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    Hi all, long-time lurker at GW here, decided to finally join! I'm a latecomer to SG-1 and SG-A, started watching them long after both shows had ended, but I got addicted hard; love the SG-Verse...minus SG-U, I'm pretending that it doesn't exist

    So, if the cookies are to be avoided here, anyone got brownies?


      Originally posted by 61Cygni View Post
      Hi all, long-time lurker at GW here, decided to finally join! I'm a latecomer to SG-1 and SG-A, started watching them long after both shows had ended, but I got addicted hard; love the SG-Verse...minus SG-U, I'm pretending that it doesn't exist

      So, if the cookies are to be avoided here, anyone got brownies?
      Cookies are perfectly fine. Here have some.


        Hi Cygni!
        I have a banana if you'd like it.

        @ SGU!
        "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
        "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
        "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
        "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

        >-- Czechs Rock! >--


          Hi! I've checked Gateworld for news about the shows for a long time, but just joined to post in the forum. I'm a big Stargate fan as well as sci fi in general, especially Star Trek, Babylon 5 & Farscape.


            Originally posted by jssmcarlo View Post
            Hi! I've checked Gateworld for news about the shows for a long time, but just joined to post in the forum. I'm a big Stargate fan as well as sci fi in general, especially Star Trek, Babylon 5 & Farscape.
            Welcome. Iffy has the cookies so if you ask nicely you may have some.


              Hello everyone!
              Just joined yesterday...
              Proud to be a Padapup!


                How long before you get off probie status?
                Proud to be a Padapup!


                  Hi Carlo! Another big B5 and Farscape fan here! But I would say I'm just a minor Trek fan...
                  Hi Ogler! You'll stop being a Probie after you make a certain number of posts outside Off-Topic. Not sure how many exactly, I think they don't disclose that...
                  *Hands out bananas to the newbies*
                  "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                  "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                  "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                  "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                  >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                    Originally posted by Jae'a View Post
                    Hi Cygni!
                    I have a banana if you'd like it.

                    @ SGU!
                    Bananas are good too!

                    Yeah, with SGU, I'm reminded of a quote from Babylon 5, where G'kar says to Londo "You no longer exist in my universe".

                    As you can tell by my handle (bonus cookies if you know what it is), I'm an astronomy buff and tend towards the harder side of SF, both literary and TV/Film, and my most favorite shows are ST:TOS, Babylon 5 and Farscape, but I have room for quirky weird stuff like Lexx as well. I've added SG1 and SGA to that list, and what's funny is that I didn't start watching those shows until last year. I didn't have Showtime (or any pay channel) when SG1 was on that channel, so I didn't know about it, and didn't even follow it on SciFi (I was just into Farscape and Lexx by then on that channel) but at some point I picked up the first season on DVD (original full-sized box set) because I had read some good things about the show. However, I ignored it for years, and after SciFi abruptly cancelled the fifth season of Farscape, I started a permanent personal boycott that channel (still in effect) so I never saw SGA either. Post-Farscape I got addicted to LOST, but the finale left me very bitter, so I sought relief by doing yet another of my massive rewatches of Babylon 5, Farscape and Lexx. That wasn't enough though, so I looked at that forlorn SG1 set and thought "Hey, I love the movie, so why not finally give the series a shot". Well, I got instantly addicted, and soon bought the second season...then the third, fourth and so on until I had them all...then I bought all the SGA seasons as well, and the two SG1 movies on Blu-Ray (got them all used). Once I had finished up "Continuum" I then immediateky did an accelerated rewatch of both series, starting with the original movie (this time the 15th-anniversary Blu-Ray, which looks awesome), then I discovered GW and here I am.


                      Originally posted by 61Cygni View Post
                      Hi all, long-time lurker at GW here, decided to finally join! I'm a latecomer to SG-1 and SG-A, started watching them long after both shows had ended, but I got addicted hard; love the SG-Verse...minus SG-U, I'm pretending that it doesn't exist

                      So, if the cookies are to be avoided here, anyone got brownies?
                      Welcome to the forum. Brownies are prohibited, they are underage for the forum girl scouts may or may not be the correct age of 13

                      Originally posted by jssmcarlo View Post
                      Hi! I've checked Gateworld for news about the shows for a long time, but just joined to post in the forum. I'm a big Stargate fan as well as sci fi in general, especially Star Trek, Babylon 5 & Farscape.
                      Welcome , keep your hands inside the gate and hang on for a wild ride

                      Originally posted by Ogler View Post
                      Hello everyone!
                      Just joined yesterday...
                      That's OK, we forgive you for being late.
                      Watch out for the monkeys
                      no means no, and so does pepper spray
                      Sig by The Carpenter



                        I'm nearing my end of pretty much watching almost every single Stargate related episode that has been aired... and before I finally finish, I wanted to browse some forums and I took up a curiousity in wondering about the progress of any new Stargate stuff. I'm getting a little teary eyed that I'm nearing the end of what's left of the Stargate franchise, so I've convinced myself that the show can live on a little bit longer if I communicate with some fans of the show.

                        Bascially, I used to be one of those people who would catch Stargate SG-1 on FOX and other channels that aired syndicated shows on the weekends. I never thought too much about it, and watched the episodes in my spare time when I was younger.

                        Then I heard Stargate Atlantis was coming out back in the day. I was excited, and I tried jumping into the Stargate series starting from SGA episode 1, and tried to follow it... never having seen any of the original Stargate SG-1 episodes in order. After the first season, I lost track of Atlantis and ended up buying the 2nd Season to continue on, but, also lost track then as well.

                        It wasn't until I realized I could watch every episode on Hulu, that I truly learned to appreciate Stargate SG-1. It was way more amazing than I remember it being. I was happy that the series actually stuck with most of it's plot and went back on previous things in it's plot quite frequently. The show is truly remarkable on the way it was made. It's the little things like that, that I appreciate most. I know the show delves into technobabble at a certain point, but the thing that kept me hooked on Stargate is that it didn't DIVE right into pure Sci-Fi. The characters progressively learned the "scifish" technology as they went. I found it somewhat realistic.

                        Anyway, that explains why I signed up, and how I truly got involved with Stargate. I had watched that old Stargate movie ages ago... But, I never thought of that as counting. Also, I usually hate retcons, but I loved the Retcons they give to explain things about the movie connecting with SG-1, etc.

                        Anyway, I hope you welcome me to the forums, etc. I'm glad to see there are other shows that I enjoy that have forums here as well! (Most notably Doctor Who.)

                        I have the 2nd half of SGU to finish up, which I'm not too concerned about, and about 4 more episodes of SGA left to savor, just to let you know where I'm at in terms of whatever geekdom I may or may not be judged by. I... I just don't want to finish the series. -_-

                        I'm not sure what other posts I need to make on the forums to get out of this anti-spam probie status, so I'll poke around the forums some more while I wait.

                        Thanks in advance for everything!


                          Originally posted by jssmcarlo View Post
                          Hi! I've checked Gateworld for news about the shows for a long time, but just joined to post in the forum. I'm a big Stargate fan as well as sci fi in general, especially Star Trek, Babylon 5 & Farscape.
                          Hello, Hello.

                          Originally posted by Ogler View Post
                          How long before you get off probie status?
                          When you have proven your worth?

                          Hello to Ice Sgae too. Cookies for everyone. Do not mind any tingling it will wear off.


                            *passes the ex-lax brownies to all the newbies*...


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              *passes the ex-lax brownies to all the newbies*...
                              I'll be very disappointed if I'm not dropping extra baggage into the event horizon of a toilet after eating them. If I'm going to be tricked and taken advantage of, I want it done right!


                                Hello newbies Welcome and leave your sanity at the gate...

