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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Mess Hall

    She smiled at with ease that usually was there even when she had been on the team. The only slight difference was or would be that she was no longer going to be acting awkward around Zack if he was here. Taking the lead to their table, she sat down and watched him do the same. She listened to what he was saying, nodded, “Yea, I know. Zack’s been pissed, Sarah the same as him, more or less, depending how you see it, been getting a cold shoulder from –” she cut off when Ray arrived. Him and his lousy timings, she thought with a chuckle. But she was glad that telling him would be held off for another few hours. She still after all had another 24 to 36 hours left.

    She frowned as to what he was talking about, “The Asgard?” she blinked before digging her eggs, “What shields? Oh wait you guys are talking about the one McKinnon got from the others.” When Sharp clarified what he was talking about. She briefly remembered him making a mention of it in the guest lounge in the AU.

    Last edited by SilverRider; 20 December 2008, 11:32 PM. Reason: it's Asgard....not asgrad.........Dillon.......shhhh ^_~


      2nd Lt. Alexander Thompson.

      >>From Quarters>>

      Alex left the lift at sub level 2, and walked into the Mess Hall.
      He headed straight for the food counter. Taking a tray, he started to add his breakfast onto a plate. Eggs, sausages, some fried tomatoes, and two slices of toast made up his breakfast, along with a glass of orange juice.
      Alex then made his way to an empty table and sat down, before starting to eat his breakfast rather quickly.


        Chief Master Sergeant Ray Bellano

        Ray grinned, sitting down, and tucking into the eggs before they chilled.

        "Our little grey friends eh?" He chuckled. "I'd like to see them spin that to make them look good. Still having their help is never a bad thing, at least it's a defensive thing, you know those little grey men hate weapons that don't belong to them."

        He turned to Davis, nodding.

        "Yeah, McKinnon and Valentine bartered for it from what I've heard. Not bad for their first missions back." He paused to eat a little more, then added, innocently; "Must've been weird visiting another universe, in a way I'm glad my duties keep me here, away from all that exploration. But still, another universe would be my least favourite place to visit, too much chance of meeting someone I knew."

        'Knew' was a Freudian slip, added without him even realising what he really meant. The 'knew' signified that he wasn't worried about meeting people he knew now, but people he had known in the past. Like his ex. For a start. No man nor woman could keep their closet empty of skeletons, it was just how many you piled up that counted... well how few, in most cases.

        Last edited by Vincent; 16 December 2008, 09:45 AM. Reason: davis, Davis, DAVIS!!!!!
        "I once thought it better to be right
        But now I have finally seen the light
        Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
        I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

        - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

        Gateworld RP: Aftermath
        Update Thread


        Main Characters

        Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

        Looking after

        For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

        Non-bio'd NPC Characters


          (What's an Asgrad? )

          "Yeah, it's probably a good thing we didn't bring back a big gun anyhow...the Asgard couldn't care less." He raised another sausage into his mouth.

          "As for meeting someone- try yourself! I met...well...ME. It was kinda odd, but entertaining nonetheless." He sipped some more milk, nearly having it squirt out of his nose as he remembered the mission. "Remember...Mckinnon?" He looked at Claire and started laughing. "Well," He calmed himself. "Let's just say his alternate self wasn't exactly liked by all the women on base....and so they ended up confusing Lance with him and-" Sharp started laughing again.
          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


          Join the Aftermath RP


            Mess Hall

            She nodded at what Ray said, “Yea. The AU had its... moments,” she said after choosing her words carefully. Thinking whom she met was still raw. Dad, she felt her heart sink, but made sure it didn't show on her face.

            She turned her head when Sharp spoke up, “Haha!” she mocked, after polishing of her eggs, “there’s no difference between you or your twin. Seriously, one would barely able tell which version they were speaking to, but,” she nearly had her lips curling, “your other version had a two year old running after him. That sort of sets him apart from you.

            She waved her fork in the air, “I never met myself, simply due to her not being alive in that reality,” she then lightly shrugged as the idea of her twin being dead in any universe somewhat bothered her. She nearly chocked on her coffee, “Oh god, don’t remind me about the other McKinnon, not I had a pleasure of meeting the other one.

            When Sharp starting laughing, she faced Ray, “Our version and their version are polar opposites. That’s all I will say. Need more get it out of the Major.


              Chief Master Sergeant Ray Bellano

              [Mess Hall, Monday Morning]

              Ray missed Davis' reaction, but chuckled at her words about Sharp.

              "You with a couple of sprats? That is weird, you sure it wasn't some System Lord impersonating him?" He flashed Sharp a 'you know I'm only joking' glance. Then grew a little serious as they mentioned McKinnon. "No way! Is that why he had bruise on his face? Poor guy, and I know how vicious women can be."

              He glanced at Davis and hastily added. "Well only some women, especially ones who have access to a rather large armoury, and Zats.

              "Talking of Zats, I think I'm going to get away with just a light Zatting from Ashwood. So long as I behave myself, and believe me I will."

              "I once thought it better to be right
              But now I have finally seen the light
              Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
              I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

              - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

              Gateworld RP: Aftermath
              Update Thread


              Main Characters

              Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

              Looking after

              For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

              Non-bio'd NPC Characters


                Sharp continued to laugh. He could tell that it was a start of a good day!

                "Hey! I'm great with kids- we just don't have any here..." He said- but still knowing Ray was only joking. 'There's probably a reason for that. Of course now that the frag regs have changed- who knows?'

                "Oh yea! McKinnon sure got his clock cleaned..." He laughed, finally diving into his eggs. "Ashwood? Don't tell m...- what did you do to cross her?"
                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                Join the Aftermath RP


                  Chief Master Sergeant Ray Bellano

                  Ray chuckled too, at both remarks, then grew serious once again.

                  "I haven't offended her any more, but boy she can't take a joke. I managed to clean the slate with her last night, on the condition I let her Zat me, and that if I do it again I fly with you. Actually that isn't the best threat ever, I've always wanted to get out there, and if I were to it'd probably be with you, Valentine or McKinnon. McKinnon would never take it easy on me, you hold the record for ill passengers and Valentine used to do stunt flying, and knowing me, I'd push him to show it off. Either way I'm set to queasy, might as well help the record holder out."
                  He grinned at Sharp, before quickly adding. "Of course I'm not going to bother Ashwood to get that, there are better ways, which involve me keeping certain body parts attached."

                  "I once thought it better to be right
                  But now I have finally seen the light
                  Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
                  I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

                  - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

                  Gateworld RP: Aftermath
                  Update Thread


                  Main Characters

                  Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

                  Looking after

                  For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

                  Non-bio'd NPC Characters


                    Sharp laughed yet again. "There's a count?" He looked between Ray and Claire. "Well if I had known that..." He stuck out his tongue in a silly manner.
                    "As for the zatting...I'm thinking you might want to keep radio contact with Dean Andrews- see when she checks out a zat- then you can head for the hills!" He grinned and took a sip of milk.
                    "As for your wings- I could take you up..." He looked at his watch, "Ehhh, well, I do have some tardy mission reports that Blue asked me about I just come up there and surprise you? I'll make it an order too! After all, the fact that our chief mechanic hasn't been in the piece of equipment that he's been working on any time soon worries me. We'll get you up there one way or another."
                    Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                    Join the Aftermath RP


                      Mess Hall

                      She grinned at Ray “Yea Sharp with couple of sprats,” she nodded, as she forked up some egg as she stole a small piece of sausage from Sharp’s plate and ate it, “And way, from what I hear McKinnon's twin was....well not a please personality to meet.

                      "Hey! I'm great with kids- we just don't have any here..."
                      Her head snapped at the man as she drank her coffee, “Are you trying to imply something here, sir?” she asked dryly, “then you might want to pick on Major’s Ashwood and McKInnon for this.” Just cos her twin had a kid didn’t mean she would anytime soon. Plus saying this was likely to have Kim and Lance at her tail. Mentally she poked her tongue at the Colonel. Then settled for listening to the two talk as Ray explained what was going on, she only chuckled.

                      "There's a count?"
                      She made a mock grim face and merely nodded, and in deadpan voice, she replied, “Afraid so. I think all flyboys have one.

                      Missions?” she asked interested, “ohh nice. These ones better be more entertaining. Not that the others weren’t, but you know.” She half shrugged,


                        [from quarters]

                        McKinnon entered the mess hall and made a beeline for the serving line. He was pleased to see Lindberg was on and made eye contact with him. True to his nature, Lindberg smiled and disappeared into the back. As McKinnon went through the line he smiled as he saw some pretty thick French toast up for grabs. Taking a full stack and dousing it with syrup, he smiled as Lindberg handed him a carafe of coffee.

                        "Jamaican Blue Mountain, Major. And this stuff is only for Hutchinson and you. The other stuff is fine for some of your others, but if I spread THIS stuff around past you, Hutchinson will have my hide. It wholesaled for 40 bucks a pound back on earth. Somehow Hutchinson had a 50 pound bag stashed. I know SG-4 is coming back from a training mission and I figured he's going to want some of the REAL good stuff."

                        McKinnon grinned. He had to find out how Larry had been able to score so much of a coffee stash, particularly of such high grade. Smiling, he remembered his grandfather's story of a Captain Nixon in Easy Company of the 506th PIR in WWII who'd been attached to his unit during the D-day drop. Apparently his ability to scrounge high grade alcohol during his time in Europe during WWII was legendary.

                        He quickly thanked Lindberg and surprisingly passed on the bacon that was available - it looked a bit too crisp for his liking and headed into the dining area. He saw Sharp and Bellano and Davis chatting and headed in their direction since there were a couple of empty chairs at their table.

                        Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                          “Are you trying to imply something here, sir?” she asked dryly, “then you might want to pick on Major’s Ashwood and McKInnon for this.”
                          "Oh god no!....No!" He shook his head, knowing what he has said might have sounded like.

                          “Missions?” she asked interested, “ohh nice. These ones better be more entertaining. Not that the others weren’t, but you know.” She half shrugged
                          "Huh?" He sighed. "I'm writing mission reports...ew." He looked down at his plate, noticing that there seemed to be less food. He raised an eyebrow at Claire as he moved another sausage into his mouth. "Who knows...we might be helping the Asgard out if they want a favor in return for helping us with our shields."

                          He looked up as Lance came to sit down. "Well speak of the devil! We were just talking about you...and your infamous alter."
                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            McKinnon's eyes narrowed, a dark cast briefly flashing across his face, before his normal demeanor. "Yeah... he was a real class act. Makes Bisenti seem downright chivalrous by comparison. It's a shame we can't put the two of them in a cell and.... better stop before I suggest violating the Geneva Convention." He half smiled and winked at his longtime friend as he sat down.

                            Taking a sip of the coffee and savoring it - it was truly as good as Lindberg had made it out to be - he acknowledged Davis and Bellano with a nod then turned back to Sharp. "I'm guessing today is finish our paperwork for the AU mission day if I'm not mistaken. I'm mostly finished, though if you'd like to check what I have you're more than welcome to." Pausing to take a bite of the French toast, he continued after washing it down with another swig of the coffee.

                            "And, should we be meeting with the brain trust about the shield tech again?"

                            Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                              "Yeah... he was a real class act. Makes Bisenti seem downright chivalrous by comparison. It's a shame we can't put the two of them in a cell and.... better stop before I suggest violating the Geneva Convention"
                              "Ahhh..." Sharp understood what he was saying, and continued eating his eggs.

                              "I'm guessing today is finish our paperwork for the AU mission day if I'm not mistaken. I'm mostly finished, though if you'd like to check what I have you're more than
                              welcome to."
                              Sharp laughed a little bit to himself. "For some of us- this is the day for the paperwork on our last few missions." He had a wide grin- he was lucky that Blue hadn't demoted him yet.

                              "The brain trust? Ah, well, we're in luck actually- I was just telling these guys. I'll be talking to the ultimate brain trust later; I have to call up the Asgard later and see how they're doing, and when I do I'll ask them about the shields, I-we," He looked around at the table. "Figured that if they weren't weapons the Asgard would have no problem helping."
                              Last edited by Colonel Sharp; 23 December 2008, 11:07 AM. Reason: their, they're, lol
                              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                              SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                              Join the Aftermath RP


                                Originally posted by Colonel Sharp View Post
                                "Ahhh..." Sharp understood what he was saying, and continued eating his eggs.

                                Sharp laughed a little bit to himself. "For some of us- this is the day for the paperwork on our last few missions." He had a wide grin- he was lucky that Blue hadn't demoted him yet.
                                McKinnon chuckled. As bad as he was with paperwork, Chris had always outdone him in that area. But then again he'd also always been more of a field officer than a paper pusher. Nodding, he took another bite of French toast.

                                "The brain trust? Ah, well, we're in luck actually- I was just telling these guys. I'll be talking to the ultimate brain trust later; I have to call up the Asgard later and see how their doing, and when I do I'll ask them about the shields, I-we," He looked around at the table. "Figured that if they weren't weapons the Asgard would have no problem helping."
                                Lance half choked on the food in his mouth, but managed to swallow it without spraying anyone. "You're kidding, right?" he queried. "That's an amazing idea. If you're right, they'll probably have the shield tech ready to install in less than a week." He grinned at the possibilities. "So... anything else happening on base today? I haven't gotten anything from the General in my inbox since I got back from Foreston. I'm still wondering what my permanent assignment at the Alpha site is going to be since I was only on the AU mission as a pilot."

                                Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY

