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Control Room/Gate Room

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    "Oh, you tinker as well? Larry will get along with you well. I know he had some idea about mounting a zat on a p-90 in an over/under config, I don't know if he had a chance to implement it or not. I swear, when he was in the SEALs the guy practically rewrote the improvised munitions handbook. As far as the mud, I think I'll try to stay out of it," he said with a wink. "Looks like I'll have to requisition a p-90 and zat from the armorer here. Hopefully I'll have a chance to sight it in before we go." Hefting the pack he'd selected and stuffed with extra powerbars, he threw a second pack over his other shoulder that was about half full of rations, the extra space was going to be for extra p90 ammo and turned to take whatever gear Jaime needed him to.

    ((good luck getting it done before the storm hits!))

    Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


      "Oh great, ANOTHER one who likes to make lame jokes!" Jaime grinned at Lance with a wink. "It was so nice and peaceful here without the two Aussies cracking one-liners at each other... and ugh, that mud, don't get me started," Jaime groaned, scratching absently at the back of her neck. "That stuff was NASTY. Did we save any for the science folks to analyze? Although by now I'm sure whatever we have is contaminated and pretty useless. We should probably pick up some samples while we're there."

      She looked over at Lance again. "Did anyone mention to you that the days on PX2-897 are short? Like, REALLY short? One full day/night cycle is 16 hrs 48 mins, which makes a 10 full cycles equal to Gaia's 7 day week." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I am NOT looking forward to the sleep deprivation again... or possibly running into those crazy-@$$ squirrel things without Niko." Hefting her bag onto her shoulder, she winced a bit as the strap dragged across her hand, but once it settled onto her shoulder she was fine. "I think I'm good, Lance, thanks."

      "Why is it," she mused aloud, as they started the trek back up to the surface, "that the little injuries- you know, knocking your shin, stubbing your toe, burning your finger- almost seem to hurt MORE than nearly getting your leg torn off or being disemboweled?"

      << to the Hanger Bay >>


        Originally posted by TheXym View Post
        "Oh, you tinker as well? Larry will get along with you well. I know he had some idea about mounting a zat on a p-90 in an over/under config, I don't know if he had a chance to implement it or not. I swear, when he was in the SEALs the guy practically rewrote the improvised munitions handbook. As far as the mud, I think I'll try to stay out of it," he said with a wink. "Looks like I'll have to requisition a p-90 and zat from the armorer here. Hopefully I'll have a chance to sight it in before we go." Hefting the pack he'd selected and stuffed with extra powerbars, he threw a second pack over his other shoulder that was about half full of rations, the extra space was going to be for extra p90 ammo and turned to take whatever gear Jaime needed him to.

        ((good luck getting it done before the storm hits!))
        (( Got it done two minutes before the rain started. ))

        "I get weird ideas and want to see if they'll work. I've got a space in the Armory and another in the Hangar bay." She laughed again, "Yes, I always have duct tape, paper clips and a Swiss Army knife too."

        Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
        "Oh great, ANOTHER one who likes to make lame jokes!" Jaime grinned at Lance with a wink. "It was so nice and peaceful here without the two Aussies cracking one-liners at each other... and ugh, that mud, don't get me started," Jaime groaned, scratching absently at the back of her neck. "That stuff was NASTY. Did we save any for the science folks to analyze? Although by now I'm sure whatever we have is contaminated and pretty useless. We should probably pick up some samples while we're there."

        She looked over at Lance again. "Did anyone mention to you that the days on PX2-897 are short? Like, REALLY short? One full day/night cycle is 16 hrs 48 mins, which makes a 10 full cycles equal to Gaia's 7 day week." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I am NOT looking forward to the sleep deprivation again... or possibly running into those crazy-@$$ squirrel things without Niko."
        "Uggggg," Kym made a disgusted noise, "I almost convinced myself that the short days were just part of the hallucinations."

        Hefting her bag onto her shoulder, she winced a bit as the strap dragged across her hand, but once it settled onto her shoulder she was fine. "I think I'm good, Lance, thanks."

        "Why is it," she mused aloud, as they started the trek back up to the surface, "that the little injuries- you know, knocking your shin, stubbing your toe, burning your finger- almost seem to hurt MORE than nearly getting your leg torn off or being disemboweled?"

        << to the Hanger Bay >>

        Jaime's sig
        "Because you're careful of a major injury, you're not of something minor." Kym hoisted her stuff and followed the other woman.
        << to Hangar Bay >>
        (( Sorry for the size. My comments were confusing without the references. ))
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          "Another duct tape freak, great.... you and Hutchinson will get along fine.. probably too fine. Just watch out for his prankish side" Lance said with a grin. "I confess I was in on several of his better ones at the Beta Site, but more often than not he'd get me worse than most since I'm one of his best friends. Still, it's good to know you'll have that stuff"

          Returning Jaime's wink, Lance couldn't help but broaden his smile. "Aussies? One-liners? Could be trouble - I'm pretty quick with the one-liner myself, but I'll try to behave." Nodding as she mentioned the samples, he spoke softly. "Sounds like fun... 'not it'"

          After the comments on sleep deprivation due to the short day/night cycle, McKinnon thought for a moment. "Thanks for the heads up, it shouldn't be as bad if you know what to expect, still, I wish we could take the high octane coffee along, but I'm sure it won't happen."

          Watching carefully as Jaime hefted the pack onto her shoulder, he saw her wince, but she seemed to be fine once it settled in. "I'm not going to badger you about it, but if you need help with that later, just let me know."

          Hearing Kym's comment about the lack of being careful with minor injuries, he had to agree. "You're definitely right there... though sometimes the pain gets to be enough that you involuntarily get enough common sense to back off right before you make the minor injury major."

          With that, he fell in behind the women to get their gear to the surface.

          ((To Hangar Bay))

          Last edited by TheXym; 04 December 2006, 04:21 AM. Reason: stupidly forgot to put to hangar bay tags

          Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


            *From Hangar bay*

            Matthews and Harvey met Kym, Jamie and the guy Issac had'nt formally met as Lance on the way down to the Control room. "Hey Gang" was all Harvey let out, before Kym slid up and slaped Issac square on the back. "Hey Ike" she said enthusasticly, "Haven't seen ya in some time. We were just carrying this stuff up to the surface, check your gear and make sure it works. You might need more of it, my P-90 is stuffed, along with the tac-vest."

            "Yes Ma'am" was all Issac could say , wincing from the almighty blow. Harvey and Matthews contiuned on towards the control room.

            Whilst walking down the steps, Allurai decided to chat with her almost parastictic host Matthews. "Well, She's happy to see you Issac, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, do they not?"

            "And the Muscles too" Was all Issac could mutter, reeling from the almighty sting on his back. "Id rather be swung at by that beast on the mirror planet" he whined.

            Down in the Control room, Issac and Harvey made their way to the area where their gear was held. Matthews eyed some of the equipment that SG-1 missed when they helpfully collected for Sg-3. Matthews lent down and grabed a back-pack, the one covered with mud and blood, blood probably a mix from the beast and Issac's own. "Well i got what i need Issac" Lets head back Harvey called, as she was awaiting Issac by the steps.

            "Okay, lets go" Issac called out, still looking at the dried blood, and the visual images of fighting the abomanation beastie.

            *hangar bay*

            Name: Issac Matthews
            Team: SG-3(Marines)
            Rank: Captain (YAY)
            click for biography


              << from the Hangar Bay >>

              Jaime thumped down the stairs, avoiding the crowd of volunteers waiting for the elevator, heart pounding from more than physical exertion. The lights were coming on in the stairwell- all over the base, she presumed- and it raised her morale immensely.

              Finally reaching the correct sub-level, she flung open the door and stepped into the corridor just outside the elevator- and heard a muffled metallic *THUMP*.

              "Ow," came a groan, and Jaime froze in her tracks. Slowly, reluctantly, she turned around to find Jensen emerging from behind the door, rubbing one elbow ruefully. He'd shed his lab coat and wore a faded canvas jacket, a backpack dangling from one shoulder strap. 'It shouldn't be legal to look that good,' she thought to herself, then snapped out of her reverie with an embarassed blush.

              "Are you okay, Dr. Winchester? Oh my god, I am SO SORRY! I just figured everyone was on the elevator..."

              "I'll be fine," Jensen laughed. "Just a bruise. Finch and I were on our way down to the Infirmary and were trying to avoid the rush. We decided to take a little break before heading the rest of the way down... What's your hurry?"

              "Leaving on a mission in less than an hour," she told him, turning to step into the Control Room. Jensen followed. "Want to see if I can determine the amount of damage to the Control Room computers before I leave to go back to P... PX... dammit, that freaking planet needs a name. 'Home of toxic mud, frogaroos, and nut-throwing squirrelly-things' doesn't exactly cut it." She shuddered. "At least this time we won't have to walk to so far..."

              "I'd love to help," Jensen supplied, "But Finch and I have to get down to the Infirmary and give it the once over to determine if it's safe to bring the injured back inside."

              Jaime nodded, slinging off her pack and starting to set up the nearest functional-looking CPU. "Go. I'm good here, Harvey and Matthews already sorted through things for me. Stay safe," she called out after the doctor and the chaplain. Turning back to her work, she pulled out an LCD monitor and a spare keyboard and mouse and got to work.


                <<from Hangar Bay>>

                True to form, trying to get everything done as quickly and efficiently as possible, Dr. Winchester had suggested skipping the mobbed elevator in favor of the the stairs. Having always been leery of elevators anyway Finch has no trouble at all with the suggestion. Reaching the control room level the two take a quick breather to the side of the stairwell before moving on. Finch looks around a bit for damages in the nearby area while he takes a few quick sips of water. Hearing the click of the door lock next to him just as Jensen steps even with it Finch tries to say something in time "Dr. Winchester! look..." But the door swings open too fast for anything to be done about it. "...out!" Finch places a hand out behind the man to steady him just in case. 'Oof, that's gonna smart for a bit.' "You ok Doc? I thought we were the only ones using the stairs." Peering around to the side of Jensen he spies an absolutely dumbfounded looking Jaime sputtering apologies. "Hey now! I know the guy forbade you from injuring yourself, but do you really have to start dropping base hardware on the Doctor? That's just not nice. . Wait a minute, I thought i watched you get in an F-302 with McKinnon, How'd you end up down here?"
                Originally posted by ShelBel View Post

                "Leaving on a mission in less than an hour," she told him, turning to step into the Control Room. Jensen followed. "Want to see if I can determine the amount of damage to the Control Room computers before I leave to go back to P... PX... dammit, that freaking planet needs a name. 'Home of toxic mud, frogaroos, and nut-throwing squirrelly-things' doesn't exactly cut it." She shuddered. "At least this time we won't have to walk to so far..."
                Overhearing bits of Jaime's explanation of why she's in such a hurry from the other room Finch nods in understanding, for no one in particular to see, then gets a puzzled look on his face.
                "Got bumped back to flight two so you could check out Computer systems before you go huh? Wait...Did you say Frogaroos? Is that like a Frog-Kangaroo? "
                Lieuteneant Nathaniel James Finch
                Alpha Site Base Chaplain
                Ancient Studies / Cultural Anthropologist

                Please excuse our appearance, this sig under renovation

                Nathaniel James Finch~~~Support GateWorld RP


                  She pulled out her radio, <radio> “Dr. Ezekiel to Jamie Taylor,” <radio> she waited for a response.

                  After she got one, <radio> “I wanted your permission to go into the data center, I need to get a role of fiber optic cables. “ <radio>

                  ((OOC- Cross post from Sub-level 10))
                  Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                  August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                    (( OOC: Thanks max, I would've missed it otherwise. ))

                    Jaime listened to the message and replied. [radio] "Roger, Dr. Ezekiel. I'll send someone down with a key." [/radio] She turned to Finch with a grin. "Looks like that's you guys, since you're almost down there anyway." She handed Finch the manual key to enter the datacenter; with the security system up and running, only her IT team had card access to the locked and climate-contolled room. "If they pull me before you guys make it back up just leave the key with someone in the IT staff. I trust you- you are the chaplain, after all. Oh, and make sure Dr. Ezekiel knows to fill out the sign-in log and the inventory change sheets for whatever she needs. Thanks."

                    Jaime bent back over her task at hand.


                      Finch accepts the key and slips it into an inner pocket on his jacket to make sure it will be safe. "You know, I've always wondered why the infirmary is at the bottom of the base? I mean sure the injured patients are furthest from harm should the base be over run, but at the same time, getting an injured airman down there would take ages if the elevators are out of comission."
                      Last edited by Domavatus Vestul Motabilium; 14 December 2006, 09:41 AM.
                      Lieuteneant Nathaniel James Finch
                      Alpha Site Base Chaplain
                      Ancient Studies / Cultural Anthropologist

                      Please excuse our appearance, this sig under renovation

                      Nathaniel James Finch~~~Support GateWorld RP


                        After a decent rest, not to mention making sure Jensen is ok after his close encounter with the door, Finch starts to get antsy as he is wont to do when there are things that need doing.

                        "Ok Dr. Winchester, we should probably get headed down again soon, the sooner we get the Infirmary cleared the sooner we can get you and your patients back in there. And Dr. Ezekiel will be needing this key sooner rather than later i suspect, so if your feeling up to it I'd suggest we be off. Now of course there is always the question of wether you'd like to continue by stair or reconsider and take the elevator? Personally I'd prefer the stairs, but i understand completely if you choose to hold a grudge."
                        Lieuteneant Nathaniel James Finch
                        Alpha Site Base Chaplain
                        Ancient Studies / Cultural Anthropologist

                        Please excuse our appearance, this sig under renovation

                        Nathaniel James Finch~~~Support GateWorld RP


                          "Ok, I'm going to go get these down to Level 10. I'll see you in the Infirmary afterwards."

                          Turning back towards the stairs, Finch starts down, Taking two steps at a time just to see how quickly he can make it to the bottom of the base.

                          <<To Level 10, Data Center>>
                          Lieuteneant Nathaniel James Finch
                          Alpha Site Base Chaplain
                          Ancient Studies / Cultural Anthropologist

                          Please excuse our appearance, this sig under renovation

                          Nathaniel James Finch~~~Support GateWorld RP


                            Jensen followed Finch down the steps. "I'll meet you in the Infirmary," he called out after the lieutenant.

                            << to the Infirmary >>


                              With the two men gone, Jaime set up an impromptu workspace and began plugging away at the computers. Several of them didn't boot, and she set aside their harddrives for later after marking which enclosure they came out of.

                              All in all, it could have been worse, she mused. The machines that did boot seemed to have all their data intact, and despite the cold shutdowns and proximity to the breach the datacenter was in remarkable shape. She might have a hard drive here and there that needed replacing, but with the configurations she had in place that data would either be rebuilt via RAID arrays or restored from backups.

                              So far, other than mechanical failures, it looked like they'd gotten off easy.

                              She got on the radio and called down several other techs, detailing what needed to be done and delegating tasks among the teams. When she looked down at herself she made a face- after crawling around in the wreckage of the Control Room, she was filthy. She checked her watch and decided that she did indeed have time to take a shower and change her clothes before the flight of F302s were back for the second batch of personnel- plus she wanted to pick up a few things from her room.

                              Excusing herself from what was now the hustle and bustle of the IT staff crawling over the Control Room, Jaime headed for her quarters.

                              << to Quarters >>


                                << from the Hangar Bay >>

                                Jaime paused as she entered the Control Room, taking it all in. They'd been working hard since she'd left: computers were cleaned, repaired, and running; the actual Gate Room and ramp had also been repaired and cleaned. It almost sparkled.

                                "Huh. You'd never guess that there had been an earthquake," she said to herself, and wondered how repairs on the rest of the base had gone. Curiousity getting the best of her- and the fact that she couldn't really accomplish anything without Tyler and the rest of the DHD- she sat down at one of the computers and began logging in to various parts of the network. Much to her disgust she was forced to refer to her secret and encrypted file of passwords several time- after a week or so of disuse she'd forgotten some of them.

                                Satisfied as to the state of the network, the servers, various backups, and the progress of various and sundry PC repairs, she fired off a quick email to the IT staff praising them for their efforts, and began to compose a mission summary for General Blue- including a recommendation of some sort of reward for her staff.

                                (( OOC: And now I wait for the rest of ya'll to come home. *twiddles thumbs* ))

