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    No I didn't. After I finished school and had more time Anubis (Steven) had Stargate Omega and offered me a position to help run it. A few from GateWorld joined me on their own after we got talking about starting up a RPG there in the Mirror Universe but yes it failed as we all didn't have time for life and jobs got in the way. Unfortunately Stargate Omega also went under so that ended it all.


      Hey I am still a probie, so I can't PM, but I am interested in joining. I have a bio for a character as well.
      Dr. Andrew Clarke

      Aftermath GW RP


        We'd love to have you. Did you read over the basic history of the RP first? We're about 6-8 months RP-time past Earth being destroyed.
        You can e-mail it to Sharp and I for approval.
        [email protected]
        [email protected]
        Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


          I sent my bio to Col Sharp, waiting for a reply


            I meant to do this a long time ago- but I've added the average age for enlisted ranks into the big post. Stay tuned for more updates/upgrades to that post
            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


            Join the Aftermath RP




              Hello Everyone!

              Today, August 25th, 2010, marks the FIFTH anniversary/birthday of the Aftermath RP!

              I am extremely excited and surprised that we've made it this far. I know I say this every year - but WOW. I couldn't have imagined five years ago that I would still be playing this wonderful game, with some truly wonderful people, half a decade later!

              I've had the fortune to be able to play with some great RPers from around the globe and I must thank you, the members, for helping make Aftermath into the RP it is today.

              When, five years ago, my petition was finally accepted by Darren, and the Roleplaying Folder was established for the GWRP (That's the old name for Aftermath) I was both elated and honored. Today, I feel the same way.

              It's been a wonderful privilege to be able to do this for so long, and so I must thank some of the people who helped make this happen:

              Darren, Tamefarrar, and Skydiver - thank you so much for your help over the years! From creating an entire folder, to slightly less noticed tasks such as moving, editing, and renaming posts and threads, you all have been extremely helpful and I know that Aftermath would not be here without you.

              I would like to especially thank Gen Blue.

              Gen has been an amazing help to me. Gen joined just months after the RP started, took on the character of General Blue and, more importantly, helped me run things by reviewing biographies, answering questions, updating the player list...I could go on and on. She's my right-hand woman and I know I couldn't have done it without her.

              Thanks Gen.

              In honor of our 5th Birthday - I'm going to be editing the "Big Post" to include many new things including:
              • A Guide to RPing.
              • FAQs.
              • A history of the RP (IRL).
              • A list of common RP lingo (I know we had that in there before our original "Big Post" got eaten by the forum...
              • And much more!

              There also might be something coming to base...


              <to OOC box>
              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


              Join the Aftermath RP


                New additions to the "Big Post" today include:

                Acronyms and team thread links:

                ~Other things which you might need to know:
                ~RP sayings and acronyms:
                A lot of acronyms can be found in Gateworld’s FAQs: (Scroll down a little)
                But some which aren’t:
                -RP: Roleplay(ing)
                -GWRP: Gateworld Roleplay (Old name for Aftermath)
                -RL: Real Life
                -IRL: In real life.
                -OOC: Out of Character
                -IC: In Character
                -BRB: Be Right Back
                -ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
                (Here’s a ginormous list of military acronyms:
                -God Mod: To take control of someone else’s character without permission. i.e. “Sharp walked into the lab. He pulled out his gun and shot Williams. Williams died. Sharp picked up his body and threw him in the trash.” That’s a no-no.
                -SST: Stargate Space Travel (Another Stargate RP site a lot of members here used to play on.)
                -Teehee: That’s just an odd thing that Ainty does.

                ~Team Threads:
                Each team has their own talk thread (Yes, you are allowed to go into other team's talk threads, just don’t cause a ruckus, and don’t post if it’s off topic.)
                SGs- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

                Additionally we have an OOC Box for just general chat with other members (or non-members), and an Inter-Team Communication Thread to coordinate RPing with other players.

                As well as an additional rule explaining language:

                12. The language of the RP is English and proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is expected. (Of course if it is your character speaking feel free to use improper grammar if it fits the character.) Note: There are many spell check programs available for most mainstream browsers. If you are having trouble finding one, just let me know. Also note that we have players from around the world who's first language is not English. So don't feel intimidated!

                More to come when I have time....including an additional edit to the timing of when this thing actually started within the stargate universe...originally I went by syndication date, but then something got screwed up some I'm going to change it back based on US original air date. Now I need to do research and find out when exactly the Daedalus left for Atlantis...
                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                Join the Aftermath RP


                  Hi all!

                  It looks like I managed to find net access before I'm gone for a week, which is a good thing because I need to post this:

                  Starting Today, both JynJyr and SilverRider are being named to the Aftermath Staff as "Senior Members". Both members have been with the role play since its creation and I feel that you are both extremely knowledgeable about how things work around here.

                  As Senior Members, they will be responsible for helping Gen and I out with the hustle and bustle of the RP. More specifically, their duties will include:
                  • Answering questions from members/prospective members that don’t require Gen or I.
                  • Helping prospective members develop a biography if they ask.
                  • Giving new members advice/guidance on how to go about things.
                  • Helping enforce the rules by letting players know when they have violated them, and offer suggestions to help them stay within the rules.
                  • Pointing out problems/concerns to Gen and I.
                  • Maintaining order in the RP.
                  • Helping with various things. i.e. organizing threads, helping with the player list/info post, etc.
                  • ...and much more!

                  That being said, Gen and I will still be the sole GMs of the RP and have a final say in how things are run (Also - we still hold exclusive power on biography approval ).

                  What this means for now is that Silverrider is in charge until Gen returns - so make sure to behave .

                  Finally, note that Gen and I have the utmost confidence in both Jyn and SR's judgment, and will likely stand behind most things they say. They should be treated with respect and kindness just as Gen and I are.

                  Note that I know there are a lot of veteran members who might be wondering why they were not picked for "promotion". All I can say is that 1. I couldn't pick too many, two seemed like a good number. 2. Now you can help out when you want (as you already do) by directing new members, answering questions, and offering explanations - which Gen and I both appreciate - instead of having it be your "job" to do that .

                  So that's that! I'm off on my LOA, see you all soon! (And sorry sorry sorry for all of those who are waiting on me for things ).
                  Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                  Join the Aftermath RP


                    This will be my first time doing RP, I love stargate, always wanted to be a part of it. I guess I have some work to do, any suggestions for a newbie?


                      *jumps in since none of the GM's are around to reply this weekend *

                      Firstly: Welcome!

                      Secondly: Check out the first few posts in this thread where you find the rules and the set up of this game.
                      To read a few pages back in some of the actual "game-threads" on the first page of "Aftermath" is very useful too to get a grip of the style, tempo and what kind of characters there are around here. I think you'll also find the thread called "Game update" useful, and last but not least - the Biography thread can be worth a look before writing your own one.

                      Once you've come up with a character that you think will be interesting to play; Write a bio according to the sheet in the first post of this thread and send it to the GM's: Sharp, Gen Blue, Jyn or Silverrider for them to have a look at and to give you some feedback.
                      Since you're on Probie status, I don't thingk the PM system works for you just yet, so try and e-mail them instead.

                      Don't hesitate to ask here, or in the OOC-thread if you run in to some problems.

                      Good Luck!

                      "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                        (Lol - I had posted a visitor message yesterday, but thanks NG )
                        Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                        Join the Aftermath RP


                          It's that time of the year again!!!

                          And no, I don't mean all the pretty colors from the leaves changing, or the ice cold rain that I've been trying to avoid all day, I mean.....


                          If you have a character that doesn't have an assigned room that is on the map- send me a PM telling me the room you want/have been using. All rooms on sub-levels 5,6 and 7 that are unmarked are available. Keep in mind that those rooms that are a. bigger b. more close to the center are often for characters with higher ranks (not that it actually makes that much of a difference within play).

                          (((Also, if my PM box gets full, VM me or e-mail me)))
                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            To all those who have characters that you think might want to have join a team:

                            SG-2 is now back to active status and because many of the previous members were inactive, there are a lot of spots open

                            If you're interested, PM me with which character you would like to have join it.
                            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                            SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                            Join the Aftermath RP


                              Hi Everybody-

                              So you probably noticed that the RP is in a little bit of a slump right now, and I'll admit that this is primarily my fault. Starting about right after the 5th Birthday of Aftermath last August I started to be much much more busy in my personal life, and started having less and less time to come on Gateworld. Similarly, Gen has been extremely busy as well. Unfortunately, I do not see any immediate cure to my problem of lacking time for at least the next few months - and I don't want the RP to be slowed down just because of me.

                              Thus, Gen and I will be having a chat tonight regarding the direction of the RP moving forward.

                              All ideas / suggestions / comments / questions / thoughts are welcome. We will be having our chat at ~7:30/8 EST (about 5/5.5 hours from now) - so let me know before then via PM.


                              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                              SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                              Join the Aftermath RP


                                Dear RPers,

                                I am writing you today to tell you some news that pulls my heart two completely different directions.

                                I will start with the good news first.

                                After long talks involving Darren, author Sabine C. Bauer (of transitions ), and MGM (well, Darren's done most of the talking), MGM has greelighted Sabine to put together a first chapter of a new SG alternate-reality book entitled "Aftermath".

                                Now, I'm sure you're as excited about this as I am, and I have talked with Sabine and she said she would certainly be interested in contacting all of you that are around in order to learn more about your characters, so that she can more accurately represent them.

                                For one, I'm really looking forward to this - it will make our characters live on forever and have remnants of the Aftermath RP (GWRP) live on forever!

                                Unfortunately, this brings me to the flip side of the coin.

                                Within this agreement we decided that it would be best to shut Aftermath down. You all can admit that we haven't been very active lately, and there are only a handful of us left. Initially I was apprehensive towards the idea, but as time went on, and we all had less and less time for the RP, I realized that it was the best course of action.

                                Believe me, this tears my heart open choosing to put to rest something I created over 5 years ago. But instead of trying to drag this out - I think it is for the better.

                                What this means for you:

                                Although all the RP threads will be closed, Darren and Sky have agreed to keep the OOC box open so that I can update you with what's going on with the book, and keep you all involved. You are all wonderful people and I hope this isn't the end of our interactions with each other.

                                So, again, I'm sorry my fellow RPers, but we had to move on at some point or another.


                                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                                SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                                Join the Aftermath RP

