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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Donna was about to answer Major Howard, when she heard the annoncement, she quickly stood up she looked around she seen Colonel Sharp race out the room telling everyone to stay there, assuming that the Team commanders were still wanted Donna rushed out the room with her jello.
    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
    SG-2: CO
    Base Senior Biologist,
    Stargate RP, Gateworld

    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


      (Yeah, everyone besides the captains that is...and the people mentioned ont he next announcement..)
      Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


      Join the Aftermath RP



        Jim finished of his Jell-O quickly and said to Donna. "Looks like that's us. Let's go! Lieutenant Colonel Richardson, that includes, you, to the control room!"

        <<Control room>>

        Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.




            James walks into the messhall and grabs a biscit just asthe announcement is heard over the intercom, so he rushes out <To control room>

            Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


              Jen was up and out of her seat. Colonel Richardson had left the room when they'd called for pilots and team CO's She'd sensed the naquadah in Major Howard. 'Wonder if she was Tok'ra or Goa'uld?'. But there was clearly something going down. 'I'm going for my weapons.' Jen dumped her tray and headed for the armory.

              ((to Armory))
              "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
              " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
              Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

              Discover a … New Galaxy

              Look for a … New Adventure

              Find a … New Mythology


                << from Armory >>

                Jaime entered the deserted commissary. Tray were strewn everywhere, suppers in various states of consumption and disarray. Chewing her lip, she made her way into the kitchen, which was also deserted. All non-essential personnel are probably confined to quarters, she mused. Alone, she started going thru the walk-in refridgeration units and finally stumbled across a treasure trove of plastic bottled water. "Bingo," she breathed, stuffing as many as she could lift into the oversized rucksack she'd snagged from Dean in the Armory. After a stray thought, she dug around some more and managed to dig up a few dozen powerbars. Adding them to the sack, she hefted it over one shoulder to tested the weight and found it heavy, but doable. Checking that she could still reach at least one of the 9 mils at her thigh, she blew out a breath. "Okay then. Off to the Hangar."

                << to the Hangar >>
                Last edited by ShelBel; 04 January 2006, 09:00 PM.


                  <<From Infirmary.>>

                  "Paul?" Asked Harry though he new the Captain wasn't there. "Well York let's get some food."

                  "Yeah let's." Said York

                  Harry headed over to the mess, and grabbed what was apatizing. "This is good," Said Harry as he finished his apple. "Well, York take my gun to the armory, I am off to catch some sleep." Said Harry.

                  ((To Quaters. Thanks to sharp.))
                  Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


                    George went to the mess to eat, however, they were stiil recooperating fom the attack. He left to go back to the hangar


                      Harp got the the mess hall and saw that they weren't fully supplied with the :good stuff: he usualy liked, but he got what was left and sat down to eat...


                        Ka'te was pleased to find that there were few people in the infirmary. She had been talking almost non-stop and she just wanted to sit. She got a bowl of some type of pasta salad, a piece of garlic bread, and a glass of iced tea. She had been feeling tired, but the food revived her and she decided to see where she could be of service. There was a lot of clean-up and negotiating to do.

                        Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
                        Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

                        "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
                        (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

                        ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


                          >>>from locker rooms

                          Kate walked in, her damp hair in pigtails, and looked round at the fairly empty scene. No longer the bustling place of last time she visited, the party spirit had evaporated.

                          "Cup of Tea?" asked Swanson, trying to mimic Kate's Irish/English lilt.

                          Kate snickered. "Yeah, how did you guess?"

                          "Always the same, you Brits," he told her, smiling. "Anything else, Ma'am?"

                          Kate liked Swanson, one of the few members she had really come to know. Regular trips to the mess, especially when she was having nightmares, meant that they often had late night chats over a warm cup of tea.

                          "Yeah.... a tuna sandwich wouldn't go down badly," she told him.

                          She sighed. "You'll be lucky. We're not doing too well on the food front at the moment. Can do you turkey."

                          Kate nodded and accepted the sandwich and the tea gratefully.

                          "Thank you," she said and moved over to an empty table.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            << from Infirmary >>

                            A resounding growl from Kym's stomach echoed in the stairwell at level 6. Maybe I won't go to sleep yet. She knew that hunger would wake her up too soon. She decided to spare her leg and take the elevator to the Mess.

                            There were two people sitting at two different tables when Kym entered. Once by the serving line, she leaned heavily on the counter. "Hi, Chief. What do you have left? I don't care if it's Earth or Gaian."
                            "Soup?" He lifted a ladle full of 'beef vegetable' soup.
                            Kym yawned, "I'm not that coordinated right now. Something solid. Something that will make the least amount of mess when I slop it."
                            "Roast beef & cheese? With horseradish?" He held up a pumpernickel roll.
                            "Excellent choice. Thanks, Chief." She took the plate and a cup of herbal tea.
                            She looked at the two people sitting alone. Do I want company? She knew each one as a face but, not a name.
                            Stopping by the man, Tyler tapped him on the shoulder. "C'mon. It's bad for the digestion to eat alone."
                            She continued walking over to the other woman. "Can I sit here? It's so crowded in here," she said, rolling her eyes.
                            You're never too old to do something goofy.
                            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                              Kate looked at the woman and smiled.

                              "Yeah, sure," she said. "It's not like there's anywhere else to sit," she returned.

                              She looked around at the eerily quiet mess.

                              "You'd think that after all that, people would want a bit of food. Or at least a nice warm drink," she said, pointing to her cup of tea. "Caitriona Howard, by the way. Lovely to meet you."
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Kate looked at the woman and smiled.

                                "Yeah, sure," she said. "It's not like there's anywhere else to sit," she returned.

                                She looked around at the eerily quiet mess.

                                "You'd think that after all that, people would want a bit of food. Or at least a nice warm drink," she said, pointing to her cup of tea. "Caitriona Howard, by the way. Lovely to meet you."
                                (( OOC - Sorry for not being quicker. I was ogling Jack/Mac/Jack in the Thunk Thread. ))

                                "Katrina?" Kym plopped down in the chair. "I'm Tyler. K'ma Tyler. SG-3."
                                She fished the tea bag out of her cup and gave it a little squeeze. "Are you on a team?"
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

