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Stargate New Seasons ~SG1~Resurgence~Season 11~SG1 and SG3 LA mission one

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    Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
    <Orbit of LA base world>

    Royce, "The Tank" Sprills

    The tank got into position and watched the skies for a minute making sure that nothing was about to jump him as he was getting in position. Satisfied he spoke into his mask.

    "Coming spook, hot and ready." He smiled at his quip as he came in and got into position, lined up to the target and fired. It was slight to the right but his guns bracketed the target blowing a good sized hole in it. two meters on each side, which destroyed the target.

    He cooly smiled and wiggiled his wings in slight victory.

    "CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!!!" Elle yelled ove rthe coms loud enough both the LA and the SGC would have heard her. "Hudson, Hudson report. Are you ok?"

    Bill appeared in between his CO and the Admiral, she looked over at his 302, a large gaping hole was showing clean through his port wing, he was out of the game now and with no spare birds that was one less they could ill afford. "I'm ok Boss, copped a bit of rock from the Major's obvious ignorance of 'missile test', Tank I can excuse, he's a rook..but." He checked his systems. "Big no show ma'am, I gotta turn in before my fuel leaks out all over the galaxy...good luck guys." He rocked his wings and headed back to the Hammond, furious at his opportunity to square with the LA.

    "See you Hud, keep our beds warm." Elle looked over her shoulder as her number flew away. "Starbreaker, you and I have a reckoning. Admiral sir?"

    Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
    {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen} {Jeremy "Runner" Cordova}

    Karina got serious and tried desperately to block out all the taunting and chatter. She had one goal in mind and it was that painted target ahead. She zoned in on it and just as she was ready to pop next in line Tank cut her off and splashed the target... .'FRAK!!! Tank Sprills I had that shot dammit!!!' She wailed to herself as she slung her bird around and seemingly shook her wingmen in the process. She leveled up right behind him....Tank now totally unaware and she locked her target on his Six...just to remind him he was not alone in space. She got his attention and flipped off her weapons lock...opening up her com, "Good one...but you're now dead!" She teased and then abruptly pulled starboard and passed him by ...gesturing in some crazy fashion that only Spook would understand... "Spook... yeah that's impressive alright....but I prefer to be alive at the end of the mission."

    Karina rolled away.... going rogue as usual when she gets this way....doing something stupid again that she will probably bring on the wrath of Khan and all that is holy down on her. Not to mention she already has Fr. Sheen in an uproar apparently... "Frak IT!" She murmured through her mask as she barreled toward the chunk of asteroid full on as if to play a game of self sacrifice or chicken or something.

    "Breaker What the Frak are you doing?" Jeremy screeched through the com as he desperately tried to follow full well knowing it was a fruitless attempt. "Abort this nonsense....NOW!!" He pleaded knowing it probably wouldn't help...."Pull OUT....PULL OUT.... PULL OUT!!!" He demanded with his hand white knuckles and all gripped the stick ready to roll out just at the last moment.

    "Watch THIS!!" She paraded and laid on her fire pulse....opened her rail guns and blasted the small chunk of asteroid of what used to be the target out of their path.....allowing both of them to fly through the flaming now powdery debris. "Now...hows that for accuracy?" She smirked as she completed a 180 to go back and join the rest of her wing.

    "Yeah you are certifiably are Beyond INSANE!!" Jeremy quipped as he followed her back into the V-line....swallowing hard full well knowing their asses would be on the line for that little stunt.

    "No's one thing to sit and line up a target....and be accurate...any decent pilot can do that.... it's another to acquire and take out your target while you're maneuvering at full be a great pilot you hafta challenge you're ready. You know I never liked the batting cages!!"
    She explained trying to give some small logic to her impulsive behavior.

    "No kidding.....but can we just sort of play by the rules from now on? I don't relish how much dirty laundry this is going to cost us." Jeremy sighed and threw his head back against his seat in frustration.

    "Copy that....let's go play Simon Says now" She opened her com to the Admiral .... "Sorry about that sir... I just had to stretch my legs a little... I'm good now!" she snickered but gulped down knowing she would catch hell for it.

    ((OOC ok I couldn't help that...blame my muse and sorry for the BSG quote... Bad Bad Bad muse!! And besides the Admiral did it... *Points* ))


    {Vala Mal Doran}

    Vala clung onto Daniel as they made their way out of the thick muck and water. She was so grateful for him her heart seemingly swelled up with that warm nice feeling she often got when she was close to him. She gripped onto the back of his vest...."Yeah I'm not letting go this time I go are coming with me!" She giggled quietly trying to now figure out what was going on....listening to Jen and Cam's conversation ....something about claymores. "Don't forget Daniel....once Cam gives the signal we go back... and you know what that means don't you?" She sighed loudly flashing him a disgusted look....and throwing her head in the direction of the swampy creek.....realizing they would have to literally go back through that water and mud all over again.

    "K you are such an idiot everyday of the week, what part of M I S S I L E - T E S T." She spelt the words loud and clear. "..don't you understand? have just screwed your promotion good and proper, I don't know what else to say." Tank she would get over, he was still after all as the Aussie said a rook, but her friend Starbreaker had just lost all respect she had for her. Ange would get over it in time, but not today. A small bitter lump swelled in her throat and she switched of her coms so she could sit in silence. She looked over at Runners bird, not a lot of damage and gave him a thumbs up and turned her coms back on..."Runner you ok?" She asked in concern. Up above her Goose's 302 sat like a guardian angel, she owed him something at least for the debacle on the Daedalus. "Colonel Connor sir...I'm so...sorry, you know....about before, that goes for you as well Frank." She sighed, things can only get better.

    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

    Wondering if Tank and Starbreaker ever went to driving school, he yelled at them both: "Tank! What the blazes was that?!?!?! You just about mowed down Starbreaker, one of your fellow pilots to take your shot!!!! Do you drive like you fly?!?!?! If so I'd hate to see how high your insurance premiums must be!!! And Starbreaker, I'm sure I don't have to explain to you the vagaries of road rage! Scaring the crap out of Tank was NOT an appropriate response for his lack of observation while driving! I'm gonna have to have a talk with the both of you along with Spook providing that's OK with Goose of course," finished Firebucket, breathing deeply to calm himself down after that rant.

    "Padre'..." Elle called over the channel. "Tank was next in line sir, it was his shot even if he did get it wrong. I think we've all learned a lesson today." She said calmly as she waited for the Admiral to explode.
    Last edited by RogueRanger; 24 January 2011, 11:01 AM.


      Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post


      "CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!!!" Elle yelled ove rthe coms loud enough both the LA and the SGC would have heard her. "Hudson, Hudson report. Are you ok?"

      Bill appeared in between his CO and the Admiral, she looked over at his 302, a large gaping hole was showing clean through his port wing, he was out of the game now and with no spare birds that was one less they could ill afford. "I'm ok Boss, copped a bit of rock from the Major's obvious ignorance of 'missile test', Tank I can excuse, he's a rook..but." He checked his systems. "Big no show ma'am, I gotta turn in before my fuel leaks out all over the galaxy...good luck guys." He rocked his wings and headed back to the Hammond, furious at his opportunity to square with the LA.

      "See you Hud, keep our beds warm." Elle looked over her shoulder as her number flew away. "Starbreaker, you and I have a reckoning. Admiral sir?"


      "K you are such an idiot everyday of the week, what part of M I S S I L E - T E S T." She spelt the words loud and clear. "..don't you understand? have just screwed your promotion good and proper, I don't know what else to say." Tank she would get over, he was still after all as the Aussie said a rook, but her friend Starbreaker had just lost all respect she had for her. Ange would get over it in time, but not today. A small bitter lump swelled in her throat and she switched of her coms so she could sit in silence.


      "Padre'..." Elle called over the channel. "Tank was next in line sir, it was his shot even if he did get it wrong. I think we've all learned a lesson today." She said calmly as she waited for the Admiral to explode.
      {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

      "Understood, McFearson," said Firebucket. "Tank might be able to redeem his reputation yet as the best of the rooks, as I think there might be something wrong with Tank's bird. We had comm trouble with his bird earlier when he returned to the Daedalus for refueling. I'll have a tech run a remote check of Tank's onboard computer system. On second thought, make that EVERYONE'S onboard computer system. I wouldn't put it past the LA to have men on the inside capable of sabotaging our stuff after all. Firebucket out."


        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post

        "CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!!!" Elle yelled ove rthe coms loud enough both the LA and the SGC would have heard her. "Hudson, Hudson report. Are you ok?"

        Bill appeared in between his CO and the Admiral, she looked over at his 302, a large gaping hole was showing clean through his port wing, he was out of the game now and with no spare birds that was one less they could ill afford. "I'm ok Boss, copped a bit of rock from the Major's obvious ignorance of 'missile test', Tank I can excuse, he's a rook..but." He checked his systems. "Big no show ma'am, I gotta turn in before my fuel leaks out all over the galaxy...good luck guys." He rocked his wings and headed back to the Hammond, furious at his opportunity to square with the LA.

        "See you Hud, keep our beds warm." Elle looked over her shoulder as her number flew away. "Starbreaker, you and I have a reckoning. Admiral sir?"

        "K you are such an idiot everyday of the week, what part of M I S S I L E - T E S T." She spelt the words loud and clear. "..don't you understand? have just screwed your promotion good and proper, I don't know what else to say." Tank she would get over, he was still after all as the Aussie said a rook, but her friend Starbreaker had just lost all respect she had for her. Ange would get over it in time, but not today. A small bitter lump swelled in her throat and she switched of her coms so she could sit in silence.

        "Padre'..." Elle called over the channel. "Tank was next in line sir, it was his shot even if he did get it wrong. I think we've all learned a lesson today." She said calmly as she waited for the Admiral to explode.
        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

        "Understood, McFearson," said Firebucket. "Tank might be able to redeem his reputation yet as the best of the rooks, as I think there might be something wrong with Tank's bird. We had comm trouble with his bird earlier when he returned to the Daedalus for refueling. I'll have a tech run a remote check of Tank's onboard computer system. On second thought, make that EVERYONE'S onboard computer system. I wouldn't put it past the LA to have men on the inside capable of sabotaging our stuff after all. Firebucket out."

        After watching Spook and Oneshot go through their routine successfully, Will sat back and relaxed for just a moment and then all hell broke out. He wasn't in a position to assume the Lotus so he said a few quite mantra's and then boomed in across all channels. "Alright enough! Legs, take your flight astern of me, Lieutenant Darkness form up on my starboard rear quarter with your flight."

        He drummed his fingers on the coming of his panel and watched the 302 of Hudson limp back. "NOW ALL OF YOU!" He bellowed. "We have learned a valuable lesson haven't we? OBEY your commands and you'll come out of this alive. Missile ranging cancelled for now, I can only hope you are all capable of at least hitting the enemy when called for. We will now proceed with gun laying drill BY THE NUMBERS." He looked over at the debris of rocks left by Starbreakers calamity and surveyed there were three sizable pieces suitable. "Follow the drill, this time I will have to show you. Sprills and Thracen stand down, you will be markers only, as I'm sure you've wasted half drum already."

        With precision and finesse that comes of a lifetime of flying, Will took lead and ranged in his railgun sight on the HUD, the small green traingle showing him both distance and deflection. "Half second bursts only, ONE at a time. Red echo you'll follow me in line astern copy." He rolled over inverted and straightened on the turn and pressed lightly, a few small bursts emitted from his guns, leaving dusted pock marks in a perfect line across one large piece of asteroid. "Run it in Red Echo one." He said as he pulled up and over, returning to the assembled wings. "Oh and lastly, Thracen, Sprills. I want a HAND WRITTEN five thousand word essay on the subject of discipline, submitted to me by last watch after we complete the mission. Father Sheen if you're listening make a note of that please and get Caldwell on the blower for me. Goose get Alpha into line, you'll lead after the remainder of Major Thracen's flight has gone in copy?"
        Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 24 January 2011, 10:47 AM.
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post


          After watching Spook and Oneshot go through their routine successfully, Will sat back and relaxed for just a moment and then all hell broke out. He wasn't in a position to assume the Lotus so he said a few quite mantra's and then boomed in across all channels. "Alright enough! Legs, take your flight astern of me, Lieutenant Darkness form up on my starboard rear quarter with your flight."

          He drummed his fingers on the coming of his panel and watched the 302 of Hudson limp back. "NOW ALL OF YOU!" He bellowed. "We have learned a valuable lesson haven't we? OBEY your commands and you'll come out of this alive. Missile ranging cancelled for now, I can only hope you are all capable of at least hitting the enemy when called for. We will now proceed with gun laying drill BY THE NUMBERS." He looked over at the debris of rocks left by Starbreakers calamity and surveyed there were three sizable pieces suitable. "Follow the drill, this time I will have to show you. Sprills and Thracen stand down, you will be markers only, as I'm sure you've wasted half drum already."

          With precision and finesse that comes of a lifetime of flying, Will took lead and ranged in his railgun sight on the HUD, the small green traingle showing him both distance and deflection. "Half second bursts only, ONE at a time. Red echo you'll follow me in line astern copy." He rolled over inverted and straightened on the turn and pressed lightly, a few small bursts emitted from his guns, leaving dusted pock marks in a perfect line across one large piece of asteroid. "Run it in Red Echo one." He said as he pulled up and over, returning to the assembled wings. "Oh and lastly, Thracen, Sprills. I want a HAND WRITTEN five thousand word essay submitted to me by last watch after we complete the mission. Father Sheen if you're listening make a note of that please and get Caldwell on the blower for me."

          {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

          "Duly noted, sir. Handing you over to Caldwell. Firebucket out," said Firebucket. Turning to the tech, he asked: "Did you run a scan of Tank's computer systems for malfunctions?"
          Last edited by mad_gater; 23 January 2011, 06:33 PM.


            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
            {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

            "Understood, McFearson," said Firebucket. "Tank might be able to redeem his reputation yet as the best of the rooks, as I think there might be something wrong with Tank's bird. We had comm trouble with his bird earlier when he returned to the Daedalus for refueling. I'll have a tech run a remote check of Tank's onboard computer system. On second thought, make that EVERYONE'S onboard computer system. I wouldn't put it past the LA to have men on the inside capable of sabotaging our stuff after all. Firebucket out."

            "Call me Legs, Padre, everyone does." She smiled through her O2 mask. "And I serioulsy doubt there was a coms problem sir, most likely an interference, we've been getting a lot of that lately. Could be the LA trying to get a bead on our coms." Changing frequency she pingged the Admiral. "Running shot gun sir, up and over boys you heard the man." Elle pulled her bird vertically, with her remaining two wingmen following to come line astern behind the 07 of Admiral MacGregor. "Zulu on station, sit tight boys and lets see what these shoddy boys in blue can do."

            Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post

            After watching Spook and Oneshot go through their routine successfully, Will sat back and relaxed for just a moment and then all hell broke out. He wasn't in a position to assume the Lotus so he said a few quite mantra's and then boomed in across all channels. "Alright enough! Legs, take your flight astern of me, Lieutenant Darkness form up on my starboard rear quarter with your flight."

            He drummed his fingers on the coming of his panel and watched the 302 of Hudson limp back. "NOW ALL OF YOU!" He bellowed. "We have learned a valuable lesson haven't we? OBEY your commands and you'll come out of this alive. Missile ranging cancelled for now, I can only hope you are all capable of at least hitting the enemy when called for. We will now proceed with gun laying drill BY THE NUMBERS." He looked over at the debris of rocks left by Starbreakers calamity and surveyed there were three sizable pieces suitable. "Follow the drill, this time I will have to show you. Sprills and Thracen stand down, you will be markers only, as I'm sure you've wasted half drum already."

            With precision and finesse that comes of a lifetime of flying, Will took lead and ranged in his railgun sight on the HUD, the small green traingle showing him both distance and deflection. "Half second bursts only, ONE at a time. Red echo you'll follow me in line astern copy." He rolled over inverted and straightened on the turn and pressed lightly, a few small bursts emitted from his guns, leaving dusted pock marks in a perfect line across one large piece of asteroid. "Run it in Red Echo one." He said as he pulled up and over, returning to the assembled wings. "Oh and lastly, Thracen, Sprills. I want a HAND WRITTEN five thousand word essay submitted to me by last watch after we complete the mission. Father Sheen if you're listening make a note of that please and get Caldwell on the blower for me."

            "Copy that sir. Red Echo line em up, square half turns on my marker." Ange spiralled up and over, showing her skills as an adversary pilot, she made the difference in flight between being the hunter rather than the hunter. She watched her HUD display and and the small green triangle of the gun sight and when she saw the correction and the Admirals hits, she pressed lightly and released, a perfect half second burst. Spraying around the gouges left by the Admiral, which set the asteroid slowly turning.

            Brddddddd!, brdddddddddd! her guns sounded within the hull, a dull echoing sound. "Oneshot, rattle and shake." She yelled as she peeled away in a quarter half roll


              Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post

              "Call me Legs, Padre, everyone does." She smiled through her O2 mask. "And I serioulsy doubt there was a coms problem sir, most likely an interference, we've been getting a lot of that lately. Could be the LA trying to get a bead on our coms." Changing frequency she pingged the Admiral. "Running shot gun sir, up and over boys you heard the man." Elle pulled her bird vertically, with her remaining two wingmen following to come line astern behind the 07 of Admiral MacGregor. "Zulu on station, sit tight boys and lets see what these shoddy boys in blue can do."


              "Copy that sir. Red Echo line em up, square half turns on my marker." Ange spiralled up and over, showing her skills as an adversary pilot, she made the difference in flight between being the hunter rather than the hunter. She watched her HUD display and and the small green triangle of the gun sight and when she saw the correction and the Admirals hits, she pressed lightly and released, a perfect half second burst. Spraying around the gouges left by the Admiral, which set the asteroid slowly turning.

              Brddddddd!, brdddddddddd! her guns sounded within the hull, a dull echoing sound. "Oneshot, rattle and shake." She yelled as she peeled away in a quarter half roll
              {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

              "I highly doubt that my bishop would like it were he to hear of me referring to wonderful ladies such as yourself in such disrespectful ways, Commander," said Firebucket with amusement. "And I think Tank's bird should at least be checked because he may be a rook but I don't think even the greenest rook would do something so boneheaded on purpose. Not to mention I'd feel better knowing that ALL birds are clear of possible sabotage. Fighting the LA is like fighting cancer. Catch things like possible sabotage early so that they don't become problems later. Don't worry the systems check wouldn't take more than a few seconds. Firebucket out."
              Last edited by mad_gater; 24 January 2011, 12:26 PM. Reason: misread Elle's rank....oopsie



                "Shaking, rattling, and rolling, Spook." he said with a smile on his face. For the rest of that day, he would have that song stuck in his head.


                  ((OOC, we'll take it as Oneshot has fired! ))

                  "Red Echo out of zone sir, I believe the remainder of Starbreaker's flight should be next." She pulled her bird out of the gun range and lead her team back to the rear, the next targets on her mind would be the LA.


                    {SGT Markus Redd}
                    <Planet's Surface>

                    Markus noticed that Vala and Jackson were starting to fall behind and he kept that in his mind as they continued to their destination. The Mud was also slowing Markus down, so he wasn't surprised that other people were too. As the team was stopped for the Captain and the mines ahead, Markus got out his canteen and took a drink from it, still watching for any movement in the surrounding area.
                    Aftermath RP
                    Markus Redd - SG-7 Computer Scientist
                    Captain Joseph Laport - OSI Agent Stationed at Alpha Site

                    New Seasons RP
                    SGT Markus Redd - SG-3 Medic
                    Eli Wallace- SGU


                      <In Orbit>
                      Royce "The Tank" Sprills
                      Royce sighed behind his masks, of all the stupid things to get busted for! He could think of a million things to say in retort but they were probably stupid and he did not want to get his shiny privalages to fly this multi billion dollar war ship taken away from him.
                      "Firebucket, nah its cool. All systems check, I goofed, no excuses. He smirked behind his mask though, wanting to give SOME voice to his dark thoughts. "At least we know that my guns work." He keyed his mike to the other frequency. "Yo Karina, sorry for nearly getting your plane all shot up." He switched back. "Just tell me where the gun range is and when it is my turn and I will see what I can do, or I can just wait back and let everyone else go and cover us from the Lucian Alliance that could be descending on our tails at any moment. Even though the radar is apparently clean...for the moment."


                        {Capt. Danny Chang *Dragon*} - {Cap. Tommaso Raimondi *Italian*}

                        Tommaso winked and smiled behind the O2 mask and went into a double spin "Catch me, if you can! Woohooo!!" He considered that the beginning of Dragon's hide&seek trial. "How's that Starbreaker?"
                        Then, in that moment, the Admiral and the Chaplain's angry reproaches made him realize what really happened and (most of all) that he had lost his mind again.
                        Covered in shame, he regained his position behind Danny; he switched to his team's frequency and tried to apologize: "I'm sorry guys.... but... you know.... women are my weakeness...."
                        "Better late than never.... Welcome back Tommy" was Dragon's reaction.

                        Sig by RogueRanger


                          Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                          <In Orbit>
                          Royce "The Tank" Sprills
                          Royce sighed behind his masks, of all the stupid things to get busted for! He could think of a million things to say in retort but they were probably stupid and he did not want to get his shiny privalages to fly this multi billion dollar war ship taken away from him.
                          "Firebucket, nah its cool. All systems check, I goofed, no excuses. He smirked behind his mask though, wanting to give SOME voice to his dark thoughts. "At least we know that my guns work." He keyed his mike to the other frequency. "Yo Karina, sorry for nearly getting your plane all shot up." He switched back. "Just tell me where the gun range is and when it is my turn and I will see what I can do, or I can just wait back and let everyone else go and cover us from the Lucian Alliance that could be descending on our tails at any moment. Even though the radar is apparently clean...for the moment."
                          {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

                          Looking at the data the tech provided and seeing that Tank did indeed have his toggle set to "weapons hot" instead of "sim" and that in fact everyone's birds were clean of computer viruses, he sighed. "Roger that, Tank. Changing award to read 'Most Boneheaded Rook In Existence.' At least you're man enough to own up to your mistakes. Just make sure that the next targets you hit are the LA pilots, not friendlies," said Firebucket.
                          Last edited by mad_gater; 24 January 2011, 07:18 AM.


                            Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                            <LA base world>

                            Major beck
                            Beck tried not to blanch and kept his wits about him.

                            "Yes ma'am...sounds fun."

                            Cam Mitchell
                            He mulled over Al's suggestion in his head and nodded his agreement. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea, but I still want to be down a little bit more where we are actually ready to start laying the claymores before we call them in, that way it can be perfect." He gave his fellow team leader a look and then slowly made his way down the path.

                            Cam turned to her and looked over the screen and fixed her in a serious stare, beginning to feel a little wet at the raining that was peppering him. "Yeah, sure, what do you need?" He spoke at her in a normal voice figuring that if anyone could hear them, that they would be on the scanners. Though he hoped that would not give away their position.

                            "Sir, can you hold this for me?" Jen held out her Ipad, it contained a visual readout of what she saw on the scanner, linked with a USB remote. "I need you to guide me. Colonel Reynolds, could you come with me please and Teal'c as well."

                            Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post

                            {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}
                            {Jeremy "Runner" Cordova}

                            Karina got serious and tried desperately to block out all the taunting and chatter. She had one goal in mind and it was that painted target ahead. She zoned in on it and just as she was ready to pop next in line Tank cut her off and splashed the target... .'FRAK!!! Tank Sprills I had that shot dammit!!!' She wailed to herself as she slung her bird around and seemingly shook her wingmen in the process. She leveled up right behind him....Tank now totally unaware and she locked her target on his Six...just to remind him he was not alone in space. She got his attention and flipped off her weapons lock...opening up her com, "Good one...but you're now dead!" She teased and then abruptly pulled starboard and passed him by ...gesturing in some crazy fashion that only Spook would understand... "Spook... yeah that's impressive alright....but I prefer to be alive at the end of the mission."

                            Karina rolled away.... going rogue as usual when she gets this way....doing something stupid again that she will probably bring on the wrath of Khan and all that is holy down on her. Not to mention she already has Fr. Sheen in an uproar apparently... "Frak IT!" She murmured through her mask as she barreled toward the chunk of asteroid full on as if to play a game of self sacrifice or chicken or something.

                            "Breaker What the Frak are you doing?" Jeremy screeched through the com as he desperately tried to follow full well knowing it was a fruitless attempt. "Abort this nonsense....NOW!!" He pleaded knowing it probably wouldn't help...."Pull OUT....PULL OUT.... PULL OUT!!!" He demanded with his hand white knuckles and all gripped the stick ready to roll out just at the last moment.

                            "Watch THIS!!" She paraded and laid on her fire pulse....opened her rail guns and blasted the small chunk of asteroid of what used to be the target out of their path.....allowing both of them to fly through the flaming now powdery debris. "Now...hows that for accuracy?" She smirked as she completed a 180 to go back and join the rest of her wing.

                            "Yeah you are certifiably are Beyond INSANE!!" Jeremy quipped as he followed her back into the V-line....swallowing hard full well knowing their asses would be on the line for that little stunt.

                            "No's one thing to sit and line up a target....and be accurate...any decent pilot can do that.... it's another to acquire and take out your target while you're maneuvering at full be a great pilot you hafta challenge you're ready. You know I never liked the batting cages!!"
                            She explained trying to give some small logic to her impulsive behavior.

                            "No kidding.....but can we just sort of play by the rules from now on? I don't relish how much dirty laundry this is going to cost us." Jeremy sighed and threw his head back against his seat in frustration.

                            "Copy that....let's go play Simon Says now" She opened her com to the Admiral .... "Sorry about that sir... I just had to stretch my legs a little... I'm good now!" she snickered but gulped down knowing she would catch hell for it.

                            ((OOC ok I couldn't help that...blame my muse and sorry for the BSG quote... Bad Bad Bad muse!! And besides the Admiral did it... *Points* ))


                            {Vala Mal Doran}

                            Vala clung onto Daniel as they made their way out of the thick muck and water. She was so grateful for him her heart seemingly swelled up with that warm nice feeling she often got when she was close to him. She gripped onto the back of his vest...."Yeah I'm not letting go this time I go are coming with me!" She giggled quietly trying to now figure out what was going on....listening to Jen and Cam's conversation ....something about claymores. "Don't forget Daniel....once Cam gives the signal we go back... and you know what that means don't you?" She sighed loudly flashing him a disgusted look....and throwing her head in the direction of the swampy creek.....realizing they would have to literally go back through that water and mud all over again.

                            Before she moved though, Jennifer looked back at Vala and Daniel, with her NVG's on, she could only see that Vala was apparently very wet, how she wondered did she slip? "Vala.." She whispered. "Are you alright?"


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

                              Looking at the data the tech provided and seeing that Tank did indeed have his toggle set to "weapons hot" instead of "sim" and that in fact everyone's birds were clean of computer viruses, he sighed. "Roger that, Tank. Changing award to read 'Most Boneheaded Rook In Existence.' At least you're man enough to own up to your mistakes. Just make sure that the next targets you hit are the LA pilots, not friendlies," said Firebucket.
                              <IN Orbit>
                              Royce "The Tank" Sprills
                              Tank gritted his teeth for a second and was raging just a little bit at the further injustice that was going on and the seemingly rubbing in of it that he was getting. It was not like him to lose control over himself and his emotions especially when he was in the air flying but he was really close to justletting loose.

                              "Understood." he thought about it for a second, "though I am a bit curious what qualifications a Reverend, such as yourself, has over combat and flying tactics, and incidents of this nature. Friendly fire and things of that nature killing a fellow pilot, which is quite bothersome in and of itself. I am also curious how you can claim to comment when you are not in this plane, I am."

                              He smirked a bit. "And when it happened that she happened to fly out of her turn when I was firing, now I should have checked the area and probably should not have been fireing any live ammo but she chose to go ahead of me when Spook told me specifically I was up. All this seems to be is a communications snafu and the overexuberance of one of our pilots. Its like this one time, in my old neighborhood back home I was playing catch with one of my friends, she was a bit younger then me. Anyways I was playing catch and her, much younger, brother wanted to play too, though he was too young and I figured he would just get hurt. And I warned him repeatedly, and even attempted to check my throw to prevent him from getting hurt. Anyways I uncorked this, very underhanded, very slow, throw right at her, and whoosh like a blaze of lightning he came into the middle of me. And POW he slammed his hand down onto the 'dash board' for emphasis, "hit him right in the head. Hurt him a bit, caused him to cry, and along comes this kids parents and starts complaining at me when he not I intentionally ran into the balls path."

                              "So the moral of the story is to pay attention, make sure you are hearing correctly, and to watch out for fellow pilots who may be going just a tad stray. My flying is fine thank you."


                                Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                                <IN Orbit>
                                Royce "The Tank" Sprills
                                Tank gritted his teeth for a second and was raging just a little bit at the further injustice that was going on and the seemingly rubbing in of it that he was getting. It was not like him to lose control over himself and his emotions especially when he was in the air flying but he was really close to justletting loose.

                                "Understood." he thought about it for a second, "though I am a bit curious what qualifications a Reverend, such as yourself, has over combat and flying tactics, and incidents of this nature. Friendly fire and things of that nature killing a fellow pilot, which is quite bothersome in and of itself. I am also curious how you can claim to comment when you are not in this plane, I am."

                                He smirked a bit. "And when it happened that she happened to fly out of her turn when I was firing, now I should have checked the area and probably should not have been fireing any live ammo but she chose to go ahead of me when Spook told me specifically I was up. All this seems to be is a communications snafu and the overexuberance of one of our pilots. Its like this one time, in my old neighborhood back home I was playing catch with one of my friends, she was a bit younger then me. Anyways I was playing catch and her, much younger, brother wanted to play too, though he was too young and I figured he would just get hurt. And I warned him repeatedly, and even attempted to check my throw to prevent him from getting hurt. Anyways I uncorked this, very underhanded, very slow, throw right at her, and whoosh like a blaze of lightning he came into the middle of me. And POW he slammed his hand down onto the 'dash board' for emphasis, "hit him right in the head. Hurt him a bit, caused him to cry, and along comes this kids parents and starts complaining at me when he not I intentionally ran into the balls path."

                                "So the moral of the story is to pay attention, make sure you are hearing correctly, and to watch out for fellow pilots who may be going just a tad stray. My flying is fine thank you."
                                {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

                                Clamping down on his rising blood pressure at being spoken to in such a manner by the young rookie hotshot, Firebucket said in a voice full of cold, dead, calm: "Sprills, I flew 1000 hours second seat in C130's before you were even a twinkle in your momma's eye, since you asked ever so nicely for my credentials. I'm a little out of practice so forgive me if I got a few of the technical details regarding this mess mixed up. But the point is you both made mistakes and though it may not have sounded like it I do respect you for owning up to them. And I'll agree that my crack about the award was a lot out of line. Tends to happen when those under my charge nearly get themselves killed. I also agree with you that Starbreaker is the one largely at fault since she was going out of turn, something that will be the subject of very long talks between her and myself and again I apologize for going off at you. Stems from the fact that I lost a very good friend in 'Nam who was under my command and I'd rather not see it happen again. Just try not to make any more mistakes OK? They are not something we can afford too many of. Firebucket out."
                                Last edited by mad_gater; 24 January 2011, 07:58 PM.

