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    "That," Hughes said pointedly, once again shaken from his train of thought, "is most certainly not a grenade." He too chuckled briefly. Obviously this was one of the differences between the two realities. "I doubt you'll be killing or stunning someone with one of those--it's a holographic device."

    He rubbed his arms; there was a slight pain, nothing too serious. "And, as was said, they're rather hard to replace, anyways." Hughes shrugged. "And truthfully, you're probably much better off with our variant." He never really understood why some here utilized Goa'uld technology. It may have been flashier, even more intimidating, but in many cases, not as effective.

    He turned towards Andrews. "I'll take a look at one of the Z-90s later. I'd like to experiment with the different power source, maybe take one for a test run." There wasn't really a need to elaborate, but he did. Major Stevens was kind enough to give the team a couple of days off. And I'd quite like to not go crazy in that time." Alright, so maybe his curosity, as a weapons expert, had been piqued. Based upon his initial calculations, the odds were good that it would be a superior weapon. Of course, when did things ever work as planned?


      "I doubt you'll be killing or stunning someone with one of those--it's a holographic device."

      "Well, at the very least you'd be surprising them."
      He laughed. "It's no worry sergeant, all their stuff looks the same anyways."

      He turned towards Andrews. "I'll take a look at one of the Z-90s later. I'd like to experiment with the different power source, maybe take one for a test run." There wasn't really a need to elaborate, but he did. Major Stevens was kind enough to give the team a couple of days off. And I'd quite like to not go crazy in that

      "No need to kill yourself on it, I'll take some notes on it later and send them your way."

      He stood there, thinking of what they needed. "I'll be right back, let me get some hydration gear."

      And quick as lightning he was off and back, already an expert on the small labyrinth that was the armory.

      "Here we go. Got your pump and camelback here. Pretty sure the filtration pills are in the pump bag."
      Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


      Join the Aftermath RP


        The lieutenant seemed to have come alive again, which was nice since he had her a little worried. She listened to the explanation with keen interest. "Oh, okay then, I'll leave it here, no worry.". Ryn gave a shrug, then winced at the pain this still caused. Stop doing that...

        She mulled over the lieutenant's request about going to the range whilst the armorer returned with the camelpack and pills. "Okay. Thanks. Doubt we will have use of any of those, but it never hurts to be prepared..." Some wild idea popped into her mind about the locals dropping them off in a forest or a desert anywhere for some kind of mumbo-jumbo reason and they wouldn't have water ? It was a horrible thought.

        "You know, that Z-90 ? I really like it but am a bit curious about its range ... I doubt the zat will shoot further than the rifle, but maybe with the new power crystal, it might be better ? Would be happy to help out testing, I got about a day to fill before that mission anyways...You got any test rifles for us, Sarge ?".


          Hughes nodded excitedly, much like a little child in a candy store. "Not only should you see improved range, you should expect some extra strength from the zat. Stun should pack a little extra kick." He eyed Ryn; she seemed rather interested in the new weapon as well. "It'll be a piece of cake to switch out the crystals, run a couple of tests in my lab, and get the specifics. Though I'm also interested in seeing how the Z-90 handles. I haven't had the chance to do so yet."


            Dean smiled, he had his work cut out for him!

            "Sure, let's see what I can get for you two."
            Making his way back and retrieving two Z-90s in one hand, and two staff weapons in the other.

            "Here we are, though, I wouldn't go outside if I were you, just to the indoor shooting range. Rumor has it that the reason this Asgard is on base is urgent, so I'd count on shipping out soon." He laid all the items out on the table.

            "Oh, and watch for overheating, I'm not sure how good the heat conduction is and I'm not sure how the staff energy is going to effect the materials." Dean shrugged. 'Better safe than sorry.'

            (I guess the base would have one of those can use this thread for it )
            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


            Join the Aftermath RP


              ((Why don't you set up a new thread ))

              "You have a lab ? Where ?" Ryn asked Hughes, interested. A weapons lab ? Now that was a novelty !

              "Well, I *am* shipping out soon," she muttered upon Andrews' remark, kind of feeling left out from the rest of the base already. Here they were, going to some silly alliance/supplies thing, while all the others were going to do something... cool. Ryn wasn't sure what exactly, because she wasn't sure about the Asgard here, but she was very certain it'd involve something ... cool . Still, maybe she'd get to use all the toys she'd gathered here, that ought to count for something. Hate to miss out on cool... Her mind whined, but she ignored it and focused instead on what the two men were saying.

              "Yeah well, maybe we could use the staff's casing as well, just to shield the rest from the heat, like you said ..." Hmmm, already she was liking this brainstorming. It made a real nice change from her other worries which she had currently shoved to the back of her mind.

              "That might be where your lab comes in handy !" The redhead grinned at Hughes, his excitement was infectuous.


                "Given the approximate rate of fire, production materials, and estimated power supply, heat conduction shouldn't be a problem. Still, it doesn't hurt to be careful." 'Something I'm not,' he reminded himself bitterly.

                He turned towards Ryn. "Oh, well, not a lab per se," Hughes explained. Just where my tablet PC happens to be at the time. Though I do sometimes work out of the Alien Tech Lab--I have a few things there you may be interested in. Just stop by sometime; tell them I sent you."


                  She nodded. "That's what testing is for, I guess, captain Hutchinson will be glad to know his experiment's continuing. Shouldn't someone tell him ?" She didn't want the officer to be left out, it was after all his great idea. And it was simply not an option to her to p-off yet another officer, either. Reminding herself that she was still on a sort of probation.

                  Ryn's face fell just a little at the mention there was no lab *per se*.

                  "Oh. I see. D'you need to go and get it ?" Referring to the tablet-PC.

                  ((maybe somebody could play Larry ? Wish Xym was still here, but well... such is life I suppose. ))


                    ((Alex is in charge of him during Xym's absence ))

                    "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                      "Given the approximate rate of fire, production materials, and estimated power supply, heat conduction shouldn't be a problem. Still, it doesn't hurt to be careful."

                      "Sure doesn't..."
                      Andrews added. He had seen many injuries in his time related to poor weapons handling. Even himself- having nearly lost his ring finger when he was a staff sergeant.

                      Dean smiled. These two really seemed to be getting into it.

                      "I'm sure Hutchinson is fine with it...though I could give him a call if you'd like."
                      Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                      Join the Aftermath RP


                        "If you think that would work, cool, I just don't want to step on any toes you know ?" Ryn said, somewhat ruefully. "I've done a lot of that lately, apparently..." Now her tone had changed to bitterness, directed mainly at herself.

                        "So, where do we go ?" She asked, looking at the two. The redhead had an idea of where all the action might be happening, but, it never hurt to ask before jumping into something. It was a lesson learned time and time again.

                        ((still trouble finding the muses but at least I made a post ))


                          Dean smiled, the red-head sure had had a rough transition.

                          "Don't worry about it."
                          He said in a uplifting tone. 'Well, she DID get her stripes back after all...'

                          "The shooting range is back through those doors, take all the time you want, I don't believe anyone's booked it. Plus,"
                          He added, "It hasn't been that busy anyway."
                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            ((am too warm to post ... but will try anyway. ))

                            "Okay, cool," Ryn smiled back. "Through there then," she followed the man's pointing finger. "Gotcha." She grabbed the Z-90 and headed to the doors.

                            ((at this point I am willing to do a timewarp kind of thing... weaponry really isn't my forte. ))


                              ((That's fine with me... Outside of the P-90, it's mostly educated guesswork anyways.))

                              Hughes nodded. "Sounds good. Thanks." He picked up the other Z-90, then headed for the set of doors.

                              ((Battery low...this should work...not much to say now anyways...))


                                ((guest starring - a TimeWarpTM ))

                                They spent an hour or so at the range, testing and chatting away. Ryn found she enjoyed it. She got to know the weapon really well, and was surprised to find a few discrepancies - if you could call it that - with the rifle from her own reality. Only minor ones, nothing that would really hinder in combat. Still, it felt good to know she knew the oddities of the weapon. And even the recoil wasn't that different, still it had hurt the shoulders on many an occasion. The pain had become a lot to bear and the small pill bottle was empty by now, too.
                                If it gave her this much recoil pain as she fired it, maybe it wouldn't be her weapon of choice on this mission, Ryn mused, as they headed back to the Armorer's office.

                                "Okay. That was nice. Um ..." She gave the men an embarrassed grin. "I ran out of pain killers for my shoulders ... guess that means I need a trip to the Infirmary ... Uh... Sorry to cut this short."

                                Hughes had kept a meticulous record of their testing, so Ryn figured there was nothing left for her to do her anyway. Or was there ?

