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Stargate New Seasons : OOC

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    Originally posted by Oranos View Post
    Should we just start rattling off words that begin with that letter then? Redemption, revelation...
    Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
    Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

    Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
    Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


      Originally posted by Aragon101 View Post
      Probably would have been suited for Atlantis. But thanks for weighing in.


        Originally posted by Oranos View Post
        Should we just start rattling off words that begin with that letter then? Redemption, revelation...
        I like this one, it sort of fits with our theme I think

        Originally posted by Aragon101 View Post
        And your meaning Sam???? That's kind of...unkind don't you think?

        Originally posted by Oranos View Post
        Probably would have been suited for Atlantis. But thanks for weighing in.
        No it wouldn't and you're as bad as Sam, all the shows are great in their own right. If you aren't a fan of one show, doesn't make it any less than the others. Now I don't wnat to read any more comments like that ever.


          Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
          And your meaning Sam???? That's kind of...unkind don't you think?

          No it wouldn't and you're as bad as Sam, all the shows are great in their own right. If you aren't a fan of one show, doesn't make it any less than the others. Now I don't wnat to read any more comments like that ever.
          LOL. What prompted this?

          (Must resist responding to one of my biggest pet peeves ever. No, no, no, no, no. I can't do it.)

          If we think one of the shows sucks, great, we're allowed to think and express that. If we think another one of them is the greatest thing since sliced bread, great, we're allowed to think and express that, too. That's kind of what this forum is for. Your opinion is no more correct than ours.

          This may sound harsh, but if you don't want to hear dissenting views, then you should stay locked in a closet. Or stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and loudly hum. Because, in this world, with such a diverse population, those are just about the only options you have.

          Neither comment was meant in a malicious way -- quite the opposite, in fact -- and there were no personal attacks involved, so there's no real problem...until you made it into one. We were just taking some not-so-subtle jabs at the shows. But if you'd prefer we not talk about the shows or joke around or whatever else in this thread then you should have made that clear in the opening post.

          Oh, and kindly refrain from the whole "you're a bad person" thing in the future, please.


            The way I read it, Sam was just pushing some of Mel's buttons.... probably.... the made it clear he was joking. I think Mel was too, but can't be sure there, there's no smileys to indicate it.
            (<--- see, that's me being confused... when I post a or a or a or a I'm often if not always joking, too... <--- and that's me being a little shy/embarrassed about it!)

            And for the record, I love all the Stargate shows (some more than others, Atlantis being a definite first)... though I wouldn't see myself RP in SGU, it's kinda hard...
            Like O said, you can't diss people for their opinion
            It reminds me a little of a scene in the Big Bang Theory.
            Last edited by Ryn; 07 December 2010, 02:20 AM.


              well i was gonna say Rubbish, but i guess im gonna get my ass kicked now *hides behind Oranos and Aragon* I have a question, cant the Apollo get a lock on us because of interference, if so maybe we could get Janus to sort it, thankyou



                Don't expect me to play today, I'm falling flat right now...
                Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                  Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                  Don't expect me to play today, I'm falling flat right now...
                  sorry to hear that VS Hope you are ok??

                  and as for all the SGU talk....I have no idea what is going on there? Can someone fill me in? What is the plan? Are you still working out the plotlines or what? And yeah to me Mel and Sam were joking around .....but that is me.
                  Originally posted by jelgate
                  This brings much pain but SQ is right


                    dont worry SQ, hes chemically incapacitated right now


                      Originally posted by pookey View Post
                      dont worry SQ, hes chemically incapacitated right now
                      Oh gotcha! *snort*

                      Hair of the dog of the dog!!
                      Originally posted by jelgate
                      This brings much pain but SQ is right


                        ok so i'm guessing that every group like mine red delta has people from all different countries not just the co is from and does the leader get to piuck who is in his group?


                          Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                          LOL. What prompted this?

                          (Must resist responding to one of my biggest pet peeves ever. No, no, no, no, no. I can't do it.)

                          If we think one of the shows sucks, great, we're allowed to think and express that. If we think another one of them is the greatest thing since sliced bread, great, we're allowed to think and express that, too. That's kind of what this forum is for. Your opinion is no more correct than ours.

                          This may sound harsh, but if you don't want to hear dissenting views, then you should stay locked in a closet. Or stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and loudly hum. Because, in this world, with such a diverse population, those are just about the only options you have.

                          Neither comment was meant in a malicious way -- quite the opposite, in fact -- and there were no personal attacks involved, so there's no real problem...until you made it into one. We were just taking some not-so-subtle jabs at the shows. But if you'd prefer we not talk about the shows or joke around or whatever else in this thread then you should have made that clear in the opening post.

                          Oh, and kindly refrain from the whole "you're a bad person" thing in the future, please.
                          Sorry O and Sam, I just don't want our RP threads turn into a debating camp over the shows like on some other threads. I want this to be nothing but fun for us all and if I missed the subtlies of yours and Sam's humour, that's just me, I didn't mean anything by my comments ok

                          Originally posted by Ryn View Post
                          The way I read it, Sam was just pushing some of Mel's buttons.... probably.... the made it clear he was joking. I think Mel was too, but can't be sure there, there's no smileys to indicate it.
                          (<--- see, that's me being confused... when I post a or a or a or a I'm often if not always joking, too... <--- and that's me being a little shy/embarrassed about it!)

                          And for the record, I love all the Stargate shows (some more than others, Atlantis being a definite first)... though I wouldn't see myself RP in SGU, it's kinda hard...
                          Like O said, you can't diss people for their opinion
                          It reminds me a little of
                          My smilie

                          Originally posted by pookey View Post
                          well i was gonna say Rubbish, but i guess im gonna get my ass kicked now *hides behind Oranos and Aragon* I have a question, cant the Apollo get a lock on us because of interference, if so maybe we could get Janus to sort it, thankyou

                          Um Aunty that would be cool if we were doing a Matrix crossover......thinks *plots*

                          The Apollo could Aunty P, but that would be too easy> We still have to finish with the underground and the Genii above. At the end, some will go with Lorne in the Jumper back through the gate, some will be beamed up to the Apollo and Shep, Teyla, Rodney and Ronon will take a new Jumper and give it Larrin as a gift of friendship which will be the start of a new plot.

                          Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                          Don't expect me to play today, I'm falling flat right now...
                          I thought you said you didn't like Boris, now you're walking in his shoes V

                          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                          sorry to hear that VS Hope you are ok??

                          and as for all the SGU talk....I have no idea what is going on there? Can someone fill me in? What is the plan? Are you still working out the plotlines or what? And yeah to me Mel and Sam were joking around .....but that is me.
                          We're going to set it up soon Aunty Q, I will in fact post the new thread today so we can start getting the crews together...hopefully. Oh and that lovely New Seasons Banner you made, any chance you could do one that showed all three arcs. It would be simply

                          Stargate New Seasons: SG1~Atlantis~SGU

                          Originally posted by JosephGracey View Post
                          ok so i'm guessing that every group like mine red delta has people from all different countries not just the co is from and does the leader get to piuck who is in his group?
                          It is multi-national Joseph and any unassigned pilots will be "free" NPC's. That is to say those that we create randomly ourselves as we simply don't have 32 players to fill every 302


                            Hey guys and girls! Hope you don't mind but have been speaking with Mel and I'm going to fill in doing Lorne if that is all okay with you. Hopefully I can venture into the SG1 world as well...if there are some positions available let me know and I will happily join in!
                            Those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.



                              welcome dear,and a great post



