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    Rachael walked into her quarters, it was still in shambles, she didn't brother to try and straighten things up. She set her laptop down and just fell onto the bed. Sleep, I didn't realize how tried I am. She was going to go over more of the base plans but all her mind could do was think of sleep. Before she got to out of it she took the asprin.

    She rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes. Before she knew it she was asleep. Her mind was still racing through the events of the day. All of a sudden she was awoken by her internal alarm clock, she almost jumped out of bed.

    She sat up and look at her watch, It can't be 0600 already. I just layed down a few minutes ago. She pushed herself off the bed and walked over to her closet she got out a fresh shirt than, look in the mirror.

    She look at the cut on her forehead it still hurt, but her headache was gone. I almost forgot, the main generators, that is going to take a while. Better get started. She grabbed her laptop and headed back down to the sub-level 10.

    <To sub level 10>
    Last edited by max_omega; 15 January 2007, 02:32 PM.
    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


      Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
      <snip>A few more lines were added to the picture. Cal dropped the pad like it had burned her fingers. She stared at the dead man in his coffin laying on her floor. "Where the h3ll did that come from," she repeated in shock.
      Cal finally pulled herself out of the funk caused by her dream sketch and crawled out of bed. Slapping the cover of the pad closed, she hurriedly gathered some clean clothes and ducked around the corner to the restroom for a quick wash in the sink.
      After tossing the wet towel on the foot rail of her bunk, the woman put on her boots and started to leave. At the last minute, she snatched up the sketch pad. Dr. Lancaster would be interested in the story.

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        Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
        ** Dr. Lancaster and Sgt. Mykonos to the Infirmary immediately; please check in with Dr. Kinagi. Thank you. **
        Callista was closing her door when the intercom sounded off. She felt a cold knot in her stomach. Something that required a page couldn't be good news.

        << to Infirmary (at a flat out run) >>

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          Riley stumbled down the stairs in the half-gloom and tried a few doors before finding one that wasn't locked. He dropped his large traveller's bag on the floor and used the light from his MP3-player to discover that the room wasn't already taken. It was plain and bare but looked a whole lot more comfortable than the shack he had recently been living in at Foreston since the 'quake.

          'The CO's in the infirmary, the second in command is in an alternate universe, the lights don't work properly and I'm not even part of a team yet.' he thought to himself, 'I'm so glad I transfered from the Beta-site a few weeks ago.'

          He rifled through his bag to find his laptop which he had acquired in a poker game at the Beta-site to replace the one he lost once Earth had gone and flipped open the screen. A few missions on Halo would mute his boredom while he waited for assignment.

          ((First RP post! ))

          Gateworld RPG

          One morning, a Wraith hatches a brilliant plan and takes over the O'Neill after consuming some lemon chicken. - The Stargate Plot Generator


            *A few days ago...*

            Devin looked around at the mess that was once his quarters. Several chunks of concrete had fallen from the ceiling, damaging his personal effects, including the prototype DHD he'd built for his 'Gate Ship all those years ago. Looking to his computer terminal, he noticed it was undamaged. Quickly heading to it, he pulled out the swivel chair and booted it up.

            "Yes!", came the triumphant hiss of breath as the computer came to life, booting Gaia's operating system. Doing an abbreviated systems check of the base, he saw it was hell. The primary Naquadah generator had been knocked out, they were unable to access the ZPM in storage and people were trapped behind the unpowered metal bulkheads. Typing in a few commands, he was quickly brought up to the 'Gate diagnostic system.

            ~This is bad. Any ideas Jan?~, he thought, asking his symbiote.

            ~The obvious thing to do would be to reroute the power and rescue the trapped people.~ She replied.

            ~Yeah, but would Blue or Sharp go for it?~

            ~I honestly don't know.~

            His resolve set, and to hell with whatever the General or Colonel would think, Devin set to work rerouting power, there were people to be saved.
            Last edited by Vampyr; 18 February 2007, 06:24 PM.


              ((OOC - There are people working on rerouting power and to brace the Gym wall in the level 10 thread, but if Sharp or Blue told you to go on with this then it's OK. Since when do we have a ZPM? It was never mentioned before and I read almost everything since I started posting last year....))
              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                ((Gimme a moment, I saw a thread here mentioning there was a ZPM in storage. And I said "to hell" because I was going to do things my way.
                Edit: Either way, my character's by no means omnicient, he could have heard someone chatting about ZPMs and misinterpreted as the base having a ZPM.))
                Last edited by Vampyr; 18 February 2007, 09:31 AM.


                  ((OOC-Just a quick point you may have missed, you couldn't reroute power just from your laptop. You wouldn't have access for one thing, two the main generators were damage how bad that has yet to be determined, three the back ups were also damaged they were just repaired the day after this whole thing happened. Three Aonther thing the computer systems are all down because lack of power, your computer wouldn't be able to get onto the system till they were fixed.))
                  Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                  August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                    ((Yes. Thank you. I just got here and quite frankly, I'm at least trying to RP. Though without the proper ranks in Knowledge (How the hell the base works), I'm essentially firing an MA5B blindly in the dark. So... Yeah...))


                      (( PM your questions to me and I'll answer them. I'm not sure what kind of information you want and I can't pass along every nuance of everything that has happened here. ))
                      Last edited by Gen Blue; 22 February 2007, 02:30 AM.
                      Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                        ((I'll do my best to RP proper.))

                        *Current day*

                        Devin let out a long and protracted sigh. It'd been two days and he still couldn't figure out what was wrong with the thing. All the crystals were intact, the face plate had been fixed- to a degree at any rate, and the interface to his terminal was working perfectly. So what the hell was wrong with the thing?

                        Moving his hand to hit one of the glyphs, he tapped it lightly, as it'd been for the past few days, the blasted thing kept on refusing to co-operate. Sliding his chair back over to the terminal, he checked the diagnostic screen for his DHD for the umpteenth time. Still, nothing. The screen said the DHD should be in perfect working condition, but his eyes told him otherwise.

                        Getting up, he walked to the improvised pedestal and gave it a good kick. Though it vented some of his pent up anger, it (predictably) did nothing. Jaa'nik finally decided to step in before Devin did any more damage to the thing.

                        ~Devin, calm down, harming the DHD isn't going to get you anywhere, if anything, it's going to make problems worse.~

                        ~Yeah, yeah I know~ He muttered, ~but this stupid thing isn't helping my mood.~

                        Taking one last look at it, Devin shook his head and left his room for the commissary.


                          (( OOC - Yes, he is working on a prototype DHD. As you can tell, it's not cooperating. That's why the AU mission went ahead. ))
                          Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                            (( Mess hall thread. Location moves are done by: << to Mess hall >> as you leave a thread, << From Quarters >> as you enter the new thread. Things I didn't think to tell you. ))
                            Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                              ((Sweet sweet mercy. I even "control+F"ed looking for a mess hall thread! Might as well just edit out the post and *sigh* post it in the mess hall.))


                                (( You have to set your display options, either at the bottom of the screen or in your Control panel, back to 'beginning' to catch all the threads in the RPG. ))
                                Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything

