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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG ~SGA1~Off World Missions

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    Modified Jumper


    Mckay was looking over the jumper and seemed to be talking at Janus, as opposed to, to him, reeling off questions before Janus had time to answer each one.

    "The power supply, what is it? is it a ZPM? and speaking of which, do you know how we can make one? do you know where there are any more? I know you guys hid some, maybe you can help us find a few, Atlantis could sure use some, and seeing as its your city you'll want to help us defend it, and Shepperd, what is taking Hasluck and Todd so long to get here.



      There was something in the air, Teyla felt. She shuddered briefly. Or was it? There! And again. No, not in the air. Her mind. It was her mind. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. The pull of...

      "Wraith..." She breathed, her eyes wide in shock at recognition. There it was again, a small, barely noticeable tendril of Wraith energy, pushing against that mental boundary set up in her mind long ago during those trying times. She tried pushing it away, tried reaffirming the boundary, not wanting this, not now. There were no Wraith here, safe for Todd, and she knew it wasn't him. Or was it? It seemed familiar, somehow. She couldn't tell, it was puzzling. She only knew her Wraithy-sense was working overtime, trying to get a grip on it. It always floated off right before she could.

      Ronon looked at her funny, what was going on? No threat around as far as he could tell. Was it her imagination? Somehow he doubted it, it wasn't like her. He watched her walk to the ramp, as if waiting for something or someone. She seemed unaware she was doing that. Then he got distracted by McKay and Zelenka, they were bickering again and he grinned a little, as always highly amused at how it never got physical between the two of them, it was always only words. He watched as McKay interrogated poor Janus, the Ancient looked funny opening his mouth over and over trying to answer the questions.

      Meanwhile Teyla tried something, tried to send an inquisitive pull back. She wasn't sure she succeeded. The Wraith mental pull stayed the same. Was this just background noise? There weren't that many hives left, so what was this? She waited anxiously for Todd to return with Hasluck, maybe it would help sort this out. Maybe she was merely imagining this. A sick feeling settled in her stomach, though, all the same.


        {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

        The jumper already on the ground shimmered to visibility, and Jennifer gave a heartfelt sigh of relief. Behind her, she could hear her charges coming, and the hatch opened, lowering to the ground with a clunk.

        "Single file, and no pushing. There's room for everyone," she said clearly, and ushered the wounded onwards.

        ((OOC - Who's landed? Shep or McKay?))


          ((OOC: Janus Did we are walking towards the Entrance))

          {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

          Sheppard stopped dead in his tracks when the word "Wraith" left her lips. He knew of Teyla's power and the advantage they had when it came to the wraith. Sheppard knew that Todd was in the area, but was there more comming? He took a deep sigh, there better not be more comming.

          "You sense the Wraith," He said, "I hope its Todd you sense and not a culling coming to ambush us?"
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Modified Jumper


            Mckay heard Wraith come from Shepperd and he stopped his interogation of Janus and turned to the Colonel

            "Wraith, did you just say wraith?" His voice was raised in panic

            "Oh my god thats all we need, you know i cant think of a worse few days than these.." He paused and clicked his fingers

            "We should be able to pick any Wraith vessels up on the jumpers sensors" He walked over to the controls and began pressing buttons.

            (OCC, not sure if we are supposed to pick up wraith vessels, help please)


              ((OOC: no, I don't think we are supposed to pick up any W-vessels ))

              -- {Ronon}

              She turned back to Sheppard as he questioned her, worry on her face. "I do not know, John. I hope it is nothing. I... cannot tell what it is. One minute it is there and then it is not. Like it is far away, on the edge. Maybe Todd knows more. I will ask him." Or maybe I am simply too weary. It has been a trying day. Teyla did hope it was merely that, mission stress, making her sense erratic.

              Ronon missed all that, he was busy helping with the wounded soldiers ((OOC: that's what they are, right??? )) to get into the Jumper.

              "Hey Doc," he greeted Keller. "Where d'ya want them?"


                {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

                "Ronon!" Jennifer ran up the ramp, and grabbed the Satedan in a hug, delighted to see her friend. "You're safe?" Suddenly realising she was being watched, Jennifer let him go, embarrassed. "Oh... er... - " Ronon's light eyes appraised her, and he grinned, as a flush stole over her cheeks - "as long as they get a seat each, it'll be good."

                Turning away, Jennifer bit her lip, and fussed over the wounded as they took their seats. Dammit... that was so not ladylike.


                  (OOC Thanks Ryn)

                  Modified Jumper

                  The HUD sprang to life and Mckay scanned

                  "Well, there doesnt appear to be any wraith ships present in orbit, so, good news, Teyla's spidey senses must be off, or she's picking up Todd"


                    {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

                    "Hello Doctor Keller," Sheppard said with a smile, "always glad to see you alive and well I am going to need you to work your magic when we get back to home these men are more important than me."

                    He hobbled towards the jumper bay, he hoped she didn't draw her attention to him first because the wounded in his mind were much more important than measley twisted ankle. He then turned to McKay who was scanning to see any wraith activity.

                    "Well that's good news," He said turning his head to Teyla trying to give her a reassuring smile. In his eyes the Athosian leader was the strongest people he came across, even stronger than the soldiers in met whilst at war, he hated seeing her like this, "but we still need to be careful, we must get back to Atlantis in one piece. Speaking of which...McKay could you see if we can get a connection back to Atlantis tell them we are comming home?"
                    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                      ((OOC Er... we are we still on Baku, aren't we? Just asking cos, TLM has mentioned jumper bay. ))


                        ((OOC: yes, still on Baku, there was a jumper bay in the underground system they just came from and where they found this particular, modified jumper - modified in that it can create a micro hyper space jump/window/thingywhatsit -- LM probably simply meant the pilot seat ))

                        {Ronon} -- {Teyla}

                        He was a little surprised at Keller's hug but accepted and returned it nonetheless. "Yes, fine, you can fix me when we get back to Atlantis." The ear wound (treated by Beckett earlier) and all the muscle-related aches and pains everywhere were still bothering him greatly although he didn't let that show, she had a lot more important things to do. Those men she now fussed over were worse off than him or even Shep.

                        Ronon watched her then turned his attention back to Teyla. She seemed embarrassed at her little mishap and McKay didn't seem to think it was important either. The Satedan shrugged and sat down in his usual spot, behind the pilot seat. Relaxing slightly as the seat was highly comfortable. He closed his eyes, deciding to take a little nap.

                        "Yes," Teyla agreed, relieved when she saw the HUD not showing any threat. "It is probably nothing, though I am sure it was not Todd... I ...." She sighed, annoyed at herself. "I apologize for alerting everyone unnecessary."


                          Modified Jumper


                          Mckay nodded to Shepperd and began dialing the gate, the clunking echo of the gate being dialed rang thro the jumper and as the final button was pressed the gate several miles away kawooshed into life

                          "Atlantis this is Mckay, do you read?" They all waited for the reply.


                            Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post

                            "A bottle is at hand."

                            Todd was not exactly sure what Colonel Hasluck meant although he did vaguely recollect a promise of a drink if and when they finally reached safety. He huffed quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on the Genii prisoner as he considered what this promise might entail. His experience with exactly what humans drank was extremely limited, still he was fairly certain the Colonel's sly smile meant they would be having something a little more appetising that the brown liquid called coffee that Dr McKay seemed to favour. So he just smiled back and nodded.

                            Originally posted by pookey View Post
                            Modified Jumper


                            Mckay was looking over the jumper and seemed to be talking at Janus, as opposed to, to him, reeling off questions before Janus had time to answer each one.

                            "The power supply, what is it? is it a ZPM? and speaking of which, do you know how we can make one? do you know where there are any more? I know you guys hid some, maybe you can help us find a few, Atlantis could sure use some, and seeing as its your city you'll want to help us defend it, and Shepperd, what is taking Hasluck and Todd so long to get here.

                            Hasluck watched as the Jumper landed and waited an appropiate pause until the dust settled, the moment it was clear he moved forward dragging his prisoner by the collar and nodding to Todd as he did so. "Before we leave this area Todd my friend, there is something you and I have to do once we reach the Apollo, I have a hunch about these creeps who have been harassing both your people and the humans of this Galaxy." When he reached the loading ramp of the jumper Ted watched for a moment as people were loaded, the other Jumper of Major Lorne's was nearby, taking others as well. He stuck his head in to see Sheppard there, seemingly having difficulty standing.

                            "Colonel Sheppard." He called. "Get yourself clear of this place asap man, if there is any left I'll make sure they go by Apollo. Our Wraith friend here and I will go by that route as well, we should be no more than ninety minutes behind you."

                            ((OOC Teyla sniffing wraith???))
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier



                              Todd growled softly, more to himself than in response to the nearby humans. He thought he had some idea what Hasluck's hunch might be, but as he had come to realise in the short time they had worked together, this particular human was nothing if not unpredictable.

                              So he stood aloof and alone, watching the human activity in and around the Lantean jumper, allowing his thoughts to wander further afield. Not for the first time since he had been forced to take refuge with these Atlanteans, the space in his mind usually filled by the voices of his wraith brothers pushed its way forward. Another growl, still soft but now tinged with mild melancholy, passed his lips as he wondered when that void would finally be filled.
                              Last edited by Trillian52; 31 January 2011, 10:30 AM. Reason: to correct some rubbish writing!


                                ((OOC: @PJ- yes too soon, sorry it got sorted though ))


                                Teyla knew Todd was nearby and without further ado, went outside. She wanted a word. Wanted to know if she'd really been imagining things. She probably had, though. She found him standing alone while Hasluck (whom she'd just passed by) talked to Sheppard.

                                "Todd? I wish to know something...?" She began, hesitantly at first but then gaining more confidence later.
                                "I... there was something. I sensed it. There is no hive ship though I thought there was. Is it just me? It probably is, but...." Teyla stopped there, looked up at the tall Wraith. She swallowed down some disgust at the whole issue, but only his word would set her mind completely at rest. Her sense picked up nothing now, nothing except of course Todd himself.

                                "What can you tell me? Please. I need to know..."

