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    heeheehee, who us...


      Hey guys and gals!

      Finally found this place. Whoa its crowded. I'm a huge stargate fan. I'm from sweden but they only showed the first season here on tv. Thank god for dvd boxes.

      I don't wanna sound like those fan-stalkers but it said someone from the crew posts here from time to time. I haven't found any such posts. Who have posted here so far? I'd like to see what they have said in the past.

      I look forward to talk to you people!


        Welcome everyone!!! It's great to see everyone getting along and having a great time. Enjoy posting around!!

        Lightstrike, I know that Rainbow Sun Franks checks the forums once in a while. As for people posting, I know Martin Gero did a while back but isn't anymore, and Joseph Mallozzi has started a Question and Answer forum in here somewhere. Check around and see what you find!
        Well, most of us were at work here...

        The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
        In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.


          Hello all!

          Newbie here. Just thought I'd drop in an introduce myself. I'm Isla (pronounced eye-la if anyone cares) and I've loved stargate since 2003, even though I've actually seen the first episode before then. (Does anyone else appreciate re-runs?)


          It’s nice to be here



            Hi Isla. And thanks for the info Spiderqueen.


              Hello all! I'm not really much for intro posts. So I'll just say I'm a very long-time lurker who finally decided to join.


                Welcome Vee!
                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                Join the Aftermath RP


                  Hi guys
                  gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                  so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                  love Torri


                    Hi everybody, I'm Sophie and I live for one year in Seattle (near Seattle). I am a aupair. For the people who don't know what it is, it's like babysitter, but I live in the family's house during one year. So I'm 20, 21 in october and in France I study law, but here in the USA, I study english, I think it's bette. As soon as I can I'll buy a ticket for the convention Stargate in Vancouvers in 2006. In 4 weeks normaly (when I'll have enough money to paid... ).


                      Wow I didn't know this thread was here! So I will put in my hello. Been a lurker for a while and finally decided to join this forum. I love all the intelligent conversations going on!

                      Well so here is my intro. Just a tad bit late. *waves*


                        Hi Guys and welcome to the forum.
                        Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                        Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                          Hello people! I am new to the forum; already started posting. Just wanna say that I think this is an awesome messageboard! Especially when I found out you had a Doctor Who board!!
                          "There's no point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes." ~Doctor Who, Robot~

                          SGA Fanfiction


                            Originally posted by Rowana
                            Hello people! I am new to the forum; already started posting. Just wanna say that I think this is an awesome messageboard! Especially when I found out you had a Doctor Who board!!
                            Hi Rowana
                            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                            love Torri


                              Originally posted by Rowana
                              Hello people! I am new to the forum; already started posting. Just wanna say that I think this is an awesome messageboard! Especially when I found out you had a Doctor Who board!!

                              Welcome Enjoy,have fun, laugh, love and so on lol ........

                              Wow Wow WoW Bullets Bounce!!!!!!!! Mitchell to Teal'c

                              sigpic SMOKIN HOT! JENSEN ACKLES


                                Hey peoples!! I'm new (but I've already posted on some other threads.) This is an awesome forum! Yeah, well, night all!
                                Gaelicdragon's Law: The stupidity of a song is directly proportional to the probability of it getting stuck in your head.

