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Foreston - Factory Town

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    Sammy pouted. "I wanna brudder," he grumbled, and Jensen burst out laughing and set him down.

    "You'll get what you'll get and you'll like it," he grinned at the little boy. Sammy looked from Jensen to Kate, and a big smile crossed his face.

    "I'm gonna tell Mom that she kissed you," he whispered, and took off like a shot. He was out the front door before Jensen could even open his mouth to say anything.

    "Oh for crying out loud," he sighed. "Why does no one listen to me?" He turned to Kate. "This could be an interesting evening..."


      "I'm looking forward to it," managed Kate, creasing with laughter. Still giggling, she added, "I guess we better bring the iron in, then get going. We wouldn't want to get them... speculating, now, would we?" She leaned her head against his shoulder. "Damn, that was priceless."
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Jensen opened the grill of the little stove and banked the coals. "I tell ya, I get no respect," he grumbled good-naturedly under his breath, then rose to his feet. "I'm half tempted to chase after the little troublemaker. But... well, I suppose John and Mary will just have to deal with the suspense." He held open the door for Kate and followed her out into the cooling late afternoon air.

        A few minutes later they were at the door, and once again Jensen knocked. Before he had a chance to open the door himself, Sammy flung it open. He looked at Jensen, then at Kate, and ran away giggling. Jensen just shook his head and held the door for Kate again.

        Mary was reclining on the sofa, a broad smile on her face. "What's this I hear about a kiss? And please, forgive me for not getting up to properly greet you, Kate, but my doctor refuses to allow it." Her voice was teasing. "He's such a dungeon master."


          "Don't I know it," sighed Kate in mock exasperation. She walked over to Mary and swiftly kissed her on each cheek. "Oh, God. It's the Get - It - Out - Of - Me - Quick - I've - Had - Enough stage, isn't it?" She looked round for Sammy and spotted him. "Oooooh, you're in trouble now, Mister. Telling on your Uncle Jensen like that," she teased, before descending on the boy and tickling him mercilessly.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Mary watched approvingly as Sammy squirmed and shrieked with laughter. Jensen shook his head and stepped back out of the way, moving toward John in the kitchen. "Anything I can do to help?"

            "Yes," John said. "Stay out of the way. And don't touch anything. I know what happens when you try to cook."

            "Hey!" Jensen poked at his older brother affectionately. "I resemble that remark." He stretched across and nabbed a small hunk of crusty bread from the table. "And I'm starving. When is dinner served?"

            "About twenty minutes," John sighed. "Here, there is something you can do." He turned around and handed Jensen a dark green bottle. "This is my own personal recipe. Wine from the berries we picked last summer. Its kind of a chokecherry flavor to it, with an undertaste of sweet raspberries. Turned out nicely, if I do say so myself." He grinned and handed Jensen a couple of stemmed glasses as well. "Be a good host and serve the masses. And let Mary have a sip. Next on my agenda is to try and find some native grain to make something more palatable than the swill they call beer down at the tavern."

            "You always were a beer snob," Jensen teased, filling the glasses and handing one to Kate, who was a bit breathless from her ministrations to Sammy. He then poured a fingerlength in another glass, grabbed a piece of the crusty bread, and handed both to Mary. "With my blessings," he smiled, bowing deeply. "From the dungeon master to you." He finally filled his own glass and sat down in one of the chairs at the table. Sammy, finally recovering from his tickle attack, looked torn between choosing between Jensen and Kate, but finally crawled into Kate's lap and chewed contentedly on a piece of bread.

            "I want mommy's lap back," he mumbled around the bread.


              "You ungrateful little tyke," teased Kate, wrapping one arm round the boy's waist. "Well, I'm sure you can have your mommy's lap back soon, but you're going to have to be a good boy and share!" She turned to Jensen and stroked his thigh. "Thank you," she said gently, not just gratitude for the wine, but for everything he'd done. She supported Sammy with both hands as she leaned over and kissed him once more.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Sammy crowed with laughter. "See? I told you she kissed him!"

                John and Mary burst out laughing, and Jensen felt warmth creep up his neck. Kate just grinned at him, and Jensen sighed. It was going to be a long night. He drank the rest of his wine and poured himself another, but set it on the table before drinking any.

                "Okay you, you troublemaker," he growled playfully, reaching for Sammy, who shrieked and darted off Kate's lap. "First you desert your uncle for a woman you don't even know, and then you complain about your poor mother's lap disappearing... I think its time I teach you some respect!"

                Growling melodramatically, Jensen chased Sammy around the living room. "HEY!" Mary shouted over the din from her perch on the sofa. "BOTH OF YOU! IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO THAT, GO OUTSIDE!"

                "Yes ma'am!" Jensen snapped to attention and saluted, snagged a whooping Sammy around the waist, and carried him out the door.


                  Kate smiled and shook her head at Jensen and Sammy's antics. She took a sip of wine and turned to Mary. "Is there anything I can do to help at all, seeing as Supreme Lord Master Winchester is on a power trip?" She paused for a moment before adding, "I meant Sammy, of course."
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Mary laughed. "Of course you did." She winked conspiratorially at Kate. "I think the best thing you can do is stay out of the kitchen; John is very territorial when he's cooking." She inhaled deeply and smiled. "And when he makes his special chicken I am more than happy to stay out of the way."

                    John strod across the room and opened the front door to reveal Jensen and Sammy tussling in the grass. "Hey you two, quit horsing around and get in here and clean up; food will be ready in a couple minutes."

                    Laughing and slightly flushed from activity, Jensen herded Sammy ahead of him toward the bathroom. "I'll take of this one," he smiled. "Kate, do me a favor and grab that little table next to the sofa for Mary. And if John will let you, dish up something for her to eat."

                    Mary sighed. "I cannot WAIT until I can take care of myself again."

                    John chuckled. "And once that happens, you'll start wishing that you were being waited on hand and foot again. We can't win." As Kate found the little tray table and set it up, John carved some meat off the chicken, spooned a healthy helping of vegetables, and placed another hunk of bread on a plate. Then he filled a glass with water and handed everything to Kate. By the time she deposited the food on the table, he had the main table loaded with food and ready to go.

                    Jensen and Sammy emerged from the bathroom, Jensen sporting a large wet area on his shirt. Sammy grinned as he climbed into a chair. "I got him."

                    Last edited by ShelBel; 16 May 2006, 10:32 AM.


                      Kate shook her head at Jensen's wet patch and walked up to him, whispering in his ear, "I know I'm irresistable and all, but, please! Control yourself." She bounced off to the bathroom, knowing that Jensen would be blushing like an idiot, much to the confusion of Mary and John, and washed her hands before coming back in.
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Jensen ducked his head and hoped like h311 that he wasn't blushing too hard. Darn Kate... she always had a knack for that... And they are totally going to get the wrong idea if she keeps this up.

                        He sat down at the table across from Sammy and took another drink of his brother's homemade wine. It really was quite good; nice and light, slightly sweet without being overpowering. And it warmed the belly nicely.

                        As Kate emerged from the bathroom, he took another sip and thought Oh, what the hell. She wants to play, I'll play. He smiled guilelessly at her.


                          "Someone's looking cheerful," smiled Kate as she stood behind Jensen and put her arms around his neck. "Where do I sit, then? John... please let me know if there is anything I can do to help."
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Jensen grinned up at her. "I have a couple of suggestions, but I fear the empty chair to your left is the most appropriate one."

                            He couldn't help but grin at John's astounded look, and took another sip of wine.


                              Kate's jaw nearly dropped, but she quickly regained her composure and kissed the top of his head. She slipped into the seat beside him and squeezed his thigh. "Honey, not in front of the children," she told him, fixing an innocent smile on her face. "We'll explore the other options later."
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Jensen felt Kate falter for just a moment and inwardly whooped with laughter. Behind them, on the sofa, he heard Mary stifle a giggle. Outwardly, he took yet another sip of wine, his expression schooled into blandness as John ignored them.

                                "Sammy," the older man prompted, "Say grace."

                                Sammy took a deep breath. "Sustainer of our body, heart, and soul; Bless all we receive in thankfulness. Amen." He looked up and grinned. "God's neat, let's eat!"

                                "SAMMY!" Mary's admonition went unheeded as they all burst into laughter. In the midst of the noise, as John began to pass the plates of food, Jensen leaned over and spoke quietly in Kate's ear.

                                "Is that a threat or a promise?"

