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Stargate New Seasons ~SG1~Resurgence~Season 11~SG1 and SG3 LA mission one

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    Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post

    {Vala Mal Doran}

    Vala smirked as she jutted out her shoulder and flung her now somewhat frizzy ponytail out of her way. She thought to herself how the dreadful humidity and small flying gnat things would be the death of her hair....and didn't think things could get any worse and then the rain started to gently fall ...bouncing off the murky waters that was up ahead. She sighed and quietly murmured with dread..."Ahhh great! well it looks like you are gonna get some time to practice those swimming skills Danny......"

    It wasn't so much the slippery slope or the thick mud that was packing up on her boots that was of was the creatures that she knew inhabited such waters..... but she pressed on almost as if she was holding onto the back of Daniel's vest for some sense of security.

    Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen
    Jeremy "Runner" Cordova B.B. And Hammer Blue/Lima Squadron

    Karina grimaced at Connor's command as it was so.... 'follow-the-leader like' she thought in her mind defiantly...she was never one to take orders politely but she knew this mission was high risk and didn't want to blow it. "Copy that Father Goose...we're in line and heading to the moon....back in nursery school it seems..." She released her coms and opened them only to her own squadron.... "now all we need is a cat and a fiddle and we'll be all set."

    Jeremy opened his com with a chuckle, "Can I be the cow please?"

    "Sure.... I'll be sure to have Heckman paint some nice black patches on your bird for you when we get back!" She swallowed hard trying to disguise her dread feeling that something just wasn't right and didn't want to lose her head to the silly banter. "Actually....let's not get all Humpty Dumpty here cuz things are a bit too quiet for my liking. B.B. .....Hammer....what's your sights lookin like?"

    "All's quiet...just Zulu showboating as normal...." B.B. reported

    "Same Same....just a quiet stroll in the park for me...." Hammer added.

    "Yeah about that quiet part..." She opened up her com link to Zulu Leader.....

    Karina squelched the coms ... "Hey Badasses.....why don't you open a website and start your own version of WikiLeaks?.... Now shut the frak up and put your badassery where your mouth used to be??!" She released the coms and pulled on her stick maneuvering in her own badass style sending her team weaving and careening after her. "Whooooooooooooo HOoooooooo now that's what I'm talking about.... Who said we had to fly straight to the moon anyway?" She taunted as she and her team creatively formed up with the other wings ..setting a course for the moon.

    ((OOC..just a little vid to get the feel for things ))

    {Vala Mal Doran}
    Vala had to giggle out loud watching Beck squirm while wading in the mucky waters. She swore to herself that the natural color of his skin right now was probably close to the green shade she was seeing through her night vision gear. "Hey Beck... remind me to tell you a story of that one big ..... I mean BIG eel like creature that almost ate my friend....yep ... and we were in waters such as a matter of fact." She smirked quietly trying to lighten the mood as things were starting to get a bit tense. But then she felt something brush her leg and knew there were big creatures in the waters ...and they were ugly but none too deadly. So she squished onward...hanging onto Daniel as she went.....

    " you doing? Yeah .... about Teal'c .... " She sighed not knowing whether they should let Teal'c in on their little secret mission.... "Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let someone know...just what is going down...." she whispered toward him....praying her words weren't echoing along the surface of the water. "But I'm not gonna tell tell him!" She urged trying to play to Daniel's humanitarian spirit.

    {Cap. Tommaso Raimondi *Italian*}

    "Pfft, that's the best you can do, Starbreaker? I could do better even eyes closed...." Tommaso said laughing in his coms. His urge to impress women was going to betray him another time. He realized that just in time: "And I'm not showing it to you right now because Father Goose and Dragon would probably kill me for that, and bucause I believe we are risking too much attracting attention the way we are doing." He could become a bit impudent when talking about women, but he was still a reasonable soldier.

    Sig by RogueRanger


      ((OOC too many to quote))

      Al scratched at his chin, he was getting a decent stubble there now, he'd keep it if it wasn't against regs, he hated shaving. "Cam, don't delay the call. We'll need the distraction once we start laying claymores." He moved forward slowly behind Beck, his two sergeants in bringing up the rear behind SG1. Something was bugging him though and he stopped. "Beck, hold up son. Hailey you have that sensor thing you're always carrying?"

      "Yes sir." She unclipped her pack and trying balance it on her knee without it falling into the mud, she pulled a side zip open and reached in. The small ancient device, a courtesy of Doctor McKay, she held and scanned the area, two small dots showed directly in front of them and to either side. "Oh crap....remote triggers. Sirs, Teal'c I think thye've got mines up there." She began to sweat a little more than the humidty would allow, the rain made no difference on that score.


      "You heard Father Goose Zulu, keep a zip on it. If I have to tell you again, you'll be seeing the inside of Chief Parson's galley for a long time to come."

      "Oh come on boss, you know you love us." Hudson replied. "Which is why Colonel Mason you just simply adore us on your six, we're so lovable, ain't that right Fairie, cute and, cuddly criters we are." He burst into song for Fairie's benefit.

      "When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie
      That's amore
      When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
      That's amore
      Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
      And you'll sing "Vita bella"
      Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
      Like a gay tarantella

      When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool
      That's amore
      When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
      You're in love
      When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
      Dreaming signore
      Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
      That's amore"



        As soon as Will cleared the Daedalus and Hammond's vicinty and neared the rendezvous, he was greeted by a chorus of coms chat, some raucous hilarity seemed to have overcome the pilots wits. He came right into centre of the flights and tipped his wings, arced over and came around again alongside Connor, McFearson off to his port.

        He turned his head as he drew level with Connor's eyesight. "Greetings Colonel and how are we going this fine evening?" He felt a little mirth was worthy, but some of these needed a kick up the mitka. "McFearson, is that you? I thought I recognised those legs." He of course couldn't see her, but back in the Australian fleet she was known simply as 'Legs Eleven' for good reason

        "Right now people, all I want to hear from you is your breath, until otherwise called for is that understood? And Legs, that especially goes for your wingman. " He craned his neck over and saw Thracen's 302 just off to his rear starboard quarter. "Starbreaker, what do you hear?"
        Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 20 January 2011, 07:05 PM.
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier



          Once clear of the hangar of the Daedalus, Sian turned her gaze slightly towards the hammond, from outside, it looked like any other Daedalus Class craft, nothing odd about it. So why was she so worried ? It didn't matter. She kept her channels isolated to the Admiral, her front gunner so to speak, and the Daedalus alone. Unable to hear any of the other radio chatter going on.

          She stayed far enough astern of the Admiral as he came up alongside the rest of the groups. Times liek this called for odd actions. So how to handle such situations on the fly made things only slightly harder for the young China born woman. Yet nothing kept back her smile when she heard Sung mutterings of men and how they spoke to women. She powered down everything save for life support and stretched her systems radar as far as she was able.


          Yet at least. She powered back up in stages, engines, weapons, and lastly, brakes. She held back enough and waited for the Admirals go, she spotted what she passed off as a refelction of space junk two degress off port.

          She once more waited for the Admiral to make his move. so far, all was quiet

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post

            As soon as Will cleared the Daedalus and Hammond's vicinty and neared the rendezvous, he was greeted by a chorus of coms chat, some raucous hilarity seemed to have overcome the pilots wits. He came right into centre of the flights and tipped his wings, arced over and came around again alongside Connor, McFearson off to his port.

            He turned his head as he drew level with Connor's eyesight. "Greetings Colonel and how are we going this fine evening?" He felt a little mirth was worthy, but some of these needed a kick up the mitka. "McFearson, is that you? I thought I recognised those legs." He of course couldn't see her, but back in the Australian fleet she was known simply as 'Legs Eleven' for good reason

            "Right now people, all I want to hear from you is your breath, until otherwise called for is that understood? And Legs, that especially goes for your wingman. " He craned his neck over and saw Thracen's 302 just off to his rear starboard quarter. "Starbreaker, what do you hear?"

            As Major Pena made his way to the rest of the squadron that launched already, he heard the Admiral come over the radio. He replied with "Rodger that, Foxtrot Charlie. Coming up to you from the rear, distance 1,500meters." Once taking up the position in the somewhat fleet staggered formation, Major Pena of the standard distance of 25 meters from the 302 in front of him. He also double checks his 2 radios to make sure they are on the right freg and channel, along with the right power setting, which one is set for the squadron freg and the second for the Daedalus freg.


              {2nd Lt. John 'Nugget' O'Niel} NPC

              Ange wished she could pop the canopy to feel the wind, but of course that was ridiculous out here, all that would happen is that she would freeze to death and naturally there ws no wind in the vacuum of space. That is unless Starbreaker started with one of her fart routines again. She came up behind the squadrons, Jack Jnr not far behind her. As soon sa she was clear of the two cruisers she hailed across all channels. "Hello boys and girls, it's your favourite party girl, who's got the drinks. A wonderful sight this is isn't it, makes you feel proud to be Earthlings." She giggled into her O2 mask. "Admiral sir, Spook and Nugget in sir."

              "I can speak for myself Spook." John replied

              "Save your breath Nugget, or you'll swallow a fly."

              "Very funny, that coming from a girl who can never keep her mouth shut."

              "John? Are you happy in that body?"

              John grumbled something incomprehensible, but all anything anyone heard was "Women...*&^%."


                Originally posted by Ryn View Post

                Connor wasn't sure what was going on with him, but he only knew he was getting more and more annoyed with the current radio chatter. It was probably the nerves, he decided. They had ways of playing tricks on him, though usually the bowels or the stomach got the most of it. Now, though, there was none of that (thankfully).
                Just the stuff that usually made him smile now made him angry. His fear of the LA only amplified it: he was incredibly terrified of crash landing on their planet and subsequently ending up in their torture chambers with no chance of a rescue. There'd been stories about such things happening. Rumours. Mason wasn't sure what to believe of it all, but it terrified him.

                So, well, that was why he shouted out like he did now.

                "Starbreaker and Hudson! Remind me again why we keep you guys around! Remind me, in battle, that is! AND KEEP YOUR FRAKKIN COMMS QUIET!"

                Angry, but most of all at himself for losing it, he flipped the comms switch to off, at least the transmitting end of it, and tried to calm himself down. Which wasn't easy.

                {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}
                After hearing Connor lose it like that Karina was certain her face turned a bright red...her body shook with a unique mixture of anger and fear...a feeling that only Connor was able to drum up in her. She continued her dance through the skies with her wings in tow not wanting to dampen her spirit of flying...after all in her mind Goose said nothing about her flying. She thought for a moment....forcing herself not to respond too impulsively....a skill she had taught herself over the years....probably the only reason she managed to get promoted to Major. Once she felt calm enough she opened her com in response...."Well Goose... I suppose you need us at the moment....that's why we're around..... pull sorry asses out of the fire!" she released her com reluctantly.....she wanted to further her insults but realized that wasn't the time or place.....he would get an earful once they landed she gulped down as she performed yet another roll in her bird.


                Daniel pretended he hadn't heard Mitchell and kept his focus on Vala; it sure helped to ignore the jungle around them. She seemed to know what she was doing, too. Though, gods, a creek? Water? EELS? Were they SERIOUS?! He'd left that cosy office for this?! Inwardly he groaned. He preferred sand. Daniel *knew* (and some part of him loved) deserts. He knew how to trod in the sand, how to survive a sandstorm, how to do lots of other things in sand most people couldn't even dream of .... but jungles, nope. So, so not him.

                "Ow!" Jackson yelled, as a tree branch swished back and hit his face. Its smaller branches had almost hit his eyes, thankfully the goggles prevented further damage. "Crap!" He fought with the foliage some more, although more to vent out annoyance than actual hindrance.

                What was Vala saying? Oh yes, something about Teal'c.

                "Ugh...second thought, no, let's just keep it between us... oh, OW. Crap." He added again as the solid ground had suddenly decided to give way and change into far less manageable mud. Had they reached that creek already? Daniel groaned again and followed the others in the water, grateful it only reached to his thighs. He tried desperately to ignore all the things he *felt* in the water, too, sure that at least some of those had worked their way into his clothes somehow. Giving up the fight against nature, and just moving along for now, Jackson cursed the LA for the umpteenth time.

                {Vala Mal Doran}

                Glomping along in the almost felt like it was knee deep. Vala knew better but still that didn't make the feeling go away. She was grateful she had tied her boots on really tightly so they didn't slip the deep, thick stuff. She was also glad it was the dark of night cuz she was quite certain she looked dreadful by now.....and thankful the green hue of the night vision did not give that many details.
                She suppressed a slight giggle at Daniel's issue with the foliage ...and felt relieved that since he was in front of her...he was taking the brunt of the thwackings. Trying to disguise a smirk she replied.... "Ahhh ok... well if you're sure.... I may be good if Teal'c knew.....but I'll bend to your judgment. Although those branches sure aren't willing to do so...and seem to have issue with you!" She couldn't help but to chuckle out loud....but just as she did her foot got stuck in a rather large sink hole and she disappeared under the water for a moment.... bubbles began to surface where she once stood just a few moments before.

                She thrashed around violently hopping she wasn't drawing attention from the enemy....but at the same time she became panicked stricken wondering how she was going to get her foot and most of her leg loose from the deep muck. The water was very cold and murky and even with her night vision still working she couldn't see more than a few inches in front of her face...most of which was cloudy water streaming with her own air bubbles. Her ears popped as the fluid filled them quickly and she began to fear that maybe no one noticed that she had fallen under. Dare she open her mouth and try and say something? She opted to just continue to pull and struggle against the mud in hopes that she could free herself.

                Originally posted by clauz89 View Post

                {Cap. Tommaso Raimondi *Italian*}

                "Pfft, that's the best you can do, Starbreaker? I could do better even eyes closed...." Tommaso said laughing in his coms. His urge to impress women was going to betray him another time. He realized that just in time: "And I'm not showing it to you right now because Father Goose and Dragon would probably kill me for that, and bucause I believe we are risking too much attracting attention the way we are doing." He could become a bit impudent when talking about women, but he was still a reasonable soldier.


                {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}
                Karina had to bite her lip since technically Connor was monitoring the coms and she didnt' want to piss him off she opted to show Tommy just what she was capable of."Hey Tommy Boy Watch this!" She managed to pulled off some dazzling maneuvers...starting with the basic barrel roll...... giving her wings a moment to realize what she was doing then she opened up her coms only to her squad to give them a precursor to what they would be "performing next".

                "Ok Blue Lima...I can see you are with me on let's show Italian our famous Split S and our Break Turn." She giggled but all fell silent as they in perfect diamond formation....performed all the stunts for him. "That's enough for today...even tho It's just basic flight stuff...we'll save the fancy stuff for combat..." she felt proud of her team and knew in her heart they were all very experienced pilots.

                Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post

                As soon as Will cleared the Daedalus and Hammond's vicinty and neared the rendezvous, he was greeted by a chorus of coms chat, some raucous hilarity seemed to have overcome the pilots wits. He came right into centre of the flights and tipped his wings, arced over and came around again alongside Connor, McFearson off to his port.

                He turned his head as he drew level with Connor's eyesight. "Greetings Colonel and how are we going this fine evening?" He felt a little mirth was worthy, but some of these needed a kick up the mitka. "McFearson, is that you? I thought I recognised those legs." He of course couldn't see her, but back in the Australian fleet she was known simply as 'Legs Eleven' for good reason

                "Right now people, all I want to hear from you is your breath, until otherwise called for is that understood? And Legs, that especially goes for your wingman. " He craned his neck over and saw Thracen's 302 just off to his rear starboard quarter. "Starbreaker, what do you hear?"

                Upon finishing her display for Italian she noticed the Admiral had joined them. She had to grin from ear to ear. As it was always a thrill and an honor to fly with him..... she wanted so much to sneak up beside him....but knew there was no such thing as sneaking up on the Admiral....
                "Starbreaker, what do you hear?"

                "Nothing but the rain!" She had to giggle into her mask as she ran up along side of him looking over at him through her canopy and giving him a quick salute. Now she knew there would be no monkeying around to be had. So she swallowed hard and knuckled down after all there was a moon to catch.
                Originally posted by jelgate
                This brings much pain but SQ is right


                  ((OOC: too many posts to quote, so won't from now on, hope it's clear to whom I reply ))

                  It took him long moments to calm down, he let all of the voices just be there, not responding to any of it. Connor simply didn't trust himself to remain civil. Fear was still strong, though he fought it, hard. Knowing he couldn't afford this, definitely not a panic attack. He really wished he had something to take it out on, to vent. But there was no punch bag in sight. His fingers itched on the triggers, though he never fired, too trained not to.
                  He breathed hard, close to hyperventilating. Glad his transmitting comms were still off, so no one heard him. Connor switched the autopilot on and closed his eyes, relaxing against the head rest. His proximity alert broke his brief rest. His expert glance at the screens and controls told him they weren't alone anymore, the Daedalus crew had joined them finally. He looked around, to have a visual, whilst his breathing steadied and he got calmer.
                  He saw Karina show off her brilliant, breathtaking moves, and then the Admiral's bird joined them, in the usual way. That was what the alert had been about, apparently.
                  Connor still didn't trust his voice, so didn't return any words, he merely saluted by tapping at his helmet, and showing a five by five sign after. Followed by a 'you have the lead' signal. He was glad it was no longer up to him, at least not for the moment. Maybe he'd just let them believe his comms had broken down. It would probably be for the best, Connor decided.


                  Just as he got hit by yet another piece of foliage - this time it was a papyrus type of.... thing... (ok, maybe not papyrus, but the goggles just distorted everything - Daniel saw Vala go down in the water.

                  "Guys! Man down!" He yelled at the others, at this point no longer caring about stealth. Vala needed rescue. Jackson felt around in the water, she had been just behind him and he hoped the current wasn't too strong. Daniel just couldn't feel her at first, amongst all the alien lifeforms in the water, though at one point he was quite positive he had grabbed her hair. It turned out to be squishy, filthy grass, really wire like, but definitely without Vala attached. But what was attached, was an eel and Daniel yelled again, this time of disgust. He tossed the eel away again - the creature landed a few feet ahead of him, disappearing quickly under water - and renewed the search.

                  "Vala?! VALA!" He kept shouting her name, over and over, hoping she would hear and resurface on her own. The creek wasn't that deep, surely?! Daniel's heart hammered in his chest, as he kept on searching and just couldn't find her.


                    Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                    ((OOC too many to quote))

                    Al scratched at his chin, he was getting a decent stubble there now, he'd keep it if it wasn't against regs, he hated shaving. "Cam, don't delay the call. We'll need the distraction once we start laying claymores." He moved forward slowly behind Beck, his two sergeants in bringing up the rear behind SG1. Something was bugging him though and he stopped. "Beck, hold up son. Hailey you have that sensor thing you're always carrying?"

                    "Yes sir." She unclipped her pack and trying balance it on her knee without it falling into the mud, she pulled a side zip open and reached in. The small ancient device, a courtesy of Doctor McKay, she held and scanned the area, two small dots showed directly in front of them and to either side. "Oh crap....remote triggers. Sirs, Teal'c I think thye've got mines up there." She began to sweat a little more than the humidty would allow, the rain made no difference on that score.
                    "do you think you can disarmed them, Captain?" Al says as he tries to comfort the young captain.


                      {Rev. Fr. Lt. Col. Robert "Firebucket" Sheen}

                      Turning back to the tac console to get a look at his charges, he noticed the extraordinarily high amount of comms traffic between certain ill-disciplined pilots. Opening a channel he said: "This is Rev. Col. Sheen to all birds. First and final warning. Keep the chatter to a minimum. We can't afford to lose focus on this mission guys. Because I'd like for you all to come back to us in one piece."


                        Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post

                        {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}
                        After hearing Connor lose it like that Karina was certain her face turned a bright red...her body shook with a unique mixture of anger and fear...a feeling that only Connor was able to drum up in her. She continued her dance through the skies with her wings in tow not wanting to dampen her spirit of flying...after all in her mind Goose said nothing about her flying. She thought for a moment....forcing herself not to respond too impulsively....a skill she had taught herself over the years....probably the only reason she managed to get promoted to Major. Once she felt calm enough she opened her com in response...."Well Goose... I suppose you need us at the moment....that's why we're around..... pull sorry asses out of the fire!" she released her com reluctantly.....she wanted to further her insults but realized that wasn't the time or place.....he would get an earful once they landed she gulped down as she performed yet another roll in her bird.

                        {Vala Mal Doran}

                        Glomping along in the almost felt like it was knee deep. Vala knew better but still that didn't make the feeling go away. She was grateful she had tied her boots on really tightly so they didn't slip the deep, thick stuff. She was also glad it was the dark of night cuz she was quite certain she looked dreadful by now.....and thankful the green hue of the night vision did not give that many details.
                        She suppressed a slight giggle at Daniel's issue with the foliage ...and felt relieved that since he was in front of her...he was taking the brunt of the thwackings. Trying to disguise a smirk she replied.... "Ahhh ok... well if you're sure.... I may be good if Teal'c knew.....but I'll bend to your judgment. Although those branches sure aren't willing to do so...and seem to have issue with you!" She couldn't help but to chuckle out loud....but just as she did her foot got stuck in a rather large sink hole and she disappeared under the water for a moment.... bubbles began to surface where she once stood just a few moments before.

                        She thrashed around violently hopping she wasn't drawing attention from the enemy....but at the same time she became panicked stricken wondering how she was going to get her foot and most of her leg loose from the deep muck. The water was very cold and murky and even with her night vision still working she couldn't see more than a few inches in front of her face...most of which was cloudy water streaming with her own air bubbles. Her ears popped as the fluid filled them quickly and she began to fear that maybe no one noticed that she had fallen under. Dare she open her mouth and try and say something? She opted to just continue to pull and struggle against the mud in hopes that she could free herself.

                        {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}
                        Karina had to bite her lip since technically Connor was monitoring the coms and she didnt' want to piss him off she opted to show Tommy just what she was capable of."Hey Tommy Boy Watch this!" She managed to pulled off some dazzling maneuvers...starting with the basic barrel roll...... giving her wings a moment to realize what she was doing then she opened up her coms only to her squad to give them a precursor to what they would be "performing next".

                        "Ok Blue Lima...I can see you are with me on let's show Italian our famous Split S and our Break Turn." She giggled but all fell silent as they in perfect diamond formation....performed all the stunts for him. "That's enough for today...even tho It's just basic flight stuff...we'll save the fancy stuff for combat..." she felt proud of her team and knew in her heart they were all very experienced pilots.

                        Upon finishing her display for Italian she noticed the Admiral had joined them. She had to grin from ear to ear. As it was always a thrill and an honor to fly with him..... she wanted so much to sneak up beside him....but knew there was no such thing as sneaking up on the Admiral....
                        "Starbreaker, what do you hear?"

                        "Nothing but the rain!" She had to giggle into her mask as she ran up along side of him looking over at him through her canopy and giving him a quick salute. Now she knew there would be no monkeying around to be had. So she swallowed hard and knuckled down after all there was a moon to catch.

                        "Then grab your gun and bring in the cat." He chuckled over the coms. "Right heads up kiddies, I want radio checks on my frequency then we'll have missile adjustments. When you call, I need you to let me know you have weapons locked, tracking module free. We'll do a test first then gun drill. You know the score, we have about twenty minutes before Colonel Mitchell gives us the call. Come on people move your birds into v-line, set up on that asteroid there six thousand metres to my starboard."

                        ((OOC sorry couldn't help the Adama quote))
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          ((OOC same issue with the quoting thing))

                          {Vala Mal Doran}

                          Vala could feel Daniel trying to reach for her as she saw his hand swipe past her several times. And she thought she would time it and grab his hand the next time it came close to her. But then what if they both got stuck down into this sink hole? She worried but had to take the chance because the alternative .....death.....was really not an option. If anything Vala was always a fighter and when odds were usually against her somehow she would manage to come out of any situation alive....that was her personal mantra.
                          The next time Daniel's arm came close she reached out and grabbed onto him and heaved herself up out of the water. Maybe it was the thick mud Daniel was rooted in or maybe it was luck either way she was able to sort of climb up his body until they were face to face and she coughed, gagged and sputtered water all over him as she choked out, "I'm alright" She heaved in a giant breath as she choked a few more times and muttered, ".....oh... thank you Daniel!" She was soaking wet and would have been shivering but the heat almost dried her skin immediately...causing her clothes to stick to her like lacquer. She groped at him as if to hold onto him for dear life as she continued to pull her feet from the sticky mire underfoot. "Yeah.....WOW watch out for sink holes.....PHEW!" She tried to be quiet but probably wasn't doing a very good job.


                          {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen} {Jeremy "Runner" Cordova} Blue/Lima Squadron

                          Karina couldn't help but snicker at what the Admiral had to say and she flicked her com quickly to respond... "Copy that!" She let the slight smirk in her voice be heard before she released the com as she formed up in the requested V-line with her wings right with her.

                          "Ok you heard the man ....boys let's get ready to roll here... weapons we holdin?" she blared out to her squadron.

                          "I'm locked and loaded and ready for some action" Runner reported along with the others chirping in something similar.

                          "Oh you guys are so impressive....always got your hand on your stick." She couldn't resist that as she opened her com link on the Admiral's frequency.... "Blue/Lima Locked and Ready to clear our throats sir" she squelched her com with her other hand anxiously awaiting on the trigger.
                          Originally posted by jelgate
                          This brings much pain but SQ is right


                            {Blue Alpha wing}

                            {1st Lt Frank "Gobbler" Garner} -- {Capt. Madeline Hoffman} -- {Capt. Piers Gallant}

                            Connor was getting increasingly aware of his own wing trying to contact him. Their voices became increasingly urgent and worried, too. Of course he'd heard the Admiral's new orders. Yet part of him was still lost in the haze. It took Frank and Madeline a good few tries to reach him. Finally, Connor groaned and hit the comms switch, manipulating it so it reached Blue Alpha's own frequency.


                            "Finally! What's going on, Con? Did your comms break?"

                            "..... Yes."

                            Frank didn't like the pause and they all knew Connor was lying, they could hear it in his voice, full of emotion as it still seemed. Garner sighed, once again wing morale was his to boost. He really seriously needed a word with their esteemed leader after this one.

                            "Okay, bat team." A play on words always helped, and he could hear Piers' snorting on the comms as he worked it out (Blue Alpha). There was even a small snort of Connor in the mix of reactions. Frank grinned to himself, he still had the knack of it.

                            "Bat two, does this mean we're guarding the bat cave from now on?" There was an ironic sounding emphasis on 'bat cave'. As if she wasn't really on board with the whole idea but was willing to go along if that's what it took to get things back on track as it were.

                            "Yes, bat three, that's what it means." Frank answered in the same tone, hoping to get more of a reaction from Connor than just silence and a smirk/snort here and there.

                            "All right you two, break it up," Connor finally snapped. Again more directed at himself than at the others. "Enough of that nonsense. Weapons check, as per orders. GO!"

                            "Alpha two, all locked and ready and itchin'."

                            "Alpha three, let's rock n roll boss!"

                            "Alpha four, check, ready n rollin'."

                            "Good." Connor simply replied back, somewhat glad to hear they still were in good spirits, even after his own .... episode. He felt calm and collected enough now to get the job done. Switching to Admiral's frequency, Connor reported in.

                            "Alpha wing reporting in clear sir, all locked, ready and I know a few that are itchin', sir." Connor hoped his voice no longer relayed whatever had been going on just now, and instead, just excitement.


                            Daniel almost fell into the water as Vala's hand reached up to him and embraced him. He used her weight to help steady himself, and could not help but smirk at her groping attempt, though he kept it barely noticeable. "Easy, there, you all right?" She seemed to be, she was a sticky stinking mess (though still a looker, and he felt somewhere that shouldn't really be right, but it was), but seemingly ok, without any injuries that he could see. Relief flooded over him, but he knew he still had to be careful now. The mud was indeed treacherous.

                            "Guess this whole thing did absolutely wonders for our secret entrance," Jackson mused out loud, as he continued to hold Vala (and himself) steady as they walked through the muddy creek.

                            "And by the way, don't let go, otherwise it'll be my sorry butt you'll have to hunt for, and I'm telling you, it's really..... bleh, down there." He probably didn't have to tell her, but joking about it might calm some nerves, his own included.
                            Last edited by Ryn; 21 January 2011, 11:41 PM. Reason: removing BSG as per order:)


                              {Capt. Danny Chang *Dragon*} - {Cap. Tommaso Raimondi *Italian*} - {1st Lt. Alyssa O'Sullivan *Fairie*} - {1st Lt. Tobias Maxwell *Violin*}

                              "Not so bad.... But you've heard the orders, I cannot reply.... But it's not over yet, Starbreaker" Tommaso replied a bit annoyed: Hudson's song was for him the symbol of the prejudices about Italy he has been victim for months "But we are not exactly doing our best to prove them wrong...." the few news he heard from his cousin were quite unhappy.
                              Dragon's order interrupted his sad flowof thoughts: "Foxrtot, you've heard the Admiral: missiles test, let's move!"
                              "Foxtrot two, weapons loaded and locked."
                              "Foxtrot three, locked and ready, standin by"
                              "Foxtrot four.... double-checking.... missiles locked"
                              Completed the check Danny called the Admiral: "Blue Foxtrot, all locked and ready"
                              Sig by RogueRanger


                                Elle's head spun, she wasn't used to the American way of laxed procedures and her former CO, the Admiral wasn't helping either. But then she loved him and respected him as her superior, he was most likely the only one she knew that would try with his own life to keep them safe. "Blue Zulu in sir. Hudson you have paint duty. On the ball, mark five thousand metres angle 010, the SMALL crater will do." She purposefully chose the smallest possible target on the crater, no point in maing it easy.

                                "You are evil boss!" Hudson moaned as he pulled away from the squadrons and lined up his laser marker and 'painted' a spot in the centre of the target." Zulu two sir, target aquired."


                                With and indifference to formality Ange rocked her 02' over and above Starbreaker, upisde down she gave her friend the bird, not out of malice, but in a friendly challenge. "Hey K, you guys are not afraid you'll low score....again are you?" Karina and her flight would have heard a loud raspberry come through their coms. "Nugget, show them how we do it."

                                John was at his ease, his 302 like a comfy lounge chair for him, he followed procedure by the book, most of the time. "Copy that leader. Admiral sir, Red Echo three sir. Target aquired." He switched his missile module to 'simulate'. He locked his missiles and on his CPU and everyone elses it would appear as a trail and splash, but no actual weapons would be fired for this round. John had now focused on his HUD, the cross marker for the 'Fox 4' showing Hudsons marker. He calculted for deflection and squeezed his trigger.

                                "Bingo, give the boy a kewpie doll, not bad Nugget, five metres right." Elle called. She rolled into line behind Red Echo and waited for that team to finish.

                                Ange went in straight behind John, she giuded by instinct rather than trust the HUD, merely using it as a simple tool. When she thought she was on the mark, she fired. "Ah frak!" She yelled as her computer track showed her hit almost fifty metres left and above. "Oneshot, please redeem my reputation." She called to her other wingman.

                                ((OOC apparently this is NOT easy and we are bound by the laws of physics and we're not Mavericks. For this purpose only Nugget can score like this as of course he can so do your best guys, but not too good, otheriwse we'll look stoopid to our lurkers))

