off my face again today?” TP asks Steve as they get ready for the day.
                      “You’re not scheduled for martial arts training today, hon, you don’t need your hair out of the way.”
                      “No, but I like it in that style,” TP replies tentatively, blocking her thoughts to keep the real reason from him.
                      “Are you seeing your Commander today?” Steve snarls the word but keeps his mind tightly shielded so TP completely misses the reason for his contempt.
                      “Baby, you know why I had to make Seth my Commander. I thought you understood?”
                      In reply Steve merely pushes on TP’s shoulder to make her sit down, snatches up a brush from her dresser and starts to brush her hair. He drags the brush hard through her hair and pulls tighter than usual as he braids.
                      “Are you alright, Steve?” she asks, puzzled.
                      “Of course I am, Princess,” he growls, tugging a strand of hair into her braid and making her wince. “Whatever makes you think otherwise?”

                      Last night, planning to surprise TP, Steve had come back early from his systems checks. But he was the one who ended up getting the surprise.
                      As usual TP’s two favourite drones were guarding her door. He had laughed to himself at the thought of TP having favourites when it came to drones, but the smile faded quickly from his face when the drones refused to let him pass.
                      Angry and irritated he had spun away from her door when a flash of flying red hair caught the corner of his eye. He saw a narrow side corridor that he swore was not there before and there was TP, hurrying away at the far end of it.
                      He went after her and, as he had passed the place where he had seen her emerge, he realised it was a concealed door from her rooms. Why would she need such a thing, he had thought? He decided to follow her.

                      After he had followed her to Seth’s rooms he had stood back in the shadows seething with anger and resentment. He had decided he would wait until TP came out again to confront her immediately. But she was not nearly as long as he had thought she would be and he’d become confused; even the most uncouth wraith would take longer than that to mate, so what had they been doing?
                      So he had stayed hidden in the shadows and TP had passed by without knowing he was there. He had considered tackling Seth, but he knew the wraith would simply deny everything and what evidence did he really have? He decided there and then he would have to bide his time and watch them both very, very carefully.
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        And another...

                        Is Siric spying on Seth and TP – or trying to protect them?


                        Siric is more than used to following people without their knowledge; it’s the one thing he has learned to do exceptionally well. He has been following TP for more than a week and he is certain now; certain enough about what he has discovered to take it to the next level; certain enough to know that the person he will take this information to will find it useful. It was almost ironic, reverting to his old profession as a means to secure his own future and the possibility for change in his life.
                        Siric melts into the shadows as he watches TP leave Seth’s room. He waits for a little longer than he really needs to, looking up and down the corridor to be absolutely certain no one sees him, before he makes his moveHe knows what Seth and TP have been doing, but would Steve believe him if he told him? He doubts it very much; that wraith is so in love with TP, so afraid of losing her, that he sees conspiracy around every corner – he will think the worst of them.
                        That’s why, as soon as he is happy he has not been seen, Siric enters Seth’s room to tell him what he has found out. He must make Seth aware of the potential danger immediately, Siric thinks, and help him to find a way to protect TP.

                        “The one she calls Steve, he’s been spying on her,” Siric tells Seth.
                        “What makes you think that?”
                        “He follows her around, skulking in the shadows, he watches her.”
                        “Like you do, you mean?”
                        “I’m watching out for her, to protect her,” Siric says defensively. “He’s trying to catch her out.”
                        “Catch her out doing what?”
                        “Mating with you,” Siric says bluntly.
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          I'll leave you in suspense for a wee while and post three more later on tonight...
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            I'll leave you in suspense for a wee while and post three more later on tonight...
                            ARGH!!! Waiting.... *waits anxiously for more*

                            EDIT: You know I'm only seeing your Todd: Temptation and Torment sig... kind fits at the moment
                            If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Yay! FRIDAY FIC FEST!!!!!!!

                              I can't remember if I already posted The Charm or not, but it's not on Ciannwn's website, so I'll go by that and start ther fic posting with that one.
                              You haven't posted it before and it's not on the latest story order list you gave me. I'm guessing that this one goes after 'Respect'.

                              Love this one as well.

                              Seth reveals the significance of TP's Iratus charm...

                              The Charm

                              Seth notices that TP is wearing her hair pulled back today; it’s in a French pleat down the back of her head, falling in a single, thick, long plait down her back. The hair that normally falls over her forehead is also pulled back and the deep auburn red colour against her pale skin shows off the pronounced widow’s peak, making her look almost wraith-like.
                              “I like your hair like that,” Seth offers tentatively.
                              “Do you?” TP says, rewarding Seth’s compliment with a smile. “Steve likes it better loose but he knows I prefer to keep it out of the way for fight training, so he braids it for me when I ask him to.”
                              “He braids your hair?” Seth asks, clearly surprised. “He also accepts you as his queen, then?”
                              “I don’t know, to be honest. We just do each other’s hair,” TP replies. She grins shyly, “Would you ever braid my hair for me, Seth?”
                              “As my queen I would do whatever you asked of me,” Seth answers rather more sharply than he intended.
                              “But only because I’m your queen?” TP asks, suddenly serious.
                              Seth sighs; he’s not entirely comfortable with the direction this conversation is taking. “Why else?” he asks bluntly.
                              “Perhaps simply because you like me?” TP says hopefully. “You do like me, don’t you?” Seth says nothing but a small muscle in his jaw starts twitching. “I like you,” TP adds.
                              The muscle in Seth’s jaw twitches twice as fast for a few moments, then stops. “You are learning very fast and will be an admirable hive queen some day, even though you are human,” Seth says, as if trying to remind himself of that fact. Feeling the need to change the subject, Seth suddenly says, “That Iratus you wear… do you know what it means?”
                              TP is starting to get used to Seth’s habit of veering off on sudden tangents. “I don’t know its full meaning but I think it must be some kind of symbol of respect…? Siric gave it to me for my birthday. He’s not in the habit of doing things like that lightly, so I know it must have some significance.”
                              “You seem to understand the boy quite well.”
                              “I understand that he needs to feel useful and respected, not looked after,” TP states.
                              “I believe that is why he gave you the Iratus,” Seth muses almost to himself, “Because he thinks you understand wraith. The badge was originally Siric’s. He felt he could not fulfil its potential but he thought you could, so he gave it to you.”
                              “So what is its meaning?” TP asks at last.
                              “Wraith have what you humans might call a warrior academy and those who are deemed to have Commander potential are given the Iratus badge.”
                              “Like a pilot earning his flying wings, you mean?”
                              “Similar, although it’s a more elitist symbol of respect. Siric earned it; in giving it up to you he is saying that he respects you as he would another wraith Commander.”
                              “But I cannot fulfil such a symbol!” she gasps, her eyes widening. Seth notices that she’s also blushing deeply.
                              “You underestimate yourself,” Seth replies. “A queen is as much a Commander as any other wraith.”
                              “But I’m not a wraith queen either!” TP objects, “I’m human!”
                              “You are a human who has as much pride and courage as any wraith I have known,” Seth says, reminding TP poignantly of the reason Steve gave her for first falling in love with her. “You have already been accepted as queen on this hive.”
                              “But only because of you, Seth. The others accept me because you do.” TP pauses thoughtfully then goes on, “But then again… if they weren’t happy with me at the helm they’d simply kill us both and then take over the hive…”
                              “You see?” Seth smiles at TP. “You do understand wraith.”

                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Can I also take a little time to say a HUGE thank you to Ciannwn for all the work she's put into making the WWA website look so good - and for the MAMMOTH task of keeping track of all my minifics! *enormous hug*
                              I'm hoping there will be many more mini fics to go on in the future too.


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                I'll leave you in suspense for a wee while and post three more later on tonight...
                                Argh! Later?! *drums fingers on desk impatiently*

