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Wraith Queen Ingas Hive!

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    Minde link: My queen should we go to cull?

    My fan-fic, swedish outpost


      Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
      Minde link: My queen should we go to cull?
      *Mind link response:*
      "Not at the moment, im afraid, Commander..."
      "You will have to speak with the chief scientist about the reason why... i am in need of rest at the moment"
      *heads for her chamber*


        Astra goes to the lab to see the Chief Scientist. She finds him examining a strange plant with delicate brown-green leafs. He looks up when she enters the room. Astra starts talking.
        "I didn't mean to interrupt your work. I just came here to thank you for your kind words and support. You were right. The Atlantians must be stopped at all cost. The mere thought they could succeed in destroying another hiveship thus killing maybe thousands of our kind is upsetting me to the utmost. It could even be this hive next. Every passing day we allow them to plan our destruction makes them more dangerous. I am ready now to do whatever is necessary to stop them. And if there is anything I can do to help you with your research on that plant let me know.
        Please excuse me now. I won't disturb you any longer."
        Astra nods a goodbye and leaves the the lab.


          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
          Astra goes to the lab to see the Chief Scientist. She finds him examining a strange plant with delicate brown-green leafs. He looks up when she enters the room. Astra starts talking.
          "I didn't mean to interrupt your work. I just came here to thank you for your kind words and support. You were right. The Atlantians must be stopped at all cost. The mere thought they could succeed in destroying another hiveship thus killing maybe thousands of our kind is upsetting me to the utmost. It could even be this hive next. Every passing day we allow them to plan our destruction makes them more dangerous. I am ready now to do whatever is necessary to stop them. And if there is anything I can do to help you with your research on that plant let me know.
          Please excuse me now. I won't disturb you any longer."
          Astra nods a goodbye and leaves the the lab.
          *Inga sends Astra a telepathic message*
          "I need to see you now, Astra, come to my chamber"


            Intercom: Chief cientist we need to cull we only go about 50 humans.
            Most of the darts never made it to the surface!

            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


              Astra receives the queen's massage and goes immediately to her.
              She bows before the queen.
              "My queen, you wanted to see me."


                Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                Astra receives the queen's massage and goes immediately to her.
                She bows before the queen.
                "My queen, you wanted to see me."
                *Queen Inga smiles*
                "Follow me, Astra", is the only thing she says and then walks out through the door, followed by Astra*


                  Astra is a bit wary as she follows the queen. She is aware that she is still a stranger on this hive and as a female the queen could consider her a potential threat. Astra hopes she has proven her loyalty in a sufficient way. Astra tries to connect with the queen's mind and can't detect any threatening feelings which calms her down a bit.


                    Originally posted by wraith queen inga View Post
                    *Queen Inga, who has just escorted Todd to the Dart bay and is now on her way back, replies:*
                    "Good Luck... your gonna need it..."
                    *Continues down the hallway towards Kal Shaths quarters*


                    *Todd has now left the hive for the time being... and cannot be used in the story for now... just so you dont make a mistake when posting after this message! *
                    *My Queen we have a situation. There is an abnormal energy signature coming from the reactor. We need to jump out of hyperspace and do a diagnostic.*
                    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                      Astra is a bit wary as she follows the queen. She is aware that she is still a stranger on this hive and as a female the queen could consider her a potential threat. Astra hopes she has proven her loyalty in a sufficient way. Astra tries to connect with the queen's mind and can't detect any threatening feelings which calms her down a bit.
                      *They arrive outside a room*
                      *Inga opens the doors and... TADAAA!!!*
                      "Your new quarters, Astra", the Queen says with a truly warm smile*
                      *Astra immediately understands that from now on, the Queen trusts her truly... the size of her new quarters speaks for itself*


                        Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                        *My Queen we have a situation. There is an abnormal energy signature coming from the reactor. We need to jump out of hyperspace and do a diagnostic.*
                        "Drop us out of hyperspace, Captain", The Queen says*


                          Astra gapes at the room and can't take in its dimension all at once.
                          It's luxuriously big, with an own bathroom and a truly large bed.
                          "My queen! I feel honoured. I cannot thank you enough for this."
                          Astra bows deep before the queen.
                          "If you allow I would like to try out the bathroom. It has been a long time since I have taken a proper bath."


                            Intercom:Captain Tahck'Vel what is wrong whit our power systems?
                            You do know that this sector belongs to an enemy alliance.

                            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                              Astra gapes at the room and can't take in its dimension all at once.
                              It's luxuriously big, with an own bathroom and a truly large bed.
                              "My queen! I feel honoured. I cannot thank you enough for this."
                              Astra bows deep before the queen.
                              "If you allow I would like to try out the bathroom. It has been a long time since I have taken a proper bath."
                              "Feel free to do so, Astra, i myself am needed on the bridge (See previous post), so... see you later then, i guess", Ingas says and then leaves for the bridge*


                                Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
                                Intercom:Captain Tahck'Vel what is wrong whit our power systems?
                                You do know that this sector belongs to an enemy alliance.
                                *Arrives on the bridge*
                                "Commander (Rasunda), which queen is ruling this enemy alliance?"


                                Just invent a queen in your reply

