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    "Ow!" he said as the blow connected. There was a suprisingly large amount of force behind the blows. Winning's not such a sure thing anymore, he thought as he made a couple of quick jabs - easily blocked, but that was the idea - and then a right hook to the chest.


      James walks in on the sparring match, and watches for a few seconds. "Hey Paul, i need to talk to you immediatly. We have a mission"

      Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


        Marshall saw his commanding officer out of the corner of his eye, and immediatly snapped to attention, standing rigid and saluting.
        "Sir!" he barked with the military precision that had been honed into him for over 15 years.


          "Paul we have a mission. Sg-1 needs rescuing. They are being held as prisoners on the planet they were studying. And we have been ordered to rescue them. Quickly we need to get to the armory. You can finish later. Follow me" He walks over to Ka'te "I'm sorry about this, but this is very important." He walks to the armory with Paul following him. "I Will explain more when we get to the Armory."

          <<TO Armory>>

          Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


            Ka'te was sort of relieved that the match was cut short. She walked over to the punching bag to practice for a while, then went to get cleaned up.

            <<to quarters>>

            Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
            Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

            "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
            (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

            ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


              Without hesetation, Marshall followed his commanding officer out.

              <<to Armoury>>


                << from Armory >>

                Kym wandered into the empty gym. Looks like I'm not going to be late, after all. She pulled off her BDU trousers, revealing a pair of bike shorts. Jacket, trousers, boots and socks got piled neatly in the corner. She put on a pair of flimsy sneakers that she kept there and started riding the stationary bike. Eyes closed, she fell into a nice, smooth touring rhythm that could be kept up for hours.
                Last edited by Jynjyr; 05 December 2005, 02:55 PM.
                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                  Harvey arrived at the Gym to find Tyler already there, eyes closed and peddling away smoothly on the exercise bike. She slung her bag on the bench and started to look at the equipment around the room, deciding what they were going need. She checked her watch 1755hrs Jaime would be here shortly.


                    "Hi, Colonel." Kym kept pedalling along, eyes closed.
                    You're never too old to do something goofy.
                    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                      Jaime made a quick stop at her quarters to change into some comfortable workout clothes, then jogged to the gym, entering to find Kym already on an exercise bike, and Colonel Harvey sorting thru various equipment.

                      "Hey," she said, a little breathlessly. "What's on the schedule?"
                      Last edited by ShelBel; 06 December 2005, 07:10 AM.


                        McCoy entered the GYM, and looked around his team was in there training. McCoy walked over to the boxing bag and started to lay into it, with fast and hard punchs, David had let himself go alittle and need to get himself back in to firm shape.

                        Proud Supporter of:
                        - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                        'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                        - Jack Bauer (24)


                          Hearing more people arrive, Kym slowed her pace. When she checked the odometer, she was surprised to see that she'd done 15 miles in 20 minutes. Wow. 45 MPH. Not bad.
                          "Hi, gang," she greeted everyone casually as she started walking slowly on the treadmill, still cooling down from her ride. "Where do we start, Colonel?"
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Harvey acknowledge Captain Tyler who's sixth sense seemed to be in good working order. Moments later Jaime arrived looking a little breathless. "Hey, what's on the schedule?" she asked. She was closely folowed by Captain McCoy who seemed to have something on his mind as he started to lay into the nearby punch bag.

                            "Hi, gang," Tyler greeted everyone casually as she started walking slowly on the treadmill, still cooling down from her ride. "Where do we start, Colonel?"

                            Harvey trying to ignore the slaps of McCoys bare fists hitting the bag asked Jaime a few questions "Well we need to get warmed up, Then we need to take a look at Jaime's fitness levels. Hows your stamina? Have you done much running or long distance walking. Then Id like to run you through some basic fitness tests, if we have time Id like to see what hand to hand combat skills you have too. Its a lot to cover but Im sure your up to the challange!" She paused and looked over toward McCoy, are you Joining us Captain?" Without waiting for an answer she turned and asked " Captain Tyler do you wanna run us through a quick warm up routine?" This was gonna be as much a test for the freshly healed team members as it was for Jaime, this way they could find out just how good a job Captain Stevens had done, before they were really put to the test in the field.


                              ((from Control Room))

                              Jen entered the gym, noticing the entirety of SG-3 was there. 'Poor Jaime, getting fitness-tested by a bunch of Marines. I just hope they don't over-do themselves. I said to take it easy. Yeah, like Lt. Col. Harvey has to listen to anything I say.' Jen laid down on a mat and pressed her feet flat. She proceeded to do several reps of sit-ups while watching SG-3. 'Reminds me of Major Stim and his training sessions.' Jen had planned to be sparring with Colonel Richardson but he was waiting to see General Blue. 'If Gator was here, I'd be on my back for about the sixth time.' Jen switched from sit-ups to several reps of push-ups.
                              "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                              " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                              Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                              Discover a … New Galaxy

                              Look for a … New Adventure

                              Find a … New Mythology


                                "Sure, Colonel." Kym kicked off the sneakers and stood on the workout mat. "We'll start with some stretches and go from there. Colonel, if anything around your injury starts to pull or cramp, let me know."
                                She started with a cat stretch toward the ceiling, up on her toes with her arms up and fingers wide spread. This led into yoga style moves.
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

