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SG5 Missions Thread

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    Jenny shook her head while they wandered corridors. "That not the problem. Sarge says officers get their brains removed in the 'Cademy, they get 'em back after they're in battle a while." Jenny got thoughtful. "First priaty is to get out of this maze."


    In the main chamber of Place, Jonah waited for news over what had happened with the grooples. He palmed a comvice from his robe and called Jadyn. "Where are you? They've been poking at the Stone for too long, report in immediately."
    "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
    " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
    Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

    Discover a … New Galaxy

    Look for a … New Adventure

    Find a … New Mythology


      Originally posted by DragonGate
      In the main chamber of Place, Jonah waited for news over what had happened with the grooples. He palmed a comvice from his robe and called Jadyn. "Where are you? They've been poking at the Stone for too long, report in immediately."
      Jadyn jumped at Jonah's call and nervously spoke into his comvice, "Um...we may have a slight problem, Jonah...three of the grooplees went small."

      Kari and the girls got to a corridoor that led to a main chamber, hearing a voice speaking and not wanting to get caught, Kari put a hand out to stop the others and leaned in to listen.

      "Where are you? They've been poking at the Stone for too long, report in immediately." Kari saw a tall dark-haired teenager speaking into some sort of device.

      Kari turned to the others and whispered, "I think they're looking for us....I don't like this. We should get out of here and make sure no one sees us."

      "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


        Jenny nodded. "They after us, all right, think we're behind enemy lines? It sounds like it." Jenny considered how to get out. "How about we go due south? That's what Sarge did when he got stuck behind lines and it worked."


        Originally posted by The Shadow
        Jadyn jumped at Jonah's call and nervously spoke into his comvice, "Um...we may have a slight problem, Jonah...three of the grooplees went small."
        Jonah sat back on his pedestal. Then he clicked the talk on the comvice. "Only three, Jadyn, what happened to the fourth? Anyway, your orders are to neutralize the last groople and bring the three children to me." Jonah looked at the inscriptions in his chamber. The account wasn't complete by any means, but he knew enough of the calamity that had befallen their world.
        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

        Discover a … New Galaxy

        Look for a … New Adventure

        Find a … New Mythology


          "Okay, kiddies. Did any of ya'll see a red haired woman with an oak on her collar?"
          Mckay kneel down
          "And I'd also like to ask-"

          FLASH BACK
          Young Mickey hugged his mom as he boarded the bus headed to Trenton Airbase.
          "I'll miss you ma."
          He put on his sunglasses to hide his tears.
          He walked down the aisle of the bus and found a seat at the back
          he sat next to a blonde haired girl, Her nametag read "RUSSEL"
          Mickey extended his arm and said "Hey, Im McKay"
          she was facing the window. In her peripheral vision she saw an arm, she turned her head and Mickey saw her right ear, there was a small device in her ear- A hearing aid.



            Flash Forward 2 days
            Young Mickey slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and bumped his head on the top of the bunk. He then noticed he wasn't in his bed.
            He was in the barracks.
            "I hate these gorram excuses for beds"
            The sergeant in front of him was not amused.
            "You got a problem Mckay?"
            The sarge gave him a dead stare.
            "No sarge."
            He walked into the aisle of the barrack longhouse.
            "Wake up ladies, we have Range training today, You need to be Awake!"
            He slammed his briefcase against the steel head of the cadet across from McKay's bed (OOC: No, not that!)
            "You need to eat breakfast, So get ready or we'll be last to eat." the sarge said
            Flash forward 10 hours
            "Mckay your up" the RSO shouted
            The brown haired kid walked over to a mat layed out on the grass. 15 Metres away from the mat was a target paper mounted on a wooden board with pins.
            "Load........." The RSO yelled
            "On your own time, Fire"
            Mckay began to load his Daisy rifle with a lead pellet.
            He fired one round, it hit a milemetre away from the bullseye.
            "Dammit" Mckay said as he pushed the bolt back.

            He heard panic in a woman's voice only a hundred metres away.
            "No, you can't take her!"
            Mckay looked over and saw a red-haired woman screaming at a blonde man holding a girl against him with the girl facing the redhaired woman.
            The man was walking her towords the entrance gate.
            That's when mickey realized that she was being kidnapped.

            He stood up and aimed at the man.

            "Mckay, What the hell are you doing!" the RSO yelled
            "Your right, that's just gonna piss em off" Mckay laughed

            He ran up behind the man
            Mckay suddenly struck the man with the butt of the rifle- Knocking him unconscious.
            The red haired woman just stared at the body
            "Get this man to the Gorram infirmary God dammit!"
            The woman rushed over the the man and motioned another man to assist her
            As they walked away- carrying the man McKay noticed something in the mans pocket,
            Mckay ran over to the unsconsious man and reached into his pocket and pulled out- a revolver.

            "I'm just gonna go report to the Officers office, Im assuming Im in a lot of trouble"
            Mckay walked away.

            ((OOC: Anyone feel free to take the Role of the CO to yell at me))


              As they three girls headed down another corridor, dodging out of sight when kids passed, Jenny wanted badly to suck her thumb. This was bad, definitely deserved five minutes with her thumb in her mouth. 'No, Sarge says big girls don't suck their thumbs.' Jenny settled for tapping Kari's shoulder. "I think we need to go left at the next intersection, and then right. That sounds right, I don't why though."
              "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
              " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
              Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

              Discover a … New Galaxy

              Look for a … New Adventure

              Find a … New Mythology


                Originally posted by DragonGate
                As they three girls headed down another corridor, dodging out of sight when kids passed, Jenny wanted badly to suck her thumb. This was bad, definitely deserved five minutes with her thumb in her mouth. 'No, Sarge says big girls don't suck their thumbs.' Jenny settled for tapping Kari's shoulder. "I think we need to go left at the next intersection, and then right. That sounds right, I don't why though."
                "Okay." Kari nodded. As the girls went left at the intersection, it lead them to another big room, a couple of big kids were guarding it, the leader kid was there too. Kari assessed the situation and found only one way.

                Kari turned to the two girls, "I'll go and distract them, when they come after me, I want you two to run for it, go right as Jenny said before. I'll lead them the other way to give you guys some time." Kari looked around and there seemed to be some bushes that way. "Hide in the bushes and wait for me there, but if they get me, I want you all to run."


                Jadyn stood there staring at Lt. Mickey, he liked these grooplees, they hadn't done anything to the Harvalans. Jadyn couldn't just kill Mickey.

                He spoke into the comvice, "Jonah...they haven't try to hurt us yet, why don't we just get send them all through the gate to where they came from and make sure they don't ever come back again. I mean...they're mostly kids now..they can't be that hard to get."

                "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                  Jenny grabbed hold of Ka'te's wrist and braced herself to run like Grandma Patrowski's Doberman had broken its chain. "Let's go." She took off for the bushes, dragging Ka'te behind her as the first cries from the guards sounded.


                  Jonah rubbed his temples. He couldn't tell Jadyn the offworlders still had in their minds their adult skills and were valuable to their city. "They are more dangerous than you think, Jadyn. Take them." The cry of the guards got his attention. He barked orders to the two guards. "Get them and I want them alive and unharmed. The person who scups this can spend tonight in the forest, with the animals!"
                  "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                  " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                  Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                  Discover a … New Galaxy

                  Look for a … New Adventure

                  Find a … New Mythology


                    Kari saw Jenny and Ka'te escape through the corner of her eyes as she headed the other direction. A group of guards followed behind her as she ran down the corridoor. Kari turned left and ran into something hard and was knocked back. She looked up to see the Leader kid with some guards behind him. Kari was cornered, the guard kids surrounded her on all sides.

                    She got to her feet and into a battle stance. She wasn't going to go down without a fight.

                    "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                      Jonah looked down at the small blonde, presumably Captain Crescent. The others had escaped him, but he had one.

                      "There's no need to be difficult, child. Get the others to come back and I'll explain everything. We don't want to harm you, we're just trying to keep you from hurting yourselves. I'm Jonah." The guards, a pair of 13 rotation olds watched as Jonah tried to placate the small girl.


                      Jenny covered herself and Ka'te with the large green fronds. 'It's an elephant ear plant, probably genus Caladium. And how do I know that?' "Stay, Ka'te. I going back for Kari."
                      "Stay? Stay? I'm not a puppy, Jenny."
                      The freckle-faced kid climbed up the wall and reached a spot above Kari and her captors. She picked two stones from the loose ones on the wall and aimed them at the group. 'Hope I don't hit Kari.'
                      "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                      " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                      Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                      Discover a … New Galaxy

                      Look for a … New Adventure

                      Find a … New Mythology


                        Kari stood her ground as she listened to the Leader kid, Jonah, telling her that they are friends. She didn't believe a bit, growing up with two police parents, Kari had a knack for reading the truth, and she knew Jonah was lying, she could hear it in his voice.

                        Glancing around to check her odds and possibly looking for a way out, Kari caught a glimpse of the other two girls, one of them about to throw something. 'Perfect.' Kari thought, 'Just what I need.'

                        Kari looked at Jonah with a smirk on her face, "Hey Jonah, have you ever play "Kill two bird with one stone"?" Jonah had a confused expression. Kari said a bit loudly, "I'll teach you. First, you throw the stone!" Kari put an emphasis on "throw", hoping the girls can get her meaning. Just as she hoped, a few seconds later, a few stones hit the guards as they went down with a cry. Kari charged at Jonah, catching him in the midrift with a jump kick. Jonah fell back in surprise as Kari ran for the corridoor in which lead to the bushes. Along the way, Kari shouted, "Ka'te, Jenny, run!!!"

                        "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                          Jenny jumped from her wall and ran, grabbing Ka'te as they ran past the bushes and out into the jungle. 'Where do we go now?' Jenny wondered as they ran. One clear thought bounced around, the child didn't know what it meant, 'Get to the 'gate.'


                          The guards were knocked out, and Jonah was winded from having a small blonde hellion kick him in the gut. As they escaped, Jonah swallowed. They would go back to wherever they came from, their people would come here to fix them, and his rule-through-ignorance of the Harvarlan people would be over.
                          "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                          " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                          Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                          Discover a … New Galaxy

                          Look for a … New Adventure

                          Find a … New Mythology


                            Kari ran down the corridoor and caught up with Jenny and Ka'te on the way.

                            "Thanks." Kari said breathlessly. "Now let's get out of here."


                            Jadyn couldn't hurt the grooplees so decided to go another way.

                            He walked up to the confused and dazed Lt. McKay and tugged on his uniform. "Lt. Mickey, follow me....Jonah is going after Kari and the others. I can help." A lightbulb lit up in his head, "I got an idea. Come on!"

                            "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                              "Okay, Im the adult in charge, Listen to me-" Mckay was hit in the head by a rock, he looked over "Oh, Shi-" He looked back at the kid "Let's go"


                                Originally posted by The Shadow
                                Kari ran down the corridoor and caught up with Jenny and Ka'te on the way.

                                "Thanks." Kari said breathlessly. "Now let's get out of here."
                                Jenny shrugged. "No problem. You looked like you were in Dutch back there. I think there's a thing we have to find, I think of getting home, and I see this circle, gray with red lights and lots of symbols."

                                Ka'te shook her head. 'Ring, symbols, lights, why does that seem familar?' "I know what you're talking about, Jenny. I see them, six symbols. We need to find the ring with the lights on it."

                                Jenny squinted in thought. "It shouldn't be hard, it's really big, I think."
                                "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                                " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                                Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                                Discover a … New Galaxy

                                Look for a … New Adventure

                                Find a … New Mythology

