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    Dr. Steele frowned sceptically, "Hmmmmmmm, convenient."
    The Tech spoke up, "It's true Ma'am. Colonel Sharp is waiting to speak to the General."
    Nick tried to smile angelically and waved his raised left hand, "Scout's honor."
    The doctor gave in, "Fine. If you can get dressed on your own, you can leave."
    Blue ducked behind the curtain, fumbling his way out of the PJ's and into his BDU's.
    Callista came over to Dr. Steele, "Is that a good idea?"
    Julianna pointed to the other woman, "It is if you're enforcing it. When he's done, you get him back to his quarters." She beckoned Cal to follow her to the drugs cabinet, "I'm going to give him two of these. In 45 minutes, he's going to be very sleepy."
    Cal grinned, "I like you, Doc. You're sneaky."
    Nick came out from behind the curtain wearing trousers, tee-shirt and a sling. "I've got everything but the boots. Now can I go?"
    Dr. Steele held out the tablet and a cup of water. "Take these. Mild pain relievers."
    Cal wordlessly nudged him to sit on the bed while she tied the boots.
    "Thanks, Cal." Blue crumpled the cup and tossed it in the trash on the way out the door.
    "To your quarters as soon as you're done," Dr. Steele called after them.
    "Scout's honor," Nick hollered back.

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      Originally posted by DragonGate
      Steele pointed to another bed. "You can move if you want, the water was only intended to cool you two down, not force you to lay in it." She opened the folder of test results while commenting, "I don't know about a pain stick, Captain, but both majors that were here can use a ribbon device." She translated the medicalese in the report. "No toxins or the like, just a bit of a reaction with all the caffeine in you. Really need to send someone to drop that to the mess hall staff."
      "Well that's good news, Doc... no permanent effects then? At least nothing more serious than a obsessive-compulsive drive to avoid the red oatmeal at all costs?" He smiled at that then moved over to the dry bed. "Thanks again Doc. I know some folks always give the medics the hard@$$ label at times, but you're out to help us... there may be a time when I'm saying not so nice things during a painful procedure, but at least know that I appreciate what you do. I guess I should just lay down for a while to make sure that there are no lingering effects? The antacids seem to be starting to work fairly well, so it's not as much pain. But... I'm feeling a bit dehydrated. Think it's worth seeing if I can keep some water down? And... I'll try to ease up on the caffeine, but I've been living on it since jr. high"

      Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


        Steele snorted. "Considering most of this base lives on caffeine, 'try' is all I can ask. You can try to keep some water down, I'd say your body's already rejected everything it had a problem with." She shuffled some bottles in the cabinet, then glanced at her wristwatch. "He should fall asleep pretty soon, hope the sergeant gets him to his quarters."
        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

        Discover a … New Galaxy

        Look for a … New Adventure

        Find a … New Mythology


          Larry had to chuckle at that. Nodding his thanks to an orderly who had brought him some bottled water, he sipped it slowly, swallowing gently, but enjoying it. Fortunately, it didn't come back up immediately.... a good sign. He took another, normal sized sip... again, it stayed down. He sighed and laid back in the bed, figuring that he needed to regain his strength before leaving, and that considering what had happened a few minutes earlier, he figured that this was also the safest place for him. 'I guess at the very least, I'll have to keep some of the blue jello down before they spring me. Then, the first order of business will be to take a long shower, and try to find Dr. Aaronson, see if he can help me sort all of this out.'

          He shuddered, thinking of how he was going to have to face his teammates after all of this. Rich would probably be the easiest to face... funny how it almost seemed like he was the kid brother he'd never had, though he wondered if Rich though he was the crazy older brother HE'd never had. ' I bet he's gonna be the first sniper I've met that would be willing to try my long range detonation idea that could actually pull it off, since he DID have a hell of a reputation for the long shot at beta site. Only catch would be getting the ok to add the receiver onto his scope so the charge would illuminate itself for him in the scope. I had a working design at area 51, but none of those pukes that called themselves snipers could hit it at range, heck I came closer. I've got a feeling he'll like the idea.

          Jim... damn, no easy way for that one. He gave me the clean slate and now I'm sure he thinks I've been closer with Kate than I have been.... poor guy, he's probably a wreck thinking I'm out trying to steal her from him... I'd LOVE to be with her, but not that way.... if I end up with Katie, it has to be for the right reasons, in the right way, especially for her sake. The last thing I want to do is be the wedge that drives them apart. I can deal with being alone, hell I've done that for it seems forever. That kiss here in the infirmary was... amazing, it felt... right to me, but I can't steal her from Jim. He, no they both.. deserve better than that. If I end up hurting her I'll never forgive myself. But for Jim, I think all I can do is talk to him... submit myself to torment by pain stick... jaffa could use them, I'm sure he can too... he has every right to use it on me... then tell him the truth about everything. I hope he'll be able to forgive me

          The cadet... meh... she's a kid, needs to learn what real life is like, not that the team she's with is exactly the best environment. She really came across as an &#252;berb**tch every time I've dealt with her, but she can't be all that bad. She's probably just clueless on the interpersonal thing, and is hiding behind her reg-spitting wannabee hard@$$ demeanor. She's a person too, and if she's gonna be with SG-7 we all need to work with her, though Blue might be a bit crazy to send us out at tht moment, it could be just what we need.

          Drinking some more of the water, and happily having it stay down, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep, though he really wished he had some good reading material.
          Last edited by TheXym; 31 March 2006, 06:31 PM.

          Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


            ((OOC: *Sighs* Back, and with a partner this time!))

            Jim hobbled off the elevator with a barely conscious Roger strapped around his shoulders, blood dripping down Rogers' nose.
            He hobbled over to the infirmary door and said "Hey, is there a doctor here? I have a patient here with a rather nasty concussion..."

            Jim trailed off and looked towards Roger, he was so much larger compared to Jim, yet the older man had managed to take him down.
            Despite never being religious of any kind, he had heard the term 'David and Goliath' used for when one man of smaller stature takes on another of enourmous stature, and wins.

            'David and Goliath indeed.' Jim thought.
            Rogers nose had been bleeding sinse he had gotten off of the elevator, but had begun to dry up thankfully.

            'Nose bleeds always look so much worse than they are...Or is that head injuries?' Jim looked a little worried for a moment, as Doctor Steele walked over.

            Jim scowled as the memories of that morning flooded back into his mind; he forced himself not to look at Larry, and focused on the very ticked-looking Doctor Steele.

            "What's this? You've brought me another patient? You and you're entire team are the most accident prone people in the face of Gaia, Earth, oh hell, why not say it? The entire Galaxy!"

            Jim just scowled at the woman and waited for her to at least smile, however he was beginning to doubt he’d ever see a smile out of Juliana.
            She looked at him with a cold hard look and didn't soften up.
            "Get him to bed nine...What did you do to this poor man?"

            Jim looked a little embarrassed and said "We were sparing in the Gym."
            She shook her head and said "You realize that you're not meant to give your opponent a concussion when sparing?"

            Jim hauled Roger over onto the bed and rested him on it.
            "Sorry Doctor. I didn't mean to...Well, ok, I sort of did, but I didn't mean to beat him into a concussion."
            She just glared at him and suddenly noticed that he was beginning to go black under one part of his eye.

            "You, bed five. I'll get to you after I’m finished with this airman."
            Jim nodded slowly and looked around.
            'Bed five...five...Oh, crap.' Jim realised that bed five was the bed next to Larry.

            Doctor Steele walked over to the cupboard of medicines and opened it up.
            Her brow creased more and Jim thought he heard her mutter something about Gus and his need to organise things.

            He walked over to bed and made sure not to look at Larry, he simply sat down on the bed facing away from the man, and determined to ignore him for as long as possible.

            Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


              Larry stirred from his fitful sleep, jarred by the commotion... he saw an airman who pretty obviously had a concussion, apparently by blunt trauma to the head, then he noticed the boxing gloves. 'Damn... somebody f****d that boy up good... wonder who did that to him' Steele was really lighting into somebody about not giving a concussion during sparring. Hearing that someone flop onto the bed next to him, and feeling a dark vibe, he stirred slightly, cracking an eyelid slightly to surreptitiously see who it was, since his curiosity was piqued. Seeing that it was Jim next to him, and that he seemed to be in a pretty foul mood, he decided it was best for him to feign continued slumber. 'Looks like he took out some of that rage on somebody else, less to inflict on me, though I guess he does have the right. Hell, I might not NEED to filch that pain stick from the armory when I apologize to him He tried to quietly roll back over so Jim couldn't see his face, hoping that Jim wouldn't notice he was actually awake, and hoping that the doc wouldn't come over to check on him at this moment.

              Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                Jim sat there, staring at the roof now. He had decided he would lay down on the bed now, as Doctor Steele seemed to be taking her sweet time with Rogers.
                'She's certainly taking her time with him...I didn't hit him that hard, did I?'

                Jim continued to stare at the roof, knowing it was pointless to count as he had done it so many times before.
                '2048 tiles present and accounted for.' He said in his mind.

                However, in a small moment, he heard the sound of ruffling covers, and knew it was Larry turning over.
                However, to face away or at him he was unsure of.

                Jim decided not to tempt luck and continued to stare at the roof.
                At the moment, one of the last things he felt like doing was talking with Larry.
                Jim raised his hand to touch just under his right eye.

                A pang of pain shot strait up through is nervous system.
                'Ow! How hard did he hit me? Geese...I'm beginning to hurt in several places, I thought i'd stopped more blows than that.'

                Jim turned himself slowly over, making sure to face away from Larry, he would speak with him when he wasn't in what was now becoming a rather large amount of pain.

                Jims mind began to wander, mainly concerned with Roger and Larry.
                'The two most men I despise the most at the moment, in the same room...I could have left him there unconscious...But I did the proper thing and carried him all the way here...I should of left him there...Come up here and decked La- No. I'm just being selfish and ignorant now. Larry could probably take you down in a heartbeat...He's not full of himself, like Roger.'

                Jim continued to look at the bed next to him, which was currently empty.
                It was quite silent in the infirmary, except for the mumbled words Doctor Steele was uttering now and then.

                Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                  ((From Mess Hall))

                  Kari walked into the infirmary and pulled up a chair next to Col. Richardson's bed. Richardson laid motionless, his face pale.

                  "God...I hope he's really okay..." Kari sighed, "Please wake up soon Colonel."

                  Kari gazed around the room and saw two other people in the beds next to the Colonel's, one Kari recognized as the CO of SG-7, the other one she assumed that he must be a member of the team. 'I guess that must be the little emergency call for the infirmary.....seems SG-7 is getting into quite some troubles even on base.'

                  "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                    Dr. Steele strode over to Larry. "Captain, it seems like you're holding everything down. Just to be safe, here are some antacids.... don't use them unless you need them. And at least TRY to ease up on the caffeine. Go on, you're free to go."

                    Larry slowly got up, looked over at Jim, who looked like he was in a bit of pain, and trying hard not to look at Larry. 'I gotta talk with him and clear the air sooner or later... and I'll have to watch out for his right hook, that airman he dragged in was pretty messed up "Sir, I realize I'm probably the last person you want to talk to, but we DO need to talk. This isn't the time or the place for it... well more so not the place. I'm going to go to my quarters, then shower and change. I know you're right next door to me." Leaning over as Jim looked at him quizzically, Larry spoke much more softly. "I'm going to be heading outside, off the base. Turn left at the main gate, go about 1/4 mile to the first clearing. I'll be there. Sir... we NEED to talk, and I hope you'll be there."

                    Larry saluted, then turned. As he was leaving he saw a very concerned Captain leaning over Col. Richardson. He couldn't help himself. He walked over. "You don't know me yet, but for what it's worth, I hope he pulls through.... I'm sure he will. From what I've heard, he's a fighter. Hang in there." He smiled, nodded, compassionately patted her shoulder, then headed out before Dr. Steele could think he was trying to stir up any more trouble.

                    *to quarters*

                    Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                      One of the guys on the bed left the infirmary and comforted Kari on the way out. 'Seems like a nice guy...SG-7 can't be that bad.'

                      With a smile on her face, Kari left for the armory to pack up some ordanance for the mission later.

                      ((To Armory))

                      "Tibet is not a contact information, it's a country. Why not just write Earth while you're at it, incase anyone needs to know where Tibet is?"- Ingrid from Uptown Girls


                        (from Science lab 1..looking for Lt. Sarah Whitely for Dr. Ezekiel.)

                        It took the Sergeant Pierce a few minutes to reach the infirmary, he casually walked in and look around to see if he could spot Lt. Sarah Whitely. He did not see so he decided to wait out side in the hall until she showed up, so as not to disturb any of the patients.
                        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                          "Hey hey, no need to get all personal" Sharp said as he was led into the infirmary "And geez, no need to hold me.."

                          "Sir" the med sergeant responded, "You tried to lose us two times"
                          "hmph" Sharp muttered hoping up on a table. "The second try was pretty good."
                          "Sure sir"
                          "Whatever, go get a nurse and have her do what she needs..."
                          A nurse came over and did the normal procedure. "Well thanks I'll be heading off now" Sharp said hoping off the table.
                          "Not so fast Colonel!"
                          Sharp looked around with an innocent face.
                          "Two more things."
                          "oh, how could I have forgotten.." Sharp said walking back over.
                          She took out a needle and took some of his blood.
                          "I heard you had a bad fall in the gateroom."
                          "I'm fine"
                          "I think we should do an x-ray"
                          "I'm fine"
                          "Let me rephrase that" The nurse said smiling. "Your having an x-ray"
                          Sharp took the X-ray and walked back to the main area.
                          "Well?" Sharp asked.
                          "You got lucky Colonel, you can definitly tell these bones were very strained, but they did not fracture or break, you are very lucky."
                          Sharp smiled and looked at his watch. "Well thats all very interesting but"
                          "Yes, you can go" the nurse interupted him sighing.
                          "Thank you" Sharp said doing a cheesey smile and walking out.
                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            Kim walked into the infirmary; stifling a yawn she was lead to a table where a nurse began examining her. She watched lazily as the nurse checked her, her mind elsewhere. " Major? Major Ashwood, hello?" " huh?" Kim’s head snapped up, a startled look on her face. " You’re free to go now, though I recommend you get some rest ” the nurse said, giving Kim back her cap. Kim sighed as she took the cap from her and jumped off the table. " I'll try" she murmured as her made her way out of the infirmary.


                              Sarah was about to walk into the infirmary before she was stopped by an SF.
                              Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                              LOVE HIM-> DT
                              ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                                The SF was waiting for several minutes before the LT. showed up when she did he said, "Lt. Whitely, Dr. Ezekiel sent me to get the module that is storing the AI. I was instructed to bring it back to her." Than waited for her response.
                                Last edited by max_omega; 13 April 2006, 10:52 AM.
                                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.

