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    "You probably won't tell me what happened to you will you?" Devin asked her, "If you won't, I understand. For coming up on two years I refused to speak of my fiancee back on Earth." He lifted Carol up onto her feet and said to her, "I can only just speak of her now. She went up with the rest of the planet. And I don't expect to be leaving Kylie any time soon." Closing his eyes and smiling, Devin tilted his head forward and told her in a low voice, "I'm not one easily forced into doing something, leaving Kylie will be no exception."
    Last edited by Vampyr; 12 May 2007, 03:56 PM.


      [Capt. Carol "CJ" Johannson-NPC]

      "You're right. I'm not going to tell you." CJ tensed as Devin reached down to help her stand. She quickly moved away from him once she was on her feet. "I'm sorry about your fiancee. But glad for that stubborn streak of yours. After putting up with me back on the Alarius, you've proved that you deserve nothing less than the best that life has to offer you." CJ's expressoin remained nuetral. She was a military officer, for crying out loud. She was not allowed to be emotional.
      Dear Journal
      My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


        "Thanks. Stubborness is a character trait I'm proud of." Devin told her as he headed back toward the second lab. "I fear for Kylie, her mental state isn't much better than mine, we keep each other supported above the water, but with the doctors stonewalling me at every turn..."


          ((Trouble with the wifi....again ))

          [Capt. Carol "CJ" Johannson-NPC]

          "It's their job, they're just as concerned about her as you are. If she needs to talk to someone, let her know I'd be willing to listen. Her realationship with you may be all that she needs, but if she needs more..." CJ trailed off. She wasn't sure what had prompted the offer, but she knew that she was possibly the only one on base that could tell Kylie what she needed to hear. Everyone else was too close to her, or too ignorant of her situation. "Same goes for you. I'm a good listener, if nothing else." She bit her lip as another wave of memories washed over her. No, she would not tell Devin how she knew what could happen, and how she could help. It was too personal. She might share the story one day, but not now.
          Dear Journal
          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


            ((Poor you. That's why I prefer land-line connections to Wi-fi. I used to use a Wi-fi connection. Damn thing would just cut off at the drop of a hat.))

            [Lab 2]

            "Bloody right it's their job, but I feel there's more than they're letting on with Kylie. They claim they're worried about possiblity of infection but I think that's just a load'a crap. I'm a Tok'ra, it's pretty much impossible for me to carry diseases." Taking a breath to continue his rant, Devin realised it'd be pointless to continue and sat silently at one of the computers, with the sound of his fingers rapidly hitting key after key punctuating the silence.
            Last edited by Vampyr; 12 May 2007, 07:03 PM.


              ((from Lounge))
              ((What number lab is everybody working in? I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.))

              Jen entered the bio-chem lab, finding a few people on projects, but nobody noticed the redhead enter. A white labcoat covered her uniform and all insignia, slipped on just before she entered the room. She went for a computer and logged in to see what the recent research consisted of. 'They're poking at the Alarius again. Maybe I can go back to those cells I found a while back, but they're biological and probably dead by now. Weapons from her armory, that could be useful for us, even though we don't have the tech to duplicate anything.' She flipped through more of the files on recent work.
              "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
              " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
              Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

              Discover a … New Galaxy

              Look for a … New Adventure

              Find a … New Mythology


                ((Lab 2, even though Lab 1's where my character tends to work and is, well, his lab.))


                  [Capt. Carol "CJ" Johannson-NPC-Lab 2]

                  CJ messed with the praticular equipment that she had chosen for several minutes. She was concerned for Devin, and for Kylie, eventhough, she had never met the girl. If they were truely in love, then the relationship would last, but CJ knew that things happened when someone fell in love too quickly, especially in the world they lived in now. It was still early in the game for Devin and Kylie, but she had a feeling that the hard part was already drawing near. The part that had broken up so many couples. She hated to see any relationship end. Praticularly when it eneded because one person pushed the other away. No relationship should ever have to end like that. She only hoped that Kylie was strong enough to hold on to Devin, if he insisted that she should, that it would be ok. She didn't want to relive her horrible secret ever again. Yet, she did, over and over again, everytime another relationship ended. Was she selfish for wanting Devin and Kylie to last simply so she didn't have to remember her pain? She needed some air. "I'll be back in a little while, I need to go for a walk."

                  <<To Quarters>>
                  Dear Journal
                  My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                    Jen logged off from the bio-chem computer and went to Lab 2, where the research on the Alarius recoveries was going on. Maybe she could help.

                    Jen rapped on the door edge at the lab. "Hellloo, need a hand with anything? Jen Stevens, biologist, will work for food."
                    Last edited by DragonGate; 12 May 2007, 07:53 PM.
                    "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                    " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                    Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                    Discover a … New Galaxy

                    Look for a … New Adventure

                    Find a … New Mythology


                      ((Why do I get the sinking feeling this isn't going to be fun for Devin in a little bit?))

                      [Lab 2]

                      Devin turned towards the source of the voice and sighed. "Not unless you can come up with a viable Theory of Unification, figure out what the hell this is," He held up the black box, "learn how those pistols work, give me psychotherapy sessions, and solve my romance issues."


                        Jen paused. When the scientist had turned, she knew it. 'Must be that Tok'ra that vouched for the general's symbiote.' For now, she'd shelve her prejudices, she needed to get her hands on some work to forget losing a teammember.

                        "What do you know so far about the box and the weapons?" Jen stepped into the room, visually studying the button-studded box in front of the man.

                        She vaguely remembered his name from the briefing, an A that sounded like a classical composer. She skimmed over most of the statement, leaving the romantic issues for non-work time. Even though she had a few years of a difficult marriage under her belt.

                        "Looks like it's all Ancient, SG-5 and 8 found something interesting when we re-establish links with Beta, a crystal that's been jury-rigged to make kids out of adults. Unless the scientists there broke it or something. It might interface with what you have here." It felt good to be back working, it kept her mind busy.
                        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                        Discover a … New Galaxy

                        Look for a … New Adventure

                        Find a … New Mythology


                          [Capt. Carol "CJ" Johannson-NPC-lab 2]

                          <<From Quarters>>

                          CJ hurried back into the lab and reseated herself at the station where she'd been working. She typed a few commands into the computer and waited for the program to load as she considered which project was the most important between the pistols and the box from P8T-113. She glanced at the other occupants of the lab. Sgt. Rayfield was busy with something in the far corner, and Lt. Hughes seemed to have the research on the pistols under control. Devin was now talking to another woman that must have entered the lab after she left. CJ recognized her as being on one of the SG teams, but she couldn't remember which one, and didn't know the woman's name. It seemed that the two of them had the box under enough scrutiny for the moment. She chose to find out what Sgt. Rayfield was working on and left the other scientists to their own work.
                          Dear Journal
                          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                            [Lab 2]

                            "Huh, a crystal that turns people into children? That's interesting. So it's back on Shanstid? I'm going to want to take a look at that." Devin said, perking up at the mention of interesting technology, "Now, this box, we have no idea what it does, was found on P8T-113, among the ruins of the four races, and these pistols were all that remained in a wrecked armoury aboard the Alarius."


                              [Capt. Carol "CJ" Johannson-NPC-lab 2]

                              CJ had been listening intently to the explaination that Sgt. Rayfield had been offering about what he was working on at the moment. But the mention of a possible crystal interface with the P8T-113 box had caught her attention. She motioned for Rayfield to continue his work, and crossed the lab back to where Devin and the newcomer were still talking. "You wouldn't happen to know exactly how that crystal works, would you? I mean it would take some time to attempt an interface and if the crystal had already been jury-rigged once, we may not want to take the risk of manipulating it any further." CJ could just picture what would happen if everyone in the lab turned into children, it would be a disaster. She smiled to herself at the image that the thought formed in her mind. CJ pulled out a new pack of Big Red gum as she spoke, and starting to chew on a piece, offered the gum to the other two.
                              Dear Journal
                              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                                Still engrossed in his work, it took Robert some time to notice that the lab had a new arrival. He didn't pay much attention, though, as he quickly returned to work on the pistol's targeting system. "So, in addition to the manual system, it also has a biosignature targeting system. Heck, this thing could probably fire itself," he commented as he typed the notes into his computer. "What I need is some reference material to figure out what races are stored in the weapon's memory..."

                                ((Again, more to come later... ))

