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Greatest Ship Tournament

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    Round 36

    Klingon Bird of Prey - Star Trek
    Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5
    Tie Fighter – Star Wars
    X-Wing - Star Wars

    Save My Ship: Viper – Battlestar Galactica TNS


      Round 36

      Cylon Raider - BSG
      Klingon Bird of Prey - Star Trek
      Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5
      Tie fighter – Star Wars

      Save My Ship: Battlestar Pegasus
      IMO always implied.


        Round 36

        Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS
        Cylon Raider - Battlestar Galactica TNS
        Tie fighter – Star Wars
        TIE-Interceptor – Star Wars

        Save my Ship: Defiant Class - Star Trek
        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


          Round 36

          Cylon Basestar - Battlestar Galactica TNS
          Defiant Class – Star Trek
          Viper – Battlestar Galactica TNS
          TIE-Interceptor – Star Wars

          Save My Ship: Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5

          The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

          Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"



            X-Wing- Star Wars
            Defiant Class – Star Trek
            Tie fighter – Star Wars
            Imperial Star Destroyer - Star Wars

            SMS : Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5

            lol .. copy-pasting for last 4-5 rounds
            VISIT AND JOIN


              round thirty six

              Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS
              Cylon Raider - Battlestar Galactica TNS
              Defiant Class – Star Trek
              Viper – BSG


              Save My Ship

              Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5
              The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


                Round 36
                Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5
                Shadow Battlecrab - Babylon 5
                Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5
                Tie Fighter – Star Wars

                Save My Ship: Defiant Class - Star Trek


                  Round 36

                  Battlestar Pegasus - BSG TNS
                  Imperial Star Destroyer - Star Wars
                  Tie Fighter – Star Wars
                  Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber

                  Save My Ship: Omega Class Destroyer

                  AHHHHH! The Shadow Battlecrab is being voted for! How can any one person be forced to choose between saving the Defiant, Omega AND the battlecrab? *cries*

                  The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                    Round 36:

                    Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS
                    Defiant Class - Star Trek
                    Tie Fighter – Star Wars
                    X-Wing- Star Wars

                    Save My Ship: Viper - Battlestar Galactica
                    I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning.


                      Round 36

                      Defiant Class – Star Trek
                      Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5
                      Shadow Battlecrab - Babylon 5
                      Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5

                      Save My Ship
                      Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS
                      Doze Out...

                      I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


                        Round 36

                        Shadow Battlecrab - Babylon 5
                        Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS
                        Cylon Raider - Battlestar Galactica TNS
                        Defiant Class - Star Trek

                        Save My Ship: Tie Fighter - Star Wars

                        To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                        From the wonderful XKCD site


                          Imperial Star Destroyer - Star Wars
                          Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5
                          The TARDIS - Doctor Who
                          Tie fighter – Star Wars

                          Save my ship: Defiant Class – Star Trek

                          Speaking of the battlecrab, where does that name come from? I always thought it was just a "Shadow Ship." Looks more like a Spider anyway...


                            Round 36

                            Cylon Raider - Battlestar Galactica TNS
                            Viper – Battlestar Galactica TNS
                            Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5
                            Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS

                            Save My Ship : Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5


                              Round 36
                              Cylon Basestar
                              Omega-class Destroyer
                              Shadow Battlecrab

                              SAVE MY SHIP: TIE Fighter



                                Battlestar Pegasus - Battlestar Galactica TNS – 5 (7)
                                Cylon Basestar - Battlestar Galactica TNS – 2
                                Cylon Raider - Battlestar Galactica TNS – 5
                                Defiant Class - Star Trek – 4 (8)
                                Imperial Star Destroyer - Star Wars – 4
                                Klingon Bird of Prey - Star Trek – 2
                                Omega Class Destroyer - Babylon 5 – 3 (6)
                                Shadow Battlecrab - Babylon 5 – 6
                                The TARDIS - Doctor Who – 0 (1)
                                Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5 – 6 (8)
                                Tie Fighter – Star Wars – 7 (10)
                                TIE-Interceptor – Star Wars – 3
                                Viper – Battlestar Galactica TNS – 3 (6)
                                X-Wing - Star Wars – 4

                                Tie Fighter – Star Wars is GONE

                                Current List of Ships

                                You now have just THREE votes each (Plus one Save My Ship)

                                Round 37
                                Battlestar Pegasus
                                Thunderbolt Fighter/Bomber – Babylon 5
                                Viper – BSG
                                Save My Ship: Defiant Class
                                Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                                - Joss Whedon - Equality Now

