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Stargate New Seasons : OOC

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    Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
    ^ and Hasluck is now at sea

    Oki SG1-SG3 302 groups. Since we can't do anything until the Admiral comes back (he's at sea where else would he be)

    here is the weekend plan As Ange and indeed all of you will have heard Major Marks call to the Admiral, we are go. But as we have no leadership atm, organise your flight groups and wings as per this piccy


    the top pic shows four dots in a loose inverted V, your flight leader ie Connor Mason, will be at point, your number two immediately to the right, 3 is on the left and four rear right.

    the next pic shows the wings. The top diamond is Hammond with Masons group at front, Starbreaker will be right, Dragon left and Legs rear

    Daedalus Wing is behind, with the Admiral's flight (Rudy Pena and the Daedy Cag + one NPC) is in front, Spook's is right, Jade flight left (there is one short there as well) and a compete NPC group for the last.

    We have the Daedy CAG, in fact we had two, both MIA'd now for weeks

    Oki in Atlantis hmmm. You guys will have to sit tight and drink coffee for a couple of days

    Wraithys....where are we? we are ditching our wingman? Or do you mean those dots are the whole wing of that where Karina is on the right of the Hammond group with Connor point....that would be all of Karina's wing it is a diamond within diamond? Hope that makes sense.

    Cuz I don't see where Tank would be?

    Edit: I just reread the post and I think I see what you mean so it's not a diamond within a diamond it is that inverted V within the diamond..... I think??!!

    Originally posted by Ryn View Post
    It'll take me a day or so I think to post, dunno, I got some stuff I need to be doing at home first and well, I need to process the latest posts first, great stuff to have read now....see, my grammar isn't up to par yet.....
    What is grammer??

    Ok yeah I'm gonna have to post later today....this afternoon in a few hours.
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      Ook, so, for the Hammond we should have


      Starbreaker Dragon


      Sig by RogueRanger


        Wraithys are working on changing a few humans to Worshippers, and field operatives. Rather nicely too, methinks.

        Mel, if you have some idea of the kind of info that would link in to the main story arc regarding the Pasgard and Genii, we can use that to drip feed to Atlantis via Todd once he's back with his hive.


          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          Wraithys are working on changing a few humans to Worshippers, and field operatives. Rather nicely too, methinks.
          Muahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaarrrrrrrr! M-Haaaaa! M-Haaaaaaa! *cough*cough*



            Yes, I could tell you were having fun there, Draco.

            And a big, heartfelt *thank you* for keeping the whole thing VERY PG indeed....


              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
              Muahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaarrrrrrrr! M-Haaaaa! M-Haaaaaaa! *cough*cough*

              *sneaks off with Wraith and DS*

              @ Ryn: our pleasure. Or not, as the case may be.



                I'm off to watch season 2 of SGU, Dutch-Syfy finally saw sense, yay!

                Will be back to post for Daniel soon as I get back on. Post is brewing, promise!


                  Hey everyone! Just so you know, I'll be gone for the weekend. Anyone can NPC him until I get back on Monday. But keep him in character, or I'll beat ya!


                    Fellow Wraithys,

                    I spoke to Jo Graham, author of the new books, and she responded to my question about using some of the ideas she has with regard to Wraith society with this:

                    We would be delighted for you to use our ideas for the RPG! Absolutely! I'm thrilled that you like it so much! The highest compliment for an idea is that other people want to play with it. (And I used to run RPGs, not SGA. Humorously enough, I borrowed some of Melissa's stuff for one a long time ago, before I ever met her....)

                    And you will certainly be getting more of our Wraithiness in The Lost. More of private quarters, more clothes, more weapons and games, more common functional items, etc.


                      Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                      Hey everyone! Just so you know, I'll be gone for the weekend. Anyone can NPC him until I get back on Monday. But keep him in character, or I'll beat ya!
                      Humm maybe I should make Janus a moron who pretends to be an ancient
                      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                        Originally posted by clauz89 View Post
                        Ook, so, for the Hammond we should have


                        Starbreaker Dragon


                        Guys... I worked out a visual based on what I think Mel was talking about with respect to the wing formations. If I'm wrong then NEVERMIND! *snort*


                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        This brings much pain but SQ is right


                          That looks great Suze what program did you use for that?

                          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                          Fellow Wraithys,

                          I spoke to Jo Graham, author of the new books, and she responded to my question about using some of the ideas she has with regard to Wraith society with this:

                          I'm not a fellow wraithy but that is good news means you guys get to do canon stuff even if it isn't really
                          wow, awesome. Does she read the RPG?


                            Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                            Fellow Wraithys,

                            I spoke to Jo Graham, author of the new books, and she responded to my question about using some of the ideas she has with regard to Wraith society with this:

                            Great news!


                              Originally posted by Ryn View Post

                              I'm not a fellow wraithy but that is good news means you guys get to do canon stuff even if it isn't really
                              wow, awesome. Does she read the RPG?
                              You are a pseudo-Wraithy, and that's good enough. Dunno about the RPG, but certainly the WDC, as she lurks there a fair bit and incorporated some of our ideas into Wraith society. If she has read the RPG, which she might now, well...


                                Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                                You are a pseudo-Wraithy, and that's good enough. Dunno about the RPG, but certainly the WDC, as she lurks there a fair bit and incorporated some of our ideas into Wraith society. If she has read the RPG, which she might now, well...
                                Which RPG? WWA or New Seasons?

