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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    ((Ok. Sorry about the lack of sleep thing. My fault for keeping you up, huh? I'm off to class again in a few minutes, so can't play for long))

    ((right. Time to go to class. Then a several hour meeting. Might be able to get on in between the two))
    (( S'okay. You're not the 'lack of sleep' reason. T-storm and fighting cats. 2:30 in the morning. I almost threw them out in the rain.))
    Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


      ((The meeting ended up being fairly short. Stupid cats. But I suppose it's not fair throwing them out in a storm. My cat would never speak to me again if I did that))

      Kate threw open the door. "About bloody time!" she exclaimed loudly. "What did they do? Go out and hunt the beast for me?" she asked sarcastically. The SF looked sheepish as he muttered something about food disappearing and Kate shook her head in disbelief. The things that happened on this base!

      She took the tray with its various contents and thanked the officer, gently kicking her door shut with her foot. She set the tray on her bed and smiled gently. The Airman had obviously told Swanson who the meal was for. There was even a pot of tea on there.

      Kate hurried through the meal, relieved to have something hot to eat at last, not being forced to munch on the junk she kept in the cupboard. She found she had a few leftover bits and pieces, but figured that they would be fine to eat cold a little later on.

      She grabbed the Bible off the tray and got back to work on the translations.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Nathan opened his eyes slightly. WHAT THE HELL??? he thought, as he jumped up with a startle. How...Where....What? he thought confusedly, trying to remeber where he was. Alpha site....was outside...found that bale of hay....layed on it.....oh my god, i really was tired as. He looked around his room. His personal belongings were in the bag in the corner, and there was a desk with laptop and lamp, a bed and a large closet. ah ha! these must be my quarters!!!. He checked himself, he was wearing none but his black boxer shorts. how do these people know what i sleep in!!! ah well, might as well get dressed and get some well earned coffee....

        and with that Nathan slowly got dressed, forgettings where the arms go and the legs go, and finally trotted off to the mess for a refreshing drink.

        >>to MESS HALL


          (ok, I had to take my 4 day LOA in the mess hall, and a lot has happened, so I'm just gonna say Sharp had gone back to his quarters)

          Sharp woke up and blinked a few times. He swung his feet over the bed and stood up. 'that was a good sleep..' he thought as he put on some deoderent and sliped into his boots. He had slept in his clothes.

          <to science lab>
          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


          Join the Aftermath RP


            <From Gym>

            Rachael walked into her quarters and look around, she made her bed first than gathered up her lap top and bag. Next time I am so not getting up, unless it is a complete emergancy.
            She took one last look at her room than headed to the science lab.

            <Science lab.>
            Last edited by max_omega; 05 May 2006, 06:38 AM.
            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


              <<From Gym>>

              Natasha entered her quarters and opened the closet. She grabbed some clothes and packed them in a backpack.

              <<To Ladies Locker Room>>
              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                <<From Ladies Locker Room>>

                Natasha entered her quarters and left the backpack over her desk. Then she went to meet Jonathan Ezekiel like promissed to give a walk around the base.

                <<To Mess Hall>>
                Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                  << from Gen Blue's office >>

                  Still fuming over the behavior of the cadet handling Cal's desk, Jensen stalked down to his quarters. Thankfully, he didn't run into anyone else who wanted to chat. Right now, he just wanted some peace and quiet.

                  Sliding his key card into the slot, he opened the door to his quarters and stepped in, dropping his backpack next to the bed. He looked around at the sparse furnishings and lack of personal effects and sighed. Its pretty obvious that I don't spend much time here, he thought.

                  His spare uniforms were in the dresser, neatly folded, and a small basket of toiletries still perched on the nightstand. A hot shower... oh man, have I missed those! Feeling his mood already lightening at the prospect, the gathered the necessary accessories and headed up to the locker rooms.

                  << to the locker rooms >>

                  Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:08 PM.


                    <From Mess Hall>

                    John slowly walked around the base taking no route in particular to get to his quarters, he figured if he wandered around long enough he might actually figure out what this base looks like. He arrived on sub-level 7 with no problems and walked around to his quarters.

                    He went in and sat on his bed than he remembered the letter Rach gave to him from his wife. He took it out of his pocket and just held it in his hands not really wanting to open it, but he eventually did and it said:

                    My Dearest John,

                    I know you are wondering why I wrote you this letter, well I writing this because I know it will be a long time before I get to see you. While I was writing this it reminded me of our days when you would be gone a lot and the only way we could talk was through the written words. I have some wonderful news that I would love to tell you in person but the next time you see me you will probably already know. I am pregnant, three months along. I know you will be worried but trust me I am fine don't worry. They think that it might be a girl, I am hoping any way. I miss you terribly. So does Josiah. Be safe and know I will always love you.

                    Always and Forever Yours

                    John stared at the hand writing it was Cleo alright; he missed now more than ever. He sat at the end of his bed just thinking and fighting back the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes. He pulled it together enough to finish unpacking than decided he should check to see if he had gotten any e-mail.

                    He walked over to the desd and booted up the computer and sat down, he looked around the room at the concrete walls. The computer finally was up and he look logged in, and found he had recieved a letter:

                    Major Johnathan Ezekiel

                    You are being assigned to SG-8. Welcome to the Alpha Site.

                    General Blue

                    John sat there and thougth Well I already know one of my team mates, that is a good start. He turned off his computer and decided to head to the locker rooms, her grabbed his oen bag that had some of his things in it and headed to the locker room. He walked out the door and looked through the hall and thought for a moment than smiled.

                    <To locker room>

                    ((Wondering if any one knows that it is alright that I had him recieve an e-mail from the General that shows his assignment, since he is such a busy person. If not I can delete it.))
                    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                      Originally posted by max_omega
                      ((Wondering if any one knows that it is alright that I had him recieve an e-mail from the General that shows his assignment, since he is such a busy person. If not I can delete it.))
                      ((OOC - I don't think there is a problem, but hey newbie here, so I don't think I know that much anyway. To me, no problem. Is Jonathan's wife Cleo dead?))
                      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                        (Yes she was on earth when it blew up, his son to.)
                        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                          Originally posted by max_omega
                          (Yes she was on earth when it blew up, his son to.)
                          ((Oh, that's so sad. Gotta go lunch now. See you tonight, max.))
                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            (He is grateful that his sister is alive though, at least he has some family.)
                            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                              Kate woke up with a start as she heard a ping on her computer. She'd drifted off to sleep again and... uggh... drooled all over the desk. She used a sleeve to wipe her face, then blinked, to adjust her vision to the screen. Could it be Jim? Could he have replied?

                              Hey everyone!

                              Sorry this is so informal, but I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you all know I'm back on base for a few days. You know me, I'll either be in the infirmary, the gym, or in my quarters, so feel free to track me down or heck, just email me if all else fails.

                              Good to be back; it kind of feels like home. Hope to see you around!


                              Kate bounced up and down in her seat, clapping excitedly. It was the Bubba! Her Bubba! She stood up and ran to the door, swung it open, then remembered that she was confined to quarters. Instead of hissing and the guard, she smiled brightly and chirped "Never mind!" and ran back to the computer, giggling like a mad woman.

                              Hey there, Gorgeous,

                              Long time no see! Hope the townsfolk have been letting my Bubba get his beauty sleep. I'd hate for those pretty boy looks to go to waste!

                              She poked her tongue out as she wrote, knowing how riled up he'd get at her calling him "pretty". One of his pet peeves, she knew.

                              I would come and see you, but I've been grounded. Katie's been a bad girl again. Stop by when you have chance though. I'd love to see you. So much to catch up on, Lancaster's daughter joining SG7 for one. Shortarse Cadet, could do with a spanking. Though I believe Lt Dobson is seeing to that. And not just off duty.

                              Love & Hugs, Katie xxx
                              Last edited by Tracy Jane; 05 May 2006, 01:55 PM.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                As the alert went off, Kate practically dived on the mouse to open the email. He replied, he replied, he replied!!! There was a huge grin playing across her face as she waited for the message to load and she bounced in her seat.

                                As she read, she quoted and inserted her comments into the email ready to send back.


                                Still poking and prodding, I see. What's this? Has the entire base gone insane? I'm not sure I want to know what you did to get confined to quarters, but I'm sure you'll tell me anyway.

                                Gone? Gone? There was a time when things were normal? Meh. Can't remember why I'm in this time. It'll have something to do with Jim. Oh yeah, that's right. I got caught sneaking out of my quarters rather scantily clad. Come on, Jensen! A girl's gotta get her kicks!

                                "Shortarse" cadet in need of a spanking? Wouldn't happened to be named Clayton, would she? I've already had the displeasure of making her acquaintance. I'm going to suggest to Cal that she find someone else to man the desk while she's gone....

                                Yea, Rowena Clayton. She's softened up a bit recently, since she's been with Dobson. But what the hell was Cal thinking leaving her in charge?! My goodness, in terms of charm, she could give the Goa'uld a run for their money.

                                I'm just hanging around in the Lounge with nothing better to do. Shall I swing by? Should I bring something from the mess to kibbitz over?


                                There you go again, confusing the poor Irish girl with your weird American slang. What the heck is "kibbitz"? If it means "to bribe your way past the guards with" then you're going to need it. If it's munchies and such... guess which girlie still has her stash of chocolate and popcorn?

                                Look, it's up to you. I'd appreciate the company, I'm bored out of my skull. But I think Blue has it in his head that I'm running a brothel from my quarters, the amount of male visitors I seem to get. If you think you can charm your way past the guards (And I have faith in my bubba), then please do.

                                If not, then I want all the sordid gossip of what's going on out there in the town. xxx
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

